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tv   [untitled]    April 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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mr. aboudtian , the discussion of people's participation in the economic field and on the topic of the jump in production, how much is the people's participation in our economy now, where are we on our way, and if we want to have a general perspective in the first step of the conversation, where should we be? that the direction of the general movement of the leader of the revolution towards production and economy, how much we were able to go in this direction in the government complex, in different governments, in the sector, in the people's sectors.
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finally, the place of investigation is that i don't see any benefit in this situation. we are far from the ideal situation. yes, we are far from it. we are seriously far from it. you see, if there is no general movement in this issue, the general movement means that anyone can bring whatever they can. we will not succeed in this economic war. after the holy defense, a war will be imposed on us. the military entered, and then the cultural upheaval entered the field of economic development, the signs are clear to all people, and it is not that we say that a few people can solve this problem. they would do two shifts, they would make me three more shifts the problem was solved, the problem of production, when people's groups from different sectors, everyone started
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to produce the product that was needed, we were slowly able to reach a smoothness . if it becomes public, then we can say that the position of the people in the issue of production has become clear. i gave this example because it is close to the mind of the corona incident, mr. dr. abudtian, to take the discussion to the areas that should be active. this potential and capacity of the people in the economic sector should be provided in our production. what capacities do we have, mr. jahanbakhsh? in general, what is the optimal level and the optimal distance, we have in the country now, where should it be fixed so that this beat moves faster and this reform is stronger? both in terms of natural resources and in terms of human resources
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, we have accumulated a force, the force of potential capacity , let's turn it into a growth driver, that is, a young bottleneck. it was your year, what should we do about it? there are some that if these bottlenecks are not solved , the government cannot expect the people to come in and the people cannot actually become active . we say people's economy. i mean, what about our statesmen, we , who are not the founders of the apartheid system, for example, the statesmen are other than the people , they came from the body of the people, why don't we say this , the people, or our private sector, capitalism, we are the body of the people, we don't call it the people. people with capital khord yes, it means that the three sectors of capital are a correct sector as you mentioned , the other two sectors are the power, information and wealth. in some places, this
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power , information and wealth are concentrated, for example, the government. they are not in a high status , they are in a general or average status, according to the qur'anic interpretation and nourid al-dhi al-arz, it is that they want the economy to be popular. let's activate it. let's take the example of wealth first let me tell you more concretely that our discussion is economic. in the wealth of our country, we can divide the wealth into two parts: credit and natural. in credit wealth, the most important thing is the issue of money, the issue of liquidity is also in the direction of facilities, whether it moves more towards the capital owners or the general public . credit, should the power to create credit be in the hands of the private sector capitalist, the person who has enough capital to establish a bank, he has the right to create credit . now, according to expert reports, about 7 thousand billion tomans are being created per day. this means that no matter how much people put into production, it will
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be stored in a bag with holes like this, it will come out from here, and again, it will be like related containers that are on the bottom of the scale . it is important to mention that the power of credit creation must be explained in a fair manner and clearly the power of credit creation must be taken from private banks . keep this transformative revolution . in the field of public participation and its effect on the jump in production dr. aboudtian, our plans and plans. we had various bills of laws in the past years , all of which were aimed at people's participation . we had article 44, we had the role of cooperatives
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, we had other principles and laws. is there new issues to be added to these issues or not, the amendment of past issues and their continuation is a forgiveness of reform, after all, we are a part of that means these did not lead to the ease of small- scale production, an important strategy that the government has set for this year, and a serious turn and key and strategic creation small-scale economic models, you see, we are speaking because you have a public audience. in the situation of television, during the war, when we faced a large-scale warship, we did not have a warship, in contrast with the strategy of small boats. we faced the enemy, that is, he came with his big ship , he was surrounded by small boats, a small-scale economy, which is within the power of all people, needs a series of infrastructures , a major part of these infrastructures is not available now , standards, health permits, monetary laws
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these guarantees are designed for large companies and economic enterprises, regardless of whether you are now there are a series of problems. to be able to use the country's resources, now we have 7% of mines, while the world's resources are ours, we are one percent. we are the population of the world, but the truth is, how much do we exploit? the people exploit the mines themselves. i know that in many cities that i go to, here and there, in different villages, we have very good mines , but people don't feel it because we don't have the ability to a small group of people or a comprehensive cooperative
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can easily take over this source of this mine and extract it, so we we need for small scales. the legal mechanism and infrastructure should be provided, including the background , including the machine, the things that have been there so far are not enough. you must definitely see it continue . yes, i want to talk about the small scales, which means that we need to understand the atmosphere of the country and the people need training, and these examples are happening now.
