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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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the iranian coach, sharaf iran, has a telegram channel that plays across the country. why is your question an interesting question in these 6 months of pricing ? we do not want to be a football player on the board of directors. to serve you , dear and respected viewers, especially the higher program , we are at your service with another debate, with a political issue and an international issue, which is basically our foreign policy and our international relations with other countries. what should the countries look like and where is the priority of communicating and starting relations with which? countries, let's talk
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about how much the neighborhood policy has been achieved and whether it has been successful or not. basically, we should prioritize which countries in our foreign policy and how to draw this path for ourselves and our country is a matter of debate. we will be at your service. please accompany us until the end . high above the cold. here in our studio, mr. pakain, a diplomat and an expert in international issues, is also present, as well as mr. khosrow. shahin, one of the experts in the international field , i offer my greetings and courtesy to both honorable guests of the program , i would like to start with mr. pakayin and in your opinion , where should our priorities and priorities be for the development of foreign relations, basically our foreign policy and how should our relations with other countries be regulated? in the name of allah
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, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to extend my greetings to your honorable guests and dear compatriots, and i hope that their obedience in this month of ramadan will be acceptable to god, and i will celebrate nowruz and new year . it is based on the provisions of upstream documents, for example in the islamic republic of iran. the constitution documents that are actually promulgated programs such as the 6th and 7th development plan as well as the views of the martyred leader of the revolution , determine the principles of foreign policy and its priorities, and the foreign policy apparatus and institutions and organization and the ministry of orderly houses. liaison with
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foreign policy who are active in the field of foreign relations , they will implement these provisions if we want. let me tell you a beginning. in february 2016, the leader of the revolution, in february 1396, in a meeting with the people of east azerbaijan, he specified 3 points in relationship with our foreign policy priorities and said that the preference of the east over the west, the preference of the neighbor over the distance. and the preference of the nations that have commonalities with us is a priority for us, that is, if we look at the priorities of the foreign policy , the first thing we look at is the preference of the east over
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the west. the east that we are following today in foreign policy . the approach of looking to the east can be considered in two areas or in two areas, one geographical area, two political areas in relation to the geographical area of ​​the countries that are geographically in east of iran are the countries of asia and oceania , and in this way, in the political sphere of the countries that oppose the west, that is, the countries that oppose it. they are unilateralism of the west, they are against the domination of the west, and in our definition they are considered as the east, so with this definition, we can
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have good relations with the countries in the east of iran, especially in asia , and with the countries that are politically in this region. the meaning i mentioned is that they are in the east, which means that they are considered to be in the east, which means a country that opposes the west and that western hegemony . foreign policy means that we can have relations with different countries and at the same time preserve the main principles of our independence, which is based on neither east nor west. thank you , mr. khosrowshani. i apologize that i do not agree with this point of view. i believe that the discussion is about starting my relationship with the east or starting with the previous one, starting with the countries of the region or starting with the jcpoa. these
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are actually doubles, all false doubles. because all these topics that we are talking about we are talking, we are discussing, in today's world there is an entanglement that without understanding and understanding this entanglement of issues, we will not be able to understand the new developments in the international and regional arena. for this reason, in my view, no vision , in fact, the regional approach takes precedence over the relationship with the countries of western europe, western europe, not the discussion. the relationship with the great powers in the eastern axis is prioritized over the relationship with the western axis because we are witnessing fundamental changes and transformations in the field of the international system and international relations, which are basically the concepts of the previous assumptions.
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it is not new to explain and interpret these developments. if i want to serve you with some examples, i will speak a little more concretely. in the world today , we are witnessing the war in ukraine. for the war in ukraine or against the war in ukraine, 4 resolutions were issued in the general assembly out of 193 members. only 12 members voted in favor of all four resolutions, which means that half of the countries in the world did not show up to vote in favor or abstain. giving or voting against. we are talking in a situation where there are about 11,000 sanctions against the west, but there are only 46 countries in the world that strictly comply with these 11,000 sanctions, almost two-thirds of the population.
