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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 2:30am-3:00am IRST

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you said that the matter is absolutely serious and definite. it is definitely serious and definite. sometimes it is not bad. let 's take a step back and look at the whole situation. i want to ask you a fundamental question . why do you think we should respond to that attack a couple of weeks ago, even though for many, this answer may be clear, that is , there is no need for two to four. we were attacked. any country that is attacked must defend itself , but in terms of international political conditions , what do you know about the logical basis and our teacher? there are so many basic bases, one of these bases is the basis it is international law and it is a legitimate defense that should be taken into consideration. the second issue is the actor or the enemy who is in front of us. please pay attention to this. it means that if
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no action is taken against this enemy, he will grow stronger. i wanted to say this at the beginning of the answer to your question. during the distance and conflict between the islamic republic of iran and the zionist regime, which the zionist regime also started this issue , there has been no case, whether human or non-human, from the material and institutional sphere, that the regime has dealt a blow to the islamic republic. do not be out of two states or one movement it was a reaction against the actions of the islamic republic , or it was something that immediately and at a certain time was hit more than that or to that extent, even in connection with the martyrdom of many dignitaries who were martyred inside our country , including. the great martyrs of nuclear or other, which
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is very sensitive in the method and our people are fully aware of what the islamic republic has done against the terrorist acts of the zionist regime. i mean both in the human field and in the field of issues material has not been the necessary response to the regime. it is the same in this case, therefore, without the influence of the feelings of the islamic republic , it will definitely and surely give the necessary response and it will be regrettable, but whether this action is a combination from inside iran, is it by the resistance front, is it from inside the zionist regime, etc. these are the issues that must be suspended for zionism. this is the strategy of ambiguity that
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has robbed the eyes of the military, political, security officials of the zionist regime for the past week. this should exist for the time being . rumors it has been mentioned by some international media that they call it a name and establish a connection between the possibility of a ceasefire in gaza and iran's lack of response to this attack. what is your opinion and analysis about these things? first, these two cases are completely separate. secondly , we definitely cannot consider these as related containers. we must pay attention to this point . how at the same time? yes. it means that first he crossed diplomatic red lines. attacked an official center of the islamic republic. he should know that he will be seriously hurt and slapped hard. this is a
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one thing is certain, but definitely the islamic republic it will not accept that any country commits a wrong like the zionist regime and later in the time of punishment say that i will not commit these mistakes again and as the famous saying says, now in this recent case i accept the ceasefire, the ceasefire and the acceptance of the terms of resistance with the resistance front and those who are in the palestine joint operations pavilion today. the issue of retaliation or revenge of the islamic republic regarding the anti-diplomatic action and against the advisers of the islamic republic is a completely separate issue. having a relationship means that you say that these two categories are nothing. they have nothing to do with each other and everything
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we have heard in the past few days is psychological warfare and american and zionist psychological operations. what we have heard in connection with the ceasefire, yes, you mean that they say, for example , that iran has made a condition that it will not respond if there is a ceasefire. psychological operations are completely a matter that behind this issue are those who neither want the national interests of the islamic republic nor the strengthening of the resistance in the region . the zionists have withdrawn most of their ground forces from gaza, but the nature of this decision and their goals are still not clear , and there are different analyzes. what you wanted
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has come true, now you are going to rafah , there is also talk of lebanon, and in addition to this, just two or three days ago, a heavy operation was carried out inside gaza in khan younis, which caused many casualties, because of you. what do you know about their departure from gaza? the most important and basic reason for their departure from gaza was failure that eating and not achieving the smallest goals of those set goals means not even reaching a percentage of those goals, but should we close the case for all these cases that you said in the analytical field or resistance to the necessary preparation in lebanese area. or rafe, should he consider it as finished? it is definitely not the case, which means that there may be a simultaneity between both of these, and the main reason for the exit is failure, and in any case , there are other cases. yes, the reason for the exit is failure, but if
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the resistance preparations are compared to what was and is now it is possible that the operation strategy will be included in the agenda of the zionist regime, but i want to tell you this, and that every day that the rafah operation is changed and postponed, the readiness of the resistance for a serious confrontation in this region will increase. it does the same way that in these days when khan younis was actually retreating, the aggressor forces of the zionist regime inflicted these blows that you mentioned , and at least. in one operation, 14 people from the zionist regime reached an understanding, so the resistance is completely ready, this is what happened. and except for one brigade that i have to tell you, it is there to prevent people from returning to the north
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. they are in that area. this increased morale for resistance and subsequent operations and preparedness to prevent the possible operations of the zionist regime . thank you. we are in the final part. i have a short question, now i have to ask a long question so that the story is fully explained . you see, at the beginning of the war, maybe we talked about zionist targeting in our conversations , but maybe we can't talk about that word targeting anymore, because targeting a logical and rational process. now we have a survey inside the land the occupations of the newspaper are not satisfied with the results of the gaza war. today, yediot aharonot published a report of the analysis of the military experts of the army, that the destruction of hamas will take at least three to four years
