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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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see, this is what i want to say. as a matter of fact, i will discuss the ideology in another place . see, as a principle, friendly countries have differences, because every country has a foreign ministry. if the countries were to disagree, the foreign ministry would make sense. it didn't make sense , it didn't make sense. diplomats go and talk and reduce these differences and increase commonalities. we have strategic relations with china and russia. yes , we have differences in some places. we support georgia. the leaders are unhappy that we are in the assemblies internationally , we support the integrity of ukraine's currency and want the end of this war . we are unhappy. we do not have compatible positions with the leaders in the caucasus region, but we are friends .
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again, i disagree with the false dichotomies , that the chinese and the russians take a stance on iran's vital and territorial interests, and because of this stance , we return our relations to the level of enmity. that the islamic republic of iran has announced that these islands are part of the transversal integrity of the vital and territorial interests of iran are the support of china and russia to refer this issue to international forums or the international court of justice . it is surprising in its own way, but i am talking about understanding these contradictory and paradoxical behaviors. my discussion points to
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the fact that the relationships that exist today, relationships based on transactions, relationships from a structural state to a functional state , have actually changed, changed their position , in other words, relationships based on relative position or thematic relationships. and a case is formed. that is why the alliances in the new system both regional and international spheres are very unstable and fluid. therefore, in this sense , i am referring to the fact that we must get out of these dualities. in the form of these conceptual tools of today's world, let us recognize that mr. ideology in the state of postponement of our order or quasi-order is a quasi-order. the level of depth and
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quality of the relationship is determined by the price that the actors are willing to pay for it. if we accept these cases, it is practically giving priority to a regional issue over an international issue , giving preference to some countries over some countries. other basically, it is harmful and detrimental to national interests because you are living in a regional situation where saudi arabia can make the most of these parallel relationships and simultaneous partnerships with competitors, that is, the competition between china, russia and the united states. america and european countries should take necessary advantage, but you
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are depriving yourself of part of the relations and competitions between the great powers due to the cancellations that are actually before the current order, which most of the cancellations seem to be ideological. it was polar and we have strategic relations and strategic alliances we had a strategic plan with the russians. i would definitely have accepted you. you also mentioned about the neighborhood policy and what is your assessment about the priorities that should exist, how much should we focus on the development of the neighborhood policy in international relations and relations our own foreign countries like china and russia have always defended the lateral integrity of the islamic republic of iran in principle and have declared this many times, which means that if the arab countries of the persian gulf region
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pay the price , let them support the uae's position in the sagheh region. i want to explain well, why go a step further and see a discussion in communication. it is bilateral, which usually and always defends the transverse integrity of the islamic republic of iran , but in multilateral summits, usually a statement is prepared by the host, a country may not agree with all the contents of that statement, but the entire statement is made to respect the host and members. the rest of the members of that assembly will be accepted and then the reservation will be announced. he makes reservations, and then announces in a place that, for example , i was against this paragraph, for example, we in the organization of islamic cooperation recently issued a statement that was a symbol of the unity of islamic countries in one paragraph of these statements raised the issue
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of two governments in the occupied territories, that is, a palestinian government and an israeli government . but we didn't reject the original statement, we didn't say that we don't accept the whole statement because of this issue, because it causes the threat of the islamic world alliance, we accepted the statement, then we immediately expressed our reservations. referendum with the presence of christians, jews, muslims, whose story you already know, so this does not mean that this does not mean that that country has deviated from its position, it is not for the expediency of a meeting that it decides to accept that statement . the persian gulf cooperation council statement is accepted by china and russia because of the
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same reasons that pointing and the benefits it has, well, but then the announcement clearly declares that we defend the transverse integrity of the islamic republic of iran. this is a second debate about this issue of priorities . neighbors are a priority in every country's foreign policy. that is, if they say that the foreign policy of a certain country has been successful, they will look at it see how this country's relationship with its neighbors was. for example, one of the criticisms of turkey is that it has not been able to deal with its neighbors. it should have good progress, no, not with syria , not with iraq, not with armenia, and in this way, now russia definitely gives priority to iran than to the philippines, it is characteristic of china to give priority to pakistan in its foreign relations than to sri lanka, this is a