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i think that a general and individual model for production should be created in nagar khatun village , famnin city, hamedan province. yes, hamedan, mr. haj mr rabbani, who was in charge there and was the start-up , has been entering the production of agricultural parts for years, in the homes of family workshops, so the laws that become the standard for these sections have guaranteed the width of the market, which is a special market their products , where they want to use financial resources and banking resources, all of them have problems in the discussion of the laws of the land. we have a law on industrial partnerships, but if a village wants to be a productive village, does a city want to be a productive city? do we have a law corresponding to this? this is one of the infrastructures that we need. let's create a scale for small productions, and it seems to me that
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this requires a serious field this year, and the government, god willing, is determined to open this path, and a strategy will be an entry gate. do it sir we will discuss it when we have time . power, wealth, knowledge, right? you mentioned a transformation and a transformative turn. i asked mr. oudtian a question, the topic is actually the role of cooperatives, the laws that we had, the background and platforms that were used in the past regarding the increase of people's participation in the field of production, the jump in production and the participation of the economy. we were following. the challenges we faced in the past that must be within our reach and resolved, whether in the field. increasing people's participation in the role of cooperatives, article 44 and other cases , see in the above documents, we
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have very good capacities, that is, one of the provisions of the constitution, article 4l, the third of the constitution, that is, it is really a strange principle, it states that no, the government must be a big employer. and not all of them express and in tadawul tadawul the concentration of wealth, the private sector hires with the word "bharkeshi" in article 43, then interestingly , he says that everyone should be able to work. they have the possibility to work. and everyone should work in such a way that they have so much free time that they can actively participate in the leadership of the country, that is , the economic horizon is very high, the basic forces are defined, but unfortunately, we do not see this in the laws of the downstream structures that we come to. let me give you an example , for example, in industrial partnerships. isfahan province : 427 meters per worker in shkouhie industrial estate, qom, 340 meters in mahmoud abad industrial estate, qom, 191 meters of land per worker, but instead of giving workers to ourselves, who can give this land to someone who has the potential to capitalize? to have if he builds a shed, he should build a factory. now this worker should go for hire. he should be hired. according to ayatollah
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javadi amali's definition of the economy , it is a multiplicity economy, not a kothari economy. in a kothari economy, people work for themselves. it can affect the society , it creates greed and capitalism in the society , it creates a lasting injustice in the society. well, now our technology has changed. after 30-40 years, the technology of the world has gone in the direction where we can use single and advanced products with scissors. let's produce to produce this to produce a flash memory, to produce a charger, you don't need to build a big factory. in the industry that we can scale , we should come and give that share of land to the family, which happened to be one of the points in the proposal of think tanks last night to mr. the president said that he would be very welcome to do this, and probably, i think that mr. abdtian's proposals will come within the next 10 days, as we have the national housing movement, for example, we will give land for cultivation and land for production. family workshops and khan begi that the opportunity of the national housing project becomes the driving force that now provides land for people to work
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, it provides production without land , we cannot expect them to work . we also went to visit zanjan lands, margoban lands , agricultural lands, the land is not for development. in the national housing movement, they are giving them apartments. well, then they gave 300 hectares of land to an industrial joint venture. and the production of both of these now it is said that it is being produced at home, so our view is that we cannot produce at home , we have to come and form an industrial partnership for production. it used to be divided that people who had small capitals could build a workshop in their homes and work with their families. the family should also help. the culture of work should be institutionalized in the children from now on and everyone would benefit from these facilities of the land in a fair share. this is the point that we had in wealth, credit wealth, as an example of money wealth. i explained the nature of the earth and my natural resources , mr. abdtian said, let's keep it here , let's see a report, let's go back
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and continue the discussion and tonight's program. the clothing manufacturer in every house is a production in which the whole family is involved in production, and this person who had become a shoe manufacturer, now we are proud that there are 3500 people working in this industry . 12 years ago, we wrote a market , almost 80% of our shoes are imported. it was today at some point we are that 80 and 20 are almost reversed, that is , we are now more than 80% of the country's reins, with the pride of iranian production. then we reached 60 villages and now more than 60,700 people
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are working. we have only one request. if you help us in the matter of export , we can work in the rest of the villages of beshagard. i saw it , but we didn't see many of the country's officials once, let's say sir , this is the way, we went, we got here. the nomadic householders of our region are thousands of households. these narratives asked the audience to share their experiences in the field of better utilization. to provide the governments with the capacity of the people in terms of production and economy. mr. raisi stated that one of the conditions for the success of people's participation in production is to prevent the activities of non-productive sectors. we have to take the field from the broker as much as we give the field to the production, and this is actually the non-productive sector. this non-
