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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm IRST

7:30 pm
in the city of tehran, your host, o meeting of the first page , o meeting of the front page of sacrifice, it is there on the other side of the fence , see the joy of meeting is there, o meeting of the first page , stand up for justice. remaining on your shoulders, the burden of trust , stand up in the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row, the first row
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, the first row. in this program, according to the routine of another front page server, the people of iran are in front of the camera to talk about policies, strategies and of course decisions that it can affect the lives of many people . the issue of housing is an issue that the 13th government took up at the beginning of its work. they promised to build 4 million housing units. this issue will be discussed and investigated within the framework of the laws and regulations that have been prepared and the institutions that are responsible for it. to discuss this issue.
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we are watching a report together about handing over land to the people in the national housing development plan, a policy that the government has on the agenda to accelerate and popularize the housing sector. has set. one of the important issues that is being followed up in the national housing movement is to use the capacity of the people as much as possible, and with the view of popularizing the national housing movement, according to the follow-ups that have been done now, and these have reached 400,000 so far, alhamdulillah. applicants of the national housing movement in the cities have been given land. in the province, we moved towards handing over the land to the people themselves , so that we can develop the power of the people and , god willing, the people themselves can do the construction work. in fact, as the government, we are doing facilitation , that is, we are paying the benefits, discounts engineering system discount license. one of the obstacles.
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allocating land to people is the geographical condition of some provinces. the mountainous nature of some cities has caused the government to adopt another solution for building housing. for example, what can we do now in khornam abad? where in khornam abad do we have land to add to it? attached to khornam abad. well, we have to use the settlement capacity. we are in the form of five towns in tehran province, most of these towns are in the south and west of tehran province. we have done the planning, the location has been done and the working group of the infrastructure affairs and the planning council the province has approved that we have sent these to the supreme council of urban architecture of the country. god willing, if approved by the supreme council, we will start the executive operation of about 150,000 units in these five famous places . the government plans to hand over the land to the people in 1403 with more speed. by the end of this government
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, god willing, land will be given to one million beggars in the cities. housing economics experts consider one of the most important factors in the success of the national housing development plan to speed up the transfer of land to the people. mohammaduri of the sed and cima news agency. we saw the report together. you are very welcome, dr. maliki, the manager. national housing organization, please let me know how the latest situation of housing and land provision in the national housing movement plan is , in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. year.
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may it be blessed and prosperous, and god willing, housing and good news for our housing. last year, which was a very productive and valuable year, we identified more than 41 thousand hectares of land in the existing cities, both within the city limits and within the boundaries of the cities. we made a decision and placed it at the disposal of the national housing movement plan in addition to that, in the past year, we planned to partner 50 points in the country , that is, to identify and prepare them for partnering. fortunately, until the end of last year , we identified more than 53 points, the stages of approval in the
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technical and specialized working groups of the provincial planning , most of them in the supreme urban and architectural council . we have reached this possibility. it is a very good possibility . the 41,000 hectares that were identified within the boundaries of the cities were annexed to the cities. well, i can say that maybe in the matter of land supply. compared to all the housing plans after the revolution and the plans implemented by the governments, from the point of view of land provision , it is one of the unprecedented plans. from a quantitative point of view, when we look at the numbers and figures
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, it is a very big plan compared to other plans implemented in the country. there is, and the provision of land has been unprecedented, in what amount has the ministry of urban housing provided, and how much? most of the lands that you received from other agencies were from lands that were owned by the ministry of roads and urban development, that is, they were lands that were owned by the national land and housing organization or new cities. and we annexed these lands to the boundaries of the cities , or they were lands that were in the boundaries of the cities in the past, they were the result of a change of use, or they were lands that were purchased or agreed with the owners of the private sector , provided by other institutions in the last year, more than 5500 we
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have identified the hectares of land from the assessment of other agencies that are surplus and suitable for housing in an action that was determined in the supreme council of housing and the order given by the president, we proceeded with this quickly. some of the applicants are the same. the units that lack housing in these lands are provided by their own surplus units we documented and in general what we identified, most of what we identified, we were able to attribute to other devices other than. from urban development, having a good cooperation in this field at the beginning of the project, well, we had a difficult time, that is, the cooperation of the institutions was not a desirable cooperation, but after the issues and priority of the housing projects were explained,
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their cooperation was appropriate, especially with the universities at the beginning. it was difficult for us to take over the surplus lands from the universities, but in the agreement reached with the ministry of science, we used the lands of the universities to provide housing for academic boards and university employees there as well. we had good success and were able to build about 60,000 housing units in the lands owned by the university last year. let's invest and start the projects in their own way and make them available to them. this doctor is a unity of approach. if other institutions also have land and people are applying for housing
