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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm IRST

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a word that is sometimes heard is the discussion of the famous industry, and what does this mean? it is a word that has become customary now . layers let's make a special follow-up for their housing. one of them is one of these layers of workers and industrial employees who have become accustomed to the industry of cities. this layer has capacities in the industry itself that were not paid much attention to before . for example, it remains like this before. the iron anvil that came.
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the industry was active, thank god after that according to the order given by mr. president, in the last year , we have reached an agreement with the owners of the industry, who are in the lands that we provide, or sometimes the industry itself, and we issue the issues of the permits , to provide the land and let's come to an understanding for the construction of housing and, god willing, another 100,000 is about to be spent. it is done
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, part of it is done, part of the memorandums are left . last year, we secured everything that the industry managers agreed upon, coming to sit down and announcing the need for their land, and sometimes there was a pickaxe and the preparation and construction work started. for example, we are in khaf. that part of the stone industry. our children are there , we were able to secure land for a large part of it, petrochemicals in masher, yazd, kerman, wherever there was an industry, we agreed with the industry managers there , we made an understanding, and for their workers , what is respectable workers and industry is the definition of the town and we have either defined the complex complex or
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delivered it so that they can do the construction and compromise . this preparation is still there . an urban settlement agreement was signed with the armed forces regarding the provision of housing for the military . how is this situation now? well, one of the other issues that we specifically followed up on, and the armed forces themselves have a lot of confidence, and they started a serious and jihadist work. providing housing for the personnel of the armed forces. well, this dear and hardworking group of the armed forces , who
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serve as security guards at the borders in the barracks, is a special line of effort for both the commanders of the forces and the ministry of roads and urban development . we followed the line of special efforts, fortunately, last year, a lot of people a lot of land was provided and education and housing were provided to them. at the end of last year, the pardon was about to be opened . we should have written a recipe in the law regarding your question, so that we can use the provision available to the armed forces for the armed forces themselves. it means barracks that are being evacuated and so on? either the barracks that
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are removed from the cities or the lands that have a surplus, well , at one time it was for operational needs, now the need has been moved to another place, or there is a surplus, this order and the legislator allowed us to we should also use these lands to provide housing for the armed forces. the capacity is very good. this instruction was prepared and signed by the honorable minister of roads and urban development and the minister of defense and support of the armed forces . this instruction makes the work much easier. for the administration of the whole road and urban development, we have a specific road map of the land. as they announce as our free settlement, these will quickly enter the licensing process, and god willing, the provision of housing for a large part of the armed forces will happen in this settlement, for academic faculty members and those who
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are affiliated with the ministry of science, and these what a plan we have two agreements with the universities, one agreement with the ministry of science, one agreement with the islamic azad university. there are mainly lands that are used for educational purposes, and for the housing issue, they are definitely not allowed to build housing. president , we picked up 60,000 units and identified the value we reached an agreement with the presidents of the universities in the province and the city, and we reached the center, the land was determined, some
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designs were done, and the preparation work started, and this is one of the ongoing efforts, that is, we are in the process. we are having meetings so that we can provide this number with whatever land we can , either from the possessions of the ministry of roads and urban development or from the surplus land that we have to provide universities for the academicians themselves. that the land exists and the land is identified , considering that there is no discussion of education and higher education don't be hurt by the advice given by mr. president and the emphasis that you give. excellent housing, and sometimes in different meetings, the first priority is the educational needs of the universities, and then, if there is a vacancy, the future development of the university should also be considered. with this agenda , we will follow up so that, god willing, we will be able to provide the others with housing for
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the youth project. jamiat also made a plan and considered land for housing. well, one of the important issues and plans of the government is being followed up, and it is emphasized by the honorable parliament, and one of the laws that is emphasized by all the officials of the holy system of the islamic republic is the implementation the youth and population law is what comes back to our organization, that is, we must be able to provide a piece of land for everyone who is subject to the law and their third child is born. well, this is also like the national movement since the beginning of the law, when there was no provision of land, we took an opportunity and notified the highest authority of the ministry to all the big managers of the land supply , and by the end of last year, more than 70,000 plots
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of land were formed. for 70,000 eligible applicants, this law was delivered. well, in a few campaigns , these were presented to our dear people with the ceremonies that were held. this is also going on, the next campaigns to secure our land in every province and qualified people to register will be refined. this will continue until , god willing, all those who are subject to the law will receive their land . engineers of industrial areas for discussions related to university professors and employees of the ministry of science and of course azad university for the draft of the population youth law, and