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productive sector, which is now forming the largest economy , and they know it. this is very important in addition to work. about 3 and a half hours of the president's time leave it to see what needs to be done to popularize the country's economy, but the summary and the last decisions of this meeting from the president's words , we made some good decisions to implement, we formed a working group that will be activated quickly under the supervision of the executive vice president of this group from the participants themselves. here, it means that scientific departments, especially in the departments of economic activists, should be members of this work , not a government working group. the time that i set for all departments was that we could do a preliminary review of the work within 10 days at most , and i would be open to myself in the next meeting to see where the work goes. received by yusuf salami, reporter of sada vasima news agency , mr. abu datian, one point that we always
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face in the discussion of production economy and its challenges is that maybe the view of the governments, government institutions , ministries, organizations towards the people's organizations and the people is perhaps weaker. and maybe they don't trust much in matters of moving forward with decisions . what suggestions were made to solve this problem? now, whether it was in last night's meeting or what progress was made, the current situation is the same as what you say, while some of our officials believe in the people. but i see the level of people's presence as a general value in small issues and in your small issues issues that now, for example, when you say production, people think that eating vegetables and eggs is the same as eating vegetables and eggs and
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so on. for example, suppose food. it does not mean that you will not enter the field anymore. if it is necessary, if it is really not profitable for the people, or if it is a security issue, we cannot give it to everyone, otherwise , we should believe that everything belongs to the people. this belief does not exist now, in my opinion, and we are new arrivals . mr. president personally, they believe this, but this cultivation wants to become a part of the society, both in our governing institutions and in our government, so that the officials open up to the people only in the society that they see investment. this is a minority of the people's participation. this is a part of the people who see the same private sector as the private sector . the people, but not all the people, our problem this year , i said again, is the mass of the people, ahad means me and you , that means all of us, so this will be solved with one answer from you, this is with one problem, and for the government
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to know its role as the headquarters of the formation of the economic front, the same thing that was done during the war happened and the people of the government cannot replace the people and produce if this he did his job, he took office. if he does this , this is what we are witnessing today. very well , let's talk more. we will talk about the economy and the issue of boosting production . what are the goals of this issue, which is named this year by the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, and what is its strategic view? yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am also at your service, dear guests to the honorable nation of iran, i congratulate you on eid al-fitr, with the wish of acceptance of obedience and worship
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. business licenses as well as the financing law which is in its final stages in the guardian council , very good things happened in the 7th plan , that is, if i want to share one of the features of the 7th plan with you and dear people, it is definitely one of them. discussions on popularization and people's participation, which are more than 60 times in the 7th plan compared to people's economy, grassroots participation people's organizations and i invite you to come to see that people's entry into the economy has been discussed and investigated in various areas, from the upstream industries to energy, oil and gas, in which until now people's participation
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has been limited and it has not been very possible to participate. agriculture , watershed, watershed, these are the examples that respected experts and honored guests are holding a meeting regarding the transfer of land, which is in the presence of the presidency today. one of the dear ones in the republic said that we have brought the necessary materials and notes for all of these, that is, if friends search in the so-called seventh program, they will see exactly the same the transfer of land to the outskirts of the villages or the transfer of government land to the people, we have allocated the so-called materials to mr. zanganeh .
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we brought up the popular issues of people's participation. it seems that in addition to this important issue that is in the observation of parliament members in the 7th development plan, more than this executive guarantee is what is included in this issue and in this discussion about the executive guarantee. each of these cases that emphasize the role of the people and the participation of the people tick you have asked a very precise question. i would like to complete one point before that. mrs. emami, i think that this year's slogan has a special feature, and that is that more than 8 or 9 months before the sitting of the year, the parliament and the government have a plan. compilation means all the resources of the government and collective wisdom in the parliament , in the council of recognition in the supreme supervisory board, it means gathering what has finally existed in the country and writing a plan that is actually approved in the meeting that the leadership has with the workers of the system.
