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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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you are with the higher debate, mr. shia , you are a full professor at al-masnet university , you have a doctorate in urban and housing and urban planning . what is the reason for your opposition to the construction of small-scale housing ? in the name of god, i want to answer you first instead of giving you your answer. basically, what does housing mean? and what conditions should a dwelling have in the language of persian literature, it means a place of peace, a place of peace, a place of descent, a place where we go to rest. next, the housing area should be with the cultural environment of the region with the environment.
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the relationship with different urban institutions is the third , the second is at the level of the neighborhood, the relationship with the houses is the relationship with the neighborhood itself, and the fourth is within the housing. in these cases, we can name different dimensions. for residence he expects to be comfortable both from his external environment and from his internal environment, that's why as much as we like these houses that are like dormitories, not a place to live , not a place to raise children, not a place for families to live in peace and quiet. do it always small we only gave an answer to the economic issue of housing and to have a shelter. but
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we did not come to talk about its cultural environment, its social environment, its natural environment, its regional environment, its urban environment, nor its neighborhood , something that has been very, very rich in our tradition. we wanted to build 75 meters, 75 meters and 65 meters. pursuing his work , an environment for the healthy life and health of a family he lives in it, it won't exist . it's just your reason, it's not just cultural. see , there's also a social reason, now a dimension of family culture should be prepared for all cases. that corona was severe. he talked about
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staying at home, how many days they should stay at home, where to stay , what kind of weather they should stay with, what kind of children they should be, while in our tradition, in our culture , houses being big, having fountains, and gardens were associated with nature. basically the resulting collapse there was no urban depression in them, the child wanted to study. who is studying, someone wanted to rest, he would rest, but when we constantly make the houses smaller, this house is connected with that house, the sound of this house reaches that house, the peace of this house is not established because the neighbor has a neighbor next to it. there are other problems that are causing problems in economic stability due to poverty and weakness in the management of our regional planning, which
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happened during the last 70 years at least . the result of your data is that when you see that there are 10 loaves of bread in one place, the customer goes and buys the loaves without standing in line, but when you let one loaf have everything and there are many customers, a queue forms and congestion occurs. we can't give you more than one name so that it reaches everyone, right now the comparison plan. what i want to do is that the housing that is made in a small way is that you, sir, cannot, neither in terms of your economic power nor in terms of the price of the land, as well as intermediate factors such as the sale of the device, such as trading and real estate transactions, lay the groundwork for the economic results to be if there are such cases, we will settle the population in different types of settlements only in dormitories where they can sleep. go, but
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they can't have a day off to relax, their families , brothers, sisters, wives and children can't gather in a small house at the same time for a day off. even in terms of physical side effects, the physical side effects that arise, mobility is lost in a small house, how many people can move , physiologically, this is a lot of discussion . let's have the buildings, no matter how much you think or how serious your opposition is to mr. shia, in the name of god
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, let's have the current conditions of the society, not in our own country but in the world. about 60,000 units are produced annually, according to these permits. now, in normal conditions, if inflation and many other indicators are affected , the situation will change a bit, while we need more than 100,000 units in tehran itself. this thing mentioned is my small-scale housing. well, i told you in my previous programs at all, we are not talking about a 25-meter house, we are saying that a small-scale house can be in a big city, every small house can be 50 meters in small cities, for example, it can be 60 meters, 70 meters, or it can be
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even smaller. the economy of our society dictates that the faster people get settled, the faster they can move forward, be it in terms of social, economic, or cultural issues. another issue, the doctor mentioned , is that they should not be far from their families . by the way, the issue of small-scale housing is that a person is willing to leave his parents' house and house, for example, assuming let's say a girl gets married and gets separated from her family. mr. doctor, when she gets separated from her family , her preference and even her family's preference is to live closest to her father's family. it's natural that he doesn't have the financial means at the beginning of marriage , this is often the case, that is, if our assumption is middle and lower middle class, they often cannot
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buy a house in the place where their parents worked for 50 years, 60 years or less. as a result, if he gets a small apartment or some kind of micro-apartment, it is a good thing , at least he is close to his family. another major shelf the place of work and most of the employment is concentrated in the cities and big cities and in a way in the centers and provinces . yes, there are jobs in the villages and there are jobs in other sectors, but the party prefers to have a small house but it is close to the place of work. he can walk without incurring high transportation costs, without any risks, and spend more time with his family. until , according to his highness, there should be a place to sleep, for example , it should go outside the city. we don't want it to be outside the city . by the way, this has been discussed several times in my tehran municipality and many other parts. it is that the apartment has a small scale, but
