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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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you know, it made a lot of noise. i want to say here that 1808 people were converted. in the area of ​​our livelihood, almost all the livelihood payments made by visarsargan have been improved. although we know that it cannot compensate their needs, but it has increased more than the inflation rate , that is, the condition of these loved ones compared to 2 years ago at the annual price. it has gotten better. yes, we have a strange inflation that is increasing. well, god willing, now with the efforts of the government and parliament, this should be controlled. they don't get paid, about 400,000 of them get paid from us in different ways .
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fortunately, the form has grown so that we can, for example , the employment status of veterans 60%, the nursing allowance 17, the sum received by veterans 50 to 69, 71, parents' pension 131, the livelihood assistance of veterans 195d, and in the same way , now there are other rights that can be mentioned. the department did create distributive justice, we had a large number of effective lack of jobs and income behind. there are a lot of people who have a job but also a livelihood they ask us for livelihood assistance, or being in the 9th and 10th deciles, being among the high-income people, and still receiving it. i will tell you that they are in the lower deciles. among the 9, 8 and 10 income groups, a number of people
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were eliminated and 12,000 of the people who were behind the queue and received the livelihood assistance in the so-called queue were 1 to 5. reduce the time of treatment payments that promise it was given. you promised to reduce the time of payments . please explain. if you allow me, i will send you a report related to the health sector. if you do not have any other report, we have taken two or three measures in the health sector. let's go to the center of treatment to prevention. second, let's move from the provision of disease-centered services to intelligent services and the patient. to be work-oriented
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means to complete the electronic health records of our loved ones . we have one million, 600,000 electronic health records. now it can be said that for the loved ones of isargar, they are all online. one of the systems that was unveiled means that it was reported to mr. president. it was the president of this system . after the training incident happened, we went to the health monitoring of these, both general doctors and specialist doctors. 190 thousand people were monitored by the general doctor, which shows a 150% growth, and 12 thousand people were examined by the specialist doctor, so to speak. it shows a percentage growth due to the increase of our supplementary insurance per capita from 170 thousand tomans.
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it was added to 570,000 tomans, and this caused the number of centers on the side our insurance contract increased from 7,000 centers to 9,000 centers, which caused the payment time of the documents with the parties to the contract to be reduced from 9 months to 3 months, and the documents available to the martyrs from 2 months to 20 days will be reduced and it can be said that this was the biggest move that happened in this field , the number of hospital beds we have, the ones we manage ourselves, the hospital that we have at our disposal increased from a thousand public beds to 1450 beds, that is, 450 beds added to our beds. we were also able to use the neuropsychiatric hospitals that are available to us let's add 950 beds to 130 beds. we had an ambulance aid center and it was only in tehran.
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we were able to create ambulance relief centers in 17 centers of our province. 40 ambulances were procured . next year, god willing, another 50 ambulances will be added to this number so that this situation will improve more seriously . what is the need for these ambulance relief centers that you mention? the martyr's foundation should have its own. look at us. first of all, the number of the community covered by us is completely elderly . the average age of the self-sacrificing community is more than 60 years old . the parents of our martyrs are mostly over 80 years old. after many of these, we have a number of our loved ones who are over 100 years old. a lot of this depends on the bed, unfortunately, the cost of purchasing services from the private sector is very expensive for us, that is, buying an ambulance that is operated by ourselves is approximately 35-35% cheaper for us per trip, in addition to the fact that
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there are not many private ambulance aid centers. the first time i came, a dear veteran of the 70th nakhai, who died from the neck. with this move , we wanted to bring nede from chabahar to tehran, so we had to get an ambulance from yazd to take him to chabahar. bring an ambulance to tehran, that is, our situation was like this. we created a special network system for this dear family that we are serving. the first step is to provide services at home, that is, by developing services at home, or as they say , we provide services to 85,000 people. in this mechanism, so far we have provided services to them at the second level or in the recovery centers of light sanatoriums that we have at our disposal. next, we went to a higher level . let them take 35 hospitals
