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tv   [untitled]    April 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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there is also an increase in israel. for example, this week, two or three days ago , we heard a comment from the israeli finance minister, and he did not approve the budget for the purchase of new weapons. the finance minister has an important role in israeli society, and that is because he he is a religious and extreme national figure. he also said an interesting sentence in his interview that we cannot give money without account so that the mistakes of october week will be repeated again. and well, the same israeli army with the obligatory charge, because this budget was supposed to be used to buy some f-35 and f-16 planes for the israelis, and this is a kind of challenge for them, because the f-35 is a weapon. it is considered a strategy of the israeli air force, and they can use it in any reaction, and these things that happen like this, such as the positions that benguir and smotrich take, on the one hand, such as the positions that the kurds take, are now a kind of opposition to the war administration and on the other hand the positions
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that the leftist currents are taking, this is also closing netanyahu's hand even more . let's summarize this part, finally , we see all these political conflicts on the floor of the street as clashes of demonstrations. we see that it is happening in israel and it is happening day by day it is also aggravated that the main demand of the israelis is to release the prisoners, and they have shown resistance, which can only be achieved through negotiations. because the time for this conversation is over , give me a short answer. this retreat that happened last night will make a bit of human space for the people of gaza. now the needs they have will be provided, the fear that existed now and the human situation in gaza will be better. the humanitarian situation will be the same in terms of the arrival of aid shipments because the siege continues.
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from the side of the israelis, it can be somewhat less. thank you very much, mr. sohail kassi nejad, an expert on zionist issues, who was a guest of the world today, but let's see a report from the british middle east eye news site, a young palestinian girl. in a conversation with this media, he said: he is ready to die in his hometown, but not to leave there. he said i only fear god, he is our only protector and i am only in the motherland. if i tell you to leave the camp and live somewhere else, will you go? of course not, even if they are thousands or several millions to me.
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what if they start pouring here? do you have to from them? be afraid they are cowards. they are nothing without fighter jets. they want to throw us out, but we will not leave. no matter what happens, we will not die. this is our motherland and our ancestors. we don't die we are steadfast. i am steadfast and firm. it means from the voice.
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running away from your motherland does not make you immortal , i prefer to die here like a martyr. let's go to another case of the world today. the un security council will discuss the issue of palestine's full membership in the un tomorrow, monday. palestine 13 years ago its own request. for full membership, he had submitted to the security council that b the result remained, but he was accepted as an observer member in the united nations. some western countries , including spain and england, have repeatedly spoken about the possibility of recognizing the state of palestine. currently , 137 countries out of 193 members of the united nations recognize the state of palestine. but america, canada and many european countries still
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do not recognize palestine. i will discuss more details of this news with mr. ali. rajabi, the reporter of the sda news agency in new york, mr. rajabi, greetings to you, tomorrow, in what way can palestine get full membership in the united nations, in the name of god al-rahman al-rahim, hello, good on you. first, i must explain that the meeting of the security council will begin at 10:00 a.m. new york time, 17 tehran. after that, at 12:00 pm, 2 hours later , the security council will have a public meeting. in that meeting , the positions of the members will be announced publicly. tehran, the meeting of the committee to review the membership of new members
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of the united nations will be held, all 15 members of the council security is a member of this committee if 9 votes out of 15 members of the security council are positive in that meeting . palestine in the united nations, on the condition that no permanent member of the security council vetoes this membership , after this , the issue must actually pass through the security council stage and must be put to a vote in the united nations general assembly. third, members should vote positively for palestine's permanent membership in the united nations, in that case , palestine will become the 19th permanent member. the united nations will come, the evaluation of the representative of the palestinian observer in the united nations is that now there are seven positive votes the member of the security council is certain about this issue and his prediction is that at least 140 members of the un general assembly will vote in favor of this issue. mr. rajabi mentioned
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the veto issue. to join this request , yes, yes, yes, the same issue, 3-4 days ago , matthew miller, the spokesperson of the us state department, was asked at the press conference . if it goes outside this framework, in fact this the issue will not be approved, he actually stated that the permanent membership of palestine in the united nations is possible only in the framework considered by the united states, not in the framework that
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the positive opinion of the united states and without actually following the procedures and requirements that the united states is considering, in fact, the membership of palestine in the organization the united nations approves that the aid and budget that the united states continuously provides to the united nations will be cut off. robert wood , the deputy permanent representative of the united states of america to the united nations , has also presented this law to the united nations officials in the last three or four days. he reminded me, so this is how i perceive your words i think that the determination of the americans for this membership not to happen is very serious. what about the europeans ? what about the european members of the security council ? do you think they will veto? is there any news about the position of the european countries in general and in
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particular? the european country, a permanent member of the security council, agrees with america's position regarding palestine's permanent membership in the united nations. in fact, their approach is the same, that if the interests of the zionist regime are not guaranteed from this permanent membership of palestine in the united nations, they will be against it until now. about tomorrow's meeting specifically, i have no comment i have not seen or heard of this permanent member of the security council . in order for them to reconsider this matter, show that the current situation in gaza has changed their opinion. in new york.
