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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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it has definitely been seen that the good cooperation of the executive bodies in charge of the ministry of agriculture, ministry of health and medical education, with this discussion, the mentality of the roman community against whole grains should not be negative . it is necessary to improve the quality of wheat to achieve it. in terms of the quality of wheat, agriculture should work to increase the quality of wheat. we all should work together to increase the awareness of our people for the consumption of bread and to make these conditions suitable for the implementation of full flour consumption. for wholemeal bread, the improvement of the quality of bread was approved last year in the standards council
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. now, people can use this type of flour and bread produced in the city. a number of bakeries will be notified so that they can use wholemeal wheat flour, god willing. make it a mandatory standard. in the first step , we renewed this standard, that is, the national mandatory standard, and in order to provide high-quality bread on a trial basis, this is under traffic. that we have produced , god willing, it will be more widespread in the future. this plan in some provinces including qom and central it will be implemented on a voluntary basis in isfahan and hormozgan on a trial basis and will gradually become widespread in the country. zohra parvesh, sed and broadcasting news agency. well, in the program of the first page , we are hosting mr. snapna, the honorable head of the national standards organization of iran . regarding the bread standard, if it is possible
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, please tell me whether the standard of whole wheat flour is a mandatory standard, now everyone must comply with it . one of the good things that happened in any form was the issue of whole wheat flour and the same proportion of bread made from whole wheat flour. well, in 1402 we really went down an untrodden path. it was very demanding that mr for example, the flour that we eat, now the taste of the consumer has gone towards becoming transparent , the lighter the brighter, for example, the more edible it is, well, this is not true from the scientific, medical and health point of view . we have changed the standards to standard 13 . and other standards in the field in a chain from farm to table towards improvement.
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we updated and modified these, and today you have the standard of wholemeal flour in your flour standard . there was a meeting a couple of days ago and they were reporting how many bakeries in the country found wholemeal flour. the report was 5,000 bakeries. out of a few bakeries, this 500 out of a few. fractionation, for example, razavi provinces, razavi khorasan, central province, qom province, hormozgan, isfahan, discourse and culture building, that we go towards bread flour made from whole flour for health issues, for digestive issues, because many people from their own small matters
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, they take products from this... consider the consumption of bread in our country, the consumption of bread is significant, it is a blessing that our people have made special use of bread in their livelihood basket throughout history . it is different from many other countries. the percentage is important. the same important percentage of many micronutrients we put the proteins, spells, and the ingredients that were necessary for the body in the flour standards of whole bread . well, it was not that, well, this is the standard itself. now , only with the standard, which does not form , we have to move the traditional breads towards flat breads. we continued from flat breads , we took the chain to change the mirror of the production works, the mirror of the production works must change, all these movements must be done in such a way that the price
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is currently encouraging and optional, that is, the consumer can choose what bread to buy now. he can't create a chaos and confusion in the market do it. it was from that work that it turned into a discourse, that is, the government's will was determined to make this happen, and all the related institutions came together with one voice. the ministry of agriculture was accompanied by the ministry of health. medical education was accompanied by the collections affiliated to these ministries , their organizations, their research institutes, the ministry itself, which followed the standards of this matter, finally, this should be done by the radio and television itself . promote the use of this and that it was a valuable work that is effective in people's food basket
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. we are planning to take this in the future for oil and sugars as well. it is possible to make it mandatory, what should be made mandatory, the use of whole flour for the birth of bread depends on the effect of the demand and the satisfaction, and the demand should be able to cover themselves. the most important of our industrial breads , our bulky breads, go in this direction and from the approvals of the supreme council of standards of the national standard of iran under the title of customer service and guarantee of energy-consuming household appliances is for the manufacturers of household appliances, which is mandatory. this special regulation must be written for it
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, and do you have supervision after its implementation? ministry of position. he is in charge of this work as a specialized ministry of home affairs, which in any case does the work of the relevant field. hasan supervises the national standards organization so that the executive body can handle the work and we supervise, god forbid if there is a deviation in this direction. we will try, god willing and another point is that it is a pity that i did not say this in the matter of import, we upgraded the plus and positive signs, we
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upgraded the stars in 1402. he entered well, a lot of energy from the country was going everywhere because of this. we have upgraded the pluses to tu plus and tri plus in the matter of imports and besides this, we have come to the issue of caps like water coolers, now we are in the field of water coolers, water cooler engines. we developed new standards that the ministry of energy will discuss with the help of specialized agencies they support low-consumption water coolers, 50% energy consumption is reduced. the prediction of the ministry of energy is that we will save 3,000 megawatts in consumption in this area within 4-5 years
