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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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head of the land of wisdom and knowledge. hello again dear viewers. the office of the leader of the revolution announced the amount of the 1403-year-old allowance. the amount of allowance is 65,000 tomans based on the price of wheat per person and 180,000 tomans per person based on the price of rice. zakat al-fitr
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is obligatory on all people, whether they have fasted or not, if they have the conditions mentioned above, i.e. they must not be poor, and they must not eat other people's bread, but this is not the kind of expiation, the expiation is only for those who have not fasted. it becomes obligatory. now, they may have an excuse that the expiation becomes obligatory, or god forbid, they did not fast on purpose. this is a difference. the second difference is that in zakat al-fitr, we cannot pay the price, although if we pay the price, yes , we must convert it into food or give it to the poor, to be sure that he will prepare food, for example rice. he prepares things like this, but we can pay the price in zakat al-fitrah. establishing a health-oriented production jump center in the ministry of health and medical sciences universities. by announcing this news, the minister of health said that the ministry of health should help the commercialization of the products of daneshbunians and support them by buying these products. from the 700 we used to have, now we have doubled our number to 1500. but with
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mr. agha's statement, there should be another leap , mr. dr. mohammadi, they should try to make sure that the knowledge bases that they are producing , their production will get your approval in the commercialization stage , you should help them, mr. dr. karimi, well, alhamdulillah, i have to do it this year. sign a contract with them, support them, a young man who produces a machine for example. until we sign a contract with him and support him, he will not be able to commercialize. we must implement the order of hazrat agha. the commander in chief of the irgc said in the second qur'anic festival of the irgc noor, "pasdaran hafizan". there are divine limits even when fighting the enemy. this is a very important issue that even the meanness of the enemy's action
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does not force them to go beyond the divine limits. it doesn't make them a crime, they are the heinous act of the enemy. the minister of foreign affairs, who traveled to oman, met with mohammad. our country's embassy in damascus considered a terrorist attack using american-made aircraft and missiles, mr. amir abdullahian said that the opposition of the united states, england and france to condemning the zionist regime in the security council is a sign of encouraging this regime to expand the scope of instability and insecurity in the region. minister of foreign affairs also he praised the courageous support of the yemeni nation to the palestinian people
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and supported the process of peace talks in yemen. in this meeting, muhammad abdussalam emphasized yemen's full support for the palestinian nation and said that the yemeni nation will never deviate from its principled positions. lebanon's hezbollah shot down an israeli hermes 900 drone. this drone can fire four missiles with a range of 10 km. be equipped this is the hermes 900 spy plane. a drone with a flight duration of about 36 hours, made by the zionist regime. this 970 kg drone has the ability to carry 350 kg of fuel and cargo, and its maximum speed is 220 km. it will arrive in an hour. among the advantages of this drone
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is that it is equipped with four missiles with a range of 10 kilometers. one of them had entered lebanese airspace early sunday morning for a spying operation and was targeted. the merkava tank has had a similar fate on the ground by hezbollah in lebanon. 600 units of all models of this tank are equipped with the trophy active protection system that is installed on this tank. its task is to protect the tank against rocket missiles and grenade launchers. this system. the joint length of 10 years of work between the advanced military industry of rafael and al-tatta in the regime it is zionist, but the resistance forces repeatedly targeted these tanks. in
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their advertisements , they introduce the iron dome as the strongest defense system in the world, and if a rocket or missile is fired at this country, they can chase the palestinians up to a distance of 70 on the morning of the 15th of october. the iron dome was able to destroy only some of them in the face of this volume of attacks. when a large number of rockets are fired, the protests are difficult. hezbollah is trying to target the batteries of the al-hadidiya dome. from the beginning, i believe that the hits are not a secret issue, but lead to serious damage to the air force and air defense, and the rockets will not be allowed to return to the north. since that day , more news like this has been heard. on that day, the palestinians crossed the security fence of the zionist regime and entered the occupied territories.