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the world is about sanctions against the west. you said sanctions against russia. yes, the west is against russia. the west is against russia. earth, countries and governments live that those governments do not strictly follow these 11,000 sanctions, an important point. currently, 32 countries are providing military aid to ukraine, out of these 32 countries, 25 are nato members. this means that 5 nato member countries refused to provide military aid to ukraine and the western bloc . another point is that only 40 countries in the world are present. to the financial aid to ukraine, you are here. had in mind now let's look at the other side of the coin
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, what is on the other side of the coin, china and india are not willing to provide military aid to russia , maybe only 3 countries have given military aid to the russians. about the four resolutions of the general assembly that we talked about. four countries voting against all four resolutions means that i want to open the issue in such a way that we are living in a world that is in transition and in transition. there is a famous sentence by the italian philosopher gramsci that says deteriorating and incapable of being born in this condition the system
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on the other hand, a new order has not taken its place , therefore, in such coordinates, we are witnessing the formation of a fluid transition situation and the formation of quasi-orders in the international and regional spheres instead of regular and behavioral patterns. the priority of your question was , what are the priorities regarding the relations of the islamic republic of iran , there is no obstacle to having relations with the countries of the world . it is important that it is also in our constitution, except for the countries that want to associate with us, that is, in
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fact, they want to create domination against iran. the priority means which countries we are with we have to communicate so that our interests are secured , which means that communication and priority are different . if we say that our priority is that we had a good relationship with these countries. it does not mean that we benefit other countries, but they are in the next priorities. if we say that our first priority is our neighbors or we look to the east , it does not mean that we are not interested in having relations with european countries. as long as they have relations with us within the framework of mutual respect, we will accept this and establish relations with them. we do not accept the same situation, but we cannot say that regional cooperation is false. you see, the priority
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of foreign policy of any country is in three areas: one , bilateral relations, two, regional relations, three, international relations , none of these are false, all of these are facts. in the scene, we should have bilateral relations with friendly countries as well as with me. in the region we are in, we must have regional relations, and at the international level, as one of the members of the international components, we must have relations with these countries of the world, and these are actually an objective reality of our policy, what are we in favor of? we are in favor of multilateralism because we are in favor of multilateralism and we are looking for a country that intends to dictate its own view to the world. in order to secure our interests, we must create diversity in our foreign policy, so let's
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look for countries that are aligned with us and they are also looking for multilateralism, and we are looking for these countries in the east, in the asian sense. east in a political sense means in latin america, in africa , in some eastern european countries, and most importantly as a neighbor next to us. we are actually paying attention to them , mr. khosrashai. in fact, looking to the east or looking to the west or looking to the east, these dualities are all false in the new conditions. i believe in this. in the new conditions, considering the fluidity and dynamics that the structures
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have found in the international system, the regional system, we need an approach. . we have a new person and a new understanding of the developments in the region and the international system the presence of perception of new conditions in the form of old words does not fit, the old words are not able to define and explain the new conditions and the origin of cognitive error in the international regional areas goes back to this issue when we raise the issue of multilateralism. multilateralism basically finds meaning and determination under huntington's definition of monopolar order. otherwise, in new conditions , it loses its meaning. another important point is when we
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say east and west. this assumption is actually division. the classification of the world not merely to the fact of the moment geographical and geopolitical, but the assumption of those ideological distinctions and differences, that again this issue, i.e. , conflict and ideological distinctions , does not find meaning in the structure of the new context of the international redetermination system, that is, what powers are the actors , such as china and russia, and what powers such as the united states, the european union , play their roles in other formats and their games are not necessarily defined in ideological formats , therefore, in such a context, we must first understand that these changes and transformations of these behaviors that
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may lead us to the regional sphere and in the field between gahkar international it surprises us and surprises us . where is its cognitive and cognitive origin? if we re-identify and explain that epistemic and cognitive source , then we can adopt policies based on reality and new facts and make decisions about it. yes, well, see me in the initial explanation. according to the fact that we can have relations with the whole world, this discussion of bipolarity or duality, which i mentioned, means that we do not say that we have relations with russia and china and we want relations. establish and benefit other regions, for example , we don't want with europe, no, we don't say such a thing, we
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say with any country in the world that wants to be with us without domination based on mutual respect. behave , we can shake hands of friendship and cooperate with them , not this , not that, that means we are not looking for this and that at all. we cooperate with them, but we don't accept domination . for example , they can't embargo iran's expression. we will deal with them, let's deal with them. this issue of priority, which you mentioned first , is clear here, what is the priority, but i don't know what our friend mr. gharoshahi's opinion is about the old period , if the old period means the cold war period, and your policy
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is to look to our east. in fact, it is taken from that era, i also favor this, it is not like this. basically, it is a rare assumption in today's world . if you pay attention, you will see that priority raises the issue of priority . we are in a world where there are a number of countries. what does reason rule? reason dictates that we make friends with friends and at least try. let's do that we should neutralize the enmity of our enemies, that is, if we don't make enmity, at least we don't let them succeed in their enmity with us. this is a natural thing, so
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we can't negate the trend. look, when we have a country, let's assume that russia is our biggest neighbor. a member of the security council with extensive economic and cultural cooperation. cooperation in the field of transportation does not have a colonial view of us, that is, it is not the soviet union during the cold war. let me clarify one point . see, some people raise the issue of assuming that russia has the same claims as the soviet union, so why do we let's go to russia. i will tell you that no, russia is no longer the soviet union. more than 10 countries, 10 republics from that union , have other motivations and a different approach, because
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iran is no longer the iran of the qajar era, nor is iran the iran of the shah era. no, iran today is a powerful country with very high deterrence that does not allow any kind of aggression from others , so i want this. yes, mr. khosrashai , where should your priorities be, the trends that mr. pakain is referring to , well, i basically disagree with this issue and with this view, now i will explain further.
