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tv   [untitled]    April 8, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm IRST

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he wrote that failure in the ceasefire negotiations will lead this regime to the darkest path of its 75-year-old life. atefeh godini of sed and cima news agency. the head of the atomic energy organization announced the launch of 50 plasma technology treatment centers in the country by the end of the year. in the press conference of the national day of nuclear technology, mr. eslami also pointed to the efforts of the country's experts in this field and said: iran is now among the top three countries producing radiopharmaceuticals. in the field of radiopharmaceuticals, we registered 15 new achievements , which can be claimed to be at the level of the first three. the world is moving towards the iranian atomic energy organization
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does the head of the atomic energy organization also announced the start of the concreting phase of the karun power plant by the end of the year. the holding of the first international nuclear energy meeting next month in tehran was another focus of mr. eslami's speech in today's press conference and he said: this meeting will be held with the aim of narrating the development of peaceful nuclear technology. according to the officials of the atomic energy organization, 150 nuclear achievements were registered in the country last year. between 1988 and 1999, the country's nuclear industry has offered 5 martyrs to the country in the way of glorifying islamic iran. the shrapnel that wounded this car killed a person.
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when the ministry of intelligence introduced jamali fashi as the assassin of dr. masoud ali mohammadi , he was a new person whom i met, and he was an israeli officer, completely israeli and spoke hebrew . the following year, in velanjak, tehran, the car of shahid majid shahri was hit by a bomb that had two engines. dr. majid shahri, a member of shahid university's academic faculty, was connected to it and exploded. august 1st martyr dariush
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rezainejad and december 21st martyr mustafa ahmadi roshan had a wonderful work behind him, that is, he accepted his goal, he accepted his goal, he did not fall short at all , for example, there might have been obstacles in his way at all.
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ten of iran's nuclear scientists were martyred by the zionist regime. between 1988 and 1999, the assassinations that wanted to stop iran's scientific and nuclear cycle. now, after each of those wounds, a large number of other scientists stepped into iran's nuclear cycle to move the scientific wheels of a country that has never stopped. mohammad reza ahmadi, sed and broadcasting news agency. boss. the judiciary , in a meeting with members of the media, found that this branch needs to be criticized in the way of information. mr. mohseniyeh said that the media people help to solve the shortcomings by raising the problems of the weak points. they are sitting at the foot of the iftar table in one of the last nights of ramadan. all of them have been writers and media for many years. their host is the head of the judiciary. but a few hours ago, the media were sitting around this table. discussions
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are hot and frank without compliments. ghazada evaluation based on statistics. this statistic causes a lot of damage in terms of the quality of ghazat votes . the judiciary lacks explanations in some cases . please speed it up a bit. now, about the ezgol issue , tell the judiciary to allow people to take their mobile phones to the courts. my suggestion is to make the hearings of the media online as part of the implementation. the transformation document had clearly stated that parts of it should be done within a certain period of time. in the past two years, a written report on the implementation of this document was not given. the main reasons and roots of these corruptions have occurred in the country.