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natural thing. paying attention to this issue, we are looking for this, with the 15 countries that we have , it should be a priority for us, economically and culturally, for this reason, in the field of security, the issue of regional security in the persian gulf, we believe that our neighboring countries in the persian gulf can maintain the security of the region with the help of each other , they do not need extra-regional countries , we raise the same issue in the caucasus of central asia. that without the interference of foreign countries, countries in the caucasus in central asia, especially after the karabakh war, can sit together and ensure the security of the region, such as the 3 plus 3 meeting that we held in iran, and many of the neighbors from this issue is welcomed by us in the countries in
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the economic field of most of our neighboring countries and they too they are looking to strengthen the economy, they are also looking to create diversity in the economic field. in these areas, we will cooperate with them. i forgot to present it in other discussions . look, when we talk about a multi-aligned order, which is based on functional relations instead of structural relations, basically there is no longer any pole, whether we call it the east or the west. we are witnessing the type of non-polarity in the international system in such a situation the axes that mr. pak hayin also mentioned in the upper hand documents that the policy
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is neither eastern nor western are fundamentally incompatible with today's fluid and dynamic world, we cannot agree with this. it is, and with these glasses, let's understand the realities of today's world and make decisions based on it. you can be neither eastern nor western when. you can have a non-commitment or spend a negative balance in a bipolar system, which , of course, seems to have been a flexible bipolar system during the cold war, and between these two poles , non-commitments could also be role playing but in a world where there is no polarity , basically, neutrality and non-commitment lose their meaning. this is our first point and our second point. in a situation where these dynamic and fluid relations and thematic and
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case partnerships exist instead of exclusive and stable partnerships, we should focus all our efforts on diversifying our foreign policy portfolio instead of the trend of one relationship and another. is it possible to improve our relationship? with great powers , where there are actually good relations , let's deepen them qualitatively and quantitatively . there is no difference between the east and the west. and we have to turn the non-western policy into an eastern and western policy, that is, today's world is a world that , due to the lack of polarity in it, we definitely cannot look back. let's make a decision about it, if we don't diversify our foreign policy portfolio
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, iran's dignity and value in both regional and international relations will be damaged, god forbid , because the great powers consider and are willing to act as actors in the competition between themselves. increase the price of the relationship and pay the price of feeling alone. with the options of that actor, i.e. iran, for example, they are not in our foreign policy in the current situation, we are somehow or in a situation where the russians and chinese know that in this situation we are not like saudi arabia, we are not like the uae, and our only options are our only options in the current situation where we are also facing the unilateral sanctions regime of the united states. to your presence there are russia and china, and this can be caused
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by the neighborhood policy, but in the regional field, i have to point out the conceptual changes. the liberals used to put forward a word in the regional field under the title of integration, convergence, which is a word there. another one was mentioned under the title of spillover, which actually the spread of cooperation from simple areas to difficult areas was basically like the european union. the concept of convergence and what liberals consider in international relations has undergone qualitative and quantitative changes . basically, we cannot measure the future of regional relations based on convergence. because if we want to analyze on the basis of convergence, the economies of these countries are not economies that complete each other. therefore, there will never be convergence in the sense that the liberals say, among the actors. a region will not be formed. in fact , the new issue or proposition that we can
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raise for the most regional doctor of iran is the chain connecting the region is very important in this regional connection chain of geography and historical and civilizational connections of iran based on this geography and the connections of the history of iranian civilization to the four parts of the eurasian system and sub-system. shamat persian gulf and south asia can actually reach, on the other side of the other axis of the regional connection chain, the role of the corridor is definitely the role of transit, that is, in other words, it is the regional transfer of goods and politics, on the basis of which iran can develop its geopolitical, geographical and historical potentials. turn it into a real discussion. practicality and sphere of influence and determination eastern europe, central europe and north africa even
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reach us. well, we have 6 minutes. 3 minutes for your jamband, 3 minutes . the international system has never faced the lack of a pole . at one point, we had two poles during the cold war, when america and being soviet and no change in the world could take place. for one of these two poles to declare an opinion and declare an issue , after the collapse of the soviet union, the americans said that the world has become unipolar, which means that there is no more east, the only pole is america, and this whole world must be subject to the policies of aggression and be dominated by america. the islamic revolution disrupted this game and announced that we should seek multilateralism. let's look for a
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polar opposite or polar opposite to american unilateralism. let's raise this issue and this issue is now one of the characteristics of the new world order, in which the occurrence is one of the undeniable characteristics of the transitional period, and all my experts believe that there is a multilateralism front as opposed to a unilateralism pole. that is, america appreciates the fact that it has several important axes, russia, iran, china, and some non-aligned countries of america's sphere of influence. that these are all followers of multilateralism, so we cannot say that because now america is an absolute pole, so we should have a relationship with russia as we like russia, we have a relationship with china as a friend , we have a relationship with venezuela as we have a relationship with america that sanctions us and he is doing all kinds of hostilities against us, we should
