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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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the iranian coach, sharaf iran , is playing with a telegram across the country, why are you setting prices in these six months? your question is an interesting question . we don't want any kind of diabetes treatment for football players. or above, wherever you are today, pray in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers , hello, dear compatriots, have a good time, thank you for choosing to watch the above program, in this program
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, we will debate one of the most challenging issues of the country in recent years, and that there is no issue other than the issue of removing the entrance exam, which has always been discussed both in the media and among the people there are a lot of supporters and opponents. well, in recent years, measures have been taken to eliminate the entrance exam , the latest of which was approved by the supreme council of the cultural revolution , which has actually increased the candidates' academic records in getting accepted into the university, and it is supposed to be held in the exam that will be held this year. can this sum reach 50%, however, some still agree to keep the entrance exam and some still say that the entrance exam should be removed. in this program , we will debate this issue whether you agree or disagree with the entrance exam, please join us. well, at the very beginning, honorable guests, welcome
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i would like to introduce to you mr. mohsen zarei, the head of the center for evaluation and monitoring of education, and mr. ahmad abedini, the former deputy of the supreme council of the ministry of education. thank you very much for coming to the higher program . i want my colleagues to prepare a report, we will see this report and we will start the debate. 50 years have passed since the national entrance exam was held. conqueror whose first exam was held in 1348 with 4773 candidates and today more than one million and 100 thousand candidates are applying to participate in the national exam. a volunteer who among the 5 experimental groups, most of them apply for widely used and job-creating fields. considering
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the ups and downs of holding the national entrance exam in holding and announcing its results and the diversity of courses in different places and universities. now the question is: can the university meet the needs of the candidates in the current situation? do you agree to remove the entrance exam or not? the entrance exam will not be removed in any way as long as the applicant exceeds the ability or capacity of the field in some fields. currently, about 90% of university courses do not have entrance exams. and only 10% of academic fields such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, etc veterinary medicine and some fields of humanities such as law and political science have many applicants and entrance exams are held. as long as some fields have many applicants, we are forced to hold an entrance exam so that those with higher grades and academic ability enter the university. exam injustices such as different quotas and the purchase of educational resources . it imposes on students and
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creates anxiety and stress for them. in my opinion , it is better to remove the entrance exam. in order to eliminate the entrance exam , the necessary infrastructure in education must first be created to create educational justice and the same education in all places country to be created. there is still no proper mechanism to guide education in schools to recognize the ability of applicants and to go and study in universities. according to the effect. 50% of the academic experience in this year's entrance exam is in favor of removing the entrance exam in its current form and i believe that this is closer to educational justice. well, mr. zari , let's ask you the first question as someone who agrees to remove the entrance exam. please tell me if
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there is educational justice in the whole country now all students have an equal opportunity , so that the entrance exam is actually removed and we head. we should rely on students' academic records to enter universities, in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. i also say hello to the dear viewers and guests of the program, mr. dr. abedini, and your excellency. you see, the issue of educational justice is a broad issue and someone claims that justice there is complete education in the country, in my opinion, no one can make this claim, the diversity that exists in the country in terms of the situation, other than the conditions of the educational spaces and the conditions that must be provided for the students. other contributory factors also intervene, i.e. the social and economic situations of the family and the situations of the social fabric of each region of the country
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have differences, and these differences can be seen in the measurement system in such a way that the measurement system that is established , all these variations look, therefore, in the national exam, this is the order you have, but the entrance exam depends on the variety of regions in the country , the educational positions that exist are changed for different levels, not one entrance exam is held for the whole country, but where can you see this order that where it is less privileged and where it is better to see their level on the same level where they are applied. quotas are made, that is , to solve this problem, the policy makers decided to divide the country into three regions, one, two, and three , which is currently being implemented under the existing conditions of the same region one and two, which means that there is no difference in this matter the solution to this problem is with the same
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regional quotas, that is, the person who is in region c is competing with his own region , the person who is in region two in the same way and region one , we should equalize all the educational conditions of the whole country , then let's do something. let's do it, not with the rationing that has been done has almost solved this issue. right now, mr. ya, i want to ask you why you are opposed to konkor. i think before discussing about approval and opposition , let's give a definition of konkor. perhaps this issue has not been discussed much. what does konkur mean , look at its literal meaning , look at the discussion of english equivalents, look at this. konkur means test, it means assessment, it means competition and creating competition. when, if
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we want to deal with the philosophy of konkor, it becomes necessary for us to hold konkor. or hold a test in many languages ​​to select those people which we are going back to the existing capacity and capabilities of the country, somewhere we don't have the facilities , we don't have the capacity , we don't have the conditions, we can't create the capacity according to the people's requests, we will hold a test. according to our capabilities, one of my questions was that if you allow mr. zarei to answer this on behalf of your excellency, that we are coming to oppose the entrance exam and argue that the entrance exam should be removed, what
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caused it? what a problem, a process that has served for 150 years. he has experience and has been tested all over the world it is being held, i don't want to say that my defense of the entrance exam is not an absolute defense, but under the same conditions , its shortcomings must be fixed. what made us come now and keep repeating that if the entrance exam is removed, our education problems will be solved, not the problems of education and work are much greater. one of these is the removal of the entrance exam. one of the consequences of our reasons is that we did not pay attention to it . if our educational justice is really achieved by removing the entrance exam , if the quality of our teachers increases by removing the entrance exam, if the quality of
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our educational buildings is standardized by removing the entrance exam, if our transformational content improves, i am the first. i want to be a defender removing the entrance exam, i think this may be a bit harsh, but friends should hear that removing the entrance exam is a kind of cover to cover up our own weaknesses in the quality of education and what kind of problems does holding an exam cause? also, if there are any problems, i will point them out. let's say that the existential philosophy of establishing the entrance exam has been lost. it should be removed automatically. it means that we have so many seats in the university that there is no more competition. you now have the number of students. who should study, we built a school, do
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we hold an entrance exam to enter the school, we don't, that means anyone is interested he deserves it and we have to go, sir , please, if we have this number of capacities and have the same number of professors, now many of the fields, the report that friends give to our 80 universities, now there is no need to compete, the whole effort. it is to compete in the entrance examination for 15-20% of the capacity that is creating so much noise. well, those 15-20% are the best fields and the most effective and interesting thing is that about 500,600,000 people are in those highly demanding fields for 5,400 they are competing for seats, which means the problem is there. my question is this, friends, first of all, their ideas and definitions what is the entrance exam?
