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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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even if it is the average level of the countries in the region, this paragraph has not yet been realized, which means that what we say as health as the first priority, if it is not placed in the governments, it should at least be among the first three priorities of the government, the parliament and the judiciary. this is the first principle. that you allocate enough resources to this department, these resources and the percentage that should be allocated. according to the current estimates, it is not that high and we are below the level of the countries in our region, despite all the efforts that have been made to allocate resources to the health sector, this is one of those points that should be it should be corrected and more resources should be given to this department . mr. doctor , you were referring to the topic of subsidies . yes, the same in
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the discussion of the targeting of subsidies. well, from the beginning of the implementation of the health transformation plan, which coincided with the notification of general health policies, a part of the targeting of subsidies was allocated to the health sector in 2014 and 2015, but then this portion became weaker. recently, with the implementation of the darvar plan was an attempt to improve the targeting of subsidies. resources should be allocated to the drug sector, so that the people will not be harmed by allocating half of their expenses to the drug sector don't see, well, this was done to some extent, but there are reports from reliable sources about this area in 1402, 60% of these resources were allocated to the pharmaceutical sector from the targeting of subsidies and other resources, and... at present, anyway.
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drug manufacturing companies, drug manufacturers , hospitals, and pharmacies have problems in the discussion of the resources of the pharmaceutical sector. this issue should be corrected and completed. the principle of the work that this target is allocated is correct, but we should pay more attention to the allocation in the implementation. let's have enough resources for this department, mr. dr. ba. be us if yes, we are at your service . iran , i wish everyone acceptance of theater and prayers in the holy month of ramadan. we are at your service. thank you , doctor, for implementing these general health policies.
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how do you see it now in the 13th government, because it has been 10 years, now it has passed since its implementation, which was in 1993, as we mentioned at the beginning of my news, but it seems very slow now in the 13th government , what is this process like? yes, one of the approaches of the 13th government and the ministry of health is to rely on the policies announced by the supreme leader. in the field of health, as you mentioned , these policies are very extensive in the field of health education , traditional medicine treatment, insurance , financing, and in each of these areas, the ministry of health has a plan to proceed based on these policies. from the very beginning, if you consider that the recruitment of professors to educate students is based on islamic values, which in the last two years in the year that this government was installed, you must
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confirm that this is at the top of the plans , that the treatment environments are in accordance with the treatment methods in accordance with islamic teachings , health is the priority over treatment, well, we had the national health campaign, we had the family health plan. in this government, there is an expansion of the network system, well, you know, for a while , in fact, aqfal was very concerned about it. expanding the network and human resources, which is necessary because health is definitely a priority over treatment, no matter how much we spend on health , we will save many times more on treatment, and less is needed. the discussion lines or actually those clinical guidelines are the standard services that in this government, about 570 guidelines have actually been written and communicated to the insurance companies
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, the medical system organization, and the supreme insurance council, which the insurance companies should include in their purchases. kenan, there is a question of strategic purchase , there is insurance coverage, as you know, in this government , free insurance was provided for all sections of the country, and with the financial provision that was made, now there should be no one who does not have basic insurance. there are also parts like this means that the share of health in gddp or gross national product was not very successful well, we should have our share of health at the same level as the countries of the region. in the countries where there are probably financial restrictions, this should be asked from the program organization
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. according to the calculations , our situation is not very good and if we can bring these resources as close as possible to what is in the policy. let's do it , our service will definitely be better, mr. doctor, i'm sorry, i 'm sorry i took your word for it, how do you evaluate the implementation of these general health policies? as i told you, because you often get an acceptable score, in this government , maximum efforts have been made, for example, iranian medicine or traditional medicine , you know that in this same period of two or three years , the standards of some services were actually announced. in fact, it was supported by insurance . it was about the production of vaccines. well, you know that now we were among the top countries in the world in terms of vaccination during the corona era. i will say that in
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some parts it was very good, for example, the same to make the professional part, now we are part of the public and private sector professionals, it became one this year, that is, last year 1402. some things like this 100, some places are less, but those resources are actually health, it is one of the problems that no matter how few our resources are, it will definitely affect our services, mr. doctor , in which areas are we lagging behind, in which areas , according to these clauses, i said one of maybe the most important thing is the share of health, which actually causes other problems, the share of health in the gross national product, and one thing is true about insurances . they are not efficient, so now you can see how much influence they have on the payments. in the better part, now the universities have very extensive demands, or paying from the people's pockets is a risk that they cannot try many of the services on the insurance companies. now, maybe the insurance companies
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have financial considerations, but in any case , the insurance is supposed to support people not to pay out of their pockets if the insurances are insurances that, for example , are not efficient now. your reference was almost positive, but what is your response to this statistic? many clinical guidelines , contrary to what is said, 70% are implemented by chance, because if these clinical guidelines are followed the insurances have been brought to them to implement, and
