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tv   [untitled]    April 10, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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what will happen in our educational content if we put a cleric here ? when i was in school myself , i was very careful with the children, and when i started studying, i went to schools, i was active , i was enthusiastic, we held classes and programs with the children , and i felt that i was present. it became colorful in the schools . we had educational programs and cultural programs for the schools now, especially during special occasions such as the holy month of ramadan or the 10th of muharram, at some point i really felt that, in order to be more effective, i need to start a university education related to the field of educational sciences in addition to the seminary courses. my doctoral education in this field is actually natural sciences, and during
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the last 20-22 years , i said that i have had various educational experiences, just because of the interest and feeling i had about the importance of working in education and education with children. before being in the organization as a person in charge to serve an organization, well , i was working as an expert in this organization, i was a member of the councils, and maybe it can be said that this was experience and history. let's see a report. the contents of the textbooks were bad. i read the sequels again in the 7th year , i read the 8th year, and due to the lack of pictures of the books, the exact same picture is in their 7th year book . now, how old is this book? he changed it
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to give us examples with a better picture like this we are learning the content, the photos have become much better , the color has improved , more new content about body parts has been added. last year, there was nothing like this. for example, in subjects like physics and mathematics, those formulas should not be just formulas . there are still gaps in the books for chemistry and physics lessons , more animations and photos should be prepared. in books , by god, now, for example, subjects like discrete and geometry , really, if there is an arithmetic lesson booklet in the book itself, then the teacher can move on faster , because there is no need to give the teacher a booklet. they also say that some photos are not compatible with the lesson content. now this lesson is about nature. i am a teacher . i can't find any connection with nature in this picture . the text here is about respect for parents. there is no external image you see that does not exist. some
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lessons need more photos for a better understanding . there are no pictures of the background of the august 28 coup, the effects and those who played a role in this coup. the solution is one by one. the transformation document says the volume and content of the textbooks with the capabilities and characteristics of the students. it should be adjusted and a new plan of the curriculum should be made, god willing it is the last stage to eat that figure. from now on, the production of content will be 1404. new books were presented to the children. the pictures of 100 textbooks will also be changed . currently, the situation is in the first and second elementary schools, but the titles of the books have not been finalized yet, but we had set a target on this number of prints. the textbooks for the next academic year have already started 6 months ago. the authors of these books say that the changes in these books will be able
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to attract the attention of students and teachers. this organization except what else does this educational planning do ? it's a very good question. i want to say it very briefly. the organization does 5 basic tasks. a research work, basic applied researches, which now carries out most of those researches through its flight training research institute, which is actually a part of the macro structure of the organization. the second task is lesson planning, which is explained now . lesson planning is a very important task. it is more important than writing a textbook. maybe i don't understand this much about writing a book, but it is not limited to writing a book. at all, i want to offer you the third task. organization. the production of educational resources and content is
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completely separated from curriculum planning in an ideal situation. in my opinion, the main mission of the organization should be curriculum planning, even in content production. to write a book, get help from other collections, i.e. the work of writing a book and producing content, to some extent, in a series of fields , it is possible to use external capacities or outsource it, but the work of the daily curriculum may be said to be not so, the work of the daily curriculum is very it is more strategic than producing and authoring the content, because in fact, the content map is the basic strategy of what should happen in the page. the curriculum is determined by these three tasks, the fourth is the work of organizing and setting up crying. from the content and production of educational resources that are done elsewhere, the organization has the duty to check them, approve or reject them, allow them to enter the school or not, and the fifth task is to train teachers regarding the programs. new, or what we call special, is the dissemination of the curriculum. this is very important. now, many people
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think that when we write a new book , the problem ends, but by the way, the problem is just beginning. the next step is that you have to use this program. spread the so-called, publish the challenges and problems , the story books , educational aid products, tools, if it is produced , if he wants to enter the school through the organization , he must first get the approval and then enter the school. what did you do and are you doing in the production of educational aid content? you see, in this space, the organization can be said to have advanced its work on two levels. one level is the use of so-called popular collections or non-governmental collections in the official content itself
