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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm IRST

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turkish police arrested a number of demonstrators. amman, the capital of jordan, witnessed anti-zionist demonstrations for the fourteenth night in a row. the body of martyr javad jahanbeigi, one of the martyrs of chaba terrorist attack.
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he was buried in kalaleh of golestan teshii province and in golzar shahada. in babol, the people of mohsen hosseinia, the martyr of the security guard, will be buried.
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baz ali ghasemi and mohammad rudabi, who were martyred by terrorists yesterday in kerin region , were dissected in zahedan . central bank. updated the information on the macro facilities of 12 banks on its website. since the beginning of 1401 until now, the information on the super debtors of all banks has been exposed to the public on the central bank's website and is updated quarterly. in his recent ramadan meeting with students, the president said: in the 13th government, the announcement of the names and status of debtors is not on the phone. do you remember
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that in an election meeting, 3 names were exchanged in sealed envelopes between us and some candidates. mr. raisi is referring to the presidential election debates of 1400. i list 11 i am giving the person right now to mr. president , the chairman of the central bank used to demand others to publish the information of bank debtors . if he was responsible, this is the list. give me why now and in this debate he wants to give me why he didn't give me why he didn't do his duty and if he doesn't give me what he will say, the people had not heard the name of this big seed. secrecy, which has become a source of irony , you are the accused who, with the help of mr. sim kehe from dal zal rez institute, paid the amount of the annual budget law.
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1401 mandated the central bank to publish information related to macro facilities on its website immediately after the end of each quarter. the central bank updated the information related to the facilities of 13 banks and the list of facilities and obligations of related parties of 15 banks until the end of the autumn season. the legal task that was carried out resulted in the transparency of banking facilities since last year, which led to the disclosure of information about half of the total balance of the banking network , which was already outdated. but with the end of 1401, this period of transparency did not end and this information was published in 1402. besides, of course other information that was published for the first time. dissemination of bank loan information to their employees for the first time. information about.
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unreasonable property of banks was published for the first time. just a few days ago, the central bank updated the information on the beneficiaries of the big 12 banks and the rest up to 21. which should be in april, but now the names of the debtors are not in the phone anymore, they put the debtors first on the websites for everyone to see. center and select the banking statistics section to see all this information. the non-cooperation of the stock exchange is the main obstacle to the completion of the system. the vice president of new technologies of the central bank said that the necessary infrastructure for the establishment of the single benefit system was completed in 2019, but the non-cooperation of some institutions prevented its completion . setting up this system can
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prevent currency corruption. this industrial group includes almost 20 real and legal companies . had formed and from 1398 to the end of 1401 allocated more than 3 billion and 400 million dollars of land to himself before the network of the company interrelated things that consume width in a space that is not transparent. he wanted to take his rials to the market to get bids for his so-called imports . of course, the connection of these broadband networks becomes clear with an information system. transparency that closes the way of violation. if, in fact, any
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of those companies, which are in fact a group or subgroup , their claims become non-current , there will be restrictions on them at the level of the banking network, so that other companies in the form of zainaf vahed cannot, in fact, put the bank and the country's banking network at risk. take risk of transmission and take credit risk, a system for the benefit of a unit, a system through which the causal relationships of the company and individuals are determined with each other, in order to monitor the level of education or width for each unit. it is a system that we have to create in parallel with the validation system. in september 2019, the technical infrastructure of zainaf vahed was ready, but despite these infrastructures, there is still no news about the launch of this system. the problem is that we were actually looking for the necessary information from various organizations during this time. especially now maybe
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let's say there are two or three places that are the center of attention for this zinefa vahed system. the devices that the deputy of the central bank says are five devices. the stock market is very it is very important to actually have this service related to the shareholding of legal entities and such in our system, to be able to use it , it will greatly help the accuracy of this field, something that has not happened yet, we followed up on this issue from the stock exchange organization, despite the follow up. how many times did this organization refuse to answer in this regard , rizwan basfa, minister of radio and television news agency. with urban development from demining, 4 km from the road construction route shalamcheh basra railway announced in the territory of iran and iraq mr. bezarpash, after the meeting with the iraqi minister of transport, said that the implementation of the agreement between iran and iraq a year ago for the construction of the shalamcheh basra railway, it is specified that
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the construction of this 32 km rail will be tendered in the company in the country of iraq has been organized, the mojish company has also been appointed, and iranian companies have also agreed to help in the construction of 32 kilometers. the next issue was the construction of a bridge over a river in iraq. speculations for the geotechnical activity of soil have been done in a part of there were also residential lands and houses for the iraqi side to acquire and hand over to iranian companies. the managing director of the new cities construction company
