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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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it should be in compliance with environmental issues so as not to harm the environment. unfortunately, in the past, due to the wrong procedure in issuing mining licenses, environmental issues were not paid enough attention, permits were issued in the past without receiving inquiries from the environmental protection department. yes, we saw the report together. if you are interested , stay with us until the end and watch this debate. please be a viewer of the news network . thank you . well, i would like to start with mr. fathi and this question, which was in the report , was also your opinion and one of your colleagues in the field of environment.
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you mentioned that there were several key words that the development of mines is damaging the soil, destroying it, and the pollution is taking over the northern regions of the country, and you did not imagine a very favorable situation . you are referring to the fact that the development of materials has damaged the protection of our environment . i have and it is polite to ask for your presence. in order to give a brief answer to your question, it is not a bad idea to provide you with a statistic and a big picture of the situation. mining in the country, we can actually say that during the last six or seven decades, mining activities in the country have started and developed in a mechanized and industrial way , especially after the imposed war that we actually had more development in the country than before.
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in fact, the processes of the industry related to mining activities are also in the same proportion. in fact , we are developing now according to the statistics that we have. now, mr. keshavarz can announce the exact statistics, but we have more than 8 thousand active mines in the country, which are very briefly and generally something as much as 350 thousand hectares of land in fact. different regions of the country are affected there are mining activities, and during the last few decades, something amounting to 30 billion tons of stone tailings from all kinds of mining activities, whether those mines that are classified as non-metallic mines in the law, whether they are metallic mines or those which are mined in the open or those mined underground.
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we used to produce stone waste, which have destructive effects on the environment. tell us something to get the minds of our viewers closer. we can give a better example, for example , tell us to see every mineral and about the effect of a mineral when it actually reaches a mineral substance. in fact, some tailings must be removed from the mineral material so that the working mine can get close to the mineral material or gain access to that part of the rocks that do not actually have any mineral material . the mine actually extracts these with the design of the mine, and in a place in the area, the mine actually discharges them into the environment, that is, the discharge of tailings actually causes the destruction of the soil and the environment around the active area. it is mineralized, so we
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have a part of the waste rock that still contains mineral matter the processing and production process of the product is not mineralized , but the destruction of it has happened in the next stage when the processing of the mineral actually begins and an industry comes to work and the mineral is actually consumed in the product and in fact during a certain and specific process. with different technologies and technologies to become a product. a new tailing is produced again, which we call processing tailings or process tailings. they are in almost all the country's metal mines, which produce most of these tailings . in fact, we have something close to 6 billion tons of processing tailings in different mines. metal country depot we did it in tailing trenches, on tailing surfaces and in topographical complications. around the mine, therefore
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, we are faced with a significant and stunning volume of all kinds of mineral waste in the environment, but just like the expert. in fact, you mentioned these at the beginning of the program , it is not against mineral extraction and development, we are not saying this either, but a balance must be created, the mine must actually observe the standards that can actually achieve a balance between environmental protection and extraction. create a mineral substance. now, do you think there is a single answer to this balance in our country or not? no, thank you, mr. kesha. borzpur, please tell me that mr. fatih has a heart full of mining and mine development, in terms of the pollution that is created, it is the same as they say, does it mean that there is all this damage to the environment or not, we can turn a blind eye to this damage to the environment. we do it because of the economy that it has for us
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. in their opinion, yes, in the name of god, i say hello and have a good time. i am at your service and your esteemed viewers. and also, i wish eid al-fitr to all my dear ones . i would like to ask you to see that the reality of mining is associated with destruction. this is an unavoidable principle. it happens all over the world, but we have to pay attention to the fact that there is a debate. according to article 24 of the mining law, we have an obligation to inquire about the environment in the four areas that include national parks, national natural monuments, wildlife refuges, and protected areas. to take these areas
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are considered to be a small area, not including about 11 shares of the country's area except for these four areas, which is a very high number. now, by the wisdom of the lord , he gathers all the good things together, it happened that sometimes our metal deposits and valuable mineral deposits are located in places that sometimes they are related to natural resources or the environment and it is sensitive for friends too. well, there is a solution . it can be done through any way. anyway, everyone in the world is doing this experience. we are not going to do a new experience. we have even gossip. we can do it. we are from venezuela or europe, where our coverage is not greater or our environmental sensitivities are not stronger . if
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we don't want to see a part and have a national view, we can he established this interaction. let me tell you that in the last one or two years, an interaction has been established with friends of the environment. well , i'm not saying that we have achieved 100% of the goals, but at least we hear a little more friendly talk . there is a solution. it can be done through creation. in fact , the implementation of the environmental regulations of all these laws is legalized, that is, the issue of extracting from mines and harvesting these god-given capacities is not hidden from anyone, but it can be legalized and regulated, just like the whole
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world is doing this. what you say is it possible to do it like this or not we have this claim that there is environmentalists who say little, we say sir. this happened. since last year, a joint working group has been formed for several joint meetings to serve our friends and the environment .
