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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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at 3 o'clock saturday capital market indices. they had a negative yield. at the end of trading, about 15% of the symbols were in the positive range. the automobile group also recorded the largest outflow of real money. hello, on saturday, april 18, the flower index had a negative return of 88%. 1900 should be reduced to 2 million 230 thousand 900 units. the index of both weight and negative return is 2114 16 thousand.
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it decreased by 200 units and reached the number of 7400. the total value of transactions in the market reached 6700 billion tomans. the result of buying and selling by real people is about 1250 billion tomans. it shows from the stocks and mutual funds , the symbols of zob khodro khagstar and femli have the most transactions, having the most positive impact on the family index of sita tassico and the fund and more. the negative impact is also for the people of aqbar 60 and cars. at first, the market can almost be said to be balanced, but gradually the supplies increased and at the end of the transactions , only 15% of the symbols were in the positive range, and the automotive and metal group had the highest transaction value. they are allocating the value of purchase orders on the board to 310 billion tomans and 700 billion tomans to the set of sales orders at the end
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there were transactions, and the number of symbols that reached the purchase queue was 29 symbols, while about 23 symbols were placed on the sales page, per capita buying and selling of real people, the average purchase per capita was 24 million tomans, and the per capita sale was 31 million tomans, which shows the strength of the sellers. the largest inflow of money was in the leather industry group, with approximately 3 billion tomans of wood products, approximately 500 million and... the retail group recorded an inflow of approximately 300 million tomans, while the largest outflow of money was from the automotive group, 229 billion tomans . 153 stocks and chemical products that are hundred and 47 billion tomans of money was actually recorded in the first asset fund and the refining of the first asset fund , the final price of which is 32%, and the refining fund is also 233%. had a negative expression. specialists of a
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scientific company succeeded in producing a new generation of artificial organs. in these organs, using electronic equipment, movement operations have been created for the patient. the artificial organ or myoelectric prosthesis replaces the damaged and removed parts of the body. these prostheses use batteries and electronic systems, so this product is waterproof against wear and pressure it is resistant and magnetic fields and nearby electronic devices do not affect its performance. in fact, we are from 5. we used polymer for
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the 3d printing of these prostheses, which actually have unique chemical and physical properties in terms of killing, in terms of compatibility with the body and compatibility with the skin, unlike the common prostheses in the market, which are three-fingered and in the form of a hook. we made a five-finger prosthesis for mechanical partial amputees, where the loss of fingers has almost never been a solution in the country . we are a solution for the first time. effective and also, we are pioneers in the field of animal prostheses in the country. this company produces customized products according to the customer's needs and sizes and supplies them to the applicants at a reasonable price . we are the first and only company that designed and produced emg kits in the country, which can actually handle the nerve signals to actually control this prosthesis and take it from the body.
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let's control the prostheses. our prostheses are wearable and do not require surgery to use them, and the patient can easily wear these prostheses and use all kinds of hand prostheses. in fact, we even made other products such as liners , which are used for foot prostheses , which are very much needed in the country. we produced silicone liners in terms of price. let's produce with the same quality and about one-half to one-third of the liners that are produced in different countries such as america and england . those interested can contact amirkabir university science and technology park for more information. afrooz islam radio news agency. and the export of non- oil caps from the ports of hormozgan province increased more than twice in 1402. the ports of hormozgun province
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are one of the main import and export centers of the country. the export of non-oil goods from hormozgan increased by 106% in 1402 compared to the previous year . a target of 3 billion and 100 million dollars was set for products produced within the province in the non-oil export development working group of the province , and 12 months until today, we were able to reach more than 3 billion and 300 million dollars for our own products, that is. a growth of 1006 compared to the program to have most of hormozgan's non-fatty goods have been destined for persian gulf countries and china. most of
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it is in the field of industrial production , that is, 2 billion and 500 million dollars are industrial products of the province. jasak port in the east of hormozgan is one of the most important commercial ports of the province. most of the agricultural products and construction materials are exported from this port. it is here that there is a load of stone destined for the port of suykh, oman, from isfahan . oman, sir, we will take about 13 refrigerated trailers, and we will drive from jask to sueikh, oman. this year , 3 billion and 818 million dollars have been targeted for the export of non-oil goods from hormozgan. we hope, god willing, with the ability that the province will put in the field of supporting and solving the problems of export production units so that
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they have maximum production, we hope that we will be able to meet their needs , including the problems in the field. providing liquidity or issues in the field of energy , let's bring this to more than 4 billion dollars. increase units mineral industrial production in 1403 is one of the solutions for the growth of non-fatty exports in hormozgan. more than 60% of the country's exports are carried out in six important commercial ports of hormozgan. banjuri, the news agency of the broadcasting corporation, bandar abbas. until the next part.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you, the people of iran , ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first page. i hope that your obedience is accepted by god in this night and days, as well as happy times and days spent with your family. tonight , the front page program is hosted by dr. ghazizadeh hashemi , the honorable vice president and head of the martyr and selfless affairs foundation. hello again, mr. dr. i would like to greet you and greet you with salam alaikum and the mercy of god in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , the most merciful , the most merciful, the most merciful . reza kasab , i ask for permission from the presence of hazrat wali, sarvah and nafdah vaide