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announced the delivery of the first units of the national housing movement in this city from next week. is. one of the problems that we have in the discussion of the opening of the national movement is that the discussion of education has a prerequisite. its prerequisite is the entry of service devices. we will, god willing we are ready next week. the first stage of the new cities national movement is in the new city of sahand. we will open it with the presence of a high official of the ministry, but maybe the number we considered is around 50-75 units, if the service providers had arrived on time, we could now have more than a few thousand units in the new city of sehan and also in other cities. including the new city of parand, which we really have fundamental issues , we have actually reached the stage of the 3rd phase of parand project, 1300 units are really ready. there is only the issue of water and sewage in the campus, we now see the service system
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the courier has not arrived or is arriving late . according to the data of the meteorological organization, since the beginning of the current water year, i.e. from mehr 1402 until now , 61 water needs of the country have been met. during this period , the average rainfall in the country was reported as 142 mm . according to the data of the meteorological organization , the country's average rainfall in the fall of last year was 33 mm, and only 14% of the country's needs were met. we experienced the warmest november of the last 33 years, maybe this much increase in temperature was not seen in forecast models. therefore, your expectation of autumn rains did not come true. but in winter the rainfall is approx three times the autumn figure. the average rainfall was 91 mm, so that the amount of water needed
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in our country reached 611. of course, in the month of march, some of these were compensated, but most of the rains , as we experienced in the sistan flood , were of the flood type, that is, heavy rains in a short period of time. after the activity of rain systems in the last days of march last year and the beginning of april this year, the average the country's rainfall reached 142 mm, which compared to the long-term average of 180 mm, it is 21 mm behind the normal conditions, and we are 38 mm behind from the beginning. 591 mm of rain has fallen in kilavi and boi rahmat so far, which is more than in other parts of the country, while the lowest rainfall has been recorded in semnan with 45 mm. but compared to the long-term average
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, there has been an increase in rainfall in yazd, khuzestan, kermanshah, kurdistan and hamedan. the western half of the month is almost normal, but the eastern and southern half of the month is extremely below normal. in some provinces such as khorasan, rozdi, kerman, hormozgan and north sistan baluchistan, the same province of tehran, alvarez, ghazvin, semnan, these have very serious shortages. now we have to see the remaining time. rain how much spring rains bring the average rainfall of the water year closer to the long-term average. saeed hajizadeh, sed and broadcasting news agency. hello dear compatriots. for the next 24 hours , rain will occur in the western half of the country. it will rain in the north-west, west, south-west of the country, the western coast of the caspian plain and the alborz range and the central zagros range and heights.
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we will continue to witness this situation throughout the country on monday and tuesday, and for wednesday, we will strengthen and expand the activity of this rain-producing system throughout the country , and we will have relatively good rains in the northwest of the west. in the south-west of the country, the rains will gradually extend to the central parts of the country, the caspian sea coast, the elbert range and the zagros range, and the rain in these areas. there is also a chance of hail, sometimes we expect temporary strong wind to happen. specialists of a knowledge-based company succeeded in developing a new generation of anti-fungal bread production technology. to localize the agent, destroying viruses in 5 minutes in hospital environments and producing masks
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lasting 12 hours are among the applications of this nano material. advanced and smart materials play an important role in health people, especially the treatment staff, play a role. a knowledge-based company in the science and technology park of materials and energy research institute has designed and manufactured two disinfectant products. the first product of the nano mask. antiviral and antibacterial, if used continuously and for more than 12 hours , does not cause any hearing or sensitivity for the respiratory system . 40-50 nanometers of antibacterial materials are fertilized. when we use the mask, the bacterial virus that is absorbed by the mask gives this mask a self-cleaning property and that this virus is in the mask. after 30 minutes, it disappears on the surface of the second product of the hospital air disinfectant solution, which
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shows its antibacterial properties in less than five minutes and its antiviral properties in 3 minutes. antiseptic solutions that are currently used in hospital operating rooms have a feature that actually leads to the fact that you have to completely sterilize the operating room and after a period of time, which is about half an hour, the operating room can be used. there is a disinfectant solution that does not have this feature . it can be resistant to viruses, and it can be resistant to bacteria up to 99 percent, and it does not cause any corrosion to metals , it is completely odorless and
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has no harmful effects on humans. and they have a competitive price, the institute of genetics has confirmed this. and the fact that its antibacterial tests are fully approved by the german en standard and even the standard should be up to 4 tenths of luke, ours is up to 5% , which guarantees 99% and 9% safety for us, according to the experts of these two products. with a purpose improving productivity in the healthcare industry has been redesigned and commercialized. afrooz islami of sed and cima news agency. in the first destination of his regional trip, the minister of foreign affairs went to muscat, the capital of oman, mr. amir abdullahiyan went to muscat in order to hold an official bilateral meeting at the head of a political and parliamentary delegation, and
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he is going to meet with the omani authorities about bilateral cooperation and regional issues, including to meet and discuss the issue of palestine and international issues. 30 years after the genocide in rwanda, the french president finally admitted that paris and its allies could have prevented this tragedy. macron in the anniversary of the massacre of about 800,000 rwandans said that when the massacre began, france could have stopped this genocide, but it did not have the will to do so. two years ago, during his visit to rwanda, macron refused to apologize despite mentioning his country's role in the killing of the rwandan people. in the genocide three decades ago in rwanda, the french government actually participated in the escalation of the killings by sending weapons to one of the conflicting parties. these statements of macron