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to make this program, i think that if we compile the so-called categories that we want the methods or the so-called regulations of any work that needs to be done, i am really requesting from the honorable government to all those involved who are against this seventh plan. ok. in the guarantee of implementation, as you said correctly, in addition to criminalizing each article , for example, in article 5, in the discussion of handing over in article 5 of the seventh plan law, which has several sections a, b, c, etc., we finally came to criminalize each section. in supporting our shareholders in one place, in handing over state-owned companies in one place, even we, for the first time in the law, from the ring and the middle of the jihadi camps of the people's organizations. that is, whatever you think , you can present any definition of the people now, we
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saw in the program, in article 118 of the program, for the first time , we put a council, which traditionally has the first vice president and representatives from the parliament and regulatory bodies. that they are obligated from the time of notification of the program on materials and monitor the implementation of the program and the criminalization and executive guarantees that we put in each article, they should carefully examine and take action mr. zangineh , i will continue the discussion with you if i have the opportunity , i want a cycle about the middle circles. to speak that the subject emphasized by mr. zanganeh was about a transformational turn that can help our discussion in the three parts that you mentioned. yes, the second field after wealth was information. we can divide information into two parts, specialized knowledge and general information. what i want to say is compatible with our thoughts, but it is very incompatible with our common mentality and performance, which means that
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you may be surprised now. martyr beheshti , the first choice of the revolution, declares that the islamic system can declare propaganda as haram. advertisements that are common on the radio. why? they say that the effect of advertising is the effect of robbery. it removes the small feet and brings the market to the centralized side. advertising is not any kind of awareness. no matter how much money i give you for your antenna, it will not provide a platform for people to eat, and if there is going to be a transformation, we have to transform to this extent. later, it has effects that does not allow people to attend, so this starts from public information, this public information starts from advertisements, and reaches the explanation system, the explanation system that is appropriate to the food. it's different from the system of registration that is suitable for centralized production. let me give you an example: china came and gave a tax exemption to the alia site. the alia site established a platform called taobao. it is not a seller
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, it is a producer, it is under five people. because it was a regulatory platform, it was able to save all chinese food manufacturers from the hands of walmart brokers. 3.3/4 of china's online business came to this platform and became the second largest online sales platform in the world after amazon, with 500 billion dollars. the government or our waqf institutions could explain on the nizam platform that now the hidechi who is producing shoes, the sarees who are producing backpacks, the mishkan who is producing leather accessories, should not have a place to sell, the results will go to the dealers. and there is concentrated capital in the explanation system, that he has advertisements and brands in his hands, he wants to use this work , this is a turning point, mr. dian, looking at the middle circles, we have an idea for this issue. groups of people who find a solution to solve the problem of a minute mechanism to solve the problem of finding people's groups , they can organize and demand from the government
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. consult the body to make decisions and guide the people's groups towards their goals and follow up. we need a series of these roles in this connection between the people's movement and the government . some of these groups should be added, and this indicates that some of them are in the platforms, there are platforms, there are virtual platforms, there are enablers, there are those who accelerate , there are financing institutions, and the groups that they open the way for the people to be aware of the important issue they are focusing on. surely, one of the most important pillars of this movement is to create a general movement of these middle circles. some of the examples we mentioned are there are groups, there is a group in kerman , a people's group has gone, a company
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has created a people's industrial partnership, it has established knowledge, it has created a chain of work, apart from those government mechanisms , it has been able to bring people and young forces to the level of academics and other fields. bring the smallest parts that you need in the field of production the province to the needs of the whole country, well , there was also a book on the table that you mentioned before the program about the various plans that this year, some examples and plans for this year and strengthening the role of participation , which i want to do with difficulty, but again, in this one minute. i would like to emphasize that the government, the ministers and the parliament have compiled a plan
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for this program in the assembly. it has been hammered out in other places, and i request all those involved to come to this program, which took a year of hard work by the government of the assembly and mr. abboudtian's own loved ones in this role, to make this a basis and as a comprehensive document. which is agreed upon by all departments the implementation and improvement of the country is all our actions , our packages and our suggestions , let's put this plan into action, god willing , so that we can provide, so to speak, indicators to measure the performance after 5 years of service to the dear people, god willing, thank you very much, mr. zanganeh, mp the islamic council bids farewell to mr. abdatian and mr. jahanbakhsh for giving your time to wijeh news talk .
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen , hello, welcome to the world today. happy eid. i am hosni sadat shabiri and i will accompany you in this program for about an hour. nicaragua has sued germany in the international court of justice for the accusation of participation in the genocide in gaza and supporting the zionist regime with weapons. tonight, i ask why you came to nicaragua.


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