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in a cyber operation, they disabled radars , entered military bases and blew up these equipments. with reference to their military products, they said that they are among the top five military powers in the world. clearly, there is an information failure. obviously, we were surprised and we have paid a terrible price for it. ali kazemi, radio and television news agency. iran- pakistan trade reached nearly 3 billion dollars last year. according to the spokesperson of the commission. the development of domestic trade , the share of the export of iranian goods to pakistan is more than 4 million tons of goods with a value of more than 2 billion dollars, which has increased by 23% in weight and 39% in value compared to 2014. last year, the import of goods from pakistan was also 550 tons. the goods
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are worth 680 million dollars, which has decreased by 26% in terms of weight and 33% in terms of value compared to 1401. the main reason for this decrease is the increase rice production in the country and no need to import this product. and that scientists were able to cure sarsi liver disease by inventing a new method . the researchers of the university of helsinki were able to use stem cells and a pioneering method called genetic scissors. defects in the role of gene defects associated with hereditary liver disease can be corrected without visible side effects in the cells of this disease . researchers
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insert genetic scissors into cultured cells or cells grown in the laboratory and direct healthy stem cells to successfully differentiate and become liver cells are transformed. genetic chi is used in medicine to fight cancer cells, pharmaceuticals and also in agriculture. the next part of the news at 2 o'clock. the iranian coach, sharaf iran, is playing with a telegram across the country. why are you pricing this month ? your question is an interesting question. you are a football manager
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. wherever we are today, we are god's grace. greetings, courtesy and respect , to serve a dear and respected viewer of the higher program, we are at your service with another debate . you must have the presence of mind that in the last one or two years the discussion of the internet supply of medicine became very high , there were many supporters and opponents, and the board of ministers of the food and drug organization was obliged to determine a resolution in cooperation with the ministry of communications to establish a regulation in cooperation with the ministry of communications. may this event come true, but there is still no news about it. we want to see what is the reason for the agreement and opposition to the online supply of medicine. please
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accompany us until the end . you are with the higher program. online supply of medicine it could be one, and on the one hand, this work will cause people's health to be endangered because of the challenges that the critics mentioned , on the other hand, because it is cheaper , it is easier and easier to access this work. agree to work i knew positively that we want to talk about the same issue. here in our studio, mr. salarian, a member of the supreme council of the medical system, is present as an opponent of the issue that i presented to you, and mr. hadi, an expert in the field of e-commerce , is in favor of the issue that we want to hold a debate on. let's do it while saying hello, hello, god bless you both guests, i would like to start with mr. salarian and the question of what is the reason for your opposition to the online sale of drugs. hello , dear guest and dear viewers. well, anyway, technology is progressing, the world is developing, and we
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are in no way against new methods of serving people and patients, but since health is a very complex category, it is important and life is most fundamental now it is a divine gift, we must be careful that the ease of access reduces the wallet. or, god forbid, the side effects to the patients will not be so much, so space we can see the internet space that we have now is an uncontrolled space, considering that there is no supervision, it can cause costs and complications for patients, and therefore we are against the internet supply of medicine in its current form . what is the current form of control? we have a triangle. consider the patient, the doctor and
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the pharmacist. none of them can interfere in the work . they have their own specialties. the doctor adjusts the prescription based on the current city and examination. it takes both real space and virtual space this should happen online, that is, the doctor. first of all, we need to know who it was and the prescription he made is consistent with that prescription, which means that if any side effects occur to the patient, the patient can follow up and seek advice from the pharmacy that supplies this prescription. give it to the patient and if the originality of this medicine is doubtful, if there are side effects. if he created problems, he can be responsible for them. if the internet space is in such a way that this
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triangle does not work properly, like what is in the real space, we are definitely against it, but if there is a solution it should be compiled so that it is clear which doctor came and prescribed this prescription, which online pharmacy came and packaged this prescription in the form of a package, labeled it, explained it and gave it to the patient , and created space for consultation, which is a very good thing and welcomed. there is, but currently there is no such space available. some platforms have the same space as you mentioned. you can also work with the opponents of the platform when it does not take the place of this triangle. unfortunately , what is happening today is that the platform must be delivered. ok, it means that he should take the medicine from one a pharmacy should get and supply to the patient the invoice that he gives to the patient, these