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he also referred to the law of hijab and hijab in the society and said that we have laws for this important issue. your prosecutor's country should do the same, we have a trade union law, there is no need for you to go do something let's do it, let's use the trade union law, we have local laws, let's use these laws, we have the criminal law, let's use the same law . after the meeting, the talks became more casual, mrs. shaykh al-islam was also one of those who have been there since yes, she is the mother of the press. your questions were coordinated . you had already coordinated something. no , i didn't coordinate at all. by the way, because there was a bit of criticism, it was very natural that there was no coordination at all. basically, these meetings are very good meetings because different viewpoints are different. it is raised and the opinions are directly heard by the authorities. there is a lot of this collection that you may
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have seen here. compassionate and benevolent people. it was all out of benevolence. i myself used it a lot. the start of the national metro train passenger service after successful tests and the issuance of a passenger safety certificate , the national train passenger service on the main lines of the tehran city train began with the dispatch to the parand metro station. shahr farand station will travel vice versa. the propulsion system of this first train once in the country , designed and built by the scientists of jihad university, science, and technology, the meteorological organization
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has issued an orange warning for a number of western provinces and an increase in rainfall, and for some central and southern provinces of atmospheric instability. this organization asked the residents of these areas for the time of operation. be careful about the activity of the precipitation system in trips outside the city and avoid stopping at the riverbeds and banks. but on the 20th day of spring, the heavy snowfall caught the people of sareen ardabil by surprise. hello in the name of god. today , there were more rains and showers in the northwest of the country for tonight parts of ilam province can also be pointed out in the northeast of the country to the east of golestan province, the region of north khorasan and north of razavi khorasan, which will witness the spring rains, but for tomorrow, the provinces located in the western part of the country will be taken from west azarbaijan kurdistan. as far as kermanshah and ilam, as well as the northern and eastern parts
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of khuzestan province, there will be rain in some areas of lorestan and hamadan provinces. the rains tomorrow will be more in west azerbaijan and ilam province . new and to strengthen it, we expect most of the semi -western provinces and the southern slopes of alborz to be accompanied by rainfall, the intensity of the rains on wednesday, which has been assigned an orange level warning, from west azerbaijan, east azerbaijan and ardabil province, as well as gilan province, kermanshah, kurdistan, ilam, northeast of khuzestan. lorestan affects parts of chaharmahal bakhtiari , which affects areas of the provinces, zanjan, qazvin, alborz and northern areas of tehran province, respectively. to be
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also, the non-spraying and cleaning of the roads to the gardens and demonstration must be on the agenda, the mountain roads of alborz and zagros will be slippery on wednesday and thursday. there is a possibility of rocks falling from the mountain, and seasonal floods are not far from expected. the temperature trend for thursday to saturday next week gradually. the decreasing trend will be in the form of parts of the country, especially the northern half. tomorrow, we have wind blowing in parts of the northeast and east of the country, which can reduce the quality of the air. good night. the minister of interior said: people's participation in the headquarters committees arbaeen increases. mr. vahidi, in the first meeting of the arbaeen headquarters in 403 , it was also very good to use these taxis last year, that is, last year, according to the report i received
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, i moved around 300,000 to 1,000, and now we will mobilize them from now on. we can do this work better. the head of the arbaeen headquarters also informed about the beginning of the registration of pilgrims from the beginning of the month of hajj and said that agreements have been made with the iraqi side for the entry of a thousand iraqi buses to iran and iranian private cars to iraq. the largest gathering of students of the holy quran in the islamic world in 20 a thousand schools and darul-quran centers were held. this ounce event is held for the second year and this year it was held simultaneously in more than five countries. participating students gave the rewards of these recitations to the martyred students of gaza.
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back in these days of the holy month of ramadan and the islamic world, in addition to our beloved country iran, in five foreign countries, in fact, five muslim countries, this gathering took place.
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the students held a quranic meeting in memory of the student martyrs of gaza. we came to tell the children of gaza that we are not alone. we are with you. we sang this hymn so that we could be with the children of gaza. let's sympathize and give the reward of reciting these verses to the martyrs.
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in the name of god, hello, have a good time. the case of the 22nd week of the premier football league was closed with the suspension of tractor and the defeat of sepahan .