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, you would also give them this possibility. yes, the executive regulations for this the approved issue of the government has allowed us to provide up to 50 d of the land that the machine brings to the employees of that machine with the understanding that the management of that machine will be done with them. even though in some provinces, it seems that the national housing movement is progressing in a certain way in zahedan , the center of sistan baluchistan. a large number of houses are either under construction or being delivered, or
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are they being delivered? let me say something as an introduction so that i can answer your question. in the beginning, when the 13th government started and the housing production jump law was promulgated for the implementation of the ministry. and shahrarsi or government was an illusion of prepared land and prepared land for work, one of the preparations and one of the issues that it must have happened in order for the project to go ahead . which had to be passed through lands that did not exist, residential lands that
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did not exist, now when we say that there was no land, we mean that there was no land that was ready for construction. from the beginning, the government promoted the issue of land supply around the clock by forming a land supply camp and in a jihadist manner, and now we have reached the numbers and figures that i have presented to you. well, this took a lot of our energy. from the beginning , i always tell my colleagues that if the governments in the past, this land provision was carried out as a process for housing programs, maybe from the beginning of the 13th government, when we started, we did not need to spend much time on land provision , but since we did not have land, we had to identify the land and conduct studies. let's locate and locate studies. let's take the one who advises to the specialized working groups and technical committees and planning councils of the province
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to approve it. well, when we want to do this in a very large number of cities, for example, 600 to 700 cities, definitely the committee and the working group. specialists also have a lot of work. the supreme urban and architecture council has a lot of work. this made us spend a large part of our time on land supply work, which was also an important task. one of the important things that had to be done was that, well. we spent a large part of our time and the time to secure the land, leaving aside the rest of the stages of the national movement plan , there were also problems and difficulties, with the help of all the honorable ministers, members of the supreme housing council, mr. president himself, who paid very serious attention
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to this issue. darren and the high authority to hold the high housing council regularly and with a clear agenda the ministry of roads and urban development , following up on these on a daily and weekly basis, made the current process a good process compared to these difficult problems that exist, and we have more than a thousand units in operation now, which is done daily and weekly. will increase, and god willing, your prediction is that the promise of the 13th government can be fulfilled , what is said in the law, which the government also emphasized, because the law emphasized four million , that the production will happen, the government also emphasized the law and ... our prediction is that four million will be realized, god willing, and we have two million
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the four hundred that we say is housing, which we are intervening in, providing connections, or building on government lands, a part of which is owned by the people themselves with the incentive packages given by the government and with education or assistance given by the government to the housing production complex. it is possible that with their statistics, if we take into account, the production of 4 million will definitely happen in 4 years, god willing, and the condition of the land for big cities or cities geographically is such that it is very difficult to find vacant land to build new housing for what plan did you come up with, we have a hard time securing our two parts it is progressing and the progress so far is one of the metropolises that you mentioned, well, the metropolises are due to the fact that
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there is no more government land and sometimes the expansion of that city may not be very correct from a technical and specialized point of view. on the lands inside the city that are in worn-out structures or the lands that belong to individuals, we pursued this as a policy, the discussion of land hoarding in the supreme city council. he gave them the opportunity that if they are not included in the housing production cycle, their usage will change and become other services, so this is a
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it was a policy that we applied, in addition to the incentive packages that we had for the people for the inner development of the cities and the education that is carried out by the people themselves in worn-out structures and constructions, these are the sum of the policies that we wanted for the lands that are in the cities and big cities. it exists to be used for the production of housing, this was the policy that we followed, each of which was followed up by one of the organizations and one of the groups of the ministry of roads and urban development . suburbs means paying attention to settlement or new cities, what could be loaded or developed in new cities. it was loaded, and what was no longer capacity in our new cities, locations for the construction of new towns around the big cities and cities where
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we had land problems, this is for the big cities as the policies that were followed last year. the year will also be followed up regarding the cities that , due to the geographical location of that city, well, we had a problem with providing land, like the northern cities, well , our northern cities are surrounded by agricultural lands on one side, which, well, we are first and second grade agricultural lands , not at all. we have legal permission, but we have no desire to build housing. let's do this there was a restriction that we had in some of our cities . well, the second restriction was the forest. we do not consider it permissible to cut down the forest in any way, nor do we have permission to do this. these restrictions made it difficult for us to supply some of our cities. we do land, and we had several policies in those cities. now, some of our cities
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were mountainous, and the topography of the land, the slope of the land, did not allow us to provide land. we discussed the agreement with the owners of the private sector, the owners who have land that is not of agricultural grade, and with a formula that now the owner can benefit from this added value. the government will build on its land, and the national plan can use that field . we had good agreements with the people last year , and we had to buy some land , that is, some places. we had to go and buy the land from the people. land acquisition is important for you , or for example, it should be on a large scale. you see , because we have a lot of applicants in the cities, unfortunately, because in the past, many housing programs were not implemented in the country with an accumulation.