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. we should not put all our efforts in the field of production. we should be able to manage the consumption and balance the consumption and production. therefore, this work also helps. which was formed by the ministry of energy in 1402. in the coming summer , these low-consumption coolers with new standard motors will enter the market and people can buy them and their effect in the field of energy and in the field of electricity consumption will be very good. later, in the national product quality assessment plan, 51 steps of products were evaluated that cars and tobacco products are among the lowest quality and the point is why you did not do this classification under the name of trademarks. you see, the one thing we did is we had to do this quality growth rate ourselves . in the first place, when the market scale of the market
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will finally be controlled by him, it was not the control of this hand . now we have numbers and figures. customers , we have numbers and figures in our measurements of the current year in the badges commercially, we are also interfering in this quality rate, although we may not be able to publish this information very easily later on, at least we are the government, but we also saw this in our evaluation results, while a good job was done. we came here last year for the first time and made it a standard superior badge because we expect shroud standards. well, the dairy industry, the food industry has someone
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, some companies have a good level of technology, for example, in a certain industry group, it is assumed that a workshop produces products with a basket, for example, ten ganeh is also being produced by a moazzami factory with a basket of 50 items with modern technology. it should be able to use the best sign in order to prove its wealth and that it was able to act optional to the customer . we unveiled this sign in in the third quarter of last year, we started with the cellulose industry . this year, we are going to expand it on a trial basis, because there is a high demand in the cosmetics, food, and other industries, which, god willing, will help those brands to increase their quality. and be able to scale the economy
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i have mentioned them several times in the meetings to sell themselves more and in fact to increase production. production growth should not be solely focused on stimulating domestic demand. the growth of production, when we mention it, every year the supreme leader refers to the growth of production and the economic slogans of the year, it should happen with the quality of the products and the increase in the scale of the country's production in the field outside the border, that is, faramzi , which also causes more exports will lead to more prosperity for the country if we see the growth of production only in the fact that we stimulate domestic demand and demand domestic consumerism. let's strengthen, this production will not grow, wait. now, what production can have a competitive scale , a production that is qualitative, any production that
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does not have the possibility of being competitive with foreign markets , but the products that enter our country now, in any order, even from unofficial materials, when they are exposed to the choice of that customer who decides which one to buy. in one of these quality rate reports, we came to the analysis that since our domestic products are of high quality, people prefer domestic products to their foreign counterparts because of one understanding and from an in-depth look at these issues is not the motto of this team and we came to this data and analyzed this data based on article 40 of the law on strengthening and developing the standard system. how is the monitoring for the good implementation of the standards done now, and what was your performance and
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what are your plans for the new year? see article 40, 41, 42. in fact, chapter 40 is the punishment and punishments chapter of the strengthening and development law, which starts almost from article 40. from 40 to 49 41 42 to 49 refers to our control, we face violations in our organization, we have a commission called the commission. article 42: a quasi-judicial commission issues votes . last year, a large number of votes were issued by the commission, which needed to be implemented. we gave. there were warnings, there were fines , i don't know
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, it was referred to the judicial courts, so if you allow me to tell you what the titles of this article 40 are, look at the titles of article 40, there are many titles, it says that the following are crimes. mandatory without getting a badge application license. focus explanation and sale of goods subject to mandatory standards in concentration centers. the product does not receive the national standard mark of iran again, this time again there is a fine and imprisonment. changing the specifications and characteristics of the products that are subject to mandatory standards, after the production is reopened, this is again punishable by using containers and packaging materials
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with the mark. the national standard for packaging , regardless of the conditions of verification by experts of the organization's inspection, which is subject to regulations and now other cases, now any of these, which are considered crimes, should be verified by special officers who are experts of the national standards organization. it is reported that in the next commissions of our article 42 commission in the year 1402, something like this
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will only go to the central secretariat of the commission. we were concerned. well , there are article 42 commissions in all provinces . now what is the article 42 commission? what is happening with the wrongdoers who are now dealing with crimes against what is being read ? it was a good effort. our effort is to create deterrence. we are not looking to criminalize this, that is , it should have an advertising and promotion status
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, standardization should not be difficult to face, so this needs advertising and promotion , because the radio and television is a member of the supreme council of standards , because the legislator has that advertising and promotion aspect. and he saw the culture building in this great institution and said, well , this will help him and these inhibitions , these things that fall under the commission of article 42, and in general, the punishment chapter in the law of interpretation and development. he has come to do a series of these works , and now he has other materials that, if you have any questions we did it. i worked very well. then , sir, you mentioned about the low sales at the beginning of your order in 1402 and what is your specific plan for the new year. it is one of the things that many people have talked about before
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. sweets and these things are like this. in the discussion of underselling , the strategy we adopted continues, that is , the monitoring and controls continue, and the decisions that have been made have been answered, these numbers are decreasing, and this gives us hope because it is clear that the decisions are continuing. and we will continue to focus on the issue, but in relation to the sweet issue that you said, we will discuss the limit of net sales. we removed the tolerance , at least in this matter of sweets, think about the party you want to go to, for example, a pastry shop, the price of the pastry and the price of the pastry container, well, these are different, not that the pastry container has no price , it also has a price, but its contents have a different price. this should be investigated separately and these are