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i don't know what the world is waiting for, even if it means stopping the war, he is putting pressure on israel . the present condition of people is in a hopeless condition. it is a difficult situation . you are struggling to eat, you are struggling to drink, you are suffering in everything, even you are sitting in your house or in your tent. you are threatened at any moment with death. the health and humanitarian crisis is extremely dangerous because the aggression has been going on for a long time and has already been against six cities, and we did not enter the 7th month and the gaza strip
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with all the health and non-health facilities. it is not possible for this period of time . the cost of my crew is due to the targeting of human resources in the north of gaza and gaza city, hospitals should always be places of safety, hospitals
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should always be protected, places of healing, and yet i'm standing around in the in the midst of utter devastation, shifa has literally become a graveyard, there are bodies still in this courtyard, the buildings have been completely destroyed, continuing the world today with some short news from the world. from mexicans' protest against the attack on their country's embassy in ecuador to the growth of spring tourism in china. mexican people gathered in front of the ecuadorian embassy in mexico city in protest of the ecuadorian police attack on their country's embassy. yesterday, the ecuadorian police raided this place to arrest kharkh glas, the former vice president of this country, who had gone to the mexican embassy. ok. red glass, who was accused of corruption in ecuador , had entered the mexican embassy and
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received political asylum a few hours before the police attack. the new york police have faced 3600 complaints so far due to the discovery of the mandatory hijab of women. according to the cbs report, officers were forcing muslim women to remove their headscarves in order to record the arrest picture. the new york police , who were forced to photo regulations after the protest of muslim women some time ago. if he does not cancel the hijab, he may also be sentenced to pay karamat. in america, death row inmates undergo surgery without anesthesia for the purpose of injecting lethal substances. according to cbs in this surgery: a part of the body of the person sentenced to death is removed to a depth of several centimeters so that his veins are exposed for injection. in oklahoma , the execution of a convict in this way took 43 minutes, and during this time the executed person was writhing in pain. ukrainian president zelensky
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admitted the failure of the counterattack. since the end of last spring, the ukrainian army has launched a massive attack on russian positions in eastern ukraine, which became known as the counter-offensive of ukraine. qi made some progress in this massive attack, but again had to retreat in some areas. ukrainian army commanders find their troops russia's unfired ammunition forces them into the swamps . the american wall street journal. he wrote that due to the lack of ammunition, the ukrainian army has to use non-functional russian ammunition. ukraine had previously claimed that some of its ammunition reserves have reached a critical level. peter pellegrini, the candidate supported by the slovak government , won the presidential election of this country by winning the majority of votes. pellegrini received 53 votes. pellegrini is in favor of greater cooperation with russia, and his opponent is a supporter of greater integration with the european union.
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registration of nearly 120 million domestic trips during holidays china's 3-day holiday the ministry of culture and tourism of china announced: the trips of citizens of this country during the 3 -day holiday of the qingming festival have increased by 12% compared to the years before corona. domestic tourism income in this period is 7.6 billion dollars . ching wing festival is held every year from april 3 to 5, april 15 to 17. lebanon's hezbollah shot down an israeli hermes 900 drone. this drone can be equipped with four missiles with a range of 10 km. this is the hermes 900 spy plane. a drone with a flight duration of about 36 hours made by the
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zionist regime. this drone can carry 970 kg 300. it has 50 kg of fuel and load and its maximum speed reaches 220 km per hour. among the advantages of this drone is that it is equipped with four missiles with a range of 10 kilometers. one of them had entered lebanese airspace early sunday morning for a spying operation and was targeted. by lebanon's hezbollah. on the ground, the merkava tank had a similar fate. 600 of all models of this tank are equipped with trophy active protection system installed on this tank . its task is to protect the tank against missiles, rockets and grenade launchers. this system
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the joint product of 10 years of work between the advanced military industry of rafael and aletta dar. it is the zionist regime , but the resistance forces targeted these tanks many times. in their advertisements , they introduce the iron dome as the strongest defense system in the world , and if a rocket or missile is fired at this country, they can detect and track it up to 70 kilometers away. in the morning of the 15th of october, palestinians in 20 minutes. first , the al-aqsa storm operation fired 5,000 rockets on the zionists, and the iron dome was only able to destroy some of them in the face of this amount of attacks. when a large number of al-swarikhs are released, the protests are difficult. hizbollah is trying to target the batteries of the iron dome from the beginning, but their hits are not a secret issue, but rather lead to serious damage to
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the air force and air defense of the rockets.
