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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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the leader of the revolution must look at the realities in the students' mind. the ability to guide today's students in a direction that is closer to solving problems. be critical. but let's have a proud look at the progress of the country. derhami ramezani of the parliament and the government, president, performance evaluation index of the government and the parliament.
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the people's feeling is satisfaction. speaker of the parliament, differences of taste should not divert us from the main path of our mission . announcing the names of the candidates for the second stage of the 12th term of the islamic council elections of the country's election headquarters behesht will be held for the remaining 45 seats out of 2090 seats. the heavy shadow of violence in the gaza strip is in the middle of the targets of the zionist regime of the united nations. the situation in gaza is very disastrous and half of the people are facing catastrophic hunger. in the last 24 hours, 38 palestinians were killed and 71 were injured. and the start of the third phase of the fajrani electronic paper goods project from today. a discount of 220 thousand
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tomans on the purchase of 11 items of basic goods for the first to seventh decks of income. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their fate , ladies and gentlemen, viewers, dear compatriots, greetings you go to the news section at 2. welcome four in a two-and-a-half-hour meeting with about 3,000 students and representatives of political, social, cultural, and scientific organizations of universities, the supreme leader of the islamic revolution called a better tomorrow than today as the main purpose of the country and called on students and student organizations to present alternative solutions. now, to realize this basic goal and progress without material and spiritual setback of the country, they said. the training of a scientist to produce knowledge and
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to give direction to these two categories are the three main tasks of the university. pointing to the need to follow up on the issues raised , the representatives of the organizations said in this meeting that every proposal should be realistic and mature while having analytical and intellectual depth. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, in response to the speech of one of the representatives of the organizations , emphasized the difference between his view on justice and 2018. the difference is that the servant's insistence on justice has increased. he praised this year's ramadan as a good month in terms of the emergence of spiritual aspects in the society, including the prevalence of recitation sessions of the month, and advised the students to preserve the light and purity achieved in this month.
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the main way to achieve this goal is to avoid sin. the leader of the islamic revolution considered the negligence of the sinfulness of some actions as the reason for their promotion and said: some words and writings in cyberspace, which are done without research and careful attention, are an example of negligent sin , and tomorrow and the person must surely be in god's presence. be accountable he added: of course , we do not recommend not criticizing or objecting to conservatism in any way, but we must be careful in our every word and action. ayatollah khamenei described the student as a young, energetic, motivated person, a person of knowledge and thinking, and a forward-looking person. and they said with paying attention to these characteristics, students are expected to be active and sensitive towards the future. he
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read the problems in the society and the country much more than the topics raised by the students in this meeting and added: if a student society with thoughts and plans. for the future of the country , set up a work and value system and define the path towards it . in 5 years, the existing problems will definitely be less. the leader of the revolution listed the fulfillment of the things that they have expressed in the student meetings of the past years , including the leadership's expectations from the organizations and said: as it has been said many times, the main task a student is studying, but at the same time looking at people. and society and providing solutions to problems are among the obligatory duties of students. hazrat ayatollah khamenei called a better tomorrow than today as the great and main goal of the nizam country and emphasized that we must define specific ideals to realize this main goal.
