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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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at five o'clock, the zionist kan channel announced that israel has evacuated a number of its embassies in different countries due to the fear of a possible response to the crime committed by attacking the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus. embassies in bahrain, egypt, jordan, maghreb and turkey are among them. to wear yellow bracelets. have turned.
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apparently, their voice has not reached anywhere. netanyahu has been fighting in gaza for 6 months, but he still hasn't been able to free their prisoners. during this period, about 500 thousand settlers have left the occupied lands. the current state of the tourism industry is also known. someone with the luggage does not fall under the rain of rockets. the yemeni resistance has closed the port of eilat and if hizbullah then the food and fuel entry will be limited to land lines only from jordan, egypt. the zionist currency has lost 20% of its value and the zionist economy has shrunk by the same amount. the central bank of the zionist regime has warned against the increase in cash withdrawals, which is being withdrawn in droves due to the fear of a possible attack by iran.
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the professor of st. andrews university wrote this article after the zionist attack on the iranian embassy in damascus and says that israel's economy cannot withstand a long-term conflict. if a frog in a pot placed on the gas stove, as the temperature continues to rise , the water remains in the pot, and even when the water reaches the boiling point, the frog does not jump out and dies as a result, because the changes are so gradual that
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iran's next steps are definitely raising the temperature for the frog. is israeli iran and its regional allies use this strategy against america and israel with unparalleled discipline and patience. the zionists are shedding blood. but the boiling frog strategy says: the opposite color is not always red. the frog can be boiled slowly. saeed zanganeh news agency. muslim radio russia, shia and sunni, along with the supporters of the ideals of liberating jerusalem from the occupation of the zionist regime , celebrated the quds day and condemned the crimes of the zionist regime in palestine. imam
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hussain (peace be upon him) in st. petersburg, ramadan tent in the victory park mosque in moscow, russian peace foundation and a conference entitled world quds day, the effects of the al-aqsa storm on international regional conditions, the role of russia in supporting palestine and the moscow community mosque on quds day, the scene of empathy with the goal of liberating jerusalem and condemnation of genocide and crimes against the friday prayer of the moscow community mosque with the presence of muslims, shiite and sunni scholars and ambassadors of islamic countries became a symbol of unity against the oppression and aggression of the zionist regime, ayatollah hazrat imam. and
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khomeini imam khomeini kept the goal of liberating jerusalem alive by naming the last friday of the holy month of ramadan as holy day. chairman of the mufti council. israel's attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus is an action contrary to international regulations and another example of israel's crime and aggression. the palestinian ambassador in this meeting called israel a handiwork of america, the ambassadors of islamic countries are silent
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the international community condemned the zionists for their crimes against humanity. seyed ali darabi of sada vasi news agency.
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in the past, the quality of a car was measured based on safety stars. a high-quality car with 5 stars , no matter how low the quality was , was not the quality management of iran, because this association says that the quality of a car cannot be measured based on a single measurement. in order for the car to have the right quality, it is necessary that all the quality systems are carried out completely in each stage and that the quality defect is not transferred to the next stage. the national
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standards organization required car manufacturers two years ago that the car should be checked in the production stage and its quality should be measured at the same stage. every 5,000 productions, a test must be done, in fact, crash or crash test. our inspectors are present in the production lines of car manufacturers, representing the ministry of quality and standard organization, as well as representing the ministry of samad and the consumer protection organization. people are contacted by our call center when you receive a car from a car manufacturer or receive a service from a car manufacturer. their opinions are asked about product quality or service quality this year by setting up the test center, all the tests should be done inside the country in order to produce high-quality self-driving cars according to the president's 8th order. fayez shabani, radio and television news agency. until the next part.
