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tv   [untitled]    April 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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thabit al-ahud and loubi on the arabs anti-jews, the traqeens, the return of al-sada, falil al-sahayn, lan yingali sui fi hadith. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello, good shabtun , at 23:30, we are at your service with some news . afghans living in iran, participating in the world quds day march, while declaring their solidarity and sympathy with the oppressed people of palestine, asked the islamic countries to help the people of gaza. to support on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan , he kept pace with the oppressed people of palestine step by step.
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we always support muslims and will always be. the duty of every muslim is that inside this demonstration against israel participates and announces its message of brotherhood to the people of gaza. as the imam said, quds day is the day of islam, and all muslims have a duty towards the palestinian people to participate in the world quds day march.
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besides, i want my children to know about their future that they should come to declare their support for the palestinian people . i came with my family and children to support the palestinian people and the people of gaza and the children of gaza. this year, we considered it obligatory for us to participate 100 times because this year is the zionist usurpation regime.
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there is no other way to destroy this cancerous tumor as a diet zionism and israel and the destruction of its visible and hidden supporters do not exist in the reach of the united states of america and england. today, the palestinian people are on the front line of the war, and the people of gaza are not only fighting for palestine, but they are also at the front line of defending the entire islamic world. he sees israel and israel will definitely be destroyed because they never shouted support for the oppressed palestinian people by attending the world quds day march. another manifestation of the unity of the people of iran and afghanistan on world day.
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quds, the day when the afghan immigrants stood by the people of iran in support of the oppressed people of palestine, the poem of death and stekwar said, "we stand with the palestinian people wholeheartedly and we strongly condemn the crimes of the occupying jerusalem regime. as an immigrant athlete, we came today to declare our support for the palestinian people and children . we come every year. we participate in the al-quds day march . we put a strong fist in the mouth of israel, a criminal. the international al-quds day, which was named by imam khomeini, may god's mercy be upon him, today has become a symbol of the unity and solidarity of muslims. in america, we participated in the march to tell the people of gaza that you are not alone is the message of the people of gaza who are really resisting you have shown that you have broken the horn of the infidel, israel , the muslim countries must
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defend the oppressed people of gaza and palestine manfully and fiercely , the victory of the palestinian nation, the unity of muslims, the overthrow of its child regime, israel , was one of the demands of the afghans on world day, god willing, the right is victorious, and the oppressed are right. it is the right of those who are employed, it is the right of those who fight and fight in the way of justice , god willing, there will be a river where america, the criminal of israel, will not be able to travel with them, god willing, ali reza sharifi. foreigners in other cities to support the oppressed people of gaza in the world quds day march they participated alongside the iranians. we, the people of indonesia
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, are among the most ardent supporters.
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the infidels and the western society and the arrogant world infidels curse america and israel. let us say death to america, death to israel. we ask god that, god willing, gaza will win and our enemy, which is always israel and america, will be destroyed. it has come for the unity of islam . death to america, death to israel, you say. death to israel, death to america, victory
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, thank you for being with us, as you mentioned, we are in the special program of the world quds day, and in the picture you can see the veda ceremony with the body of the martyr zahedi.
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on monday, april 13, 1403 , they were martyred in the zionist regime's attack on the iranian consulate in damascus, syria. let us communicate with kokhela radio and broadcasting and bari rahmat of yasouj center, my colleague mrs. bagheri. dear colleagues and all dear and respected viewers, at the same time as the whole country , the people of yasuj, the capital of koh kaluyeh and bey rahmat province, in their magnificent march, while condemning the crimes of the zionist regime, gave their full support to the oppressed people of palestine.
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the work and the language of fasting, which once again show their determination to defend the oppressed palestinian nation until the liberation of the holy holy city i found it obligatory to give myself to be with the palestinian people today. coming to the stage to announce support for the people of gaza. their advice to the muslim nations of the world joined the strong line of resistance of the provincial leaders who are the mercy of the support of the oppressed people of palestine. and saturday's message from those claiming to defend human rights. he ignores human rights and the world is condemning him. a diet that tries everything. every day, our day
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, qudsah day was one of the distinctive features of rahimai international quds day, the diversity of generations and the strong presence of teenagers and young people , coming for children of my age who can never study in peace. we thank all the oppressed nations and especially the oppressed people of gaza for considering the policy and strategic priorities of the islamic republic of iran system and for defending the resistance until the victory of the holy quds.
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let's express our support to the oppressed palestinian nation . akbar israel , israel, the free people of the world.
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while saying goodbye to my good colleagues in the radio and television , i must say hello to my colleagues in the center of north khorasan, mrs. yahoyan
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, we are with you. at your service, dear colleague ms. emami and the viewers of the khabar network from north khorasan , i am at your service, a treasure of culture and knowledge. in the past few months, many crimes have been committed by the occupation regime in the gaza strip. we witnessed the peak of these atrocities happened in hospitals, schools and in front of innocent children and women. friday , the 17th of april, imam rezai bejnoud hospital. i went to the pediatric intensive care unit. a child sleeping here, under the shadow of his mother. i will send it as soon as i can. i will give my life for him. no danger threatens him, no bomb. we are at ease. the mother is also hopeful and they know that her child is by her side, but her heart trembles. see how those children
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are doing, may god help them. what is happening a little beyond the borders in gaza? that is why the libertarians of the world are shouting. i cry out to israel. let's kill israel and here iran, which is calling for freedom for jerusalem , now today an iran embraces defenseless children.