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. in this situation, after six months, do you think that if i say, what is the goal and goal left for netanyahu? in terms of power, nothing else matters to him now. they know that they have not achieved any of their goals, and that number and the second number that you said, three or four years to destroy hamas, we should put a number of more than 20 years on it, provided that nothing special happens. there is no recycling and reproducing power to resist. that is, if the same conditions continue. it will take up to 20 years for the palestinian resistance to destroy the so-called zionist regime , which is not possible at all, but i want to add another statistic to your statistics, and that is 42 % of those who participated in this survey
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defeated the regime's army. it is very important to express this point about zionism, because one of the most important components of our service is that the various immigrant people who came to the occupied lands were the strength and power of the zionist regime. now is the chance i am not saying that this is the ability of the military regime of the zionist regime to directly support it. what effects does america want to have in the region, and even some countries that were interested in normalizing relations with the zionist regime , i don't have time to say this now, but the most important issue that kept the people of the occupied land in this occupied land. it was the military power that currently 42 percent declare that the zionist army has failed in this war and that means the same. the supreme leader of the revolution said in the first week that it is irreparable, so i am the last
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the sentence is also that we should pay attention to the dreams that mr. netanyahu may have if he can dream. today, in his words , they are expressed in the form of psychological operations with the help of the americans, and there is no hope except for this. thank you. . let's talk about turkey, with the people's demonstrations to support gaza, the turkish government was finally forced to take action against its business relations with the zionist regime. 6 months
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have passed since the zionist regime's war against the people of gaza, and turkey has finally taken action against the zionist regime, which it has mentioned as the first stage. recently, the ministry turkish commerce has announced the suspension of the export of 54 items to israel .
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people's protests against the policies of erdogan's government extended to council and municipal elections, and some of them refer to it as erdogan's worst defeat. mr. mehdi tabrizi, an expert on issues. let's check türkiye. mr. tabrizi , hello, welcome to today's world. greetings and
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eid greetings to you and your esteemed colleagues also, dear people and viewers of the khabar network. mr. tabrizi, after 6 months of genocide inside gaza, the turkish government decided yesterday to limit the export of 50 and four items to the occupied territories in the list that announced aluminum, steel, cement and fuel. but, for example , there is no mention of military goods or items to the extent that some people in turkey question this list and the karar newspaper writes in turkey itself that many of the embargoed goods during that period, that is, those 54 items, basically have a noticeable decrease in other items during this period. they were that they were increasing and that they were vital there is no sanction in this list. in addition to this
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, concerns have been raised from onur in the occupied territories that turkey's action could increase the price of construction and also the price of housing . ask them to sanction turkey . take a realistic look at what turkey has done. what is a real and effective action or a show and propaganda? 185 days have passed since october 7. during this time, erdogan's government, now the members of erdogan's government and erdogan himself. . very spicy regarding netanyahu's government, especially erdoğan has taken extremely harsh positions towards netanyahu and has introduced him as equal to hitler, but the fact is that during these 6 months, contrary to these rhetorics that happened in turkey and the turkish government based on statistics
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announced by the ministry of commerce of turkey show the significant growth of exports from turkey to the occupied territories. according to the list announced by the ministry of commerce, from october 7 , 2023 to march 2024, that is, last month , approximately 2 billion and 35 million. the volume of turkey's exports to the occupied territories was only in last march, that is, last month , we saw the highest growth in the last 6 months , the volume of turkey's exports to the occupied territories was about 437 million dollars, but in connection with this list that you said, yes. there is a lot of talk about this list. 54 items of goods have been announced . one of the important things that the turkish media
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is talking about now is fruits, vegetables, and vegetables. the zionist need is exactly what it is now. according to the statement made by the israeli ministry of agriculture, approx it can be said that the turkish government has been the largest exporter of fruits, vegetables and grains to the zionist regime in the past six months, as we had a 23% increase in the export of grains and fruits to the occupied territories in march of this year. this is happening right at a time when we are starving. now this
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can be said about olives and olive oil . last month, turkey's exports to the occupied territories increased by 393%. regarding the discussion you said, why is the israeli government expressing concern ? well, 60 percent of israel's steel is being supplied by turkey. 65 60% of the cement of the occupied land it is being provided by the turkish government, well , according to the statement that the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of commerce of turkey, even if it is limited , it can have some effects. let netanyahu's government raise the prices in that area now, but there is another point that i have to tell you about this list. in this list, 54 items have been mentioned in the 50th part of jet fuel, which has been very controversial in the past months. see, this is a confession. yes, if erdogan's government
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announced that this is a lie and we will not do this, if you do this when you bring a ban list, we used to enable this and now we are banning it . this question arises that in the last 6 months , the fuel of israel's fighter jets was supplied by turkey, which means that the turkish government does not see this amount of air attack on the gaza strip area , it does not see this amount of destruction and killing after 6 months since the peak of the attacks. the past and almost razed to the ground, gaza now wants to ban these goods . the next point is that the government now. at the time when these pressures came on erdogan's government, erdogan's government emphasized that this the export is not happening and it is the private sector of turkey that is doing this export. i can show you this contradiction of erdogan's government with a small example. just last march, 23 months ago , the state-owned mining company of turkey eti madan