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, and the name of imam shahidan and martyrs of the islamic revolution . i congratulate you and your colleagues on the blessed days of ramadan, which are the days of service, and the new year to all the dear people of iran. i am also at your service. i would like to see a report prepared by my colleagues and come back. from the delivery of the year beside the martyrs to today, which is the last days of 1402, some news was broadcast in the area of ​​martyrs and martyrs. the first one is the latest news that was quoted these days by the head of shahid foundation. according to him, the implementation of the law was delayed for 10 years. 32,000 children of martyrs and veterans, 70% of the population that the government granted permission to the employment administration organization and the planning organization
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for their employment exam booklets , academic jihad is holding an exam, god willing, on april 29, almost all of the 70% childless and veterans who have general employment conditions be sure to hire the government in the middle of hiring students are the selfless elites , dear student. shahid foundation was present in the cultural field, from books to movies, serials, and festivals. an example was mom's party. when you entered the house , you were shocked. friends, we made an agreement that if
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this program continues again , we will pay 10,000 pieces of land and 40,000 loans in the field of housing, as well as the payment of medical expenses, among other things that can be mentioned. payment time we tried to reduce the treatment costs so that we can now offer payment. the documents that are in the possession of dear isargaran have decreased to less than one month, and the institutions of our contracting parties have decreased to around 3 months. we have registered to enter the system , the system is now loaded, the fading footprint of the shahid foundation in economic activities has come up. these days, with the emphasis of the president, it was more followed. we are no longer a corporation in the sense of a company
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we have oil companies , we have chicken farms, we have things like this mine , we have power plants, we have all of these , we will get out of all of these. this was an excerpt from 402 martyrs and veterans foundation, which says that all its goals. let's start with this, mr. dr. ghazizadeh . how many children do you have in the martyrs foundation? in fact , how many are the families of the martyrs and the families of our martyrs and martyrs who are covered by the martyrs foundation, and now of course the veterans are also i would like to tell you that we at
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shahid amor martyrs foundation are not all martyrs covered by us. sometimes this name of martyrs has made some of the dear warriors of the holy defense who are under the cover of amor isar gran units of the armed forces think that they are under the cover of the armed forces. the foundation is martyrs, while we are only martyrs, wives, children , parents, martyrs, veterans, dear freedmen, and children and spouses of dependents. i present to you from among 4 million and 433 dear sacrificers unfortunately, now, by god's mercy, some
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of the people who are still alive and receiving services from us are 3 million and 814 people, of which 2,285 are martyrs, and 64,395 are veterans, of which 5,569 are still alive. 43,458 azadehs, 3,829 people are still alive in these two and a half years since the beginning. the government of our ayatollah raisi has added 1597 people to the people covered by the martyr foundation, mainly those who had gambling cases from the past, there were laws about them that had not been dealt with, and well, in this period, as we clarified
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case handling was added to the number of people covered by the martyr foundation because of one mind. there is a general intention that the number of covered people will decrease, but this is not the case, because some people, for example, article 87, clause a of the law of the sixth plan, which is included in the seventh plan, some of the dear warriors were behind the queue, which has been dealt with, and many veterans added the president on the 19th of march last year to have a visit to the exhibition of the latest achievements and action. matt shahid foundation and let me tell you that there the president talked about two or three things, one of them is to make the shahid foundation as much as possible move his activities from a corporation to a shareholder. what did you do for this story? of course, this issue
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was mentioned many times in the statements of the leader of the revolution before it was even recommended by the president. from the words of the supreme leader of the revolution until recently last february, the leader of the revolution emphasized this issue many times, i would like to tell you that when the government was formed, in accordance with the transformation plan of the government, a transformation plan was designed for the shahid foundation , which has 9 transformation approaches that one of his approaches is to leave the company. those economic groups that are a subset of the foundation or are related to the foundation are divided into two groups the group of those whose 100% ownership belonged to the
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shahid foundation, such as kausar economic organization or kausar real estate and property organization. the kosar economic organization had all kinds of economic sectors in the field of energy , in the field of mining, in the field of agriculture, especially in poultry , and in the field of real estate, which had the properties of the foundation at its disposal . d means bank and insurance, d is a witness fund and a witness company . these belong to the foundation, not to the volunteers. in the case of the dropped box , there were only 27,000 wives and children of the martyr. being that these were administered by proxy by the shahid foundation since 1983, when the policies announced by the supreme leader regarding article 44 were announced in the
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revolutionary institutions affiliated to the office of principles, the implementation issue of article 44 was also announced due to the resistance within the systems. however, this work had not been completed, that is, we had the notification and confirmation of the supreme leader of rome. we prepared a plan together, last year the supreme leader's office paid attention and informed us that we should move in this direction, god willing. i am happy to say that i am at your service now before they tell us that you are wrong that you are running a business, we managed this work and left, that is, kausar economic organization in the interaction we did with mustazfan foundation. we handed over all the companies and received non-management shares, which means that now you have no involvement in the removal of hashem's installation, of course, until the end of the year because it has to
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be listed on the stock market and this transfer will take place, apparently it will take a month for this to happen. i have to say here that in the last two years, we have done a great job in kosar economic organization, the top of which is the creation of a chicken line. new. it is in knowledge-based areas and strategic areas that the system needs for the independence of the iranian nation and economic independence, for example, these large electropumps that are used for transporting water pipes, these desalinators that send water deep into the country, these engines or for example , transporting oil through large oil pipes is very powerful engines. we did not do normal economic work at this level. the change in approach happened when we showed all this to mr. president in this exhibition and he was very happy.
