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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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we have decided that whatever land is identified and is surplus, we will bring it from the universities and issue the permits, because these are mainly lands that have educational uses, and for the housing issue, they are definitely not allowed to build housing. we will do this and sometimes to be annexed to the city limits, we can also use this provision until now in the last year, what was done with the presence of mr. president. we reached an agreement with the presidents of the universities in the province and city and in the center, the land has been determined, some designs have been done and the preparation work has started, and this is one of the ongoing efforts. that is, we have weekly meetings to increase this number as much as we can.
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we will provide this land either from the assets of the ministry of urban development or from the surplus land that the university gives to the academicians as a continuous effort. inshallah, we will be able to do this as long as the land is available and the land is identified, considering that don't harm the discussion of education and higher education, the advice given by mr. president and the emphasis made in the supreme council of housing and sometimes in different meetings is that the first priority. the educational needs of the university and then, if we were free, that means future development universities should also be considered, with this agenda, we will follow up so that, god willing , we will be able to provide housing for the others. it is following up and it is emphasized by the honorable parliament, and one of the laws that is emphasized
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by all the officials of the holy system of the islamic republic is the implementation of international law and the population of what goes back to our organization is to provide the background, that is, we must be able to provide for all those who are subject to the law. and their third child is born, a piece of land let's do it. well, this is also like the national movement since the beginning of the law , when there was no provision of land. we took an opportunity and notified the highest authority of the ministry to all the big managers of the land supply , and by the end of last year, up to 70,000 plots were formed. the land was delivered to 70,000 applicants who qualified for this law, well, in a few campaigns with the ceremonies that were held. these were presented to our dear people and
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this is still going on. the next campaign to secure our land will reach every province and people will be eligible to register . do you understand? well, we are almost for the industry of the cities , for the employees and workers and engineers of the industrial areas, for the discussions of the university professors and the employees of the ministry of science, and of course, the azad university, for the youth population law plan, and are these specifically other strata that are a special plan. is it in the ministry of urban housing or not? look, we are the guardians of every stratum. if they are willing
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to help with this plan, with our help in the ministry of roads and urban development , we will definitely define a special plan for them. it is open to the artists who are willing to follow this path and this embrace in the ministry and urban planning in a special way. this does not mean that we do not follow up for other people . there is a lack of housing , so our efforts should continue if we are successful in serving the people until the last breath . in a special way, let them help themselves
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, for example, in the industry of cities, industry managers help us the arrival of a manager who can manage an industry can also manage a part of a city project. for these, for the respected cultural workers, for the artists, for the athletes, for all of us , open the line of special efforts in the ministry of roads and urban development. we depended on the follow-ups that are done from that collection and the trustees and we will do the follow-ups that we do day and night for everyone for those special strata. excellency. in other countries , one or the main burden of housing construction is in the hands of the private sector in iran and in the region how much did you try
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to attract the private sector to this area and hand over part of the responsibility for housing construction? we see that the private sector does almost everything, the government only guides and facilitates . we only prepared the land and the infrastructure , we transferred the land to the people, either individually or in groups. if your colleagues can prepare a report, for example, the city of freeman or many cities in south khorasan, yazd, the people themselves are doing construction, that is, directly. people in
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the people of anbusazan, we enter into a contract, anbusazan they build complexes and the people are handed over. this is the direct intervention of the government itself in the way that we can say that the government comes and builds units and delivers them . we don't have that anymore. most of the private sector does it with or without intermediaries. these are the universities , the industries of the cities, that's all. they are doing it themselves, we just prepare the platform, help , support so that it can be built sooner, that is, in fact, the organization. national land and housing does not do management work, it does delegation, strategy and policy making . there is one issue that you should first address in this regard . another issue that exists is whether we are accurate. we have a territorial survey for housing and urban development
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to know how much housing is needed in this city and what is our plan for the next 5 years. we had a more discussion about the housing community, well, we planned that at the beginning of the government, the quota that was specified to the provinces was exactly based on the planning and plan of the housing community, which the needs of the province and cities were known city by city. we have the housing society, well, the plan of my housing society is being updated so that we can use more of the capacities that the legislator has predicted , and more importantly, we have come a long way. we registered the people
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, refined them, checked their eligibility, and now we have the person and the family completely known and with complete specifications, and we are planning based on that. in fact , who are those who are eligible to receive land, because some people say that i don't know, it is red because they already got it, what is the situation, see in article 1 of the executive order of the law , it defines those who are homeless or eligible as we say. he defines it and says that it is the condition of someone who has been living since 1957 it means that after the revolution , he has not used the government housing education until now, because we could not yet