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are there other specific groups that should be a special plan in the ministry of urban housing or not? see, we are in any class that the guardians of that class tend to be this plan will help our help in the ministry of roads and urban development , we will definitely define a special plan for them. we are doing it for the academic elites, it was defined, definitely for the community of athletes and sports heroes, for artists, for those who are willing , this way and this embrace in the ministry of urban development is open to be pursued in a special way, this does not mean that it is pursued for other people. we don't do it. we consider ourselves obligated to all the homeless people , down to the last person. there is no housing , so our efforts will continue if we are successful and
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serve the people until our last breath. we are definitely following up with our colleagues to be able to advance this housing provision, but if certain groups and groups ask for it, they will also help . for example, in the cities industry, industry managers came to our aid. after all, a manager who can manage an industry can also manage a part of a project or town. for these, for respected cultural workers, for artists, for athletes, for all of us , we have opened a line of special efforts in the ministry of iraqi development. it depends on the follow-up. the things that are done from that collection and the follow-ups that are done day and night by the trustees and us
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the responsibility of the private sector falls in iran and in your field , whether you have the majority of the housing construction work in your possession or how much, have you tried to attract the private sector to this field and leave a part of the construction responsibility. you see, almost all the work is done by the private sector , the government only guides and facilitates , now we have a large part of this national plan, we only prepared the land and infrastructure , we gave the land to the people, either individually or in groups. if your colleagues can prepare a report, for example, the city of freeman or many cities of south khorasan, yazd, have their own people, that is, directly. the people themselves are involved in the construction of their housing, we only
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help , we provide land, we provide infrastructure, we get permits, discounts, facilities. the indirect way is the private sector, the private sector contractors and the private sector mass builders, and we enter into the contract on behalf of the people, the embosazans, the embosazans build the complex, and the people deliver it, which means that the government itself is a direct intervention in the way that we can say that the government itself comes to build a unit. he delivers, we don't have it like that anymore most of it is done by the private sector, either with or without intermediaries, the same universities, the industries of the cities, they are all doing it themselves, we just prepare the platform, help, support. if we make it to be built sooner, it means that the national land
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and housing organization does not undertake the work of management, but it does strategic and policy-making . there is an issue that you should first address in this regard. we have a city housing area to know how much housing is needed in this city and then. yes , we had a discussion about the housing community, so we have a plan the plan that was made at the beginning of the government, the quota that was determined for the provinces, is exactly based on the planning and the plan of the housing society, where the needs of the province and the cities were determined from city to city . to be able
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to use the capacities provided by the legislator in that plan, and more importantly, we have come a long way. we have complete specifications and we are planning based on it, one of the topics that some the people talking about it are those who are actually eligible to receive land. what are they because some people say that i don't know, it is red because they already took it, see how the situation is , see in article 1 of the executive resolution of the law , the homeless or those who qualify as we say , he comes there, he defines, and says that he is eligible who is from the year 1957 means that after
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the revolution until now, he used the government housing education. it didn't happen because we couldn't provide for all the eligible ones yet . it has been rightly said here that the priority is given to those who have not used it yet. he has used it, he has taken land, or he has taken a house , he has taken a loan from government or construction projects in the past. ok, it has led to housing, we count this as our red form, that is, as soon as he applies, we say that you once used government education for housing, every family, this is one of the conditions that we have when their form is red. ok , we can't do it again because there are other people who
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couldn't use the same bar until now, and they have the conditions. there are those that we know as jim sabz form and we owe them these the second issue is that he and his dependents do not have housing, that is, if a person has housing in a city and is the owner of housing , it will not be included in our programs as support programs. yes , he can use education to convert his house. to the house of the earth. if he owns this land, he can produce housing and build a few units , but he will not be able to use the housing support education, such as land and education that we provide for the homeless, unless he has sold that house or lost it again in the last 5 years. let it be part of the vocabulary of the next condition
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being married means that he must be married, priority is given to people who start a family. and the next condition is that he should live in the city he is applying for, so that we don't encourage immigration from this city to that city, he must definitely live in the city he is applying for . you said that the housing conditions are the red jim form that you asked about , it is only the government facilities that they use and they cannot use it for the second time, and one question that exists and i have talked about it many times is what should our housing model be like. they are in favor of building high-rise buildings and towers. some people say that these villas
