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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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well, this was one of the activities that turned into a discourse, that is, the government's will was determined to make this happen, and all the related institutions were united and with one voice . treatment of medical education was accompanied by collections affiliated with these ministries. their organizations, their research institutes, the ministry of interior itself , the governors have come to the conclusion of this issue. finally , the radio and television itself should show interest in this issue because it needs to be cultured. it was valuable work that in the food basket of the effective people , we are planning for oil and sugar in the future to improve it as much as possible.
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let that biological issue have its effect and then you may make it mandatory. what should be made mandatory . the use of whole flour for bread production depends on the effect of demand and supply. demand must be able to cover itself. in the future, our bread molds will be better than our flat breads . customers and warranty of energy-efficient home appliances are mandatory for home appliance manufacturers is it possible that this special regulation should be written for him and do you supervise its implementation ? the implementation of the ministry
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is in charge of this work as a specialized ministry that does the work of the relevant field anyway , the national standard organization does the good supervision so that the executive body can do the work and we supervise, god forbid if there is a deviation in this we will try to prevent it, god willing. and another point is that the remaining point about these household appliances should be energy please tell me, something more important happened in relation to household appliances. it is a shame for me not to mention this. in the matter of imports , we upgraded the plus and positive signs to the stars in 142. imports cannot be properly regulated in the field.
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this means that a lot of energy was easily imported from the country. because of this, we upgraded the pluses to two plus and three plus in the matter of imports, and besides this, we came to the discussion of goods such as water coolers. now, in the field of water coolers, we have developed water cooler engines with new standards, which the ministry of energy has signed a contract for these are specialized devices that support low-consumption water coolers, energy consumption will be reduced by 50%. the ministry of energy predicts that within 45 years, we will save 3,000 megawatts in consumption in this area, that is, we we should no longer put all our efforts in the field of production, we should be able to manage consumption as well, consumption and production.
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be balanced with each other, so this work was formed with the help of the ministry of energy in 1402. in the coming summer, energy-efficient coolers with new standard engines will enter the market, and people can buy them and see their own results in the field of energy will be placed in the field of electricity consumption. very well, and in the national product quality measurement plan, 51 steps of goods were evaluated that cars and tobacco products are among the lowest quality and the point is, why are these ratings given as trademarks? didn't you do it? you see, the one thing we did is we should have done this quality growth rate ourselves. in the first place, when we finally get the scale of the market, this was not the case.
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now we have numbers for this bracelet, we have numbers from the market, we have numbers from the opinions of customers, we have numbers for measuring the year. now our current in badges commercially, we also intervene in this quality rate, although we may not be able to publish these very easily in the disclosure of information later, at least we , who are the government, but we also saw this in our evaluation results, implying that a good and acceptable work was done, we came to show it. last year , we shaped it for the first time. the superior standard badge because you expect shroud standards. well , some companies are working at a good level of technology, for example, in a specific industry group , the dairy industry, the food industry, someone is producing products with a workshop with a basket of, for example, 10 types.
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moazzami factory is also producing with a basket of 50 items with modern technology, it should be able to use the top badge in order to prove to the customer that he is wealthy and that he was able to act optional. we unveiled this top badge in three months. thirdly, last year we started with the cellulose industry, this year we will expand it on a trial basis because there is a high demand in the cosmetic industry, food industry and other industries, which , god willing, will help those brands to put their own quality rates in their works and be able to scale their own economy to sell more and in fact, i mentioned production growth several times in the meetings. production growth should not be solely focused on stimulating
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domestic demand. production growth when we mention it, every year the supreme leader refers to production growth and the economic slogans of the year. it should happen with the quality of the products and in fact the increase of the country's production scale in the field outside the border, which means that this will lead to more exports and more appreciation for the country. and want to strengthen consumerism inside. production does not grow what kind of production are you waiting for that can have a competitive scale, a production that is qualitative, any production that does not have the possibility of being competitive with foreign markets, because the products that enter our country now, in any order, even unofficial materials
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, when they are exposed to the choice of that customer who decides which one to buy , we analyze this quality rate in one of these reports. since our domestic products are of good quality , people prefer domestic products to their foreign counterparts because of their deep understanding and insight into the issues of this slogan. this is not the case, and we reached this data and analyzed it based on the material. 40 law on strengthening and development of the standard system, how to monitor for the good implementation of standards, how is it being done now, what was your performance and what are your plans in the new year, see article 40, 41, 42 , in fact, what chapter of punishment and punishments of