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the leader of the revolution called the understanding of the current situation of the country the first step to move towards the ideal and the realization of a better tomorrow and said: today's young student should know that in a revolutionary system , he has grown to become a student, he has reached the scientific environment , and he has come this far. in this revolutionary system we must know this first, many people are unaware of this , what does the revolutionary system mean? that is, a system that was created after a series of difficult and complex struggles with bitter realities, that is, a system that
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was created by struggle, these are the main realities of our life now, this system is a revolutionary system. he added , of course, many goals of the revolution have not yet been realized , but continuous attention to the revolutionary nature of the system and understanding the reality of yesterday should always be the attention of the student community in order to make a correct judgment about today. the leader of the revolution explained the reality of the corrupt, traitorous and pahlavi-affiliated system at the head of a country as great as iran, a lowly family with all kinds of corruption ruled over the people , and in terms of the management of the society , there was absolute tyranny, and unlike today, the people did not have a presence and did not interfere in the country's affairs. you have political representation and obedience to foreigners while oppressing people, the pettiness
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of western cultural remnants, the extreme class gap, the meaninglessness of justice, extreme discrimination, especially the humiliation of all officials and those related to. the court was one of the other facts before the revolution that ayatollah khamenei mentioned. he added in terms of science, although there were good and efficient professors in the universities, scientific , industrial, and technological products were not produced in the universities, and the misconception of iranian jamaat's inability to reach the boundaries of global science was one of the mental certainty of the rulers of the taghut era. in terms of collective identity, ayatollah khan khamenei called the pahlavi period of iran a political, social, economic and cultural invasion of foreigners and calling that situation shameful , he said: the fight against that very bitter reality began in the early 20s with the presence of people with different opinions. it happened that
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the peak of that movement was the nationalization of oil, which also with american-british coup d'état on august 28 and with the agency of araz. hazrat ayatollah khamenei called this an evolved form of the struggle of the people against the tyrant regime under the leadership of the religious scholars and the noble imam and said that the imam mobilized the people in the form of a religious and national movement and the revolution came about in such a way that this historical birth certificate of the nation. it is iran. he considered the text of the revolution to be republicanism and islamism, and referring to the vote of almost all people , even those who do not believe in islam , he pointed to the islamic republic. at the same time, there are doubts about the possibility of compatibility of the people of the year and the people's vote with the framework
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islam was brought up and prominent jurists gave clear answers to these doubts. i said we should pursue the ideal. i think. the islamic republic can summarize its ideals under two general headings. one title is the administration of the country in the islamic way. the second title is to provide a model to the people of the world for the good governance of a country. these are two ideals. you should strive for these two ideals. make everything come true. you should think about this. you should work on this. student circles
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, student intellectual meetings, student studies, communication. a student with experts who believe in the revolution should think in this direction, see what should be done to realize these two titles, what efforts should be made, how should efforts be made. malika esher was crystallized and added that the administration of the country in the islamic way means being on the path of progress. and the timeless and irrevocable spirituality of ayatollah khamenei, public welfare, physical and moral security,
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scientific progress, expansion of health, keeping the population young, all kinds of construction, and justice. they enumerated the main headings of material progress and said: justice, which must be understood correctly, means the negation of class differences in the use of public opportunities and the equal placement of opportunities in it is accessible to the people because creating special privileges in using opportunities is cruel and against justice. he called the publishing of articles in cyberspace against people who do not have the opportunity to respond for any reason as an example of the lack of equal opportunity and therefore against justice, and added that justice is not only in financial matters, but also in matters of professional reputation and dignity. the leader of the revolution as well. ethics, religiosity, cooperation, style
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they listed the islamic life and the sacrifice of mujahideen as one of the first steps of spiritual progress and said that the realization of all these components and material and spiritual benefits requires new planning and thought and theory that the student community should be concerned with their demands in this regard. the field of work and continuous effort . he is the second ideal of the president. they considered the model of statehood to the world to be compassion and benevolence for the people of the world, and they said that this ideal has been fulfilled to some extent and that many of the events that excite the youth and that you are proud of in the region and the world are related to country and in another part of his speech, ayatollah khamenei said that knowledge is the main pillar of the university. the university has three main tasks, i
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ask the friends of the university officials to pay attention. you students should also pay attention. it has three main tasks : first, to train scientists, second, to produce science, and third , to direct the training of scientists and the production of science. now the scientists of the world's universities train scientists and produce science, but in this lame third pillar , what will be the result, the result will be the result that the product of science education and science production and science education will become the tools of the zionist powers and the arrogant powers of the world. university members should pay attention to these three points
