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tv   [untitled]    April 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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this regime found the body of this captive in khanyounes . the iraqi resistance also attacked the haifa oil refineries in the occupied areas with drones. lebanon's hezbollah also targeted several occupied bases in the north of the occupied territories with rockets and berkan missiles. the occupying regime asked the settlers in the north of the occupied territories to stay at home due to concerns about the security incident. a camp in the vicinity of the occupied jerusalem was also the scene of a confrontation with the zionist military. however, in al-aqsa mosque, despite the pahva attacks of the occupiers, palestinian worshipers
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chanted slogans in support of the quds of the gaza strip. more than 150 other jewish cinematographers protested against the policies of the zionist regime after the speech of the director of the film "the favorite region" at the oscar ceremony, which criticized the genocide in gaza. now , according to the jerusalem post, 151 jewish cinematographers supported those words and announced that we should we can mention apartheid and occupation of tel aviv. we
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are proud that as jews we do not use jewish identity and the memory of the holocaust as a weapon to justify our crimes. the film director's speech is beloved by some of the hollywood mainstream as hated the spread was interpreted against the jews, but in front of a group of filmmakers in support of the people of gaza and criticizing the policies of the zionist regime. they accompanied him. columbia university suspended 6 students for supporting the palestinians. columbia university officials gave these students 24 hours to hand over their rooms in the dormitory and leave the university. four months ago, the officials of this university sent another number of students who
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students of american universities protested in gaza since the start of the zionist regime's attack on gaza they held rallies and demonstrations in support of the palestinians. in a letter, 115 members of the french parliament asked the president to stop selling weapons to the zionist regime . at the same time, 40 representatives of the us congress in a letter to the president of this country asked him to stop the transfer of weapons to israel. the letter of nancy pelosi, the former speaker of the house of representatives and biden's ally, is also among the signatories of the letter. before this, 600 english lawyers and jurists asked the government of this country to end the military and weapons support to the zionist regime. human rights council united nations on friday. he asked all countries
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to stop selling, transferring and diverting weapons, ammunition and other military equipment to the zionist regime . the laws of war ensure that civilians are protected as much as possible. but the killing of more than 30,000 civilians in gaza is a very strong sign that israel has acted far beyond what is allowed in international law. and alan duncan, the former deputy foreign minister of england , was investigated for criticizing politicians who support the zionist regime. his revelations against british officials about supporting zionists , i have seen a lot of reactions in the cyber space, the time has come to siphon the extremists, the extremists who
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are around him in the parliamentary political environment of our country. he is the former deputy foreign minister of england. alan duncan was a member of the british parliament for 27 years. it must stop immediately because it is morally unacceptable to support what is becoming a total disaster in gaza. a few years ago , he said that zionist settlements should be stopped, and al jazeera's reporter revealed that the zionists want him. do not conservative friends israel works in favor of netanyahu. he repeated the same words again against the zionists and revealed the names of the british officials who are working with the zionist regime, and these statements did not go well with the british officials.
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mr. alan duncan is under investigation for criticizing pro-israel politicians. addition of alan dunn about the support of the authorities. the zionist country made his name frequent in cyberspace. the people he talks about are happy to play islamophobia to portray muslims as extremists rather than pro-voices. destroy palestine. now we all know who the real extremists are and how they act to advance israel's interests. listen, this is great. finally, a member of the british political establishment is aware of the influence of the israeli lobby. this country criticizes. after his words became hot in the cyberspace, users believe that the british government has a zionist identity first and foremost. fatemeh sharifi, sed and sima news agency. and the second file
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of tonight's program is dedicated to investigating the situation of the occupied territories these days. the times of israel news agency announced that the head of the intelligence agency.
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the people who came to buy essentials such as mineral water, calm down. we saw that the national bank of israel tried to calm down the banks. the command behind the front asked the people to have cash on hand to buy the basic products. at a time and the reports published from the occupied territories after this regime's attack on the consular building of the iranian embassy in damascus indicate a continuous fear of a momentary reaction of the resistance axis against the zionists. germany's duchavale
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, quoted by israeli media, writes that the israeli embassy is afraid of reactions to the attack the zionist regime to the iranian embassy in damascus. the british guardian also pointed out that other embassies of the zionist regime are on high alert, writing that israel has suspended the leave of its combat units and increased its air defense command to deal with a possible missile or drone attack by the axis of resistance. data. and this narrative from behind the scenes of the british state media. i must say that this issue is very worrying for me. here, the bbc is reporting a serious tension, and i think that this is true and there is a consensus in the whole world regarding this matter. according to the report of the american wall street journal
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, after the terrorist attack on the iranian embassy in damascus, the israeli regime has disrupted the positioning systems in order to reduce the missile and drone threats against it . according to this report. it shows their location kilometers away in beirut. an issue that has disrupted the work of taxis and food and goods delivery services. this fear that prevails in the occupied territories, which intensified after the israeli regime's terrorist attack on the iranian embassy in damascus , started a long time ago. it has become as it is heard in the narration of this zionist official. i am disappointed with the government and i don't feel that there is a government at all. many areas in the north are burnt areas.