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the law of strengthening and development almost from this article 40 starts from 40 to 49 41 42 to 49. it refers to our control, we face violations in our organization, we have a commission called the article 42 commission, a quasi-judicial commission issues votes. last year, a large number of votes were issued by the commission, which were required to be implemented, and many of them were even given warnings, fines, i don't know, referrals to judicial courts. what is article 40? titles of article 40
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, there are many titles. it says that the following are crimes . the law says that production of goods and provision of services are subject to mandatory standard regulations. without obtaining a license to use iran's national standard mark, well, this decorative imprisonment is focused on explaining and selling goods subject to the standard. compulsory in product concentration centers without re-obtaining the national standard mark of iran, this again has a monetary penalty and imprisonment, changing the specifications and characteristics of products that are subject to mandatory standards, after re-production , this is also punishable by using containers and packaging materials with the national standard mark. for packaging. without taking into account the conditions of certification, in fact, they say that we
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are facing this phenomenon, in the re-sale of unreal advertisements regarding the product, printing the national standard logo without receiving legal documents . is it standard or not, forgery of test papers. testing and detection of preventing the entry of experts from the inspection of the organization, which is subject to regulations and now other materials, now any of these, which are considered crimes, should be verified by special officers who are experts of the national standards organization. this report will go to the next commissions of the article commission. 42 we
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had something related in 1402. well , there are article 42 commissions in all provinces. now what is the article 42 commission? the article 42 commission is a commission made up of one of the judges as determined and chosen by the head of the judicial branch. i am the judge in it. the commission is the representative of the organization of general managers of the private sector according to the reports that it receives. this is a good effort to deal with the wrongdoers who are now committing a crime against what they read. our effort is to create deterrence. we are not looking to criminalize it, that is , it should have an advertising and promotion status . standardization should not be just fine. this needs to be advertised and promoted, because radio and television is a member of
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the supreme council of standards, because the legislator saw the image of propaganda, propaganda and culture in this great institution and said, "well, this will help him and these deterrents, these things that i said are the number of the commission of article 42 and so on. the punishment that came in the law of interpretation and development carries out a series of these tasks, which now has other materials, which if we asked, it would be done very well, but regarding the low sales, mr. yeh, you mentioned at the beginning of your order in 1402 and that for the current year, the program what do you know? it is one of the things that many people have talked about before . for example, in the case of selling sweets
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, the controls continue, and the decisions that have been made are working, and these numbers are decreasing. this is a hope for us because it is clear that appropriate decisions are being made and we will continue to focus on the case, but this is the same issue. as you said , we removed the tolerance limit with the discussion of pure selling. at least think about this issue of sweets. you want to go to a pastry shop, for example. well, the price of a pastry and the price of that pastry container, well, these are different, not that the pastry container has no price. it has a price , but its contents also have another price. these should be checked separately and these are being controlled. there are many items. with a warning warning warning open fine
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again, the fine will be re-opened, and we will move forward in the same way so that it becomes a culture, of course , it should also be a public demand, that is, a person who applies should know what his rights are, what his rights are, that this container, for example, with its contents, are on the same scale. to be sure , we are following up on these things with the help of the guilds . after all, some of us have a certain range of capacities. if you fix the issue, you can actually control your own market do it, but the procedure and governance of the market must also be governed so that this self-control can be formed properly, and in fact it is a win-win, neither the guild
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has suffered a loss, nor will i allow it. . how was the people's reception and were you satisfied with the level of people's participation in the reports that were mediated? the sample attack was for specific samples that finally from one it has a high economic value. what has been demanded time and time again is that this system was set up to be tested online by the national center of jurisdiction . these were the systems that had been set up, and of course, the daily schedule also went back to the previous 12 months, and this
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was formed in the phase of diagnosis and recognition and development. but during the popular system, we adjusted the title of this system in such a way that the people's organization should be in contact with the people , which is a great demand because there are too many flocks , so the confrontations reflect the content they have, and we named this system with the number no. 15 17 we predicted that the contents reflected in the sms will be dealt with by sms , which means that perhaps one of the reasons for the good reception of this system is that the expectation that was faced with the speed of handling has come true and many requests are coming. in this system , we have categorized the requests according to the characteristics of the scope of the organization's activities. well, it is very wide. we tried
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to summarize these in different domains . this is the operator and these things are being done, well, this was in order for us to strengthen public and people's supervision of this system . in fact, the goal was to receive a complaint and say , well, now we have a system like many other places. we made it and four people didn't become people , that's not the goal. it was people's monitoring, where people are working in the midst of transparency, awareness is given, demands are made, we look at the system with people , it was really the people coming here, well, maybe at a glance, for example, the viewers say that the systems, we look too much at this system.