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al-quds is for muslim people and soon we will pray in al-quds, here even children are talking about the freedom of defenseless children, palestine will not surrender , but america will be destroyed. i came from your friends. i support my palestine with these pictures that are inside
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. i thank you for giving this opportunity to me and my colleagues in north khorasan center . be victorious and proud. god protect my colleagues in north khorasan. i thank my colleagues in hamedan center's radio station mr. shabiri. in the name of allah, the most merciful and most merciful , i greet you, ms. emami, as well as all the dear and respected viewers of the popular news channel in jai jai iran-islami from hamedan provincial network. the capital of iran's history and civilization, i am talking to you today, the people of darul-momineen and darul-mujahideen of iran islam created an epic that will be remembered throughout the province, young and old, all of them came together and shouted death to america and death to israel
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. it is death to america and death to israel that made new blood flow in the wounded heart of gaza. death to israel death to israel in the quds day march, the presence of freedom fighters is more colorful than ever. we, the veterans, the martyrs' families , declare our full support for the oppressed people of gaza . quds is part of our body and we must support this part of body. the people of gaza, children and youth are not alone at all and our support is always behind them yes, we came for the children of gaza to say that we are not alone. these days, everyone has taken an oath to support the oppressed and put the oppressor in his place. thanks to god, the people of the world came together today to support the people of gaza. all the free people of the world
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are supporting gaza. unfortunately, only their governments have them. all the people of the world should move to condemn this inhuman act of this brutal regime. this presence promises the days when there will be no more israelis in the world. nasser faridouni, hamadan radio and television news agency. respected colleague ms. emami,
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1980s and 1990s. with their parents today enthusiastic presence in blinding and memorable, dear and truly memorable world quds day march in hamedan, they participated and sympathized and helped the oppressed children of gaza. if there is a chance , we present this report to you. different and in the coming intervals, we must broadcast this report on hamedan center radio and television . in the name of god.
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i am also at your service, my good colleague mrs. emami and all the great nation of islamic iran. i offer greetings, courtesy and respect. universal conformity with partiality of islam. today, sistani and baloch are in sync with this country other muslims and freedom seekers of the world. they shouted for the freedom of quds. well
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, we had a problem with the sound quality of the report received from zahedan radio and television center in sistan baluchistan province . we have no connection with this province at the moment. i don't know . we have another connection in the command room with one of the remaining provinces of our country. we are in iran. let's see what happened there during the march. international quds day, and in the remaining provinces to establish our relationship, let us say one thing that at the same time as the islamic republic of iran, people of other countries also appeared in the streets today and shouted to condemn the crimes of the zionist regime. countries like malaysia, tanzania, nigeria , bangladesh, indonesia, india, kashmir, pakistan, we are connected with bushehr, mr. hosseini moghadam, greetings in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad , and greetings. today's news was the day of the liberation of quds, the day
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of palestine and the day of children, women and men in the blood of the land from the sea to the river . we felt that people's presence is really needed we are among the people who declare their disgust with the zionist regime. we came to declare our disgust with israel. we support the noble people of palestine
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. we will do our best to bring the support of the muslim people to the people of gaza. in the path of love, we are stronger than a hundred men. we, the people of iran, are behind palestine. with our presence, we prove to the people of the world that israel is.
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here to destroy the enemy with our presence and make israel understand that our opponent is not death to america and death to israel. death to israel death to israel death to israel thank you for this opportunity you put it at my disposal. this was only a part of the show of unity, integration and empathy of bushehri people in the world quds day march. good night and god bless you. very. thank you to all my good colleagues in the centers of the province, and more than my colleagues, thank you to the good and zealous people of islamic iran, who today are
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the same as the past events. they shined bright today in renewing their allegiance to the ideals of freedom all over the world and shouting death to america and death to israel. they shouted in condemnation of the crimes, brutality and genocides of the zionist regime, the good people of islamic iran and thank you very much for accompanying us from around 15:00 today with the special program of khabar network. also , what was sent to sed and sima news agency on behalf of the call that was announced in the past days will definitely be broadcast through the pictures sent by you from cities and villages in the coming intervals. i would like to draw your attention to other images of world quds day in islamic iran on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan , while inviting you to watch the detailed news of 21:00 in the next few minutes.
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the age of wasli falquds, god willing. vetin and zeitunim or haider. we are lovers of war with sahyoun or haider. mother two scholars are known as hussain or haider. we are the children of feke and majnoon, heyder.
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nasli falquds, god willing, koi haider will come, the smell of the stump of the door will come to khyber, o quds, a little light of dawn will come, the smell of malik asher's army will come .
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