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the dispersion of my country is higher level in this hospital , like khatam and sasan, another center that we are providing services is the collection of the way we provide our service, which , alhamdulillah, has caused a good growth in the satisfaction of our family . you were explaining what exactly happened, and now that i have another year about it, there is news about the sale of these highways in the open market, did you follow up on it? veterans who have physical movement problems and veterans above 50%
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should be predicted. in mr. ahmadinejad's government, for 70% of the veterans had entered a car stage. approximately from 4 to 5. last year , there was a discussion between the government managers and the dear martyrs and veterans foundation about importing cars. the managers before us tried to import cars through the free zones, but they faced legal obstacles in the budget two years ago. parliament passed a resolution that for 70 % of veterans, which was amended in the following years , the government is obliged to import cars for 50% of veterans, but this mechanism was not foreseen this year, and fortunately, its executive regulations were followed up. it was approved by the government, and a share of the width of the imported khadri was provided. the ceiling for special veterans is specified. 70% of non-special veterans are specified
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. 50% is specified. the type of cars with that price ceiling. which may be entered, dear ones , register and enter. i have to say here that for 2 years, the shahid foundation has a contract with domestic car manufacturers and banks to provide domestic cars with bank facilities to veterans who have physical mobility problems according to the law. until now we handed over more than 10,000 cars, which means that the problem of domestic cars has been solved. every month, 1,500 people are sent sms messages. they go to register in the system of iran khodro or saipa , the process of getting their loan is determined and they go through this process. this issue you mentioned is related to the import
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of foreign cars. mafias are formed and i have warned me two or three times that considering that there is no remittance at all and people are registered in the names of people and they are presented to the same people, it is possible. those who enter this black market will be harmed , then don't say there that, sir, we are the buyer and the seller, get into a fight and a court case will be filed , thousands of punishments, that means there must be fraud behind these stories, because the current that the ministry is managing is in this direction. it is not possible for anyone other than the sacrificer to receive that car , it cannot be handed over otherwise, after handing over , when the person owns the car, if he wants to sell it or do anything else, he is the owner of the car and can make a decision about it. now he cannot buy and sell anything from anyone. some self-sacrificing loved ones
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it has been mentioned that we don't have liquidity for such cars, which are expensive to import, which we currently have with some car manufacturers who also import cars, and we are negotiating with some banks so that they can get a loan and get a loan by receiving repairs. so that they don't have to, as we don't have a car, the time of handing over is not known, because it may take some time for you, for example, the person who is buying and selling now has to wait for the exact time of handing over. it is not completely clear, mr. doctor tell me about the cultural programs of the martyrs foundation and the affairs of the martyrs. usually, the first look at the martyrs foundation is that it is supposed to cover the livelihood of the families of martyrs, veterans, and martyrs, but surely you
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have various cultural programs and cultural duties and responsibilities. for example, you had a plan and the idea of ​​turning the flower gardens of the martyrs into cultural centers, for example, now tell me what happened in the last year, if you allow me to look at a mentality first, cause laws and documents it will be established above, well, we have a strong upper-level document, and the statements of the imams of the revolution are the first document of our constitution, the second document is the general policies communicated in the field of self-sacrifice, jihad, and martyrdom in the constitution. the policies communicated to the shied foundation, which has 12 paragraphs. education is education
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, which is related to services to the target society , so the foundation of martyrs and islamic revolution workers is a revolutionary civilized institution, which if it deals with the issue of honoring the families of aisar and martyrdom, with the aim of developing and encouraging martyred cultivators, that is the topic it means the main subject of this structure and device. to preserve and remember the names of martyrs and the path of martyrs as the peaks of pride of the country, as well as to preserve the respect and honor of the martyrs as those who have a special lifestyle and a type of religious thought, offer to the society hazrat agha says in contrast to the western individualism. this peak of self-sacrifice for the society can be achieved through sacrifice and martyrdom and can be offered by martyrs because it is precisely a civilizational confrontation between two divine civilizations and the western individualistic civilization. well, out of the nine transformational approaches
