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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 7:00am-7:30am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] dear viewers, please join us after the news segment at 7 o'clock with the continuation of the program , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good morning, the march of the day. in tehran, people are marching towards tehran university where friday prayers are held . the bodies of the seven martyrs of the terrorist crime of the zionist regime will be honored at the iranian embassy in syria today at 10 o'clock from ferdowsi square in tehran. the crimes of the zionists in gaza
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have increased the anger of public opinion in iran and various countries. no one remembers the scenes he sees from gaza, well, his heart really hurts, and from all these crimes that these zionists are committing , what should be done to support the palestinian people? let's help them by praying. in this way, we won't forget the people of gaza
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, the oppressed people of gaza and those children who participate in the quds day march and hate israel and the enemies of the people of gaza. let the oppressor be heard, all the enemies see that they are people and the people of gaza support if if our march is enthusiastic, it will have an effect, god willing
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, we will see freedom soon. in rahimai al-quds day, they emphasized that they asked the people to show their support for the palestinian people by attending this large gathering and express their disgust for the crimes of the zionist regime. al-maqdis march
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. demonstration until quds and palestine are not forgotten. israel's job is a dead man, israel's job is a child priest, israel's job is this fake regime. well, it does not adhere to any of the international standards and any international obligations. quds belongs to all of us are muslims and we cannot be indifferent towards quds, quds is an ideal. for us muslims, there is a nation of disbelief, they have a consensus to rise up , they have a consensus, it is against palestine, against gaza, especially in recent times, to unite and unite to reduce the muslims of gaza to dust and blood
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. to support an oppressed muslim person. he complained and that muslim did not help him, he is not a muslim , so we support gaza because of a religious duty , as a muslim, one of the muslim countries in the world , we are the palestinian people, their blood is our blood, john they are our lives, they are not alone and we will not leave them alone. in the great quds day march, with our own march, with
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our own actions and behavior, we will make the israeli regime understand that the world, muslims in the world and the world are ashamed of all the shameful acts of the zionist regime and its zionist child. everyone is with one voice and one method against this regime. while supporting the people of gaza, the leaders of the monotheistic religions condemned the crime of the zionists. in the fifth annual conference of quds sharif as tofan al-ahrar, which was held in tehran's freedom tower with the presence of followers of monotheistic religions. representative of pope francis, leader of catholics of the world, religious leader of iran's kalimians, head of mobdan association, priest. chaldean ashuri church, representative of ahl al-tsunan , vice president of international seminaries , gave a speech condemning the crimes of the zionists. the secretary general
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of yemen's ansarullah movement said that this year's international quds day will be held in exceptional and different conditions from previous years. seyyed abdul malik badr al-din said: the rocket attacks of qods qassam battalions and other resistance groups on all fronts of the war have inflicted a heavy defeat on the zionist enemy. secretary general of ansar allah promises the stability and unity of gaza he knew a new stage in which the enemy of israel will be destroyed. seyyed abdul malik badreddin said that in the past month, the yemeni armed forces fired 125 ballistic missiles and drones at zionist targets and targeted 90 ships carrying aid sent to the zionist regime. osama hamadan, one of the heads of the hamas movement
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, emphasized the positions of the resistance in the issue of the ceasefire and said: accepting the ceasefire is a sign of stopping the aggression of the occupiers, withdrawing from gaza and returning the refugees. osama hamedan emphasized in a press conference: "the aggression against gaza will end in a manner worthy of the martyrs and patience of the palestinian people." will receive. osama hamadan held america responsible for the crimes of the occupiers and called for pressure from the international community on the zionist regime and america. osama hamedan also condemned the attack of the zionist occupation regime on the consular section of our country's embassy in damascus and appreciated the efforts and stances taken to help the palestinian nation. according to the wall street journal report, more than 60% of houses and buildings. once gaza was destroyed by the attacks of the zionist regime. add a picture of your house. it is a campaign that has been launched among the residents of gaza, and in this campaign, the palestinians have the image of their homes after the seventh war.