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those induced requests will be avoided. the insurance will not make additional payments. one of the problems we had was that the number of balloon guides that were actually written was small . it has been used, it must be in progress, for example, losartan did not have instructions for this, it was written in the same course, so we need a guide about radioactive drugs , about high prices, all of these are real and can be done. you prepared a plan these are the 57, in fact, these have been notified , the rest will be done quickly, and the knowledge product production part is being done quickly. these same policies have been applied to the insurance companies, that is, outside of this policy, if someone buys outside of these standards, this
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is a violation. well, the insurance companies should answer that . i do because insurances. be sure that they want to protect their resources and you never want to read 70% of their sources . mr. kilimi, stay with us in the rest of the program . what is the benefit of reducing additional treatment costs for the patient himself? if this is implemented, what changes will we see? behold. you see, the main goal of the health system in all countries
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of the world and in the islamic republic of iran, based on these general health policies, the main goal of health promotion is to improve the health level of the people, with very good content. what dr. karimi said and the very good measures that the ministry of health is taking are surely the path to growth and improvement of people's health. and this will happen. what we need to be careful about, and it is focused on in paragraph 11 of the general policies, is that we have the participation of the people in improving their health, that is, the people should consciously participate in improving their own health. it happens in the policies themselves , with the strengthening of healthcare networks and attention. primary health care that is formed in the health system and they said with priority
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prevention is over treatment and my emphasis is that we should involve the people in this sector, just like what the supreme leader said in the slogan of the year, in the discussion of production growth with the participation of the people in the health promotion sector, we should also have the participation of the people and what the people expect, besides improving their health , is also mentioned in paragraph 9 of the policy that people should not have to worry about anything other than the suffering of the disease. well, good measures have been taken regarding the insurance coverage. regarding the clinical guide, you asked mr. the doctor also has the right answer where he needs to focus a little more our basic insurance organizations, such as health insurance and social security insurance, now that we have an electronic system based on electronic prescriptions , they should
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use that electronic tool more seriously for the implementation of these clinical guidelines . what guidelines have been announced now and how insurance organizations should try to implement these policies and these clinical guidelines is an aside. i must add to the issue of people's participation , i must thank the 13th government for paying serious attention to the supreme council of health and judicial security during the period. in the past, some governments did not form the supreme judicial security council even once in 4 years or 8 years, but we have seen that the 13th government has held at least three meetings of the council in the last two and a half years, and the commissions of this the council is also very active and good decisions have been made there, what is important is that health
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is the responsibility of the government, that is, the government, the parliament and the judiciary should all be the basis of the health of the people, and with the supervision of the ministry of health, this will be realized and what i apologize, in your words , there is such a time gap between our communication and this discussion. security and you mentioned food safety as a good thing. you said that before there was no attention at all. maybe it was less attention. now the 13th is getting attention, but it is a matter of responsibility . is it the responsibility of the ministry of health or not? there is news that has not yet arrived. is this responsibility correct? some ministries , other ministries of housing , have some points on some parts of this administration, which may not be irrelevant in their position, but whatever
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is decided in the supreme council of health and judicial security, which is chaired by the president of the republic, is the secretary of this council. it is all with the ministry of health the approvals must come in the relevant commissions, where all ministries of housing are members, just as they are members in the council itself . he should make those decisions. if we want to provide healthy food to the people , they should have proper nutrition. food security means that we should have enough calories for the people. with the supervision of the ministry of health, i would like to add one more point , mr. doctor, because the opportunity may be limited to see the incident that dr. karimi is particularly involved in. and one of the issues that should be given a little help to the ministry
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of health is that it has been said that we are developing services. we should have health based on the stratification system in the country, that is, wherever people need health services, they should benefit from those services. this does not mean that where we have a small population, we should have unnecessary development of health services. this affects some of the laws that i will not name now, and the ministry of health is under pressure. it is supposed that you do not implement the leveling system, for example, for the private sector. this is my opinion with the policies there is no consistency. the ministry of health should be able to strongly resist what is being done in its general policies and properly implement these policies, which it has tried so far, and it should help the ministry of health to
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make the best use of the available resources. may mandy and the best have this efficiency and effectiveness for health services , mr. doctor, in one of the clauses of the general health policies, it is mentioned that the promotion of health indicators to achieve the first position in the south west asian region , see what state this clause is in now. because you see, there are many indicators for the implementation of these policies, the musrat system has identified 249 indicators that are being finalized and announced, but the more general indicators that are monitored by the world health organization are currently at a high level in some of these indicators. we are in the region, but in some indicators, we need to make more efforts in order to reach the point
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, for example, regarding resources, we said that we should reach the average level of the countries in the region. we had a great jump, so other countries tried like us of course, you can see that the comparison of indicators between different countries in the eastern mediterranean region, which is also called southwest asia, is sometimes not a correct comparison , for example, a country with a large population. which is less than, for example, one of our cities. it is compared to our country. we should compare ourselves with countries at our same level in terms of gross domestic income .