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not in a combined form, assuming somewhere 30 meters, 40 meters, just to make an expression, it may be in the combined form of apartments of 100 meters, see now. it can be 2 to 40 meters, or in the division of the units, they should consider it this way, because they have to respect the population balance, the cultural level, and so on. it is also big so that the party can prepare these things according to their income situation . such as housing seal of approval. the national and national movement are good plans, but they are not yielding results soon , we are still seeing that in many cities , the plans of the movement, the mehr housing plans, and the national action plans have not yet been fully and comprehensively completed, which means that we are still in the form of
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we did not enter into an operation to deliver the plans of the national movement, even if we did , it has not been seen, so considering that that plan means building housing in parts such as new cities that were started by the previous governments, there have been good efforts, but it is still not in the form of a complete society. not finished this part cannot be successful either. so whatever we need to act faster in such a way that people can get a school education with 100 dnd, not if he has brought it himself, the bank will come and help him with a grant, in the end the project will be incomplete and he will not be a school student, he will have to resign and his problems and problems will increase, the issue of divorce and the disintegration of houses, families, and you will increase, mr. shia, how much do you agree with your statement, mr. tabatbai ? i want an explanation , it is not a matter of disagreement or agreement, the discussion that the doctor says is more like
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a painkiller, now that the storm has come, what should we do and what solutions are there? yes, but my main point is, why is it like this, why are these sanatoriums in such a state that we say, as the doctor said, that so many thousands of units. residential buildings should be built, isn't there an answer to deal with earthquakes? so much space is the answer. the solution should start from the foundation. the water should be taken from the source of the flood. why did we place centralizing factors in our main cities? why are the highest budgets , the highest welfare facilities, the highest facilities? university and all kinds of facilities in our big cities , who constantly gathers the population like in, for example , there is no conflict, there are iron bars in the center of the cities as well well, when they come, when they settle down, yes
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, the solution that mr. doctor says is correct, we say, for example , when we have a vast land as big as iran, all the cultural conditions of our relations, each corner of our land has a special culture, a series of customs. it has a series of special programs and special rituals when it comes. these cities will disappear, these cities will be transformed , let's see these discussions, if we come and pay attention to moderate programs for all regions of the country, we will not have a housing problem by ourselves . where is our housing problem now seen in the cities the big one is less seen in the cities, a little smaller than tehran. right now, i will give you a free house wherever you want, dear viewers , in iran, provided that you go and live in it. there is housing, but because of the lack of work, the lack of
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amenities for its residents there. leaving, coming , where, where there are city charms like tehran , there are city charms like isfahan, mashshad, tabriz, and shiraz, well, there, when the population increases, the issue of meeting the housing needs is raised, the school is raised when
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we talk about the world. to see all the indicators together. who lives there now? for example, there is a 30-by-35-meter apartment in which the ceo of a car manufacturer has lived. what 's wrong with that? he started his life there, and then he was able to expand his life . there is a population facing a population that wants to get married and it is important for them to have a house
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that is close to their family, their place of residence, and the facilities of their city. this is a fact because the majority of our population is concentrated in the big cities. it is an important place where when he wants to become a teacher, he can get maximum facilities. now you are in this desert that sometimes they build a city, it doesn't have superstructure facilities , it doesn't have enough mosques, it doesn't have enough schools, it doesn't have enough treatment network. here, you can't build houses so easily, move a pipeline in a city . they cannot solve this. they have to solve it and somehow they don't want it to be solved . well, look, now it has a weak implementation, whatever it has, now these problems are causing problems, so the scale of the house or apartment is not specific, let's say 25 meters. we said that this small scale can be 50 meters. 40 meters, that's what we're talking about
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it is a necessity from the economic point of view, we all know as citizens that when there is actually more demand for small houses, it means that real estate companies should also be asked, that is, from the floor of the market, if the question is asked, the general public should be asked, and the housing consumers should be asked. yes, it is possible to have small housing, mainly those who want small housing because they don't have many resources for this , yes, see, you are talking about yourself again. the future will arise, we want to go for the program what are we going to do in our future? do we act in a centralized mode? but tehran is not prone to earthquakes . small houses are built with those constructions that are very awkward. if i say , sir, in 10 minutes, there will be an earthquake in another month, the people of tehran. bring a playground
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, go out of the city, where are you going? we have to come and build, we have to find a solution, we have to work on our regional plans, that is, the use of regional land , the role of tracking the regions, the correct yields, the provision of welfare needs in all regions on their own. the crowd does not come, you are what you say i have also collected statistics many times through the university and students. i even have some of my films with the same people, but now i don't want to name them because it might have consequences for some. they leave their bag in a corner of the same house because they believe that one day they will leave this house, the feeling of belonging to the neighborhood is not formed, and at the same time, at the level of our various traditional cultural issues, you give japan as an example. yes, someone came and took his son's place and left. we have a special culture, we have life, we are gardens