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, i.e. in textbooks or in multimedia content that we have been using for many years in the form of codes. we have about 5 thousand coins in the book. the content is attached or linked to these. well, some of these multimedia contents are not our productions , they are the productions of external collections. some of the textbooks that dear students use , these books are not produced by our experts , they are collections of people who are professors who are concerned and interested. having the ability and they come to produce and use. this is the first level of our use, which is mainly the multimedia products that are attached in the form of codes used from the so-called external collection . the second part is
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actually the use of external capacities. it organizes materials and resources. there are various publications that print books or collections that produce educational aids. they produce training, so the organization has a regulatory role in relation to them, in the sense that it checks their works , those that really meet the required standards. they are eligible, it gives them a certificate, this certificate helps this group to be able to sell their products in schools , families trust the certificate given by the organization and the mark given by the organization as a standard mark . in this field, the organization is a specialized reference for announcing product standards, but there should be more in the use of public groups in the organization, of course, unfortunately, our non-governmental group in this field is as much as it should be, which means that their power should really be strengthened. but
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we also have to grow in the organization . what was our flaw in the organization that we could not use very well ? it is that we did not produce the standards in a series of fields, that is, what does the product have , a book that we wrote ourselves or an educational material that we produced ourselves? if we want to participate in the production of others, we must have a set of specific standards to announce to everyone, and say that based on this standard, if you also produce, we will give a stamp of approval to your manufactured product and your product can be used. well, the organization over the years in the past, because of the heavy pressures of the method, because of the demands and expectations of the society , and the complexities of education issues. in many fields, the so-called quality standards of production or content standards have not been produced. we hope that in this period, god willing, we will be able to produce more of these content standards so that we can increase the participation of production accordingly.
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textbooks, please tell me when will the order of textbooks start this year and when should the families prepare for this? yes, god willing, now i the exact date is not clear for us yet, but it will be around the beginning of may , god willing.
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it is very necessary to operationalize or bring a new textbook to school, in the sense that when we write a so-called new book, first in a number of provinces , a number of classes with a series of specially trained teachers for this book a research will be carried out on a continuous basis along with this implementation, then the book will be modified based on the feedback that the research gives us. with that feedback, it will either be decided that the book will be implemented nationwide in the second year, or this model the experiment of my help will be expanded to become nationwide . last year, we had a trial implementation of four books. god willing, the next four basic books will also be implemented this year . there are a series of books that have minor changes. we have a very limited range. we don't have much. we will start a change work for the first grade of elementary school. of course
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, we will start a very limited trial implementation. god willing , this year is the so-called beginning of the book change process. books and disciplines in the time markets, it is usually about 10 years, now some books may be less, but usually in the time markets of 10 to 15 years, they definitely need to be revised. well, this time point has almost arrived . we will have a limited trial run for the first grade books, but this is not something that the community feels in general, that is , our elementary teachers, our dear first grade students and families will read the same normal books, a process that is actually more feedback to it will be our own so that we can take the books more seriously for the coming years. god willing, let's see a report. 154 million volumes
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of textbooks must be prepared for the next academic year . we have printed about 30% of the books. of the books for next year, about 14 titles have been printed. this is one of the three printing houses of textbooks . kenny, around 20-205 , how many book covers will we cover for him when we start in the morning? it depends on the type of books , it is different, but we have from 130 to 190 to 179 book titles for students with low vision, blind and low vision. mental ability is printed here in the elementary grades, first and second secondary, we also have students who are visually impaired, that is , they have two disabilities, or they are pre-professionally blind, or they are blind in the second secondary. possible mistakes should be corrected. ways to succeed in business. my colleague, ms. samimi,
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works hard and studies. i leave this book with the line that everything is correct, edited by a colleague. in this printing house, 32 titles of large print books are printed for visually impaired students. students who can see so much use the big books, you have these books at your disposal. it increases in terms of dimensions and lines . for blind students, in addition to braille books, compact discs are also prepared , books that have a memorization aspect, and they should actually memorize it more. this is audio . it also prints for 62,000 students with mental disabilities , the price of which is very high considering the price of paper, machine, printing, and transportation issues, but
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we only receive the back cover price of normal books from our dear students. 16 thousand knowledge exceptional students study in 1700 schools . 179 titles of large print, braille and audio books will be available to exceptional students from the middle of september this year, amirsin zulfiqari. holding radio and television, let's go to the topic of exceptional students, students' books