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. manager, professor, student, curriculum, educational processes. everything should serve these three directions. he stressed the necessity of paying attention to these three tasks of all the university elements, including administrators, professors, and students of textbooks. they considered an important part of iran's international prestige to be the country's scientific and technological progress and added that by maintaining this reputation, we should enrich the country scientifically, which of course is power. they do not like the arrogance of this power and prestige for iran. in the final part of his speech, the leader of the revolution gave some recommendations to the organizations students said: i expect too much from organizations. the amount you have expressed here about the expectations from the government, i don't know, the system and the lowly person,
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you should know how many times i stop from you. i expect a lot from the organizations. the first expectation is that you have to make an impact in the student environment. this effect is not seen. it is rarely seen. the organizations should primarily look at the inside of the university. you should primarily look at the outside of the university. opinion. as i said, be careful, criticize , have problems, offer solutions, this is good but even better than this, it is more necessary that you look inside the university and work on the university. our organizations in the university do not
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work enough. to be fair, there is this lack of work. they pointed out that student organizations should actively stand against these efforts. the leader of the revolution advised the members of the student organizations to strengthen their intellectual and theoretical support and said that without a strong intellectual support, it is not possible to spread revolutionary thinking, while it is possible. as a result of this weakness, the organizations themselves disintegrate, and in some cases this is also the case. this has happened and it has been announced under the title of islam contrary to islamic thought . criticizing the lack of country's progress in the minds and positions of the students , he emphasized to them that while having a critical view , you should also have a proud attitude towards the numerous progress of different parts of the country and
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be proud of these progress. ayatollah khamenei considered student organizations as one of the great opportunities of the country and said: there is nothing wrong with differences of opinion and differences between organizations, but as at the beginning of the year i emphasized and repeated that differences of opinion and thought should not lead to fights and conflicts at any level of society and institutions. at the beginning of this meeting, 6 representatives of the student organizations of mr. hamed abdul hosseini, islamic azad university students union. amir hossein seyed rahimzadeh , student justice movement, hossein kanawati, union of islamic associations of independent students, muhammad mahdi ahmadi, union of islamic society of puria assar students basij, and ms. fatemeh sadat houshmand mirhosseini, from tahkeem vahdat office union, to express
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their views, criticisms and suggestions about they discussed the issues of the country. the increase of social capital is tied to. livelihood and welfare concerns, the need to encourage people to play a role and reduce government ownership, criticism of the devaluation process of the national currency, people's expectations from the various forces in order to create economic transformation, the need to redefine the position of justice among the country's priorities, the need to repair social gaps with the central role of the national media, criticism of learning in the promotion of national economic projects including the development plan. mokoran's questions, the necessity of strengthening organizational culture and politicization in order to strengthen participation, criticizing the lack of a desirable increase in workers' wages the necessity of regulation of all institutions and bodies , serious support for elites and reforming the process of recruiting professors in universities, policymakers' correct understanding of women's capabilities and the necessity of using the great drivers of
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iranian muslim women's agency in various issues of the country. the creative pursuit of educational justice, support for the oppressed people of gaza, and criticism of the passive positions of arab islamic rulers and the lack of a desirable unity of the islamic world against the genocide in gaza were among the issues raised by representatives of student organizations in their meeting with ayatollah khamenei. . in the ramadan meeting of the government, the president called the unity majlis a necessity and said that today is unity and unity it is necessary in the country, but it is very important among the executive branch, mr. raisi added that anything that shows differences should be avoided. the meaning of
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the president and the meaning of your representation is to see all the classes, a meeting that is different from the previous meetings. highness of ahvaz, karun bavi and hamidieh from the constituencies of dasht azadegan and hoyza, both representatives of the 11th parliament . we expect the government to pave the way for the cooperation of the people, and the interaction between the government officials was very good. everyone shakes hands they are helping so that, god willing, they will be able to take the burden off the shoulders of the people and they have put all the principles on cooperation and empathy to solve the problems of the people of the country, it is facing economic challenges and various issues. therefore, if these two forces work together, many the problems can be solved, the government of the parliament should put all their efforts to
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remove the obstacles to the production, the obstacles to the progress of the production jump, first , the speaker of the islamic council said that with the joint program of the government of the parliament, we can create hope among the people, so convergence for the purpose . the index of evaluation of officials is service to people and attention and finally, the president announced in this gathering that our main duty is to the people. mr. raisi also asked the members of the parliament to pay special attention to the needs of the people, the most important of which is the economy. in these matters. it is implied that the right of the parliament to be able to