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have different strategies for different cities. this has been studied as an upstream document of urban development, both the municipalities and we are required to implement these plans. in the national land and housing organization, we are subject to the plans that are approved as high-level documents in the competent councils. if in a city the density is increased or the floor is two stories , we definitely do not allow more than that and we will not do this, we will do less instead of land. if we have enough land , our priority is to allocate individual land so that people can build their own villas, but where we
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have limited land, our number of applicants is high. as the government, we don't have to do construction, but in the national housing plan , there is a variety of these in the city. our policy in the government and the ministry of roads and urban development is that where there is enough land for the applicants, we will definitely do it. what they tend to do is low density in the lower classes, it is our policy and it should be implemented so that people can have a better life . there, too, considering not building towers and high density
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, i will use the land a bit more, and we have one minute to tell me if you have any points. besides , i would like to thank you for your good plan. the ministry of roads and urban development and the national housing land organization are standing by the work of nezidt national and we give this assurance to all the people that we will definitely pursue this matter in a jihadist manner until the last person who owns a house. the second issue is that the national housing control plan is not specific to the ministry of roads and urban development, it is a plan that involves all government agencies, all honorable ministers, the honorable presidency , and the entire government. and we assure you that this plan
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will move forward more reliably, faster and with better quality than the previous plans, and we ask everyone to help in this area, whether in the government sector or in the honorable parliament, to help. god willing, these plans will come to fruition soon and we will be able to deliver the units that are currently in progress to the people. thank you very much and thank you dear viewers in shelter god be great. the shrapnel that wounded this car took the life of one person. his news spread quickly in the world media. the image of the person who was assassinated became the same. masoud. the physics professor of
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tehran university is martyred. shahid is happy. these people should die in bed. after some time , the ministry of intelligence introduces jamali fashi as the assassin of dr. masoud ali mohammadi. they are new people that i met. being two israeli officers, they were completely israeli and spoke hebrew . the next year in velanjak, tehran. shahid majid shahri's car was hit by a bomb carrying two motorbikes it explodes when connected. dr. majid shahriari was a faculty member of shahid beheshti and amir kabir university. he was martyred by the zionist regime and with the intelligence of the group of hypocrites. in 1990, two of the scientists who died on the 1st of august, dariush rezainejad and the 21st of the martyr mustafa ahmadi roshan
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, had a wonderful work behind them, that is, he accepted his goal , he accepted his goal, he did not fall short at all. it seems that one of our country's nuclear scientists was assassinated in the city of ab sard in 2099. and stop iran's nuclear program. now after every which of those wounds did a large number of other scientists step on in iran's nuclear cycle to move the country's scientific wheels that have never stopped.
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mohammad reza ahmadi, sed and broadcasting news agency. 6 months after the zionist attack on gaza, now one question is asked more in this studio. what do you think israel has achieved in these six months? israel has not been able to release all the hostages and this is a source of frustration for many israelis. the situation that should create israel's security has now become worse than anywhere israel's security has been targeted and the result of all this residents of the occupied territories have been thrown into the streets. the world
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and the global position of israel are seriously endangered, its credibility has been lost. has there ever been such a situation during the 75, 76 years since the establishment of israel? after the 7th of october, naturally, israel had not experienced such a situation, in the sense that the israeli political system is facing problems at the domestic level, in a situation that is similar to the international situation, which was questioned before the 7th of october operation, the issue of the palestinian cause, somehow, as if it was going to the sidelines. now, despite all the suffering that the palestinians suffered, hamas can claim that there is hope that with this attack hamas made the whole world unable to see and witness tens of thousands of
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civilians being killed. we have lost friendship with many parts of the world's public opinion, especially in the western world, we are now being accused of wanting to be brought to court on charges of war crimes. the ceasefire will lead this regime to the darkest path of its 75-year-old life, atefeh godini of sed and sima news agency.
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introduce you to the product for washing your hair. let's see if it removes this stain. the washing agent around you has excellent cleaning and stain removal properties. and there is also shell gum. blow a little more air around you to cool down. blow the wind hit bot shame on you. we will perish in this house. why don't you buy a cooler? the account balance is insufficient. this is the reason. it is not the reason. the reason is not the reason . we are going to the city of household appliances. buy a gas bag in installments. it is a good offer to buy a gas air conditioner. it is pleasant.
2:00 pm
welcome to the half day news. the preparation of service providers for the grand celebration of eid al-fitr prayer. traffic measures will be implemented around imam khomeini's mosque from tonight. 10-day opportunity for the president to the economic officials of the government to determine the practical mechanisms of people's participation in production.


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