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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 12:30am-1:00am IRST

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it should be revolutionary and effective in the direction of turning bitter tastes into sweet tastes. in this meeting, the mayor of tehran announced his efforts to explain the intellectuals and basic goods fairly. we had a meeting with the people in charge of the work, in fact, the citizen of mayadeen , a memorandum was drawn up that will be signed today by both parties, and god willing, he requested that mr. president, the method of emphasizing should be implemented quickly in tehran, and god willing, this work will be carried out. the success of this cooperation between tehran municipality and the ministry of jihad is very blessed , god willing. it is a very good thing to take these measures and take the steps so that the people can get the right product at the right price and get a fair explanation. we
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are really praying and appreciating the friends of the first vice president , he tasked the iran cooperation chamber to formulate an action plan and a time frame to attract the participation of the people who play a role in realizing the slogan of the year. one of the so-called important things that you should do this time. bringing the cooperative sector to the position defined in the law is for the benefit of the country as well people and also in the resistance of economic issues, because when people are behind a current, the most in fact , so-called stability and stability is required in that sector, mr. mokhbar in the meeting with the members of the head of the ta'ab chamber. iran proposes cooperatives
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to mobilize people to participate in issues such as housing production with the support of the government. almost 30% of inflation and the cost basket of households is made up of this housing. well, if we can mobilize people in this cooperative and start it, we can give you education more easily, we can give you land more easily. well, this is an axis for working with you. we are sure that we can do this for you. mr. moghbar named the cooperative sector as one of the best sectors for attracting the society's liquidity and said: the cooperative sector can generate wealth for the shareholders with the 70 percent dividend that has been explained to the public.
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a martyr in the attacks of the zionist regime on the al-burj camp in the center of the gaza strip. in addition to the center of the north and the south of the gaza strip, the zionist regime also targeted the gaza strip . the injured reached 7586 people. according to the united nations, the situation in the gaza strip is very dire they knew and emphasized that half of the residents of this area are in danger of starving. at the same time, the zionist regime has closed all crossings in gaza and does not allow aid to enter. zionist radio from
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the firing of five rockets from the gaza strip informed the zionist settlements adjacent to this strip. these rockets were fired from khan yunus, from which the zionist forces retreated an hour ago. the qassam battalions of the military branch of the hamas movement also addressed the invaders and announced that you will burn in the fire. lebanon's hezbollah also announced that the command headquarters of the zionist missile defense and artillery houses dozens of katyusha missiles have targeted tens of thousands of zionists who have left near the borders of lebanon due to the fear of resistance attacks by military partners. lamar
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announced the implementation of five military operations in the last 72 hours against american, british and zionist ships. the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces announced that in this operation, the yemenis targeted a number of american, british, and zionist ships or ships that were on their way to the occupied palestine , according to the announcement of yahya seri, in this operation , using several missiles. winged ballistics and drones target targets with precision took the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces also emphasized the continuation of the country's military operations until the end of the zionist regime's attacks on the gaza strip.
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the turkish police also suppressed the demonstration of a group of women who wanted to stop the export of commercial exchange with the zionist regime. the protesters demanded the condemnation of the companies that export goods to the zionist regime. according to the turkish ministry of interior, turkish security forces arrested 43 protesters. the information committee of the country's election headquarters
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announced the names of the candidates for the second stage of the 12th term of the islamic council. candidates who have reached this stage on may 21 will compete with each other in 22 constituencies. out of these 90 people, 45 people will be admitted to the parliament. according to the law, at this stage, the people who have the most haj will be admitted to the parliament, and those who did not vote in the first stage of the election can vote in the second stage. people who voted in the first stage can vote in the second stage only in the same constituency. election campaign activity of representative candidates 8 days before the voting day. it starts and will continue until 24 hours before the end of the vote.