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take advantage of the plans is reserved, but the more expert the work is, with better time and better accompaniment, the more effective it will be. the president emphasized efforts to increase revenues and balance expenses. as long as the income increases and the expenses are adjusted, the national view is considered by everyone in another part of his speech, mr. raisi pointed to the very important issues of both the government and the parliament, the importance of having the courage of managers in decision-making and said: yes, supervision, but taking away the courage of the manager or the courage of the manager in decision-making. and getting into different fields should not be done either by you or by us. mr. raisi emphasized that we should all try to
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remove any inflationary decision from the agenda. remove any inflationary decision completely from the agenda. unless there is a serious need, either the parliament or the government must follow up in this regard. any action that creates inflation tick because it may be a favor to a group, but money has the ability to solve problems and the future is very bright. trust in the nation's assets, trust in the capable hands of the people, this is the condition of success , we are sure that the problems will be solved. the president said: the leadership's emphasis on the unity and coherence of the forces is very necessary today, especially between the parliament and the government. this is the sixth. the joint meeting of the parliament government in the 13th government, both statesmen and members of the parliament believe that the greater the interaction between these two powers , the more it will help to implement the slogan of the year
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and solve people's problems. polisa mehrfar of sada news agency sima the free market rate is not related to basic goods and legal imports, but smugglers and those who intend to withdraw capital from the country . in a conversation with khabar 21, while announcing the statistics of the decrease in liquidity growth last year and the positive trade balance of the country, the governor of the central bank said that there was no shortage of foreign currency for the import of basic goods or any type of legal import of goods and services, and there will be no other market rate. official has nothing to do with the import rate of goods. the unofficial market rate is manipulated by some people and they present it as turbulence and they are trying to show that this is reflecting on the price of goods, i say there is no need for
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legal goods in the country. there is no land that can be provided at that rate. we have nothing to do with those channel rates. we have nothing to do with informal market rates. we ourselves constantly announce that anyone who has any legal needs should come and we will provide them at the exchange center. with a rate below 40 tomans, we offered nearly 50 billion dollars to import all other goods. it means that everyone legally wanted to import a product and even use a service in the country. not that we always base that price on the goods and services market it gives wrong signals and creates panic in the market. mr. farzin also pointed to
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the political developments in the region and the increase in the global price of metal in the last few weeks, and said that the central bank will continue to provide the foreign currency needed by applicants for the legal import of goods or services, such as meeting medical, student, or travel needs. soon the informal market will also control the width. fluctuations in all financial markets caused by the fear that prevails in the markets and in particular. that we have in the middle east region, and in our country because of the political issues that have happened, there is a fear, what rate will it affect now? it has affected the channel rate, it has affected the informal market rate, the informal market rate , what is the transaction rate, the transaction rate is smuggled goods and capital flight, it is not the country's official commodity rate , it is the smuggling and capital flight rate, that rate has been affected by that rate. we said
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that we will intervene in that rate so that it does not increase too much, so to speak, but now this rate is temporary , which means, god willing, it will decrease soon. the duty of the president to the ministry of economy and the planning and budget organization is to avoid adopting policies that lead to instability in the market and widening the class gap. do. addressing the economic officials, mr. raisi said: creating peace and prosperity. people are one of the main goals of the government and all officials should be on the job. try not to make it expensive, and if it wants to be expensive , it should be managed and planned, that is , the work organization of this matter in the device itself and finally in the headquarters of the market regulation, which is the life of mr. mokhbar's opinion, confirm that yes, the cost has been spent, that 's all. a method should be done, not that people
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go to bed at night. identify that producer arbitrarily do an increase. the president continued by referring to the frank and clear demand of the leader of the revolution regarding the issue of modesty and hijab, he said that the institutions in charge of culture, including radio and television , should provide the necessary platforms to promote more and better hijab and observe modesty in the society. mr. raisi also confirmed the intense efforts of the government. the supreme leader of the revolution called it an honor for the people's government. these efforts are very precious and effective when they are a concerted and sincere effort for god and to unravel the knots of people's lives. bitterness that should be a quick action.
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it should be revolutionary and effective in the direction of turning the bitterness of kami into sweets. in this meeting, the mayor of tehran announced his efforts to explain the intellectuals and basic goods fairly. we had a meeting with the custodians of the work , in fact, the citizen of meyadin meyiba and varbar, a memorandum was drawn up that will be signed by both parties today, and god willing, he requested that mr. president emphasize that it should be implemented quickly in tehran, and god willing, he will be able to carry out this work. this collaboration between tehran municipality and the ministry of jihad is very blessed. inshallah, we thank mr. zakani for taking over this capacity of the municipality so that the people can get goods right in their hands. if it reaches the right price, if it is explained fairly, this is a very good thing.


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