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being controlled. we had many cases both in 1402 and this year. crying continues, this is a little change of these cultural beliefs with a hint reminder of fines, fines again, fines again , we will move forward in this way so that it becomes a culture, of course, it should be a public demand, that is, a person who applies should know what his rights are, what are his rights? we are following up on these, please help. when we brought asalaf to work , after all, some of us also have a certain range of capacities, but we brought the guilds to take control, which means that asalaf can handle this issue with the structure and efficiency they have . in fact, it can control its own market do but the procedure and governance of the market should
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be a governance that can form this self-control properly, which is actually a win-win, neither the industry nor the consumers are harmed. and you , we launched the system of people in 1402, the sabbath of people's complaints. how was their reception and... were you satisfied with the level of people's participation in the reports that were received? we launched several systems in 1402. it was possible to attack the sample box for specific samples which finally has a high economic value, it was a secure payment gateway system, which is an interface system. it cuts off between the inspection companies and the owners of the goods, what has been
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demanded many times. before this, it was formed in the phase of recognition and development , but in the people's system, we have adjusted the title of this system in such a way that the people's organization should be in contact with the people. the above requirements it's wonderful because the herds are too many, so the confrontations reflect the things they have, and we made this savannah with the head number 15 17 without prediction, and the things that are reflected will be handled by text message with the head number 15 17, which means maybe one of the reasons for the good reception of this system is that the expectation that was faced with the speed of handling has come true and many requests are coming to this system
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. we tried to summarize these in different domains immediately, the referral system sends requests, and those days are working days, and these things are being done. well, this was for us to strengthen the public and people's supervision. in fact , see this system. and let us say, well, now, like many other places, we have created a system and four people did not become people. the goal was not to monitor the people , where people work among people, transparency improves, awareness is given, demands are made. we look at the system with people.
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people really came to work here, maybe at a glance, for example viewers say, well, these systems, our view of this system is a little different from the traditional view , we say here that it is the standard in people's lives. in the layers of people's lives, it finds its appearance and symbol , and the consumer himself plays a decisive role in this matter, which is also called people, and the prolongation of the approval of imported goods is one of the issues that causes the goods to remain in the warehouse. now, reduce this time to how much tunisin in 1402, the sedimentation time was 5.
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in fact, there are products that have a test period, they must go to the bending machine it doesn't mean that you can spend one day, two days, or half a day, or that you can turn off the device now and increase its speed. sometimes you go to a laboratory , you can't give your sample, say, well, now i 'm going to have a cup of tea, i'll get the results of my test , it's not possible at all. but in total, in 80
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, between 3 and 5 days in the remaining 20%, which in terms of volume and distribution is much more than this 20%. there is no difference between the number that was mentioned in total in 1402, it decreased by half, that is, it is less than half according to the official statistics of sources other than ours. because our systems are different , i once said in a program that we also have a battle of systems. each of the systems gives an analysis in their battle. these analyzes are not necessarily consistent because the systems are not of the same cloth and that in the 80th session of the regulation committee according to the suspension of the implementation time of some standards , it was raised as cumbersome rules, for example, in the food industry, this process continue to look there. which
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is enacted as a law or an established law is not postponed, well, we tried to implement the laws of the predicted openings, that is, 6 months of advance notification of relevant regulations, technical regulations, and compliance with regulations and governance, and specialized and legal procedures with the law of strengthening and development , there is nothing that we need to remove. it is a generation of law, and we are trying to do this, which means that we consider ourselves obliged to consider and predict the future issues of the existing time gate, related issues and expectations that there is a lot of it in your questions and in people's questions and people's wishes. to the
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legal regulation and to notify. it has been the same in different areas, god willing, it will be the same. and our convergence with production and producer is an exemplary convergence. okay, of course we have run out of time, if you want to summarize the remaining points. do not lose your hand. thank you for your hard work. from your company and from the company of the people as the main audience and benefit of the activity. we thank the organization, however , there are castes and castes in the work, as our people have the right quality people and completely standard behaviors are much more than what we are doing. finally, they will pass us by, forgive us, and forgive us . we hope that if we have the opportunity to serve , we will do our best and not undersell.
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get a gift by sending the number five. we hope that your prayers will be accepted by god. we arrived at 4 am. the free market rate is not related to the basic goods and legal imports, but the smugglers and those who have an installment of capital exit from the country , the governor of the central bank in a conversation with khabar 21 , while announcing the statistics of the decrease in liquidity growth in the last year and the positive the country's trade balance said there is no horizontal shortage for imports.


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