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and we witnessed criticism of the operation carried out by the zionists last week. i would like to quote directly in yediod aharot's article that the commander of the quds force who was assassinated in damascus was a bad target. they had weighed the situation to the end, what is the benefit or harm of this attack, but i am not sure that the authorities do such a thing.
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one should wonder about the reason for the assassination of the iranian general in syria at a time when this assassination may bring us into a war situation that we are not ready for. what kind of situation did the zionists find themselves in that they are now doubting their own operations last week? first of all, i would like to greet you and also dear viewers... i would like to convey the martyrdom of a number of our compatriots in both damascus and sistan baluchistan and wish health to the injured. they emphasize and we see that this analysis seems to be the correct analysis that the management of the crisis that the scientific regime is in a critical situation. disrupted means that it basically makes decisions. well, the zionist regime
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now has conflicts in the south, in gaza, in the gaza strip, in the north, in the south of lebanon, in the red sea, in the red sea, and in a way, in the west bank of the jordan river. such as when you carry out a targeted assassination . you do it in a place, maybe this is not due to the expansion of the war, but hitting a diplomatic place, which is considered to be a part of a whole territory of a country, now not all of it. but in a way, this itself is a declaration of a new war, that is, the expansion of the war by the actor who is starting this, on the other hand , the problem that exists is that the islamic republic of iran has always
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played an active role in the political field since the beginning of the crisis. but it didn't enter into a confrontation and this political regime is actually expanding the conflict in the international arena, it shows that it has entered a new arena, and it knows how to water down this issue, which maybe we are seeing its effects now. we will see for which. which entity is there in the world that when he is involved in a war situation, there will be an internal crisis , and the same pictures you published will create a new internal crisis. the front, as they say, will disrupt the internal front. renot's article wanted to summarize the situation in gaza. the conclusion is that the army and the government have no strategy in gaza anymore.
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that is, in gaza, apart from the fact that they themselves entered the reoccupation of the lands that were in their possession until 2005, they were expelled by their own resistance and their military forces entered the same arena again. documenting the news that is being published today where it is a legitimate goal. it is coming, of course , the censorship system of the political regime is censoring it , a documentary is being presented, today, 11 zionists were killed in the gaza strip , it is a big deal that
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they are paying attention to the spread of the crisis, now they are giving it to the north, that is, with the party god wants them to get involved, the changes are showing that they are looking for a conflict in the north, of course, no matter how smart hezbollah is, no matter how much they want the range, the range of deterrence will increase . it takes more serious deterrence measures, but their entry into the arena by confrontation with iran is an islamic republic of iran at the regional level , it is considered a regional power, that is, basically, the regime of the year, if we say , no matter how much technology i have, no matter how much military technology they have, but with a one wants to get involved with a country that has a population of nearly 90 million people, different potentials
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of military infrastructure, and their military strength and quality have been proven to everyone in various crises . it seems that that crisis management suffered a serious disorder, we have the results we can see that many of these publications and many analysts are now saying that today some zionists on twitter and in these discussions that iran has taken revenge for the amount of fear that has been inflicted on zionists, that is, if something happened. it was a military action, now that military action has to be answered in its own place. it will happen in its own place at its appropriate time, but this current situation has always led to a challenge. for example, it is very normal . just imagine that their gps is disconnected, which means that it is a serious disorder in today's gps world. no, it is not understandable at all, that is, because now people's lives are dealing with these issues, it
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has entered into a tension, this shows that these are the most important issues. now it's about internal management, that is, netanyahu is doing all these things to keep the people and the zionists happy, so that he can have his approval , let's see if he is responding well, that's why, from that side of the discussion, now all the allies are announcing that this is almost in the history of the scientific regime. it is unprecedented, they are announcing that we were not involved in this issue, we did not know, what does it mean that we do not accept responsibility for something that we did not know about? like americans. withdrawing themselves, yes , declaring that we support you, but that support is looking for a support that is more progressive at all. we have seen at different times that the americans are more progressive than the zionists themselves in the issues related to the zionist regime. now the political regime has something to do. it makes the americans to be provoked to take action, but the american authorities are openly announcing that, for example, jax sullivan's trip to the region
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will be delayed, two or three calls will be made, but they will say in that call. this shows that the americans and even the western countries have they are saying to the zionists in a dumb language that this is your work to spread the tension, which means that we cannot fully cooperate with you. you mentioned the situation in the field of gaza. 14 killed inside gaza . now, let's skip the 5 tanks and one personnel carrier that were destroyed. i also want to ask you a question about the political situation of the negotiations. the last news we had was that the american media announced that joe biden had written a letter to qatari egyptian leaders have asked them to put pressure on hamas how was the state of the negotiations for the zionists now that biden has arrived? well, the reality is that the