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we are at your service with a special news chat program . let me give this introduction and then we will continue the chat news network there. it was that the supreme leader of the revolution announced the most important axes of the general health policies in the implementation of article 110 of the constitution of the general health policy, which was formulated after consultation with the council for the recognition of the misrat of the system . providing educational services research, priority of prevention over treatment, not up-to-date. health and treatment programs, preparation of health annexes, for major development plans,
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improvement of health indicators to achieve the first position in the region of southwest asia, improvement of the mental health of the community, by promoting the islamic, iranian lifestyle, ensuring food security and development quantitative and qualitative health and medical insurance with the aim of universalizing basic medical insurance. now tonight we want to discuss this issue in the special news talk show. well, the first guest of our program is dr. emami razavi, the secretary of the academy of medical sciences. mr. emami razavi, hello, good evening. i also serve i greet you and dear viewers with respect and courtesy. i am very happy that in these days that is the month of mubarak anyway. it is ramadan and we are going through the first days of the new year. i am at your service and the
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very important occasion of the announcement of general health policies in the 10th year will be announced. it is a very big discussion and a discussion that has been going on for 10 years. people should understand and be informed about the work . what is this principle of general health policies and how useful is it , and at what stage is mr. morteza's report? let's look together, then we will raise our questions about diabetes, high blood pressure , heart diseases, our people are not aware of how to improve their own health, increasing people's awareness to maintain and improve their health is one of the general health policies of the inclusive society. on the 14th paragraph, which has been promulgated for a decade, many people
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have been working hard for months and maybe even years, and the document that we have now is the most comprehensive thing that can have principles that, if implemented, will improve the health of the society. salamat believes that in the last 10 years only 20-30% of this the policies have been implemented, the most important of these clauses have not yet been implemented, what was mentioned in clause 10 of the policies, that the financial resources of the health sector from the gross domestic income should reach the average level of the countries in the region, this has not been realized. it has decreased , for example, even now, our insurances are still not acting according to barini's instructions and correctional guides, that's why a large amount of our resources are being used for unnecessary induction requests, and from that side, we
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are running out of resources for the real services of the organization. medical system in a letter from the president the expediency discernment council wants to strengthen supervision over the implementation of all the policies of the government of the parliament , they are obliged to write laws, guidelines and executive regulations for these general policies. health sector, well, this important thing has not been done either, as this is a malfunction, according to one of seven of these policies, the responsibility of the health system is entrusted to the ministry of health, treatment and medical education, and this ministry is the main guardian of the implementation of these policies, the family health plan in 195 cities in it is currently being implemented and there are about 27 million people in cities and 30 million and 500 thousand it has affected people in the villages. you referred me because of your high blood sugar. health
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is one of the main priorities of the country, and health experts believe that the most important way to realize this priority is the complete implementation of general health policies. morteza azani of sed and sima news agency, well, doctor , we saw your report together, in azani's reports , the level was actually advanced. the implementation of these announced policies was around 20-30, if i'm not mistaken , what is your estimate, that is, what analysis do you have and what news do you have about how well these policies have been implemented. during these 10 years, you see, many efforts it has been carried out by various governments that in this 10-year period are responsible for the health system and giving priority to the health of the people, but the fact
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is that these policies have not yet been fully implemented, what should be noted in the implementation of these policies. it is necessary that the requirements for the implementation of the policies are provided, and that the laws, regulations, and bylaws are formulated, and that the executive bodies pay attention to their implementation, and that the monitoring bodies do their monitoring carefully to ensure that those policies are implemented. well, during these 10 years, we have a program law, which is the law of the sixth program based on these policies , the priorities of the policies were announced as the governing policies of the program, and the program itself was written based on these policies. at the same time when the law of the sixth plan was being written and announced, it was considered that because it is not possible
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to implement all these policies with a 5-year development plan. priorities from these policies should be included in the law of the sixth plan, for example , in paragraph seven, it was mentioned that the discussion of the length of the health system should be concentrated in the ministry of health, treatment and medical education. a good step that was taken in the law of the sixth plan was that the supreme council of health insurance under the ministry of health and medical education was transferred and the health insurance organization was also placed under the ministry of health, but this was not the focus of all of this, or it was mentioned in the seventh paragraph that the financial resources in the health system should be allocated through the insurance system, this was partially done. a larger part of it has not been done yet, or in paragraph 10 that you mentioned in the report that basic financial resources should
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be provided for the health system, it was a good step that was done. it was that 1% of the value added tax was allocated to the health sector, well this was a good measure in principle , but during the last 6 or 7 years that this 1% of the allocated added value is always sufficient allocation of these resources for the health sector is not done or not done on time, which is part of the targeting of subsidies. how much progress has the implementation of these general health policies made this year, and which sectors have made good progress, and which sectors
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have been lagging so far? had it should be noted that the period of implementation of general policies is between 10 and 15 years based on what the expediency council sets for itself. we expected that at least 60-70% of general health policies would be implemented within 10 years, but our opinion is that based on the indicators that have been developed and the evaluations that have been made and the studies that are available, more than 30% have not yet been implemented. it has not been implemented. where there is a strong point, i said in the tax on depreciated value to provide stable financial resources, to strengthen the supervision of the ministry of health or the uninsured people of different strata, especially the needy people, which came in the policies
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. it has come that the health department has the resources for it a percentage of the gross domestic income that is allocated to it should be at the average level of the countries in the region. this clause has not yet been realized, which means that what we say as health as the first priority, if not placed in the governments , at least among the first three priorities. the government, the parliament and the judiciary are supposed to have this, the first principle is that you allocate enough resources to this sector , well, these resources and the percentage that should be allocated based on the estimates that are available now are not that much and are below the level the countries of our region are in spite of all the efforts that have been made resources should be allocated to the health sector. this is one of those points that should be corrected and more resources