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. exceptional books have a lot of variety, because these our dear students have a lot of change according to their situation . we have blind students who use braille books or audio books , we have visually impaired students, and students with disabilities. disorders. we have learned that this makes their training courses have more educational bases. because of this diversity , we have many exceptional books. i have to admit this fact that, unfortunately, we could not make a maximum adjustment for each of these groups during these few years. this year, a very good conference was held in the field of curriculum for
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exceptional children. god willing, we hope that this production that we have for the first grade of elementary school. with this order, we can do what is supplementary for exceptional students, step by step or we can predict that it will be produced in a completely different way for exceptional students in this process, based on the interaction that will be established with the research institute for exceptional children and the taalif office, god willing. more use. can it be used now or again or can it be used later? do you have some kind of use of textbooks? last year, we conducted a series of investigations, this year
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we have predicted a study to be conducted by a group of economic experts, so that the next time i am here at your service program, i can present the report of that study to you, which will be a bit more documented, but this is a summary. let me tell you , because this is sometimes brought up in the public space , if we really want to print books with a quality that will last longer, not the one that costs the same, i wanted to say that the quality of the paper and even the cover and binding must change, that is, this is a it is a very important issue. the next issue is that if the book if it wants to last, ali al-qaeda must be owned. the school should be placed or the book should be designed in such a way that the workbook is completely separated from the textbook. this is something that is usually implemented in different countries. if you have seen, usually the workbook or workbook is one book and the textbook is a completely separate book. well, our educational system is not like that at the moment. the fact is that many
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different components and variables are influential in making the book stable. i hope that in the study we want to do , we will at least know the variables at our disposal very clearly and see how much we can play with this. this is one of our very serious requests , that there should be an environment where at least those who want to be able to do this, and necessarily or at least in a part of the books that remain intact , for example, it can be returned to the cycle. yes, it was educational , god willing, thank you very much. mr. latifi , thank you very much for accepting our invitation, god willing, we will be your host again, and any other questions that remain or will arise, god willing.
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you are right, this is the day that you have made eid for the muslims who has made for the muslims eids, but for muhammad
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, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and not to interfere in the whole good of muhammad and the family of muhammad
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. and the people of forgiveness and mercy, and the people of piety and forgiveness, ask for the right of this day, o allah, the people of al-kubariya and atba, the people of al-jud, and the jabron, the people of forgiveness, and the mercy of god, the people of piety and forgiveness, the people of al-jawd and jaladun, the people
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of forgiveness and mercy, the people of piety and forgiveness, ask for the right of this day, which you have made for the muslims, ask for the right of this day, which you have made for the muslims. and muhammad, may god bless him and grant him peace, wealth, honor, honor, and glory prayer
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and the people of piety and forgiveness, this is the day that you have made for the muslims, and muhammad , peace and blessings of god be upon him, is a memorial and honorable one. and it is honorable and great to pray
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for muhammad and the family of muhammad, one that intervenes in all good, muhammad and muhammad enter into it, and one that removes from me all evil, we send out from you muhammad to muhammad, blessings be upon them and upon them all. o allah, i pray to you, and i pray to you , and i pray to you, and i seek refuge in you from the greatness of your servants .
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it delights the eyes and the soul, the enduring history of the qom silk carpet, the unique variety of the patterned tabriz carpet, the originality
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of the kashan carpet design. find the vivid and warm pattern of the bakhtiari hand-made persian rug in the iranian house do authentic iranian art in the big iranian palace until 1:00 am in tehran, i am your host . sometimes the path to progress is not a burden. issuance of all types of guarantees for participating in auctions and tenders is easier than ever , and can be presented at the branches of the nation credit institution . the big festival of the city of household appliances and the city of farrokh. this time on the occasion of nowruz and the holy month
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of ramadan. get an id with every purchase from the city of household appliances and the city of farsh. a specialized reference for carpets and household appliances. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, dear viewers good night at 8:30 pm , i am at your service with some news. afghan immigrants participated in the eid al-fitr prayer at the holy shrine of razavi, depicting their unity and solidarity with the iranian nation. visiting relatives and friends is one of the rituals of afghans on the day of eid al-fitr.


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