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we are facing a demand and an accumulation. the demand has caused us to be lacking in almost all our cities we should have a housing that needs housing. as our policy and land supply, we are looking to provide land and housing to all those who do not have housing. it is definitely needed on a large scale for the national housing movement plan, because if it is on a small scale, maybe we will be too therefore , the scale of the lands must be large so that we can go through the approval and annexation procedures, but we can't, for example, for one hectare. or for a few thousand meters, let's go through all these approval stages in specialized working groups and councils and the stages of councils approving projects, so it's better that we
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we can find land on a larger scale that will satisfy the need, but still we had to in some places, that is, in some places we created some sites, identified some spots and used them for housing, mr. dr. alan. which of these provinces are leading in terms of urban housing, i.e. housing construction for citizens, and which of these provinces have the lowest amount. in all provinces , national control projects are active. all applicants. remember, we do not have a province where we have an active national project you can say any province and go to any city in that province, you will see that part of the city
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, part of our sites are active for the national movement, and we don't have a project or site that is not active, but the provinces that were able to have their land in proportion to the applicants. provide and make available to the project hands like semnan, provinces like sistan baluchistan, provinces like south khorasan, they were able to define the project according to the number of approved applicants, and now in different ways that we will discuss now if the time comes there are certain provinces and the number of applicants their conditions are very high, maybe if we look at the small amount of land supply, that province will take the first, second, and third places, but when we look at
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the number of applicants, we can see that it still has a land deficit, like fars province, well, the province of fars province, or khorasan razavi. the small amount of land supply and their projects are too much, but since the number of applicants is high, they still need an effort . so we can't rank our provinces in a particular ranking, which province has the first or second rank in each section, the provinces have a rank, some provinces are in worn out context, good luck. having some provinces in the provision of land and defining the project of some provinces in self-owned projects , these are in the summary, when the summary is done , the rank of the province can be evaluated . it has become customary for us, mr. president, to issue an order in the supreme
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housing council so that, in addition to our efforts for all people, we can make special follow-ups for some strata for their housing, one of these strata. the workers and employees of the industry are seasoned to the industry of the cities of this stratum there are capacities in that industry that were not paid much attention before, for example, it is like this before the iron smelter that came to mubarakeh steel, generally the forces of some industries, well, the number of workers who are employed in that industry and sometimes their workplaces are characterized by their occupations, this is characterized by the lack of housing. . we had many meetings with the owners of the industry
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, be it the steel industry or the petrochemical industry, and everyone who was active in the jad factory and discussed the industry. thank god, after the order given by mr. president last year, about 140,000 units. we made an understanding with the industrial owners in the lands that we have we provide it, or sometimes the industry itself gives them the appraisal, and we issue the issues of the permits , we provide the land and make an agreement for the construction of housing, and god willing, another 100,000 is about to be done . in the past, we made an understanding with miran sanayeh , we provided them to come sit down and announce their need for land, and sometimes they were pickpocketed and the preparation work for
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construction started. for example, in khaf, where part of our iron ore industry is located , we were able to secure land for a large part of it, petrochemicals in masher, yazd, kerman, wherever there was an industry. there we agreed with the industry managers, we made an understanding , and for their workers what they deserve as respectable workers. and there is an industry , we have defined the settlement or the definition of the complex, or we have delivered the land so that they can do the construction and settlement. this preparation is still there . not long ago, an agreement
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was signed between the ministry of roads, housing, urban development and the armed forces regarding the provision of housing for the military. what is the status of this now? we followed up on a special case and the armed forces themselves have a lot of confidence and started a serious and jihadi work to provide housing for the personnel of the relevant forces. well, this dear and hardworking section of the armed forces , to whom we owe the security we have , sometimes they are serving at the borders in the barracks , as a special line of effort by both the commanders of the forces and the ministry of roads and urban development .
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fortunately, we pursued a special line of effort last year. a large number of them were provided with land and education, and housing was provided to them at the end of last year inaugurating the delivery of amnesty in the presence of mr. president, we should have written a recipe in the law. your question is to be able to use the funds available to the armed forces for the armed forces themselves, i.e. the barracks that are being evacuated and these or the barracks that they leave the cities or the lands that have a surplus, well, at one time it was for operational needs, now the need has been moved to another place or there is a surplus, this order and the legislator allowed us to
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use these lands for housing the armed forces . this recipe has a very good capacity was signed by the honorable minister of water and urban affairs and the minister of defense and support of the armed forces. this instruction makes it very easy for the department of roads and urban development to map the characteristics of the lands that they declare as surplus lands . it will soon be in the process of issuing its license, and god willing, now the provision of housing for a large part of the armed forces in this region will happen for the faculty members and those who are affiliated with the ministry of science. we have an agreement with the ministry of science, we have an agreement with azad university in islam, we agreed there that everything that is identified by the earth is surplus to knowledge.
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ashgahs, let's get this and issue its permits, because these are mainly lands that have educational uses, and for the housing issue, they definitely do not have permission to build housing. so far in the last year , we identified 60,000 units of land that we picked up in the presence of mr. president. we reached an agreement with the presidents of the universities in the province and city and in the center, the land was determined, and sometimes the designs were done it was done and the preparation work has started and this is one of the ongoing efforts, that is, we have weekly meetings so that we can reach this number no matter what.


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