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should be given to this sector. mr. doctor, you had a point . you were referring to the subsidies. the same in the discussion of the targeting of subsidies , well, from the beginning of the implementation of the health transformation plan, which coincided with the notification of general health policies, part of the purpose of the subsidies was allocated to the health sector in 2014 and 2015, but then this sector became weaker. with the implementation of darvar plan, it was tried to increase the targeting of subsidies to the pharmaceutical sector it should be allocated so that the people will not be harmed by allocating half of their expenses to the pharmaceutical sector. well , this was done to some extent, but there are reports
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from reliable sources about this area in 1402, 60 % of these resources were for the purpose of subsidies and other sources. the pharmaceutical sector is allocated, and currently, however, both drug manufacturing companies , drug distributors, hospitals, and pharmacies have problems in discussing the resources of the pharmaceutical sector. this issue should be corrected and completed. given is true , but we need to pay more attention to implementation we need to dedicate enough resources to this department . doctor, stay with us. we are in contact with you on other matters. if yes, we are at your end
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. dear people of iran, i wish everyone to accept ta'atar and prayers in the holy month of ramadan. i am at your service. thank you, doctor. general health policies have been implemented, how do you see them in the 13th government now, because this has been going on for 10 years now, since it was implemented in 1993, we mentioned in the beginning of the news that it is going on, but it seems that this process is very slow now in the 13th government. yes, one of the approaches that the 13th government and the ministry of health he has been relying on this, in fact , there are policies announced by the supreme leader in the field of health, as you mentioned, this policy is very broad. in the field of education, health, treatment, traditional medicine, let me tell you, the field of insurance, financing, and in each of these areas, the ministry of health has a plan
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to proceed based on these policies. well, from the very beginning, if you consider that the recruitment of professors, education, and students should be based on islamic values, which in the two and almost three years that this government has been in place, you will definitely confirm that this is actually at the top of the program. i see. set that the treatment environments are in accordance with the treatment methods in accordance with islamic teachings, the priority of health is over treatment. well, we had the national health campaign , we had the family health plan. in this government , there is the expansion of the network system. well, you know, for a while, this was not really addressed. the ministry of health is now serious about repairing the network and expanding the network. and the manpower that is necessary because health is definitely a priority over treatment, no matter how much we spend on health
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, we will save many times more on our treatment, and there is less need for discussion lines or, in fact, those clinical guidelines. there is a service standard that in this government, about 570 clinical guides have actually been written and communicated to the insurance companies, to the medical system organization, to the supreme council of insurance, that the insurance companies should leave these in their actual purchases. do you know that in this government , free insurance was provided for all sections of the country, and with the funding that was provided, now there should be no one who does not have basic insurance. national gross very successful. if we were not, it means that we should share our health at the level of other countries the region should be among the leaders in the countries of the region, but mr. doctor, what was the cause of this case that you mentioned
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, this is the last case. it is probably due to financial restrictions, after all, this should be asked from the program organization, but in any case, the financial resources that are needed for us to have a healthy share of the gross national product, based on all the calculations , our situation is not very good now, and if any how much we can bring these resources closer to what is in the policy, surely our service will be better, mr. doctor, i am sorry, please forgive me. i came at your word, how are you now? do you evaluate the implementation of these general health policies as i have explained to you, because many times you have given yourself an acceptable score or not? in this government, maximum efforts have been made . in fact, its standards were announced, some of its services were actually supported by insurance , it was about vaccine production, as you know that now we
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were among the top countries in the world in terms of vaccine production during the corona period, all of which were observed, we were able to produce nearly 6 types of vaccines, medicinal plants now the way of working is very different, i will tell you some parts have been very good, for example , the equalization of the professional component, now our professional component of the public and private sector has become one, this year, that is , last year, 1402 , it became the same. it is one of the problems that no matter how few resources we have, it will definitely affect our service , mr. doctor, in which areas are we lagging behind, in which areas, according to these paragraphs, i said that perhaps one of the most important is the health share, which , in fact, causes other problems. health is one of the gross national products and one is correct in the insurance issue now we have insurance, all people are insured, but unfortunately our insurances are not effective insurances.
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well, now you can see how much influence they have on payments. in the inpatient sector, universities now have very extensive demands or pay from the pockets of various people who cannot cover many of the services provided by insurance. insurance is supposed to support people so that they don't pay out of their own pockets. if the insurances are insurances that are not efficient, for example , it will rain on the people and on the medical community, nursing, and medical centers.
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many clinical guidelines say otherwise it is possible that 70% will be implemented, because if the insurance companies implement these clinical guidelines , they will be prevented from those induced requests, and the insurance will not make additional payments. one of the problems we had was that the number of clinical guidelines that were actually written it was not enough. now it has been announced that, for example, metformin was the most used asset. it must be in progress , for example, losartan. this is about the more radioactive drugs, about the high prices. one time you have prepared a plan, these are 570. in fact, these have been notified. the rest will be done quickly . the part of producing knowledge products is being done quickly. now it remains the responsibility of the insurance companies.
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based on this, they should make a strategic purchase. by the way, strategic purchase is also one of the duties that the basis of these policies is laid on the insurances, that is, outside of this policy , if someone buys outside of these standards , this is a violation, well, the insurance companies should answer that, if they don't implement it, why not implement it and their sources, but i do not confirm 70% at all , because the insurance companies are sure that they come from their sources protect your readers and never try to read 70% of their sources. mr. karimi, stay with us in the rest of the program . what is the benefit of general health policies for the health system, what is the benefit for the patient, what is the benefit for reducing treatment costs from


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