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we had in the martyr foundation, three main approaches are related to this field. one of them is promotion the culture of jesus is our testimony, we should go from an isolated and fragmented approach to a one-piece approach . we should also establish cultural activities as well as use creativity and new tools . well, first of all, we have a council called the supreme council. promoting the culture of the year of martyrdom, which mr. president is the head of, this council had almost no effective activity, we activated this council , thanks to the grace of god, and two meetings were held during the period with the presence of mr. president and are being held. 182 provincial meetings were held, which is almost three and a half
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times what happened during the 8 years before him it happened that one of the works we did was to create tables with the help of the council of cultural revolution, to create special tables in the supreme council of cultural revolution for cultural engineering in the field of culture . it was in the field of education and training . the parliament gave us 1% of the budget resources for the current expenses of the executive body for the cultural promotion of the year. it approved that in the meantime we had a memorandum of understanding with 127 exchanges and 426 billion tomans were spent in this field, this is all the functions of the past two years. now, in the people-centered field, instead of the government being in charge of these affairs, we put the work in the hands of the people first to identify the organizations, of which we have 180
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active self-sacrifice organizations and 62 active people's organizations. we used these, and what happened to the results? 332 martyrs' memorials were held by the people in these two years. on the one hand , the issue is, for example, creating social respect for families by seeing and visiting with families. and 289. in the past two years, 89 meetings were held by the people themselves, and 385 of them were the directors of the visit to the dear family of the martyrs regarding the fields that you mentioned, well, golzars, our serious plan was to make golzars a cultural haven in
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tehran's zahra paradise . it was planned every night of ramadan with the presence of the families of the martyrs at golzar shahada . we have a plan. last year, the biggest revival night program after the holy shrine of imam reza, peace be upon him , was on the 23rd night at golzar behesht zahra in tehran. almost all martyrs ' golzars are like this. it has happened during these two years, mr. doctor, excuse me, i will follow your orders. we have some of these things when we face we are expressing numbers and figures, it is not tangible for the people and for the audience, how can you say what are the benefits of these events that have happened, for example, what is an example , maybe you can tell me what happened, where, what change did it cause, what effect
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did it have on people, what feedback, maybe you asked the people to make these tangible for me . you prepared feedback for me. i remember the night of the tv. after the ceremony i saw in isfahan , it happened at the isfahan martyrs' memorial. for example, we celebrated isfahan day this year at the isfahan martyrs' memorial. work done by the grace of god now, of course, the spiritual attraction of imam reza, peace be upon him, and hazrat masoumeh, hazrat shahcheragh, well, finally, the special attraction of these dear innocents, that you are the family of innocence and purity that you are passing now. golzar shahada of all our big and small cities, even our villages, is the center of religious and spiritual activities there, and i remember that on this twenty-third night, your children went and recorded and recorded the people who came to participate in that ceremony. being all kinds of people means with all kinds of shapes and
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images of those who came and joined the arms of martyrs as the untyers of this world, the issue of martyrs is unity. part of a thing is natural and everyone communicates with him . it's really strange. it means that it is a dual issue for people. it is a common issue for all people, even those who may not have religious beliefs. for those who respect the sacrifice for the society and go to them from a ceremony for when the martyrs are taken , after 40 years, for example, a number of new martyrs will be discovered and you will see how enthusiastically people participate in their ceremonies. this is completely sensational, in my opinion, especially with event recording that has sound and television programs, for example, not you. i meant did you come across one yourself or did you do you remember to mention it or now
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it is a wide reception, i mean really wide. throughout the country, we started from golzar bish zahra, but now i can say that there is no place in the country, especially in the centers of provinces and big cities, except for golzar shahada , serious programs are being carried out in that area in the field of recording memories. parents were perhaps emphasized by the supreme leader. yes, yes, before this government , only 40,000 memories were registered. in these two years, we managed to register 7045 cases of parents of martyrs and veterans, 70 of their memories, 9 million documents. about the martyrs, who was ina inwar onur , was collected and uploaded to the honor documents system , it was made available to the researchers
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. we won several awards last year and this year , 12 documentaries were produced, 18 serials were produced, 234 book titles were produced, and 884 musical works were produced. in the bacha zarang series, which was produced in shahadai defender of the haram with the help of channel 2, last year's movie , "gloe chamber", this year's "shore ashighi" has not been found.