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, which is affiliated to the tharwat fund national turkey is a volume. it exported 21 tons of face stone to israel and it was delivered in haifa on march 29. a military company affiliated with the israeli government took delivery of this shipment. the interesting thing is that this stone is now very rare in the glass industry and sometimes bullets. sazi is being used and the boss the board of directors of this turkish national wealth fund company is the person of recep tayyip erdogan. it cannot be done without the comment of the government and erdogan personally, and if the next point is if we assume that the private sector of the turkish government carries out this export , will the turkish government, when it is 6 months old , present the zionist government as a terrorist state and introduce it? it seems to me that he could not announce the embargo and
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establish his own government company against his own private companies and the embargo would be carried out. what is such a phase in front of the zionist regime , how much, for example, factors such as the results of local elections. we had a rally in istanbul, which was drawn into a conflict when the police entered. we can examine this issue in two parts, an internal part and now a regional and international part. in the early months, people were very important to these speeches of the turkish government, and they thought that the government but with the passage of time and the news that
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came out and the discussion of the actions that erdogan's government is doing in the international space, in any case, from the domestic point of view. turkey has defeated the people of the protests, now the people of turkey are the cause of palestine and the people of palestine are for them. and we saw that in the last municipal elections , the 6% who voted for fat erbakan as a party that separated from the body of the justice and development government were able to vote with the same criticisms of erdogan's government, and this was an internal alarm. for the government. turkey, but from the international and regional discussion, if we want to look at this issue , we can see erdogan himself as the leader of one of the biggest islamist political currents, now
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the islamic sunni section in the world, now the muslim brotherhood. doone was very successful in leading this sector, but in the past few months, this image that was broadcast from inside turkey to the muslim world , this image that was broadcast from inside turkey to the outside of erdogan showed that the words and actions of the government . turkey is not the same towards the palestinian people, and this international inaction from erdogan's government has shaken erdogan's position as the leader of the sunni movement. also consider that, in my opinion, in this last comment, it is extremely important that iran's position was able to to shake erdogan's leadership in the islamic world exactly a few days after the attack on the embassy of the islamic republic was carried out by the erdogan government. announced the ban, see the islamic world was waiting for the reaction of the islamic republic to this attack, that some of the military advisers who
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supported iran's resistance axis and supported the people of gaza were martyred in this terrorist operation and how iran can react. by his own reaction, supporting the people of gaza , you consider the performance of these iranian martyrs to be effective in , for example, changing the attitude of some that the popularity of iran in the countries of the islamic world will increase greatly , and this can be a warning for erdogan. anyway, turkey is a big country and has a role in the international developments of the islamic world . let's look at the story on your paper. what could you do or can you do right now to narrow the field for the zionists? the best question to ask is whether or not
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turkey wants to do something. the political life of the erdoğan government in the political and logical tensions, now internationally, if you look at it , he has tried to gain the most benefit in the form of the abangi government in the international environment from the crises between international most profitable. for his own country , you can consider the crisis that is happening now, the war between russia and ukraine, and the concessions that erdogan's government is trying to get, both from the west and from the russian government. the same thing is happening with the gaza issue. erdoğan wants this war to end, this crisis to end, and if he wanted to, he could have done it in the last six months, i don't think if he wants to see , i have a reason for this now, so take action that combines these. what you have done for the last two days , you do not see any positive side, i do not see a positive side therefore, in the last 6 months , you should see the sharp arrow of erdogan's criticism towards
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netanyahu's government or the israeli regime, all this time, all the criticisms of netanyahu's government and erdogan's government were on netanyahu himself and netanyahu's government. look at this, the turkish media say that one month after the october 7 war, exactly one day before blinken entered turkey, erdogan gave a message. to israel and the us state department, my problem is with netanyahu personally, not with the zionist regime, and i want to sever relations with the zionist regime. i am not, and what erdogan's government is finally looking for at the highest time it is a government issue, the same thing that the american regime wants, and it can almost be said that it has a problem with hamas and sides with fatah , mr. tabrizi.
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dozens of people died when a refugee boat sank off the coast of djibouti. four people died. the explosion occurred in a dam in lake suyana near the city of bologna and led to a fire. according to bologna city authorities, five more people were injured and 3 people disappeared in this explosion. the investigation into the cause of this accident has started and the rescue operations are still ongoing continues. a helicopter
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crashed in a lake in the us state of rhode island. the occupants of this helicopter were rescued by a local resident who was fishing at the time of the accident. the rhode island environmental department announced that this helicopter was carrying about 20 gallons of gasoline when it crashed. good night, god's guardian.
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3:00 am
dear viewers, welcome to 3 am news. the leader of the islamic revolution in his sermons for the eid al-fitr prayer expressed one of the prominent manifestations of the month of ramadan this year, the spread of recitation of the holy quran among different sections of the people, and emphasized that this manifestation was brighter and more beautiful than ever, and that the national media played a role in presenting this great progress. creation


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