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the start of the third phase of fajruneh electronic goods project from today. in the form of this plan, the 1st to the 7th revenue understandings of electronic catalog items with a discount of 220,000 tomans. they buy meat, chicken and eggs, pasta, vegetable oil, rice, sugar, beans, cheese, yogurt and milk. these are the 11 product items of the electronic product plan. 11 functional items that are offered to beneficiaries with a discount in the third and last stage of the electronic product plan. this stage is like two qibla stages for each member of the family. credit is given to them that the 1st to 7th decimals are included in this farjaran plan, all these 11 items you bought it. yes, that's right. how much did you pay for the set of 743 tomans? how much is it? 523 tomans. the difference is 220,000 tomans. the discount is actually 520
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tomans. they will pay 23 tomans. they will pay 220 tomans, which is their credit. now one person did not want to buy all 11 pens. he bought some of these 11 pens. he wanted us to buy dairy in what order. if i want to buy milk, i will get 15 thousand tomans discount credit. in fact, yes, i want to get a cheese discount . i will get a discount of 8 tomans. if i want to buy meat, i will get a discount of 75 tomans . if i want to buy three pieces, i will get a discount of 3 pieces. if i want to buy 11 whole pieces, i will get a discount. if i do the pen, i will receive a discount of 220 thousand tomans, which means that each pen that is purchased will be given its own discount, the total of these discounts will be 22
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, which will continue until the 18th of may, and a decision will be made as to what the electronic product plan will cost after this date. somehow it will continue. farzad azaribaga of sed and cima news agency. ladies and gentlemen, greetings to you . welcome to the sports news. press police bardo got closer to the top of the table. folat also drew against the fans . in the continuation of the 22nd week, the competition is even in the premier football league of our country, gohar sirjan's goal at home. the guest of press police defeated the red-poshans by stoff oronov in the 28th minute . with this win, the students of asmar vira in the second place, 46
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, ketsar and qobi shadi were also the scorers of foulad in this match. ghaseminejad shoots and scores. in today's other game, pikan passed the barrier of its guest esteghlal khuzestan with a goal. pikan's goal was scored by hamed pakdel from the penalty spot. the 22nd week of our country's top football league will end on monday with two games, according to the schedule, naft abadan will face sepahan and tractor
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will face alinium. and on the eve of being sent to competitions asian wrestling championship, free and cultural national team trainings were held with the presence of a special guest. minister of sports and youth before sending the wrestling convoy to the champion competitions. by attending the national team's camp, asia learned about the latest situation of the national team. the technical staff leave them day and night, sometimes they sleep here at night. the head of the federation himself sleeps here at night. his message is that mr. technical staff , mr. wrestling athlete is important to us. the interesting point of this meeting was that the members of the national freestyle and cultural wrestling team are satisfied with the fact that the children do not have any material demands from the minister of sports and youth. right there taking part in the world championships in serbia , taking part in the asian games, our children have learned
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not to follow these issues too much, and they shouldn't be . i tried to follow the children's work myself. don't say anything , we have a duty to support, help , resolve any concerns they have, now it's because of the size of this family that they try not to bring up problems like this. he also announced the pursuit of receiving car remittances for sports champions except football, especially for wrestlers but your efforts are that if something like this is going to happen to sports, including wrestling , it should happen on the sidelines of this visit of the head coach of the national freestyle wrestling team since hassan yazdani's return to training and the reason for kamran ghassimpour 's absence. well, kamran qasimpuram, our support is good. and they are going to their own city, where they are doing their own supplies
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. the broken ears are going to complete the remaining quotas for the 2024 paris olympics in the asian championship. freestyle and cultural wrestling championship of asia from 23rd to 28th seyyed mehdipour hosseini of the news agency shahid mustafa sadrzadeh will be held in bishkek, kyrgyzstan in april. thank you very much for the companion. today, although rain was reported from the western areas from tabriz and orumi to bushehr and shiraz , but if you ask the majority of them how the weather is, they will say that the weather has warmed up and it is true, but this is not sustainable at all , because the temperature will drop for the whole weekend and we have rain, but until before the weekend , for tomorrow, it will rain in the provinces of west azarbaijan
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, east of ardabil, as well as in the provinces of the central zakros, in the northern highlands. snowfall will occur in the west and also in central alborz for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, while we have to wait for the strengthening of this system for wednesday , as we can see, all of the western provinces and the southern slopes of alborz and the central part of the country will be affected by this system. snowfall and rain will follow, while for tomorrow, what will be felt more is temporary strong wind in novai. it will be eastern and the temperature of tehran will be around 25 degrees for tomorrow . stay safe from your companion. dear viewers, today is monday, the 20th of farvardin, the 28th of ramadan and the eighth. april azan in the morning in tehran at 414 minutes, talob
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aftab at 5.41 minutes, azan at 12 minutes and people's azan. it's 1850 minutes . thank you very much for your companion. the next part of the news is at 1:00 . when you go to the central bank's website and enter the statistics and data section and select the bank statistics option , you will see information that you probably it is strange that the first case of large-scale educational information , whose names were so confidential until a short time ago, that this secrecy was also arranged as a tool, mr. a., accuses you of helping mr. sim chekh
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, you took a loan from the dal zal rajz institute, the sum of sinshi sad zad zad zad zad zad, and the names of a few of them. it was used as a tool to gather votes because mr. raisi announced that you gave these. i will give you the list of 11 people right now. mr. raisi, if he is responsible, give him this list, why does he want to give it now in this debate, but now all these names most of it is available to the public. the matter is related to the budget law of 1401, note 16 of this law had obliged the central bank. until immediately after the end of each chapter of education information publish the big banks on their website. an event that, although with a little bit of inadequacy and a bit of irregularity, it finally achieved its result. the transparency of banking communications last year led to the disclosure of information about half of the total balance
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of banking network communications, which was an unprecedented treatment. the topic of transparency of the year's education. continued, but with a prosecution, the central bank was given a 3-week deadline to update the information on the education of the major banks after the end of each season. this information does not end, but investigating the economic corruption cases of the people named in the food system and bringing them to the table. the trial is another result of the disclosure of the names of the students of the big education , he was sentenced to 20 years in prison and