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compared to previous years, my doctor is two or three weeks i had visited golzar shohada in one of the northwestern cities of the country and what i saw there was a very clean, stylish , beautifully renovated complex, so to speak, very tidy, but without any element of identity. it is from me that the martyrs' flower gardens had an identity in the past . the families of the martyrs each did something according to their own taste and taste about their own martyr's grave
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. perhaps they left a photo, some plaques and a handwritten note. well, these were lost in an era, that is, with the title reconstruction and renovation of martyrs' graves in different cities happened from in holy mashhad, in many cities and in this small city that i saw , there was almost a similar situation, a complex that looks like it was built in a modern way , much cleaner and more stylish, but there is no sign of identity elements related to the culture of isar shahadat, my leader of the revolution. well, from one place to another , they warned us not to do this. does the shahid foundation have any input in this matter? and these assimilations should be done at all, who is responsible, in what form and under what conditions can it happen, which
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is the subject of golzar al-shohdai's discussion again recently. tehran was in behesht zahra, and of course the trustees said no, we only intend to sort things out and so to speak , to make the transportation between the graves a little easier , but we are not going to get too serious about this issue. well , the historical course of samandin gulzarha has been for many years, as you mentioned, we now have a different approach to this story. first of all, i would like to say that we are not in charge of our reconstruction, the graves are in the hands of the municipalities, and the municipalities through the ministry of interior, in other words, they can manage , but they have to ask permission from us. and in coordination the martyr's foundation is fine. we definitely made any tampering with the graves dependent on getting permission from the parents
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of the martyrs, that is, they must get a written permission before taking any action. holy shrines and great hosseini shrines. that is, regardless of whether the inside is manipulated, this should be separated from the surroundings , it should have an entrance, shoes should come, cultural ceremonies should take place in the place of golzar , according to the passage of time, heat and cold, these should be cultured , find a heating and cooling system. in this direction, we will go to two or three cities that have more capacity, like golzara ker. and golzad, the martyrs of yazd and the likes of them, even in tehran, with the help of the tehran municipality, we are going in this direction
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. then let's go in the direction of creating a large cultural complex like the holy shrines of the ahl al-bayt and here because it must remain for centuries and these meeting places of these imams of love, these main imams of the society, the position of a martyr is objectively higher than the position of a non-martyr. and these prisons are making arrests then he should find a guardian , give vows and endowments , and let this cycle continue for years. as an example, we entered into negotiations so that we can create this role so that the cultural connection will continue regularly. when will it be turned into a document that will be clear about what this program is, because we will move towards a change of government or a change in the future
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. shariah institutions and people in order to stay away from this harm, shariah institutions such as endowment and endowment and these are the people, like the people's active organizations and the lovers of this path, in the combination of these two , of course, the municipalities must be behind the story , the shahid foundation must help to make this happen , it has its own difficulties at first, but we hope that now it will especially in golzar kerman . dear haj qasim, it is there and it has a special feature , it is fair and international , it is our international flower garden and it is a very serious place, and our martyrs flower garden in kerman , for example, our isfahan flower garden also has its own special characteristics, a few flower gardens that are special now. let's start, mr. doctor thank you very much for accepting our invitation, we still have some questions, including about the martyrs of
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the recent terrorist incident in kerman. are all of these , including this one, yes or no? if you can answer , will all of them, including their non-iranian nationals, be covered by the shahid foundation ? god willing , we will ask you the next questions in the next programs that we will be at your service. have a blessed and blessed year for you and also dear viewers . thank you, dear people. i hope that the night and better days await you. good times and good luck.
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4:00 am
dear viewers , we arrived at 4:00 a.m. the spokesman of the united nations children's fund, youssef , announced that 14,000 children have died in the gaza war so far. tis engram emphasized that gaza it has become the most dangerous place in the world, he said, what is happening in this area is israel's war against children and is unacceptable. engram pointed to the deaths of children in gaza due to hunger and expressed his concern that more children will be killed in the gaza strip due to violence.


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