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moghanlou entered the opponent's goal. with this result, sepahan is in the fourth place with 38 points and sanat naft is in the 15th place with 15 points . esteghlal with 47 points and perseporis with 46 points are in the first and second places, respectively. an opportunity was opened for the players of the guard corps. the dehdar weightlifting world cup missed the olympic quota. in the continuation of the competition, which is the last stage of obtaining a quota for the paris olympics. today, in the 12 kg category , reza dehdar was 6th in one stroke with a weight of 179 kg
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, in two strokes with a weight of 28, he was 10th and a total of 300. tomorrow is tuesday, the 21st of april, the 29th of ramadan, and the 9th of april, the sharia midnight tonight at 23:22, the morning call to prayer in tehran is at 42:42, and the sunrise is at 39:55. dear viewers
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, thank you very much for watching the news at 21:00 , while saying goodbye, i invite you to watch the special news talk from now on. tonight, my colleague mr. kiaei is with you, please. hello, i would like to say hello to you, mr. zahourian and the respected viewers of vijeh news talk, welcome to the program tonight, the 20th of april, the anniversary of the national day of nuclear technology in the country, the day that in 2005, with the unveiling of a uranium enrichment cycle on netensez, is one of the important achievements in our country were made in the nuclear field, and this day was named as the anniversary of nuclear technology in the country in the country's calendar, a day that every year on the occasion of this day, the numerous achievements of scientists and experts
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in the nuclear industry in various fields are introduced. in the past years, specialists in the nuclear industry have succeeded to produce many achievements and products in different and practical areas for people and to be able to solve various problems. fields such as radiopharmaceuticals, which were widely used for people's health and medicine , have been widely used in the past years and have been able to solve the problems of cancer patients in accurate diagnosis and treatment. in the nuclear industry, specialists succeeded in the upstream industry such as petroleum. and of course, the steel industry should build advanced equipment using laser technology and provide the industry with equipment that was previously considered part of the embargoed items and technical know-how. he had very high technical knowledge and we were able to do it in the native country, of course , nuclear technology has been very useful in fields such as the agricultural industry and has been able to help farmers to remove pests
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from crops and plants and opened a revolution. the radiation industry should create in the field of agriculture that these achievements have been mentioned in the previous periods and years. in tonight's special news talk , we will review the achievements of the nuclear industry experts in the past years and the plan ahead for the experts and scientists of the nuclear industry industry. in the new year , how and where should this program be? it has been defined that some reports have been prepared in this field, but before that , the report has been prepared with the respected viewers of the network. we can see the report. we still have time to see the report together. it is one of the applications of nuclear technology in the agricultural industry. then we will introduce the guests to you. i will do. the staunch enemy of citrus orchards is max mediterrane, which in the past years, to fight this pest , nuclear industry technologists
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used the method of sterilizing insects with the help of throwing. we use the insect itself against the insect itself . we send the remaining infertile male insects to the environment and they mate with healthy insects that are in the environment, and as a result, no eggs are laid, and the population decreases unconsciously. it is also used for other agricultural products and with the help of different irradiation systems , it increases the shelf life of these products. this device removes pests from agricultural products, especially legumes, grains and plants. medicinal and date raisins can increase the amount of ambarmani. alhamdulillah, our harvest is very good. industrial radiation technology
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it is an infrastructure that minimizes the damage caused by the use of chemical fertilizers , prevents food waste by 30% , and solves part of the country's agricultural export problems. by using these rays, we can trust the safety of our food. let's have a tool that produces sparks or radiation and destroys agricultural crops. this work is done by radiation systems in the country in the atomic energy organization, production of dynamic rice resistant to rust and blast diseases, barley and wheat resistant to rust and salinity disease, rapeseed resistant to wort disease, golden tangerine, early soybean, potato with. excellent quality and drought-resistant rice are among the achievements of the country's nuclear industry elites for transformation in the agricultural sector. somia nas of sed and sima news agency.
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well, we saw the report together. the application of nuclear technology was in the agricultural industry. as i told you. in tonight's special news talk show , we will review the achievements of experts and scientists of the nuclear industry in the country and the program ahead of us. on tonight's show in the studio. and we are hosting mr. islamic engineer, the head of the organization atomic energy from khuzestan province, abadan , mr. engineer hakim qayim, director of abadan refinery, and from yazd, mr. dr. razavi, president of nuclear medicine association , will be with us in the program and we will talk about various issues. i wish you and your colleagues at the atomic energy organization the national day of nuclear technology. dear, i am happy to be at your service. stay healthy. today, in your press conference , you mentioned the achievements we had in the past years in various fields.