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they share october in the virtual space. it is a picture of the two of them. ayala and rushdi. the fruit of their marriage was daniye, which means close. had written he chose this name. every day we try to cover israel's aggression on the gaza strip. he had founded ain media cultural institute. their business was the production and distribution of multimedia products. all members of this institution. except one person was martyred. rushdi was also martyred on october 22 or at the end of mehr. on october 22, when rushdi was having breakfast with his family, zionist soldiers martyred him
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. a week before her daughter's first birthday dania became heavenly. we chose the story of ayala and rushdi's house and family from a survey. post a picture of your house after october 7th. scanning in the virtual space among the residents of gaza, the life of ayala and rushdi was just the life of a family of houses in gaza . statistics say that about 62% of all houses in gaza have been destroyed due to the continuation of the zionist war. the most frequent image among the destruction of houses and places is the image of shafa hospital and its surroundings before and after the war. a controversial image among cyberspace users. in the last 6 months , international law has been proven to appease us. the only law is the law of bullying. if you it means
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that if america doesn't like you, you will be isolated . they will destroy every single road, cemetery and park with bulldozers to destroy all the signs of life and civilization and the world will only watch. have a nice day, god bless you. good morning. good morning, dear viewers. with the continuation
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of the reporter's greetings, join us today. as i said, today, on the occasion of the international quds day , we will discuss this issue in a special way in the program, on the other side of the studio, mrs. moazzami. they are present with their honorable guest to discuss the developments in gaza and the world quds day in the discussion section of the program. dear, hello and good morning. well, today is the last friday of the holy month of ramadan and the international quds day. in these six months since the zionist attacks on gaza, demonstrations and support for palestine have been continuous, and today, muslims and freedom fighters are all over the world. in fact, they participate in the quds day program and demonstrations and shout support for palestine . seyyed hassan nasrallah, secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon this evening, he will give a speech on the occasion of the international quds day , and the secretary general of yemen's ansarullah movement also said that
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this year's international quds day will be held in exceptional and different conditions from previous years. but mr. mohammadi sani, an expert on palestinian and west asian issues , is our guest here. mr. sani , hello, good morning . we are at your service and to all the viewers of the program . thank you very much. welcome, mr. mohammadi sani. tell us why. qods day. hazrat imam, before the victory of the islamic revolution and during the struggles, always had a special view on the issue of jerusalem and palestine and the regime debate being zionist and in fact, during the struggles and throughout his political life, always emphasizing this issue, his objections to the issue of communication, in fact. the pahlavi regime
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has various discussions with israel during the struggles and the meetings they have with the palestinian fighters. one of the first actions that hazrat imam did after the victory of the revolution and the debate is to provide the embassy of the zionist regime to palestine. and all this shows that the issue of palestine and the issue of quds had a special place in the intellectual system of the imam and it is the most important one. these slogans and foundations of the islamic revolution are considered to be the 16th of august 1358, that is, in the first years of the victory of the islamic revolution, the imam issued a message, and during that message, they actually declared this day as the day of quds, and from that time until now this occasion can now be called the international quds day and it is only for iran and the islamic revolution. it is not everywhere
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, everywhere in the world. in fact, marches are held. the message that the imam issued on the 16th of august to announce the quds day, i am reading a part of it. i think it is significant. please tell me that for many years i have listened to the danger of the usurper israel, which these days has intensified its barbaric attacks on the palestinian brothers and sisters , destroying the houses and homes of the palestinian fighters one after another. the situation is the same , no shot has been fired. i ask the muslims of the world and the islamic governments to join together to shorten the hand of this butcher and his supporters , that is, the philosophy that the imam himself announces in his message , he says that the philosophy is that the muslims of the world join together to break the hand of this butcher
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to be brief, this is a very important point. they say that i invite all the muslims of the world to choose the last friday of the holy month of ramadan, which is also one of the days of qadr , because it is finally approaching in different years, and during a ceremony, the international relations of muslims in support of the legal rights of the muslim people of palestine, they issue this message exactly on the 16th of august, and on the 25th of august, which is the quds day of the same year , they give a speech to the public . our problem is not that quds day is palestine day be in my opinion, quds day is the day of islam, this is the same sentence of the imam, who says today is a day that should be a prelude to equipping the oppressed, the oppressed of the world, to stand in front of the oppressed of the world.