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palestinian side has repeatedly announced that our operations have been completed and we want a ceasefire. but this expansion of the war and the expansion of tension has been within the zionists, and the zionists themselves are going to increase the tensions . at times, with the efforts of different parties, whether egyptian, american, or qatari, it reached a point where at least temporary ceasefires can be reached. except for one very short incident, what happened was practically impossible. in the current situation, it is practically the palestinian side that says this. all negotiations. what we are doing is fruitless, because at the last moment, the agreements that are made, the zionists actually show that they are looking for war, as if they do not accept the complete cessation of war, not at all, not at all, not even coming to work, even for human discussions, even what was the zionist's unwillingness to that famous resolution that america did not veto? it was a truce, that is
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, what is the reaction of the service to this? the service is not looking for a truce, it means to look for a fire. now, even in the current situation, it seems that the americans are zionists to the zionists, whatever. pressure they say that this will not happen, the american side is asking the qataris and egypt. put pressure on hamas to accept some conditions in order to create conditions for a kind of ceasefire, but these conditions are not conditions where one side is not ready to make concessions, and this means that it is not reasonable in the field of diplomacy. the pressure is almost useless because the hamas side has been calling for a cease-fire since the beginning, it is the zionist side that is practically not taking any steps . the world is thinking of the prisoners to be freed, except for the sinist regime, which is the current government and cabinet, which
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is actually ignoring this issue and it is not successful. thank you , mr. hajalu. to prison he was sentenced . the washington state court sentenced taylor james to 7 years and 3 months in prison for organizing protests during the presidential elections 3 years ago . so far, more than 120 of these protesters have been tried in court, and about 800 of them have been sentenced to prison terms ranging from a few days to 22 years. hungary announced kurds will not participate in nato's 100 billion euro aid plan for ukraine, and the hungarian foreign minister said at the anniversary ceremony of nato's founding that his country
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will not participate in nato's five-year plan to allocate a 100 billion euro aid package to support ukraine due to the continuing tensions between russia and ukraine. will not participate disclosing the inappropriate health quality of nestle's mineral waters, the french media, having obtained a confidential report, wrote that the food safety and health agency of this country believes. mineral waters of nesle group do not have the necessary health quality. the report also says that despite the previous commitment of the method it uses prohibited antiseptics for purification . according to the french food safety and health agency , microbiological as well as chemical pollution has been recorded more than the permissible limit. thieves stole $30 million in one of the biggest cash heists in the history of california. the police announced that the robbery happened in a commercial company in los angeles and the owners of the company were unaware of its occurrence. according to the police, the thieves
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broke into the place where the money was kept through the roof of the building without activating the alarm system. two years ago, a shipment of jewelry worth 100 million dollars it was stolen in los angeles, which was called the largest jewelry theft in america. mexico from qat fari. he announced his diplomatic relations with ecuador. according to afp, this decision was made after ecuadorian police officers entered the mexican embassy in quito to arrest the former vice president of ecuador, who had taken refuge there . the minister of foreign affairs of spain also wrote in this regard, due to the clear violation of the vienna convention on diplomatic relations and the injuries caused to the employees of the mexican embassy in ecuador, mexico announces the immediate termination of diplomatic relations with ecuador. slow good night, god bless you.
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in 1948, the zionist immigrants who had moved to palestine since the beginning of the 20th century officially announced the establishment of the fake regime of israel .
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some half a million hotels and residences around the world with flytoda big festival of the city of home appliances and the city of carpets this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until eid al-fitr.
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get an id with every purchase from the city of household appliances and the city of farsh. a specialized reference for carpets and household appliances. i am here to wash clothes let me introduce you to durto and see if he can remove this stain. dorto laundry detergent has excellent cleaning and stain removal properties. it is also resistant , we built a house around you for you to come and see. this is called installment purchase. they come as you want. various accessories of every model and name are shown . don't worry about buying. they have various prices. come to the store . come to the store. come to the store. it has a lot of discounts for anywhere you like. it has cool items. so what happened to the purchase of installments as you like? wanting a large iranian house in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan. until 2:00 am
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in tehran, i am your host. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, have a good time come to the football magazine program, let's go to the premier league, the cold stop in azadi and the victory outside the house of molvan and shams azer in tonight's games. the 22nd week of this competition started tonight, in the most important game, esteghlal tehran, the leader of the table in azadi with pictures.


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