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in this program, let us examine an approach in different fields that is more useful for people and is more felt in people's lives . one of the fields that has been used a lot , we broadcast the report, was the agricultural fields, where we were able to solve problems with a lot of data. let's solve the problems of the farmers and increase the amount of the products in this regard. are you talking about what actions have been taken in the past years? yes, in the name of allah , the most merciful , the most merciful. people have had and will continue to have a significant impact on production, both in the field of cultivars and inputs, which now lead to high yield and high productivity through irradiation , let me think of a few of his approvals, mr. dr. shirmardi. pointing out that we
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passed these through the laboratory phase as actually pilot samples of the method have also been developed and this can be expanded very easily. our important need is to expand the irradiation systems. well, according to the document, which is the document of the community program that we predicted 12 poles, this should be in the context of the department private and organization, capacity and enterprises should expand. well, when we started this in 141 , we had no system, in fact , we did not have any product that we could say we are starting this . for us, it is in the first phase that this risk we have to spend money for the private sector to come and take over the risk-free sector that it can invest in and have a decent return. we
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are now in this phase. the knowledge base network has been worked on , we will bring this to every month this year, god willing now bring your right now once or at least two to the center every month, at least one and at most two to the center. we will launch, which we will do both independently and with the participation of the private sector , so that this operation can be started. well , look, my scale is a large scale. we cannot cover all scales in the first year. the important point is that this it should work in the process, in business, and in people's lives, because after all, it is 130 million tons of products, when they say 30% of it is waste , the first step of this movement is to make it. to prevent this waste, the second step is pest control but these remaining pests will not be transferred to people's lives, well, by itself, for the health sector and so on.
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millions of dollars will not go out of the country and the complications that exist there will no longer exist. well , this is a move that we have promised to do for 3 years and we can expand this . god willing, this will start . we took them and made adjustments. the ministry of jihad has cooperated with us in one of the two provinces . they gave us the halls that they had. we have started to reengineer them. let's go and install it and according to the priorities we set with the ministry of jihad, these things will start, well , it will start automatically, which will lead to the participation of the people, and this will save money , prevent waste, increase productivity, and increase productivity. i think that this
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will be a fundamental change in agricultural science and techniques, which will transform the agricultural sector , it will have a significant yield, and it will help exports, stabilize the markets, and for the society, it will actually be a blessing. it will bring benefits in the health and judicial security sector so, now the technical knowledge has been localized, the equipment has been built and it is ready for the private sector to come and intervene, and the slogan is healthy for the people, and the number is the same with the private sector. it was important for us to be able to actually detect the radioactive material that should exist. well , you know, this system in tehran had not been charged for years, so we were able to charge it last year. let us know that this
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is the compromise. two, the amount of irradiation that we did it was half the size of the previous year, that is, from the moment the volume and service and the scope of the service was given, and we have this this year, we will increase it again . these will be launched now, both for grains and for priority crops such as potatoes. you know, potatoes are one of the agricultural problems. we put this on the agenda of the ministry of jihad that the first priority is potatoes, and we adapted our system to the need for potatoes, and this is a step, god willing.
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big. which can show itself quickly and have this feeling in a tangible way, mr. engineer , you said that we want to establish 12 installments in the country in the field of agriculture, based on the long-term document , so far, i think 3 of them have been unveiled, 9 more there are 9 more left this year, god willing, it will be over , yes, with gamma rays, in fact, through a radiation system that is covered with gamma rays , both microwaves and microwaves, and various systems. this is also one of the important things, for example, one of our special achievements in 1402. microbile launch system for this cockroach that lives in the palm groves it is destroying it. well , there is no way to fight this pest and it is destroying the palm tree. the priority was in the south, and our colleagues designed the first system.
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let's say goodbye to the viewers of one channel on the news channel with conversation. be special in the news. the viewer of a special news discussion on the topic of reviewing the achievements of experts and scientists of the nuclear industry , as an excuse for the 20th of april, the national day of technology.


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