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establish a relationship with america in the same way, this is not logical at all, you see, this is libya. the libyans thought that the only pole in the world that is in command is america, so you applied america's opinion, what america gave is what america gave us. he says destroy your missile system , destroy the influence of your logic. the revolutionary mr. gaddafi did this. when he did this , the united states attacked this country because there is no democracy in libya. do we have to repeat this experience? let's repeat. when we talk about multilateralism, the different point is that unilateralism in the world, in which there is a lack of polarity in the practice of domination and hegemony, and unilateralism is on the decline
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. the rest of the great powers will also be in this situation. exception it is possible that in the history of international relations, we face such conditions less often, or maybe there is no history of such conditions at all. i would like to explain the non-polarity to our dear audience. the main thing is that if there was a polarity today, china would have given military assistance to the russians. china has a relative position in not providing military assistance to russia. definitely if polar. it was t and that was the unipolar america. today, india would never buy oil from russia, nor would china. he was loyal to the 11,000 sanctions imposed by the united states of america and followed it , but in the current situation, we are actually witnessing an escape. great powers such as india and china
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are part of the west and the united states of america sanctions against russia. if the world had polarity, today saudi arabia would not have deepened its relations with the russians and the chinese , similar to its relations with the united states. thank you. take care of yourself or ali , come up. wherever you are today, he said.
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get up, get up, get up, go to the square, in the colorful circle , to the side of the guest, who is from an unlikely path. it came from the way you came, you came, you came, you came, congratulations i am at the service of all my dear compatriots. happy eid al-fitr to you, god willing, god willing, may all the fragrance of the door be blessed and always be happy, victorious and strong
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. happy eid al-fitr to all our great compatriots. i am from india, and happy eid al-fitr to everyone, until the sun fills the heart, the world is full of love, passion and security. to be after a month of fasting, do you think your hand is full or empty now, may god be full, thank god, it is very full, i hope it will be full, the impression i should have had, alhamdulillah, i have gained the best habit that you have found in the holy month of ramadan and you want to keep it. until the next blessed month of ramadan what has happened is patience, control of anger is one of them, patience in prayer , first time to hold the tongue , let's get rid of every sin of the unseen, reading and reciting the koran in prayer.
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one of the things that we get used to during the month of ramadan is reciting the qur'an and doing my duties on time . visiting my parents more often. what should we do to preserve what we lost in ramadan, god willing , let's make a promise with ourselves until next year and try to stick to it. let's have a review i went back to my past and tried to avoid them from now on, god willing.
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there is no god but allah and allah is the greatest. there is no god but allah and
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allah is the greatest. allah is the greatest. god is the greatest. what should we do with the culture that we have acquired in the month of ramadan, the spirituality that we have gained in the month of ramadan , if we want to preserve it in the other months, if this. we should keep it, we should continue with the same procedure, remember god, like we used to do in the month of ramadan, and let's continue the actions we used to do in the month of ramadan , so that this culture will continue for us throughout the year and be preserved, god willing. let's try to really ask only god's pleasure from god himself my god helps us in whatever position we are in , whether it's a housekeeper or a responsible person.
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let's do that, god willing, everything that we did in the dawn, in the iftar during the day, whatever we tried , god willing, in the days ahead, we will be able to take care of piety in the days ahead. and the actions we performed and honestly
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, we had a good situation in the month of ramadan. being in the presence of god is living, let's try to continue this and god willing
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, we will be well on our way. anyway
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, we have built one house for you so that you can come and see it . this is called installment purchase. it is as you wish . different accessories of each model. show, don't worry about buying , their prices are different, come to the store, come to the store, come to sarad , it has a lot of farad discounts for anywhere you want , it has cool items, so why not buy in installments as you want, the big store of iran in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan, until 2 o'clock in the morning in the city of tehran is your host. blow a little more to cool down. pat, pat. shame on you. you this we will perish at home. why don't you buy a cooler? the
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account balance is insufficient. is this the reason? it didn't happen. there is no reason , the reason is that we are going to the city of home appliances , buy a gas air conditioner in installments. it is a good offer to buy a gas air conditioner . the conditions are good. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace be upon you , dear viewers of the news at 16:00, after a month of worship and fasting, today the believers offered the eid prayer of servitude and solidarity in gratitude for the success of a month of obedience and closeness to god throughout the country, in the heart of this huge national gathering of hundreds of thousands. people in tehran followed the leader of the islamic revolution and prayed eid al-fitr.


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