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platforms, these platforms, it is not clear from which pharmacy he got it . who is responsible and other issues that i will talk about in the continuation of the conversation? thank you, mr. hadi. how much do you agree with mr. salarian, how much do you agree with his statements and why do you agree? that the drug be offered online, i seek refuge in god, i am the devil, i am in the name of god, the most merciful , the most merciful, i wish to accept the obedience of everyone in this i have a blessed month, to the service of his highness and mr. dr. salarian and to all my respected viewers , i would like to say hello and have a good time, and before that , i would like to congratulate you on eid al-fitr. i think it is necessary that we first define the platform , considering the issue of internet drug explanation is finally in the context of electronic platforms or electronic commerce platforms. in fact, the concept of the platform is that an information technology company comes and prepares a platform and an infrastructure, and a number actually provide goods or services in
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this platform is actually a platform between those goods and they offer their own services to consumers, so we actually become our users, more important than consumers and suppliers who exchange with each other on the platform of this platform, and the platform is only that infrastructure and platform, in fact, the connection between the two and the connection of the two. provides to each other, so the platform will not directly interfere in the sale or in fact the relationship between the supplier and the consumer directly. in fact , we have been certified in various fields over the years. lately at least in the last 12 years, in the last 15 years, the development of small gateways, internet taxis , intercity, plane, train and bus in the areas of hotel tourism and similar in the fields of cultural education, cinema, etc., including in the fields of goods and now, in a specific way , the health-oriented products in the matter of medicine have been in a specific way for almost two years, two and a half years
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have passed, which was actually parallel to that period , which was the era of the spread of the corona virus. in fact , decisions were made and the plan was carried out. this need for actually not visiting in person and that actually traffic and referrals, and in fact the problems that arise, especially with the problems that the ministry of health itself had regarding infectious diseases, and in fact , whether it is corona, influenza, or any other diseases , there will definitely be referrals, gatherings at the pharmacy and those issues are especially problematic. now , urban traffic, etc., and so on, this conclusion has almost been reached, and in fact, this can also come in the context of electronic commerce. i think there is a point. it is necessary, according to the slogan of the year, which is actually the year of production with the participation of the people, i may dare to say that one of the people the most economic areas of ours is e-commerce, that is, in the last 10 years , in fact, the only area that has constantly grown is e-commerce, and why do we say that this area of ​​e-commerce is the most popular ? the economic actors are actually the suppliers themselves
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operating in the platform and secondly, the investment and developments that happened in the platform are completely with investment. it is a private sector and is run by educated young people and the elite of this country, and almost all the important qualities of leadership are based on knowledge in fact, the issue of elite young people being popular, and in fact entrusting work to young people, and the issue of jihadi activity , has been there, and we have actually reached a point where people's welfare has actually increased and their quality of life has been affected. and people understand this. now , in the case of medicine, i specifically said that with those decisions that were made in 140 ah , in fact, about 2 years ago, almost this april, ardi behesht, in fact, a resolution was drawn up in the government. and finally, in fact, the resolution was promulgated in article 322 3, where article 8 was noted frankly, in fact, this drug explanation discussion has been clarified through the internet, which i read from the method of the scientific vice-chancellor of the technology directorate. the name of the regulation is actually the regulation of supporting the production of knowledge-based and
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job- creating in the field of health. it is because the platforms we are talking about. almost most of them are actually equipped with this feature of being knowledge-based and based on modern technology and knowledge . note d says that this is the government's approval. the vice president's scientific technology office in cooperation with the ministry of communications is responsible for the operational field. to implement the distribution of medicine through platforms or internet platforms in compliance with the principle of competition and preventing monopoly. the order of this note is within two months from the date of promulgation of this regulation, which is august 22 of the previous year, by the ministry of health and medical education in cooperation with the ministry of communications and information technology will be compiled and communicated. one point is that the justice and medicine organization had announced this point that you read the interpretation of the justice and medicine organization was that this explanation is to the pharmacy, not to the public . i will say one thing about this and then i am explaining this, unfortunately, mr. bozor, i
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am actually going to say this in a second part, that in fact, those problems and those, in fact, the house searches that unfortunately have existed for almost a year and a half , more than a year and a half, almost two the year that in fact this legal duty is the duty of mastobi , which is actually the duty of the government, and the method has actually been inquired from the vice president as the authority to respond to the differences of opinion between mr. dr. salani's office. internet explanation apart from the text itself the resolution and the process of its approval, the legitimacy of its negotiations, well, it is completely clear to those who were in the commission's meetings and know what this basis was. but in fact , this method was also inquired from the vice president and it was clearly stated there that this actually includes sales to the final consumer, but the main issue is the same point that dr. salari also said that the recipe, which is actually the same criteria and four.