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let 's give more resources and more powers to the ministry of health, and let the whole government of the parliament support the health system so that those indicators are realized. thank you very much, mr. dr. emami rezaei, please be with us. mr. dr. karimi , there is a question that is raised here, which comes up in these sections of the general health policy. the issue of prevention is actually about treatment. you said that you can say that in the same study , if diabetes is diagnosed early, blood pressure will be detected 5 years earlier, and how much can this prevent deaths and how much can it actually specify in the treatment process of the case that in fact, in these general health policies , it is also mentioned in what situation you are in this field yes, you made a very good point. see, a
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diabetic person may not have many symptoms, as you said, they may notice it after 5 years. yes, when he has complications of diabetes, eye complications, complications of all cardiac complications, and now how much should be spent for each of these, and the quality of life of this person will no longer be the quality of life of a normal person. like diabetes and blood pressure, these are things that we must discover early and avoid complications, so if there is no awareness and this principle of prevention before treatment is not observed, we we are sure that we will treat it until the complication occurs, then we have to spend more and the quality of life of our compatriots will be nothing. like before , when you can't be sick, that's why this screening was done. in 1403 , there is a program for cancer
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that can be prevented in children, for example, laziness , if a child is diagnosed with laziness, this is his vision. it is completely reversible, but if it is after 10 years of age, this vision will almost never come back. let's identify those that are preventable and treatable in the early stages, and don't let the work lead to complications, because then we will have high costs and various complications. mr. doctor, thank you for being with us, mr. emami razavi. the final question can be raised, what are the solutions to make up for the areas where we are lagging behind regarding these general health policies
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, see the process of speeding up the process. proposing that these surveys are good it should be done, but it must be connected to the health care network. we need to strengthen and complete the health care network, not only in terms of infrastructure, but good actions in this government. it is more important than our building infrastructure and construction development to strengthen the necessary human resources and train them and employ them in the health care network from the village level, the city, the outskirts of the city, and inside the city. well, the family health plan tries to complete this network in do it at the city level, there should be enough financial help for this. an effort should be made to be the foundational force for the healthcare network what we can have means that we can
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have the right infrastructure to continue working and improve preventive health services and improve the health status of the people. if we do not connect to the network and we only identify people who have problems and let them go later , we will not achieve the desired results if we do not take active care of them. active care means that if a person is diagnosed with high blood pressure or diabetes, then if he did not go to our health care provider behorz we call him and invite him to come and take care. he should take his medicines well and prevent secondary diseases that may
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be caused by metabolic diseases and non-communicable diseases and even other measures . it means that if we didn't have a health network in dermor, our problems in controlling the disease and the corona epidemic would be much worse than the situation we were facing . it is not exclusive to the health sector, the network is a chain that starts from the health sector and ends with the discussion of treatment and rehabilitation, all of this within the network. there is health care, which the ministry of health believes in and they do this. yes, mr. doctor, the question you asked, of course, you came to us
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, you raised it in the continuation of the discussion of the national health campaign. now that it has been 10 years now, i don't know from your point of view, is this part acceptable or not? see no see acceptable not really we if let's summarize our discussion now . yes, this is what i am talking about. well, efforts have been made , no one denies the efforts, but if we want to speed up this discussion, which is very vital , the policies should be implemented. we want the results of the general health policies in all dimensions of the health system. vision means that since it will benefit the patient, the treatment process will be corrected. as far as the discussion , the costs actually decreased through insurance and the structure of the health system itself, so this is beneficial for everyone. what should we do to speed it up?
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get faster than it is. where are the bottlenecks? where are the places that need to be solved? yes, you see, i am presenting two actions very clearly. one is that i said that health should be in the first three priorities of governments. when we say priority , it means you, for example, we say that we are dedicated to medicine. priority means that the food and drug organization does not find any problem in the administrative confusion in allocating, then it will be facilitated in the clearance of medical equipment, drugs and medical supplies. priority means that we must speed up preventive measures. health and measures of health care services and the second measure as well
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we said that we should allocate sufficient and necessary resources to the health department, the staff members in the ministry of health of the islamic council and various institutions that are part of the health system in the insurance system, which can fulfill the two proposals that i made, i.e. resources and the priority of the health system in all sectors of service provision should be realized in the implementation situation. the implementation of policies should be better than the current situation, thank you very much, mr. karimi, what is your opinion on this matter? which can be among the leaders in the country, and if these two things are provided, one is the resources, the other is the responsibility, which means that the ministry of health is really trusted and the decisions that are made
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are given priority, we can definitely implement these policies with this year's leap is the year of the leap in production, it is not only goods, there are also services, and using people's participation, we will definitely be able, god willing , to achieve this policy in this short period of time . thank you very much to dr. emami razavi, the secretary of the academy of medical sciences, and mr. saeed karimi, the deputy director of the ministry of health. that is in tonight's talk show participating in the news. well, tonight's program is because of the anniversary of the announcement of the general health policies, which was in 1993. it has been 10 years, and tonight, under the pretext of this, we evaluated how much progress has been made and how much effort can be made to improve it. let's move the gaps forward in the field of health system . thank you very much, dear viewers. good evening.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, welcome to the world. today , we will start tonight's program with the latest pictures of the world quds day in different countries, which was held in some countries on saturday.
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we will honor all our martyrs, all our children, all our children, sons and daughters.


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