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we don't want to produce a media news, where can we see the horizon of imam's view on the issue of quds day and the quds day march. haste says, i would like this to be a prelude to the muslim nations of the world and our non-massive nations, that is, ahrar azadgan , the slogan of our quds day this year is the storm of al-ahrar. the storm of the libertarians means that it is not just a problem for muslims anymore, it is a problem for the freedom seekers of the world. at that time, hazrat imam saw this problem and very interestingly pointed out that i like that all the oppressed of the world in front of him. arrogant people should unite hand in hand and take back the holy place, so this kind of view of the imam and the horizon of the imam's view is on the issue of the holy day. what has been the result of this persistence
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? what is our situation now? not done means the issue is still ongoing. i said at the beginning of my speech that in the message of hazrat imam. it has also been pointed out that they are brutally bombing our palestinian brothers, and today the zionists are brutally bombarding the palestinian brothers, which means that there is no difference, first of all, the crime was continuous, but you should compare the conditions today with the conditions on the day when the quds day was actually declared. it has become clear that now the resistance forces behind the walls of the zionist regime have arrived. the problem here is that the achievement was that, first of all, with this intelligent choice, the imam made the issue of quds day out of an issue. a tribe or a nation that was advertised just because at that time, that this problem is the problem of the arabs, the problem of the palestinians themselves, with this smart choice, the imam actually
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takes the problem from the ethnic level to the global level and turns it into a concern for everyone. freedom lovers of the world, this is the first point that you should pay attention to. this is another issue. this election will be universal . the next point is that because this occasion is repeated every year, for example, the imam has a sentence saying that it is muharram and safar that has kept islam alive because for some people, their religiosity may be limited only to the days of muharram and travel, but once a year they remember that religion and such have a place in their lives. this issue, in fact, palestine and the quds issue should be removed from the priority, it is brought up again year after year, this remains alive as a priority for the society, it is constantly repeated and remains alive, these are the cases that actually have this function of achievement. on the other hand, this year, we are in a situation, this is actually the occasion
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we are experiencing that, firstly, the global hatred of the zionists' actions has reached its peak, global hatred and global awakening, and yes, we dare. we can say that at no time in the history of the world's public opinion hatred towards the zionist regime and their awakening has been to this extent. well, this is the result of the discussion of torf al-rakhsa. from this point of view, in our country , especially today, people will come in the next hour and we will see what happens in mr. mohammadihani's comparison of al-aqsa storm with the day. how do you see the world of quds? in short , yes, i would like to say that this year's al-aqsa storm has actually created conditions that everyone can look at for 6 months. turning to the issue of quds , we will see its outcome today in some countries. now friday is actually their work. tomorrow
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, some countries in europe will actually have this march, but this outcome shows, well, definitely , this is also effective in the calculations of the zionists. presence means that they see that, yes, these crimes are actually ending in public opinion to their detriment, both the americans from that side. there is encouragement for the palestinian people and for the fighters of hamas and for the fighters. the burden of gaza is that they see that their efforts are paying off, people actually support this, it is an encouragement for the fighters, on the other hand, for the decision makers of the resistance axis, this is the whole issue, that we are now discussing today , what is the level of revenge, for example, is he the decision maker. he has this anxiety when he wants to choose the type of response, whether this will be supported by the people, for example, if we get into a conflict, and at a deeper level, for example, the conflict will follow . these supports, these presences are definitely one its number is actually effective, it
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adds the blackness of lashkar-e-haq . it is definitely effective in all the calculations of all sides. to strengthen the resistance that today we have reached the storm and conclusions . yes, this repeated repetition of this ideal every year by the repeated crimes of the zionists, the result today is that today, you look in our own region and see the awakening in yemen, to what level the hatred has reached. our glory in muslim countries the region in turkey and jordan, i would like to tell you that iraq in iran has so much hatred and so much desire to support the palestinian cause and the palestinian people . there is a long-term and strategic plan of the imam to choose this day and choose this occasion, why is the day
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actually the last friday of the holy month? it is actually very meaningful. its holiness and its fruits and the secret of the permanence of this day continue salam reporter program, stay with us, thank you.