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meet the conditions for all the vocabulary. or he has bought a house in the past government or educational projects, he has taken a loan, it has led to housing, we count this as our red form, that is, as soon as he applies, we say that you have used government education for housing once. did you make any family this one of it's a situation that we can't use again when their gym form is red because there are other people who couldn't use it even once until now, and those are the conditions that we know as green gym form, and we owe them the second issue. this means that he and his dependents do not have
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housing, that is, if a person owns housing in a city and is the owner of housing , it will not be included in our programs as housing support programs. a few units are enough for the house to have land to produce housing. however , he cannot use the housing support education such as land and education that we provide for the homeless, unless he has sold or lost that house in the past 5 years. priority is given to people who want to start a family, and the next condition is to live in a city that has demand. he must have a residence so that, for example, we don't encourage immigration from this city to that city, he must
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have a residence in the city he is in demand for. are you eligible for housing? the red jim form that you asked about is only for the government to use and cannot be used a second time, and there is a question that i have talked about many times. this is how our housing model should be. some people are in favor of high-rise construction and tower construction. some people say that these are villas. do you have different strategies for different cities? yes, you can see that our cities have social and religious values ​​that are studied as an upstream document. both the municipalities and we are required to implement these
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plans the title of upstream documents is approved in the competent councils, if in a city there is a density or two floors, we are definitely more than that. we do not have permission and we will not do this . we do less. we have enough land. our priority is to allocate individual land so that people can build villas. but in places where we have limited land , there are too many applicants. the supreme council approves for us. and more than that, we as the government are not allowed to do construction, but in the national plan
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housing there is a variety of these in the city . our policy in the government and the ministry of roads and urban development is that where there is enough land for the applicants, we will definitely provide what they want in low density and in the fever. the bottom line is that it is our policy and it should be implemented so that people can have a better life, for example, in places like the northern cities that we discussed, or places where it is really hard to secure our land , there too, considerately not building towers and high density. i will use the land more and we have one minute to say if you have any points and thank you i do it because of your good program. i would like to say one thing that our colleagues in the ministry of roads and urban development and
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the national land and housing organization are working day and night for the national security, and we assure all people that we will fight this issue until the last person who owns a house. we are following the second issue that the national housing review plan is not specific to the ministry of roads and urban development, it is a plan that all the branches of the government are involved in . more reliable and faster and with more quality than the previous plans and above all we also ask for help in this sector to cooperate, both in the government sector and in the honorable parliament , to help, god willing, these projects will come to fruition soon and we can
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deliver the units that are in the implementation category to the people as soon as possible . thank you very much. dear viewers , be safe in the protection of god. in 1948, the zionist immigrants who had moved to palestine since the beginning of the 20th century, established a fake regime. israel was officially declared. since then , there have been people in the position of president or prime minister of this regime whose ancestral home was not palestine and from the four corners of the world have come to this land.
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the approval of a law to save the government's expenses and the work of the people's in-person visits to the departments of the budget law obliged the executive bodies to provide at least one third of their services through the window of their smart government service unit by the end of september 1401 and by the end of december of the same year connect their unit's window to the national window of smart government services. need for frequent authentication to receive frequent documents. not be the purpose of this task is to bring the device to an integration so that the user can access all the services of that device with a single authentication. to gain access, the ministry of petroleum and its related agencies followed this law. the headquarters of the ministry of oil previously, since march 1400, some of
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its most used services, including the approval of principles. and a refinery, as well as a permit for the construction of liquid fuel and cng stations through the national portal of permits, which continues until now . more than the text of the law , we had widely used systems in this field, such as the registration system for gasoline cars, in fact, the dual-suspension system, as well as the sedef system and other systems that are more related to the people. in fact, they used to apply and register their application and many cases were the duty of the law, until the end of
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the month, the executive body at least one third of their most used executive processes. connect to the window of the unit . well, alhamdulillah, we did almost two/thirds of this process, and some others a few days before the end of the legal and incomplete deadline, from the 19th of september , we were actually able to connect to the port . calculate the amount of gas debt based on the subscription number of the gas bill and the amount of debt based on the serial number of the meter, register the complaint in the inspection and respond to complaints and follow-up of complaints of these five services were actually counted on the single window. for the rest of the services, we are seeking permission from the presidential administration and non-operating defense, and as soon as