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well, mr. fathi, please tell me where is the root of these confrontations and these discussions and negotiations that mr. keshabarz mentions, and how much it is going to be resolved and how much. it's a good point to say that we are actually asking the environment for the mines for different areas under environmental management , but just as they themselves pointed out the areas under the management of the mohid sist protection organization, which is actually 0 to 100 under the management of mohid biot , it is less than 10% of the country's area, that is , the ministry is in charge of the mining sector for more than 90% of different regions of the country to issue
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mining activity licenses from the environment does not inquire independently, in fact , it acts on the issue of mining activity permits, so the environment is included in the action taken, in fact, the permit for the issuance of the mining exploitation permit is placed, so in fact , the destruction of the environment has been planned and is happening. later, the environment will be informed that a part of the environment was destroyed at some point due to mining activities, so the other 90% that he mentioned now should be regulated, we still see the same regulation that we actually have for mining activities due to the different situation of our country. it didn't really happen.
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the environmental protection organization has come and prevented its activities because of pollution or any other reason that they mentioned. see, i am talking more about the field of exploration, because according to the purpose of more at the same stage in the field of exploration in the early stages, you see, we are from tui. this the four protected areas of the environment are 7% of the share of the mining sector, which includes the license for the exploration of yuei
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, the discovery of the behri license, and even obtained the license, which means that the rest is within the authority of the environment. but the rest of me is in charge , this is not the case. they are smaller than you , you are smaller than them, that is to say , the mine is going completely according to regulations , there is no such thing as not being organized, anyway, there are all these issues, apart from this, in the next stages as well. in fact, this mine is going to be converted into an exploitation permit, an exploitation permit will be converted into a processing unit, they all need to be stated again. under the supervision of the environment and get the necessary permits, which means 100 times will be returned to you, sir, you have
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a mining exploration, it can be said that the destruction that occurs in the environment as a result of exploration is not a detriment to the entire mining activity, and that in the laws and regulations of the ministry of life he requests that you be responsive to inquiries only in the discovery phase. this one can be said to be a mistake. legal expertise should actually be consulted in the processing sector of the environment in the exploitation stage of the mining activity, although in all the countries of the world that you mentioned, from the design stage to the end of the mining activity , all aspects of the environment must be seen in order to preserve the environment, to restore the damaged or destroyed parts. miner. he should actually accept the responsibilities that
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result from the actual destruction of the environment or the pollution of the environment, this is what mr. keshavarz can look at the statistics themselves , what the environment enters as damage or a very small portion of the fines or fees are incurred from the total amount of mining activity, i would like to offer you this. mr. nasr and really respected viewers , maybe they are less familiar with the mining law , that's why this oppression of the people is really a bit worrying, and you see , this is not just a matter of destroying the environment. this deputy alone has 567 of the shares in
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fact. i would like to tell you that it is providing the share of non-oil exports of the country, so consider this number and how important it will be in this economic situation. in addition to the social responsibility that always pays 12% of the share of government rights and
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natural resources, they should also enter if their representatives are present or you can speak about not receiving riyals for the reconstruction and revival of civil activities. you yourself know that the laws and regulations of civil activities all over the world oblige the mine to restore and restore, not that an institution like the government should be entrusted with the restoration and restoration of a mine , which is a private sector or an investment. 30 years, 20 years for exploitation of nature used it, destroyed it, polluted it, and then a government trustee body wants to allocate some of the fees that are now collected annually, but not all of them . if you log in
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, you will see that the costs are not comparable at all to the tolls that are paid. i can give you an example . you must know that these tolls that are allocated or declared as natural resources are not really allocated. i will know the allocation until now he has found one rial. yes, yes, definitely , be sure that it is the 14th year of this organization 's budget program, we have an obligation to deposit it, and no, i don't know if you have a statistical number.
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visit all the mines in the country, whether in the public sector or in the private sector, on a case-by-case basis, and see where this money has gone and spent on reconstruction or rehabilitation . most of the mineral destruction happens outside the four environmental zones, by the way, our environmentalists act in connection with the protection of the four zones in such a way that mineral destruction happens less inside. we fell in love. according to statistics, we have about 500 mines that are located in the four regions, so in the four regions of the national parks of national natural monuments, where mining is absolutely prohibited, but in other regions, if there is mining and it is active, it happens , statistically, there are not more than 500 mines. it is outside the four regions that
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we see the major destructions in the field of environment , especially during the last two quarters and during one. in the last decade, unfortunately , due to the fact that the price of metal has increased in the world market, many mines that were not economically justified in terms of grade until 15 to 20 years ago, bright civic activity has happened today , and there is justification for finding gold mines, which were not considered by investors in terms of grade 15 years ago, but today they are being considered for all kinds of exploration activities. and exploitation is happening. we are only talking about gold mines. we have 53 active gold mines in the country right now and dozens more are in the exploration stage.