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until now, in these two years, it has not been done . according to mr. hadi, it was an excuse or not . the reasons are really subjective. well, i think this should be answered by the officials in the ministry of health. body but the basic question is, if these regulations have not been formulated, why are they being implemented now when there are no regulations and there is a possibility of harming people, we do not have the proper and complete supervision of the online supply of medicine, how do we want to implement this without regulations? giving medicine to people is not harmful, medicine is a very vital thing, it can help. let it be fatal. you think that a pregnant woman has a headache and wants to
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order a drug online, an otc drug, an over-the-counter drug, and give it to her. who will tell her this? the medicine can be teratogenic, it can have lasting effects on your fetus and cause such complications to the family and society, so if these rules are not formulated, we have no right to say it now. business boom or anything else endangers people's health. another point is that the explanation of the english title is distribution , if dispensing means supply. body , but the offer is that the pharmacist should take the prescription , as the technical officer, explain to me the patient. say the side effects are to consume it in this way and take responsibility for the following. even if we claim that this explanation is not a distribution but
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a dispensation, which it is not, the english title is really different . did we prepare these criteria? wrapping this prescription, the respected pharmacist who came and packaged it will introduce you to me who ordered it online. does he introduce, does he give the invoice from that pharmacy, so that if i get a complication, i will go through the medical system organization to tell why, mr. pharmacy, mrs. doctor, the pharmacist of this medicine. you didn't explain to me, or my doctor gave a bad prescription and the next legal order will be preserved for me. it 's not like that, and when it's not like that, we can't just hit the water in this space . let's have it so that we can understand where we are now. after the resolution that i mentioned, tower 3 was in 1401, and its assignment was until august, tower 8 , the same 1401, with the signature of the head of the justice and medicine organization
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, that is, the deputy minister and the head of the organization, not the deputy of the organization. the general manager, not a manager, the head of the organization, wrote to the e-commerce support center and my first license i would like to inform you that due to the agreement of this organization with the implementation of the door-to-door drug delivery plan, which is the plan that i would like to tell you. at that time, this resolution had not yet been announced, the minister of health himself , the current minister, dr. ainullah, gave an interview , a video interview with radio and television sedation, not an audio interview . the most common platform that we know in this field is to name and say that this is the plan of the ministry of health, and then that platform complained that you, sir, have nothing. you did not get any permission from us to coordinate this platform, which you introduced as the private part of the plan of the ministry of health. there is also a draft that was prepared by the government. i will tell you that the first permit was issued for the 8th tower. with the approval of this organization , the head of the justice and medicine organization wrote a letter to implement
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a door-to-door project by the mentioned company. the managing director of this company, the head of one of the subordinate organizations of the ministry of health, the former head of the health insurance organization, yes, and this compensation was issued on 23 5 according to the license issued under number 655 on 23 this was a meeting, in fact, the food and drug organization had held a meeting in the area of ​​the organization's head office. we were there from different agencies
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. i wasn't just a servant. it was the prosecutor's office. we talked about this and we said, sir, you have issued a permit . my friends, i don't know the name now. they said, sir, yes, we have formulated the criteria. this is a company that has passed our criteria and we have given it a license. then all the friends were in that meeting demanding that you, sir, should communicate the rules , not to a specific company, which then has a branch, of which this is the managing director. that the devices are required to publish , despite the fact that the documents are completely clear and the first license has been issued by the food and drug organization, contrary to the illustration.
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in compliance with the principle of competition and prevention of monopolies, because the discussion of monopolies in the field of health and health is no longer a secret to anyone, this is my opinion, this letter has passed, no response has been given so far. the director of the drug field of the judicial organization let several other managers in the legal vice-president, all the members of that meeting, the ministry of communications, the ministry of economy, and other agencies were all present and heard by the manager himself. he went and said , "yes, sir, this is our first pilot, and we are summarizing to publish the rules . for your information, the minutes of the meeting of the legal vice president came explicitly. i am reading from the minutes of the meeting of the presidential legal vice. it has been more than 7 months." the issuance of the first license of the justice and drug organization was based on the words of the representative of the justice and drug organization in the meeting, so the rules were formulated. at least that initial draft of my first license, which they themselves said, is now interesting after this issue.
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it was followed up again. the excuse i am giving started here. for your information, mr. doctor, you yourself have mentioned. we do not translate the legal text based on the english equivalent. what are the regulations, what are the government's approvals , again, the approval of the minutes of the meeting of the presidential palace , tower 4, 1402, the deregulation board held a meeting again, tower 6, shahrivar, may 2018. from pharmacies with valid licenses and under the supervision of the food and drug organization, to the final consumer. they don't need to get a new license to operate, because the platform got its license in the field of e-commerce , and the pharmacy got it from the food and drug organization, not
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the organization itself. i'm not the government, really , anyway, i wish these issues would be resolved as soon as possible. we are always behind technology, technology is moving forward , and we want to come and formulate the laws later . later, the trade union, or a little bit, they are against , the trade association of pharmacists and the medical system definitely agree with us. during the last one or two years, due to the study of business , we went from 13 thousand pharmacies to 16 thousand. what is wrong with being able to do business and they should develop their work through the internet as well, but this should be done according to the rules that these rules are now, unfortunately, you have to put them aside now that we are demanding from the food and drug organization, tv and radio, so far , i don't know several programs of the economic desk, such and such a special conversation. these are several
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programs, at least i saw the report myself. there are many news reports , giving a deadline many times, saying one more month, two more months , the minister of health himself, and interestingly, you are speaking in a live program. yes, we will finally announce this until the fajr decade. where is it yes according to the resolution of the ministry of communications, we should have considered it, sir. this resolution was announced last year , mr. dr. dehgerdi, all your concerns are correct, and i accept all of our demands from the food organization. but the people and the medical community should not look at these issues behind my body. it has been seen in the e-commerce business that they are apparently doing their job. look at the work . it should not be done until these complete rules have been determined. it has been seen on the internet that people have ordered saigat medicine. the narcotic drug sef
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was taken through the pharmacy. yes, i will explain , mr. doctor


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