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we have, we have a pond, we have a fountain, this is related to the environment in terms of physical structure, we have an environment , we are dry. how do you want to provide water sources to cool these houses? how do you want to secure the resources of the soil ? against the earthquake, i say yes, your solution is good for those places that currently have no other solution than the foundation. let's plan, you look at the side with the khuzestan accent and the farsi isfahani azari accent. khorasani, kurdi, zanjani, all in one environment they are living socially, which is nature itself , while having a common cultural structure has affected their behavior, their clothes, the food they prepare, their traditions, even their mourning ceremonies and holidays, their celebrations, and
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the like. they gather here together, don't make a sound. this is the city of tehran . the upper class families, the representative of the lower class , tell the child, don't make a sound. the lower floor makes noise . why don't you want us to have peace and comfort ? fields that are related to the economy it's time to fix it. we have to talk with a forward-looking view of the executive. now, the problem of the world is not just our country, it's an economic issue. you say these facilities and facilities, i say urban facilities , especially infrastructure services such as water, electricity, gas , telecommunications, sewage, and such issues, when we have the possibility to build about 4 million units in the city and in the entire worn-out fabric of the country. why
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don't we assume that the worn-out tissue has all the necessary minimum facilities and can be revived by simply strengthening it or moving it a little and with the same amount of about four million the term construction building unit has been achieved , why don't you use these facilities, why should we wait to go now, the house is a huge villa, the facilities are big , why should we wait so long, we can make our children a house as soon as possible, we can make ourselves a house, it is better now. look, why in some cases it is mentioned that one of the discontented people is housing, when we want to give people education and housing, why don't they come to these advanced countries. between 80 and 100%, 120, we have to solve it, as they say, i will provide you housing in the form of 100, not in the form of half and half now, mr. doctor.
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many people can't build houses because they brought them to the same national level. why can't they be built? why can't they be built? when the focus is on one place, the land is expensive, the price of materials is expensive, it's cold , we have the upstream program . they say that you can't buy anything except housing with housing money. that means you can't make your house smaller, so buy a car. this
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is from the point of view of the housing structure of sontagah. not the nobles to the buildings case not confirmed. i am telling you that i want to live in the western world. let me give you 2 examples. we built it
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. where should we dump the garbage? we have to destroy it. i'll give you a bonus for one month's rent , you go two pages later, if you want an apartment , it 's written as empty. with different dimensions, they have their housing
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it is not small, except where they live temporarily and there are apartments. according to the city standard, the distance between one apartment and another apartment should be two and a half times the height of our building . we should not build two four-story, six-story apartments next to each other. now , the so-called standard means how many meters per capita per person in our country, mr. doctor, i will tell you the standard, no, i will tell you the standard . open and agents subscribe now.
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there is a meter for each person per capita, which is specified, that is, if we have villages and cities, now we have cities, we are talking about the cities, we are talking about the cities, well, in the village, there is naturally more land , the facilities may be better to some extent than it was , the land area is 17 meters per capita. another 17 meters of infrastructure means that each person needs 17 meters of space , anat, we are talking about iran's standard, 17 meters means that a family of two can provide 34 meters of space. we are not saying that it is very optimal and excellent . let's think behind this anyway anyway, where was the standard for this plan? now shahrhar metropolis of tehran
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has a large concentration of population, it is sometimes heard that there are between 9 and 18 million fixed and variable immigrant population. other cities to big cities, other cities to the centers of the province and some cities that are industrial in nature and have a lot of production and naturally have a large population in them. it may be focused, we are talking about the facts, so if we say yes let us assume a house of 34 meters for two people or let us assume about 40-45 meters for 3 people
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, it should be about 40-45 meters. at least 10% of our population is single . at least now, let's assume that they lose their spouses, or their parents lose or get separated, or they don't get married at all. at least 10% of our population is single. what do these 10% think about owning a house? there is a significant population and they somehow want to have a futuristic view of their lives they don't want to do anything in the future. this happened
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. we have to work fundamentally against earthquakes. we need to find solutions that all the society without exception , for example, where did we come? these children always feel that they belong to the poor families who live in these houses. i said that it should be in the form of a mixed model, mr. doctor. small and large housing next to each other or in one
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be it complex or in the form of zabadari. ok, now a lot of places are built like this. a unit of 110 meters, a unit facing the road, for example, 50 meters. what's wrong with it ? it means the cultural level. sir, let's make a plan. first of all, a dilapidated structure is not a structure whose building is dilapidated , its function is dilapidated, many of its houses can be maintained, many of its social values ​​are historical, it is its own shaja, we should not do something that you should
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look at. the incomes will be paid sooner. this is the issue of their complaints. sorry, i saw this in the executive view. i saw this in one of our new cities, sorry . what did we build in our new cities except for dormitories? in the new cities , we did not come to the area . for real estate companies that sell housing and determine the housing price themselves.


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