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therefore, the environmental sensitivities of mining activity are not low, but what mr. keshavarz's friends are pointing out, government taxes are being allocated to him, unfortunately, i have witnessed was not until now, a mine in a part of the country has been revived , restored, an abandoned mine has been renovated into a tourist resort, an abandoned mine has been restored, or its reserves have been depleted, it has been restored, its plant intelligence has been created, and to the initial conditions have been returned, we have never had such a thing in the country, not this maybe in the four regions that are now under management. it is your deputy, it did not happen, but my friends, naturally, if they were present, they would definitely confirm my words, this budget will be returned, and this is happening, except for the miners themselves.
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in the form of their social responsibilities, they are spending money in the area where they are located for the construction of their access roads after completion. now, for example , the infrastructure of that area is providing services for that area. what if a mine wants to work without regulations without observing these protection principles? he is not allowed to work for a day. they will invalidate it easily , your representative, the representative of natural resources , is present in the supreme council of our mines, and they themselves definitely confirm
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that before the representative of the environment wants to deal with these matters , our own deputy minister of mining is dealing with mines. if mad 20 happens, yes, you can definitely see this from the representatives of the supreme council of mines. because some miners do some social activities, for example, they build a mosque , they build a health center, they build a school, but the ministry of mines in its own laws, including the mining law amendment law , has kept silent on the issue in relation to indigenous communities , while all over the world, indigenous communities should be communication with civic activities. their position should be clear and their rights should be seen. that there is nothing in the law regarding the common rights of the people who
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live around a mine, whether it is a village or not the city does not differ, and it has not been seen in the law. when the miner is involved, in fact , the legal permits for the mining activity are involved, once social conflicts arise from the payment of government salaries, which is clearly stated in the law , article 14 of the mining law, this section should be returned.
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in any case, for the reconstruction of the anfala mine , see the anfala mine issue. well, if this is the case, all of khuzestan should sleep in their homes under the cooler, because oil and gas are under your heel , you give them mufti's salary. well, does this happen if you want this to happen in the field of mining, but in return, the mine is using its workers and a guide ? no, exactly, i mentioned the laws of other parts of the world that you
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are your friends, your environment, without us being a processing unit, the concern we have now and the complaint we have now is the fact that now. a mining area that has potential and has the capacity to create jobs and offer in this crisis situation two or three years is now at the disposal of the environment to approve the environmental regulations. there are several of the provinces, for example, i am not present now, because i have to say that in my field of expertise , they are talking about percentage and not 90%, this is the case. other materials are interesting in places where
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it is required to obtain a permit from the environment for the processing units, for example, if we say that it will be available for two or three years, it means that we need that mineral , for example, we are trying to obtain it in a different way, what are we going to do, will a lot of minerals be imported? in any case, it can be provided from other places. now see how many cities like this you have. in the same 11% that you mentioned, i will use the 11 that are wide. i did it in those areas. there are four types. any other place where a processing unit is supposed to be built is outside of that area. 11. the places where the processing unit is not usually given a permit. outside of that area, if the faravi unit wants to be tested, it is necessary to obtain a permit from the environment. regarding what you are saying, yes, let me tell you
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, what you are saying, we supply the country's needs from other places. we are in a quadruple protected area well, we can't extract this , we have bauxite in the alamut region of qazvin , we have the smell of mercy in kokiloi province, we can't extract this . we have to go to guinea from guinea mine , we have to go to bring bauxite, bauxite is the raw material of bauxite and alunide is the raw material of aluminum, which is a strategic metal that is the main need of the country. well, see how much it is producing. well, we can sit down and interact with the friends of the environment, sir. environmental rights to extract this mineral and other reserves in compliance with all the rules and regulations.
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our angoraran region has a very potential reserve, but unfortunately, due to the opposition of the environment , it is not used for this mineral , but the importance of rare earth elements, lithium, is not hidden from anyone. well , because of those environmental conflicts, unfortunately
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, no, i have this pain in my heart. there is something that we have in the country and we have to spend dollars to import it from abroad. i say that we have a lot of this mineral, which can be regulated to a certain extent now. which one do i remember? i'm in tears we are famous in the geological paradise, we claim that we have at least 75 types of minerals in the country, why shouldn't we have so much policy, so much planning to be able to systematically use this divine gift? which really has its share of oppression because it has


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