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was sentenced to pay a fine of 725,164 rials. and the mother of the people who have a relationship with the bank managers to the companies that the bank is a shareholder of. this information is the same as the information on higher education since 1401 quarterly central bank tanmai was published. the transparency that continued in 1402 and will continue this year. the next item: education information is paid by banks to their own companies. members of the islamic council in last year's budget law. the central bank was required to publish the information of loans given by banks to their own companies. the assignment was done in early august and it turned out that the banks lent more than 215 thousand billion tomans to their own companies. this clarification process continued. now it's time for the facilities that people talked about a lot. this amount to
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it is not fair for their employees to give loans. it's not really fair. payment facility. to the employees of the banks, an issue that the law assigned to the central bank and this bank also implemented it. dissemination of bank loan information to their employees for the first time. in a situation where ordinary people had to go through haft khan rostam to get a loan ? i went several times, for example, i said that the circular for paying the loan for the first year has not yet arrived , they say at the end of the year, because they say at the end of the year, we don't see you as a guarantor, the employee says salary. you bring this document and you say it is not valid they make you think that you say, "i don't want to ." the report of the central bank, which was published in early june , showed that the banks lent a total of 164 thousand billion tomans to their employees, that is , on average, each employee received about 800 million
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tomans, only the employees of this loan. take it and people go to the bank in the same way, they go to the bank for four , for example, bring a copy to the bank, and in the end, nothing , nothing, the transparency in the loans paid to the bank employees did not end there, it should have been determined in what form these loans were and by what rule are bank employees paid? council in the budget law of 1402, in order to make it transparent and have a regular quorum to move towards justice, islam made it a task for the central bank to come and set up and notify the bank employees' regulations. as a result, the paid education mirror for bank employees was published. another example. this transparency is in the field of determining the direct or indirect shareholding of banks in companies, according to the budget law of 1402, the central bank
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was obliged to publish the information related to the ownership of more than 20% of the companies' shares by the banks. transparency, which, although delayed, started its work initially with the release of eight banks' information , which of course is still incomplete. but this was not the end of the story, but another clause that was added for the first time to the budget law of 1402 is related to the publication of information on immovable property of banks. irremovable properties are properties that cannot be moved , and the central bank put information on these properties on its website for the first time in august last year. information about the unreasonable properties of banks for the first time. and the last thing due to his charges, the prisoner is not yet due for his education. the education he received in 2019 has been extended so much that it is still due next year. we are talking about
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loans that are not returned and only the deadline for their repayment is extended, one of the things that banks used to do in the past. maybe what they are doing now is that they are extending the period of education, for example, if it is overdue, they will extend the deadline again. in the past, no information was available from them and its exact amount could not be estimated, but the publication of this information became a legal clause in the budget law of 1402 and its publication by the bank. the center put an end to the uncertainties in this field. however, with the end of the budget law of 1402, closing it
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does not end the life of these transparencies in the banking system. rather, with the re-approval of these items in the budget law of 1003, this story continues. sara fazli, sed and sima news agency. public rights have different dimensions, the restoration of public rights is an issue that has been under the attention of the judicial system for several years, such as land, forests, beaches, and what is related to the health and safety of society . do it in a meeting of lawyers and experts official of the judiciary, which was held on the occasion of public rights protection day, the judicial officials said about their performance in this field regarding the assignment of
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confiscated property, now its types, for example, in relation to drug crimes, abandoned property, smuggling property , ownerless property or fugitive owner. in the last year , we determined the value of 45 thousand billion tomans , that is, some were returned to the so-called owners, and some were finally determined, if they were smuggled goods , there were things that were restricted or sold compared to the same year, that is, 401 67, our activities in this field. has increased in relation to land protection national medical resources has done good things for our colleagues, one of which was the report
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about barke parian in astara , whose news was actually made available to the public at the beginning of the year. one of these measures was to prevent the inspection organization from taking land in barke parian. national pond in one of the most valuable lands in astara, which some people wanted to deed in their name. we saw that 84 thousand square meters of land in the best and most excellent part of astara city. he wants to write a document in the name of a series of people, so we entered into this issue of increasing people's access to legal services the concern of the officials was that people have easy access to expert legal services so that they can easily meet their daily needs regarding legal and
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expert matters. that every oppressed person should have the hope that he/she will be able to claim any rights through representation by referring to a strong lawyer and take refuge in the judicial authority, and that people who do not commit a crime should have the hope that there is a strong and capable lawyer who you can defend them, alhamdulillah, the right of access. number lawyers' regular presence in mosques to solve people's legal problems has also been noticed by the center for lawyers of the judiciary . now in the country, sometimes in one night on sundays all over the country, not in the centers of the provinces , not in the cities, but in the villages, our loved ones
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and our words are present, sometimes 300 mosques in one night , loved ones are present. well, this was a very big work that was done in tehran itself in these two years. i , together with my colleagues , were assistants to serve the people in nearly 160 70 mosques. it is considered that the special ability of the lawyer did not have. mehdi javadiar of sed and sima news agency.
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wisdom and knowledge greetings again to the respected viewers of the office of the leader of the revolution announced the first message of 1403. it is natural. based on the price of wheat, it is 65 thousand tomans per person and based on the price of rice, it is 180 thousand tomans per person. zakat al-fitr is obligatory on all people, whether they have fasted or not, who meet the above mentioned conditions, i.e. they are not poor. it is obligatory not to be the breadwinner of others


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