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my question is, why do i disagree with the prioritization of countries in the development of foreign routes ? they are completely opposed to what mr. pakaei says, because when you mention giving priority in the case of russia. relations with the russians or with the chinese instead of the european countries now or de-escalation of the tension with the united states of america then, as you say, the relations are friendly and good, after that statement of future cooperation in the economic, political and security fields between russia and the countries of the persian gulf you will be shocked and shocked . it is not a small issue iranian land, so how can we explain this contradictory behavior? i
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don't deny the good relations of the russians in some fields, such as military and economic exchanges, and china, too . i don't want to refine it to confirm this , but i want to be able to explain this paradox of behavior in theoretical and theoretical formats, and say that the reason this story is the reason for this position. what are the chinese and russians about our vital and territorial interests? well, the answer i have about it is that we need new conceptual tools to understand the world today. that is, we in the format strategic alliances, stable and exclusive partnerships, blocking, and words like multilateralism, we cannot follow the realities of today's world. and interpret. new words are proposed by some theoreticians of international relations , which to some extent can
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explain the new facts and realities of the international system and the region , explain why the russians and the chinese have good relations with iran in some areas. they are taking a stand against the vital and territorial interests of iran . explain to us that saudi arabia. how is it possible that while it is united with the famous saying? it has a long-standing alliance with the united states of america and has very extensive and good relations with china and russia. how is it possible that russia, which has good relations with us , has better relations with israel and china with israel? well, these things. i. the things i explained to you a decade ago, two decades ago, it was completely unthinkable that saudi arabia would come with some of america's global competitors like china. enter into
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extensive economic relations and even in the field of military and security issues, but this is happening today . i will explain to them that we have a latin word called quid pro quo, which means something for something, that is, we cede concessions , we demand something in exchange for something. as an element and variable that was previously normal, it is suspended and what determines the depth and level of the relationship and the quality of the relationship, the only thing that can define it is the price that an actor is willing to pay for that transaction. that is, if we
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see china and russia. position on our vital interests they take it because the persian gulf cooperation council countries have to pay the price of this position to the russians and chinese, for this reason, the relationship in the regional area and in the area of ​​extremely bad relations is transaction -oriented, very short-term relations are cruel and i apologize for your presence. regardless of the ideological issues of the hanja. another word that can somehow explain the new realities to us and we can recognize the new realities through this conceptual tool is a word that is used by the post-modern and post-structuralists, its english version is multi-line, multi-line now i am with paying attention to the text he had and i translated these into the order or quasi-order of multi-alignment, which is completely different from
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alliances, because these theorists believe that in today's world, we are facing the erosion of the category of stable alliances, exclusive partnerships, and blocs. mr. pakani, look at some of the issues raised by our brother, mr. khadre shahi . see, i have to explain the new concepts in this way that the two countries had friendly relations. but when the dispute is in the area of ​​vital and territorial interests, it can no longer be called a dispute . you see, the issue of taiwan is a vital issue for china.
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is or one it's a common issue. well, you see , china and the us have a relationship. china is one of the main economic partners of the us , it has invested the most in the us. the us considers china as an enemy in the strategic document, and mrs. nancy pelosi will go and be there in taiwan. he finds the president of the us congress. well, are china and the united states going to mess up their relations with the united states over this vital issue? china and the united states are enemies , as you say, but they are friendly and friendly rivals . see, i didn't interrupt you, so let me explain later. you in your own language let's see what china did. china also called the us ambassador or the charge d'affaires and strongly objected to
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it. he said that what you did despite the friendly relations we have is not in the scope of my national interests and i have to protest in relation to the business discussion that the uae he did in the two meetings that you mentioned, both about russia and china, and from the uae's point of view that they asked iran to negotiate with the uae over the three islands in the persian gulf , so he did not say that. the islands belonging to the emirates said to negotiate with each other . the conflict that happened between saudi arabia and china or the uae and china, which you approved, means that china came based on its own interests and signed this statement, which was a collective statement
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