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are in the midst of the news of secretly sending more than 100,000 machine gun bullets to the regime in recent days. to use them again. the army of ukraine had previously warned that the amount of reserves of some ammunition in this country has decreased to critical levels and has made the performance of the military difficult. peter pellegrini, the candidate supported by the slovak government , won the second round of the presidential election in this country by winning the majority of votes. pellegrini
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won 53% of the votes and his other rival. it is mostly with the european union. mexican people gathered in front of the ecuadorian embassy in mexico city in protest of the ecuadorian police attack on their country's embassy in quito. ecuadorian police. the mexican embassy in quito was raided and jorge glas, the former vice president he arrested the president of ecuador. khorkhlas, who was accused of corruption in ecuador, a few hours before the police attack. he entered the mexican embassy and received political asylum. mexico, nicaragua cut ties with ecuador in response. the
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new york police have faced thousands of complaints due to the discovery of the mandatory hijab of women. according to cbs news , the new york police forced muslim women to remove their russian arrest photos. at least in this regard. the complaint filed may force new york police officials to pay 17.5 million dollars in compensation to resolve these cases to pay some time ago, the new york police had to cancel the rules of photos without hijab due to the protest of muslim women. the two-volume book we reached arvand, the memoirs of veteran karim nasr esfahani, commander of the holy defense
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, was published. this book is a treasure of documents that reviewed 10 holy defense operations. we arrived at arvand, first of all, the memoirs of veteran karim nasr isfahani. it is narrated by a book with a narrator who talks about the role of isfahan province in kurdistan, the struggle of the fighters in the first two years of the imposed war: the sacrifice of our fighters was the self-reliance of the fighters and the truly invincible power of our fighters that they break every line and we, as their servants at the front, tried to write this book with the same literature as with it. we would like to express these things. it has 500 pages, but each page shows the memory of a martyr . there is an answer to the unsaid during the holy defense era.
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that is, the times when a 70% of our veterans remain in his mind like this, he brings up the war moment by moment with complete ablution. the first volume: getting to know the life and family of the narrator, karim nasr's book. esfahani begins and then deals with sardar's childhood and adolescence in the 40s. this book can form the jihadi spirit, the revolutionary spirit, the people's spirit of being a basiji in our society today and in the future. the second volume begins with the personal life of the sardar and his marriage, then referring to the narrator's presence in the operational area, to the expansion and strengthening of the 44th qamar bani brigade.
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narratives read by karim nasr. a veteran who has been in a wheelchair for 40 years, but by carefully mentioning the memories of his friends , he did not leave any topic unsaid and remembered it. in the name of god, i say hello and good day to you, dear viewers of the iranian beach volleyball championship in azad asia tour. in this the competition was hosted by the philippines . today, the iran team with the combination of porsgari and aghajani defeated thailand 1 in the final match 2/0 and
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took the championship title . in the ranking match, australia ended with a 2-0 victory over thailand and reached the third place in the premier league. esteghlal khuzestan will face each other in tehran , and in the last game, folad khuzestan will host tehran fans in ahvaz.
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became the champion of iran's premier volleyball league. in the second game of the final of this competition last night, two football teams sirjan and shahdab yaz faced each other in the governor's federation hall of azadi sports team, and in the end, sirjanis won the iranian premier league for the first time with sedu's victory over the opponent and the second victory. behrouz ataii's students won the first game 2/3. the japanese formula 1 race
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ended with ferstappen's championship. the main round of japan's formula one competition, the fourth stage of the world competition in 2024 , was held this morning at the suzuka circuit. max frestappen, the dutch red bull driver , won the title with a time of 1 hour, 54 minutes, 23 seconds, and 56 thousandths of a second. third he celebrated his championship this season.
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it is ramadan and the seventh of april in tehran, the sunset is at 181:00, the maghrib call to prayer is at 185:00, and the sharia midnight will be at 23:00. we will be together with my colleague, mr. bozorg nasb, mr. bozorg nasb, god bless you, we are with you. we are at your service with a lot of debates . you must be aware that in the last one or two years, the discussion of the internet supply of drugs has become very high. kurd decided that with the cooperation of the ministry of communications, a regulation would be formed with the cooperation of the ministry of communications, that a regulation would be compiled
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so that this would happen. either higher than me or higher today, wherever you are, if you are interested , stay with us until the end of this debate, watch us on the news network
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, thank you. you are with the higher program . there were two very important propositions in the challenges that were raised regarding the online supply of medicine . because of the challenges that the title on the other hand, the critics consider it a positive thing because it is cheaper, easier and easier to access. we want to talk about the same issue here in our studio. that i offered to you and mr. hadi, an expert in the field of e-commerce, as a supporter of the issue we want to hold a debate on, while greetings, greetings , and god bless both guests, i would like to allow mr.


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