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we are a little different from the traditional look here. we say that the standard in the people's life has its appearance and symbol in the layers of people's lives, and the consumer himself plays a decisive role in this issue, which is also called the people, and that the prolongation of the approval of imported goods is one of the issues anyway. this is what causes the goods to remain at the customs. now, how much could we reduce this time? in 1402 , we reduced the deposition time by 50% as a response device, which is equal to the official statistics announced by the ministry of economy, which is 50 . imports of a game between 3 it observes up to 5 days, which is now 3 to 5
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days, now there are some points about it that i don't want to address now, but now we believe in this number and observe it. 20% of the products are actually products that have a test period, they have to go to the machine and spend the aging period, which means that it is not possible to turn off the machine in one day, two days, and half a day, for example. and now speed it up, it's not like this, that is, scientific and specialized exams that have bachelor's degrees, this takes time , you are sometimes a test. what are you referring to? can't you give me your sample, tell me, well, now i 'm going to have some tea , i'll get my test results, it's not possible at all, there is an acceptance, well , in 20%, between 7 and 15 days is average, but in total , in 80, between 3 and 5 days, in the remaining 20% in terms
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of volume and condition , it is not much more than 20%. between the mentioned number , it has decreased by half in the year 1402, that is, less than half according to the official statistics of sources other than our own. in our opinion, this number is more effective because our systems are different . i once said in a program that we are fighting the system. we also have the systems in their battles, each of them gives an analysis, these analyzes are not necessarily compatible because the systems are not working, and in the 80th meeting of the committee, the separation according to the sweat of the implementation time of some masters was brought up as cumbersome laws, for example, in the judicial industry. if this process continues, look at what is enacted as a law or what is enacted is not delivered. well, we tried to implement the laws
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of the predicted openings, that is, 6 months of advance notification of the relevant technical regulations and to comply with the regulations. and rulings and specialized recipes and a law that is compatible with the law of strengthening and development is not something that we need to remove, it is a non -law, and our effort is that we consider ourselves obliged to take into account and foresee the future issues of the time gate , the issues that are related and let's turn the expectations, many of which in your years are people's questions and people's wishes, into legal regulations and announce them. it has been the same in different fields. god willing, this will be the same. and our convergence with production and
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the producer is an exemplary convergence. well, of course, we run out of time in a few seconds the remaining point is to sum up your bad opinion. don't lose your hand, we are grateful for your hard work for your company and for the company of the people. there is work, the right of our people as quality people and completely standard behavior is much more than what we are doing. finally , they will forgive us, forgive us, and forgive us . i hope that if there is an opportunity to serve us. let's do our best and not undersell. thank you very much. i wish you success in the new year and thank you for coming. thank you.
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we should put as much as we have in the middle
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let the work go on. i worked all the time until today . i think i can borrow it from my father . i had some savings to start my work. i will put everything we have in the middle. we made it difficult to provide the base of ruby, middle ruby, you had ruby ​​and you didn't say that ruby ​​is the education with which we can increase our money and go to work with peace of mind. how should we go? let's start the work so easily, the prosperity will help the nations yaqut mills project, vizi businesses, credit institution of nations, home appliances city and farsh city grand festival this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month of ramadan until
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eid al-fitr , get an id with every purchase from home appliances city and farsh city. a specialized reference for carpets and household appliances. we have built half a million hotels and accommodations around the world with flytoday for you to come and see. they call this installment purchase . come as you wish . show different accessories of each model and name. don't worry about buying. various installments. come to the store. come to the store. come to the store. farad has a whole lot of discounts for wherever you want. it has cool items. so what happened to the purchase of installments, as you wish, a large iranian house in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan, madam,
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i am your host until 2:00 in the morning in the city of tehran. in the name of god. hello, dear viewer. 20:30 it is accurate and we are at your service with some news. the economic vice president of the national migration organization of the ministry of interior said: since the beginning of the plan to attract foreign investors and small capitals, about 65 thousand people have participated in this plan. mr. dodange added that the amount of investment is the same as last year and there has been no change. smart work in this company. and their family types.


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