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we didn't do ordinary business . for example, we built iran's first biogas power plant, which produces gas from animal and livestock waste , produces electricity, and produces processed fertilizer . we built all the work inside the country . there are 10 or 12 works of this category . it is a serious work in the field of economic independence, but with all of this, we left the business . let me tell you about your service. the fund was thrown and the constitution was amended. the elections are now being organized to carry out the assembly, which is the family itself. are to take the place of shahid foundation and the assets to the families themselves should be transferred in the case of bank ten, which is a highly successful bank. the problem was that its symbol was closed , it had many legal cases, and it was being liquidated. in other words, this bank
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was prepared with the help of the central bank, and its meetings, which had not been held for two to three years, were all held, and this nejad package is being implemented. first, the imbalance should be compensated to some extent, and then a capital increase should be given , and then the assembly should be transferred. these will be handed over in all all of these, in better words, we have and will do business there , like sanatoriums, hospitals, these are after all a business, yes, like an ambulance base , an emergency ambulance base that we developed, these places that we have directly. we are providing services to our families, and we cannot make money from it. it is not for the purpose of making money. we now
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have accommodation centers and hotels that we have. isargar family means discounts we are giving to the families of martyrs, for example , 30% of 50% to get a hotel. therefore, either all the income will be used in the same company to serve the family of isa and martyrdom, or in general , there is no economic aspect at all and earning money for the shahid foundation. transfer in the form of shares. and when will these be? now it is in the bureaucratic process of the stock exchange organization and the central bank, and this is one of the things that the foundation should do
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. because these administrative systems, masha allah , have a lot to offer and bend to us on their behalf in the case of shahid foundation itself, the work is complete, that is, we have finished the package, because we also have an arbitration that has been identified by the supreme leader's office, and he is supervising and monitoring it. and finally , it also follows up on our actions. i am happy to say that now , perhaps from this point of view, the shahid nohad foundation is making progress , that is, you can compare it with all governmental and non-governmental organizations, as we are the first organization that can claim what it has. it was us. if we have what belongs to individuals, we will return it to individuals. the one that belonged to my foundation, we left the corporation. which the president had pointed out and emphasized
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. being the issue of housing and employment for the children of martyrs, please let me tell you what happened in this regard. in the field of employment and livelihood, well, the basic function that we used to perform , let me first tell you about the transformational approach that in the transformational approach of look at the service louder, closer to the service based on our distributive justice. we have paid attention and also about the sacrificers in the sense of recipients of social services as social drivers , it should be mentioned here in the field of increasing productive employment and the stability of the self-sacrificing society. at the beginning , we had a job search system. according to those registered in that job search system, 198% of the self-sacrifices were unemployed , and this seemed very strange because, for example
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, the average unemployment rate in our country was 14%. this high level of unemployment with all the facilities in this area was a bit questionable. it seemed that the information recorded there was not accurate and it was the same when we checked the information, for example, a number less than 16% of the rate. there is real unemployment, which of course is 16 the meaning of being higher than the ratio. it was the average of the country, but i am happy to say that now this unemployment rate has reached 98 after two years, and the planning of the shahid foundation is that before the end of this government, this unemployment rate will decrease below 5%, god willing. during this period, 32627 people in government and non-government centers are recruiting, which is an increase of 164 compared to the previous government. 31, which is budgeted, is usually
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done, which is a 63 and a half percent increase compared to 1,400. right now, we are holding a recruitment test for 32,000 children of martyrs and veterans, 70 percent. for the first time after the revolution, a volume this is how recruitment is happening . unfortunately, a legal task was blocked. the good thing about this government is that before the exam, both the resources and the employment codes are fully provided . these dear ones are recruited in 20 units, that is, every child of 70 martyrs and veterans who meet the general conditions. if he has a job, he should be able to because the number of people who are unemployed in this group is less than this, and the most important thing is to change the situation
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. you know, it made a lot of noise. i want to say here that 1808 people were converted. in our area of ​​livelihood, almost all subsistence payments that visargaran has been upgraded. even though we know that it cannot compensate for their needs, it has increased more than the inflation rate . it has gotten better. yes, we have a strange inflation that is increasing. well, god willing , now with the efforts of the government and parliament, this should be controlled. they don't get paid, about 400,000 of them get paid from us in different ways.


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