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a campus in the state of california arrested 20 pro-palestinian students. america attacked the protesters to disperse them. today, the turkish police
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suppressed the demonstration of a group of women who wanted to stop the export of commercial exchange with the zionist regime. the protestors demanded the condemnation of the companies that support the zionist regime. according to the announcement of the turkish ministry of interior, the security forces of this country arrested 43 protesters and at the same time as the world quds day demonstrations around the world , protesters against the crimes of the zionist regime gathered in new york's times square. condemning the us government's support for the zionist regime, the demonstrators demanded an end to the genocide in gaza. a number of american aid workers who went to gaza to provide aid were present in this demonstration. i am an aid worker and i came here to
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keep alive the memory of the martyrs of shafa hospital in gaza. shafa was the largest hospital in gaza and was attacked by israel destroyed. hundreds of people were killed and thousands were injured in these attacks. israel, doctors and nurses of this hospital. a number of students from pamona university in the state of california also protested the killing of the people of gaza and america's support for the zionist regime. supporters of palestine held a large march in the american capital. demonstrators chanted palestine. release the
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and the world according to the image of the end of today's world.
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thank you for being with me until the end of the world today . have a good night.
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asher, give me your testimony in the name of ibn al-dar and in the name of janin , in the face of the american house, my strongest i am martyred, i am akhwa, i am zariyeh, i am martyred in palestine in a homeland of lashab or arfa shamqa azza in a homeland
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of lajbeel. the artificial limb or myoelectric prosthesis replaces the damaged and removed parts of the body. these prostheses use batteries and electronic systems and have a complex structure. the technology that we have for the production of smart electrical mechanical prosthesis is actually a unique technology, perhaps the technology of the material. few countries in the world, including germany and america, have the electric one, and it is a very advanced technology and it is expensive . this product is waterproof against impact, wear and tear
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it is resistant to pressure and magnetic fields. and nearby electronic devices do not affect its performance. in fact, we used five types of polymers for the 3d printing of these prostheses, which have unique chemical and physical properties in terms of compatibility with the body and compatibility with the skin, unlike common prostheses in the market, which are made of stone. i am hooked. we made a five-finger prosthesis for mechanical partial amputees who lost their ears . it can almost be said that there was no solution in the country . we are the first effective solution. also, we are the leader in the field of animal prostheses in the country. this company produces customized products according to the customer's needs and sizes and offers them to the applicants at a reasonable price. we are the first and only company in the country that designed and produced ayam j kits , which
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can actually handle the nerve signals to actually control this prosthesis , take it from the body and control the prosthesis. our prosthesis is wearable. and for its use , surgery is not required, and the patient can easily wear and use these prostheses we actually made hand prostheses, even other products such as liners, which are used for leg prostheses and are in great demand in the country, we produced silicone liners, in terms of price, we were able to make the prostheses one-half to one-tenth of the prices of foreign samples. let's produce in the country with the same quality and about one-half to one -third of the liners that are produced in different countries, such as the united states and england , and localize them in the country. those interested can contact amir kabir university science and technology park for more information. afrooz islam radio news agency.
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mrs. golchin, you were supposed to drink tea for the second time , sir, this cup smells very bad.
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i am your host until 2:00 am in tehran. in the name of allah, rahman al-rahim, hello, have a good time , welcome to the program of football magazine and the premier league was held today. press police reached one step of independence. in the continuation of the games of the 22nd week of these fans tonight, herz polis defeated their host golgohar sirjan and uranov province with a single goal in the 27th minute, and esteghlal became the leader in the second place of the table with 46 points. golgohar also with 33


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