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we are given the permission, we will be able to move on to the entire package of gas supply services and headquarters services. the account is actually a single window for the people. the headquarters of the ministry of oil, which provides a third of its most used services, is also a subsidiary of the national broadcasting company . nafti has provided almost all its services and national gas company has provided its most used services provided and, god willing , the national company for refining and distribution of petroleum products will be connected to this single window by the end of september. the budget law of 1402 obliged the executive bodies to provide all their widely used services through the national window of smart government services by the end of november 1402. provide such that at least 20% of these services are performed in a completely intelligent manner without any human intervention, but when the deadline of this law expired, some
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institutions affiliated to the ministry of oil had incomplete performance. the parent company specialized in broadcasting refining has provided 100 services. national company for distribution of products nafti 100, mini petrochemical industry company, 60% , ministry of oil headquarters, 40 research. sanat naft 25% and national gas company 13 obligations that are related to this issue are almost fully fulfilled in the sanat naft research institute . we are in a department. now, which department is connecting the laboratory services ? the public services we have are also connected. god willing, it will be connected soon. it will take some time. let me not say this, because this is a commitment to reality and me i must be precise , we have prepared 28 services of the national gas company in our new system and
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cyber security checks are underway, after the regulatory bodies give us cyber security approval , we will immediately publish 28 services on the new system and people can use to benefit from this service , you can see a language field that you think is good. we expect to be able to provide these services to people in the next month. the oil minister explained the reason as follows. all our companies are trying to connect. well, if some departments in some of our companies are not connected, in terms of discussion the defense was ineffective. some considerations of non-operating devices in the field of defense, god willing, friends are consulting, otherwise there is no problem from the point of view of the ministry of oil. but the minister of communications said that these talks are an excuse. mr. president, in the meeting of the information council, he ordered that the devices that really use the excuse of security or
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have reasons to be investigated in the ministry of communications , if the security detection authority in the country, which is the supreme council of cyberspace, is not included , it should be sent to the cyberspace center, which until now we have a we did not have a case where the national center for cyberspace was given this excuse these reasons seem to be unreasonable, now that the deadline for the implementation of the budget law 1402 has expired , the statements of the deputy planning minister of the ministry of petroleum show that the national petrochemical industry company and the oil industry research institute have finally provided their services in full , but the performance of the headquarters of the ministry of petroleum and the national gas company is still incomplete. at the level of the headquarters of the ministry of oil, 4 services were considered, of which three services have actually been connected to the national window, and one service is being carried out at the national gas company level
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. the 23 service is actually connected to the window of the national unit and this work is continuous the government has actually set a target that this year we will make at least 20% of the services smart, which fortunately has been done at the level of the companies that i have mentioned. within the next two to three months , we will actually achieve the desired goal in this field, god willing .
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one and a half million hotels and accommodations all over the world with flytoday . he does not want a check at all. will you be my guarantor? my guarantor doesn't really want to pay in advance to the city of household appliances . he doesn't want to pay in advance. he doesn't want a special purchase for dear retirees. social security from the city of household appliances .
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i should use original argan oil to restore it. it is better to see a specialist. their doctor is an expert, i mean perjeke , who has already passed his test with the production of argan conditioner , and now he has produced a shampoo containing argan oil , which you can use with confidence in his products. let's use it. we have built a house for you so that you can come and see it. this is called an installment purchase. whatever you want , come to the big iranian house in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan until 2:00 in the morning in the city of tehran, your host. .
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up to 300 million tomans, he does not want real estate collateral , he does not want to block the guarantor deposit up to 50 million, my husband does not want to repay, wait for 5 years, let me ask about rome's salary , i am sorry, you also tell me the terms of roof for legal entities, up to 750 million tomans, with the same conditions, you can even transfer it to your employees. yes, i have heard of the nikan mlam plan of the mlam credit institution. price when mr. farsh comes, it doesn't matter which carpet you choose, machine or handwoven, the price of all carpets has decreased, mr. farsh , the prices have been broken in the wholesale purchase, the prices have also been broken . . the prices
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broke in all branches of mr. farsh. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello, good night at 20:00. and we are at your service for 30 minutes with some news. the director general of affairs of foreign immigrant nationals of fars governorate denied any news related to the recording of the investment amount in the foreign immigrant citizens investment deposit scheme. in this deposit scheme for foreign citizens residing in iran with a deposit of 100 million tomans in cash or in cash , health insurance, banking services for education in schools, universities and centers.


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