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the nation of iran, as in all cases, this time, on this day , is dedicated to the sanctity of mohammad adam. good morning , dear viewers. thank you, mrs. moazzami. dear guest , stay with us for the continuation of the program. another dear guest in this part of the program is in the studio. hello, the reporter is here , mr. seyed rahim hashemi, a documentary maker and researcher in the field of resistance. hello, good morning. welcome . good morning, and my condolences to the dear people of iran .
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regarding the opportunity that we have at your service , let's look at the issue of palestine from another perspective, and that is the role of women in the developments of palestine in all these years and in the axis of resistance , and in other words, the mothers of gaza , to talk about it with you. first, let me say a little about one issue, why women can be looked at in this way in arabic literature since ancient times, according to the laws of nanosheh , those on the borders. governments have the presence of the role of defense, that is, if, like now, when the boundaries of the land are defined in the provinces neighboring
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our borders, those who are there because of the connection with government. they call it the center of this defense of rome , they call it the "morabitin" they call it the defenders, or we could tell them that those who are paying attention, see the time that passes in this literature. the first thing that happened was the shiny wall and sensitivity testing of the muslim community there. it happens that these women gradually become more colorful, based on what they see as a religious view, and their presence becomes more colorful. al-aqsa mosque has women who work a lot, especially during the holy month of ramadan, and
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they take turns on other normal days, for example, this lady maryam abu najmi, if i have not mistaken the name , was the same lady who in 1401 after the incident in gaza and the jihad operation, 1401 operation jihad is the one who reads that poem, or sahyoun bada, jaish muhammad badayhud, or khyber, or khyber , who was that old lady who read that poem? from 1948 onwards even before hamas was formed in 1987 we have seen these things, we are reaching a place where hamas is formed under the leadership of the late sheikh ahmed yassin , and this event and this hamas and this thinking also exist in gaza and the people of gaza. so,
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until 206, these connections between gaza and the bank happened simply. but after it was closed and this siege of 35 kilometers of land and the largest prison in the world is happening , the role of women is increasing day by day. it happens chest to chest with women of resistance culture we see martyr ibrahim nablusi who is in the west bank, a martyr from the young generation. and his mother is also a mother who brought up her child like that and other martyrs who were martyred before this will say to ibrahim's mother that just as you were a mother to ibrahim , after martyrdom, be a mother to us in gaza, we have gaza now. we can see on the surface, on the ground and underground, there is a synchronization between them , but it does not exist in the operation, mr. seyed hassan nasrallah
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, november 12 last year, the first sakhran. gaza said that the operation in gaza on october 7 was completely palestinian and even the resistance groups were not aware until before the operation. what we see in the field is nothing but that it comes from mother's upbringing. today , imam khomeini , may god's mercy be upon him, became the founder of the revolution. having a speech about women, looking at women, they say that verse one or 11 of surah nisa.
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i was talking a lot in that program yesterday, quran is a human being, women are also human beings a woman is an instrument. it is the only creature in this world that both builds itself and educates itself. you see this adultery in the food . they do and donate for this way, not one or several, and this is happening , one is this issue, the next issue, you are watching in gaza these days when the war is going on in the square. and this zionist regime, with the support of america and other countries, these operations and aggressions in gaza and air strikes are happening to mothers. what are the dead bodies doing, mothers, the mother should come and sit down, cry, make hair, hit herself, but the mother says


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