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but besides this, after the interview. the year of the cultural revolution has its precedent in the islamic council, that is , since 1986 , the issue of removing the entrance exam and its impact on education has been raised. the elites of the country came to the conclusion that this is a problem for the country and it must be solved
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. education according to the curriculum that is based on the regulation document and the school student is asked to follow his work based on the goals of the curriculum, then where does the same student look, his view is that he is being measured in another system, and his destiny is being done in that other system. therefore, this student prepares himself for that campaign. at all, his attention will be removed from this curriculum system. one of the problems that amazfarash had for years was that the student had to do his studies in the form of the curriculum and under the title of curriculum content, and the demand for a good school was that he would either leave the book aside. he held entrance exam classes or was a student. the student himself would go to the entrance exam classes, that is, you say that instead of improving their academic literacy and their scientific foundation, the students
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go more to the test scores and success in the entrance exam. at the beginning of the academic year, at the beginning of the semester, our students ask their professor for a handout, and what do you ask the professor at the end of the semester ? they are looking for that evaluation and read pamphlets, so what happened this behavior had been formed . the evaluation that was done at the end was based on a skill test, it was based on memorization , which means that students are encouraged and trained to go for memory-based skills and the principle of learning was forgotten. from his upbringing , he saw this as an opportunity, that is, this interview, even though it is a task. it is legal, but he saw an opportunity to refer back to the curriculum, back to the school
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, back to the teacher, and the student should pay attention to this content and learning should be the main thing , but the issue is a competition and that should be measured. if it happened, it needs other issues, and if you have time, you can address that issue as well . please, mr. azar, explain . i told you the truth. having graduated in 1986, the law was approved until 1990, and it was supposed to be removed. one of our main problems in the country is that we did not establish a system, and in some places where it was military, we destroyed it. we could not find a suitable alternative. if the exam is removed yes, ameresh does not want to hold an exam
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. instead of one entrance exam, now he is holding four entrance exams, five entrance exams , he says final exams, other than that. now there, because it is the final exam, he called it the final exam here, it is called konkor, a word like english, very strange, for example, if we have a national exam, we will hold an exam with all the conditions that konkor is holding. it creates stress in the students instead of once, it creates stress four times. by the way, it's a place of stress. learning is necessary. we cannot take all the stress from the students . the teacher's question in the class is not less stressful than the entrance exam . the student has the idea that if he gets a test wrong , he might go from tehran medicine to hamedan medicine, or
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for example, the fate of his future life in these four years. it is being determined, and now he may not be well that day for any reason, he may not be able to study well, but he may not be able to take the exam well. well, in any case, the problems must be fixed , the problems do not cause the removal of a system, i say , we removed this, we put it in my exam, by the way, this is the same question , mr. azari, today i received the news that the exam has been removed, thank god, a channel has been removed. giving you the correct idea is 86 approved. 90. saying, sir , there is no entrance exam at all. all the factors involved in taking entrance exams , throwing them in prison, my hands are tied. tell him what he wants to do. i mean, if i'm open , see this sentence. if we only
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focus on the problems of a system. without providing a suitable solution, we are forced to fill 15% and 20% capacity and courses let's design a working mechanism, a compatible exam, a practical technical place, you select people , my question is about his education, now , if you can, mr. azzare, you can pay it for me , now farhangian university, shahid rajaee university. part d, come to the university once, for god's sake , as an example, sir, we , the students of farhangian university , have designed it with our own model.
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to accept students without entrance exam, this is the method this is the standard tool. how can we think about something that we have not tried at all, we have not tested it and with our own imaginations, i am talking about the removal, not the problems of the entrance exam. this council is the cause of the supreme council of the cultural revolution. it is not the solution or the alternative that you are saying. in no way can you see when you can. now, one of the problems that i will address now, i am just pointing out that one of the biggest problems of the entrance examination and its problems is the 19 quotas that we complained to this mr. zari. the main question of mr. abedin is whether we have an alternative instead of the entrance exam that we are looking to eliminate or not . first of all, entrance examination is not an issue at all
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. it means that the recent interview of the cultural revolution council is reducing its contribution. he sees a share for the entrance exam. he sees the previous education and by the way , there is one clause that is very locked, that is , the subject of assessment and acceptance, that is, the assessment, which is now weighted in such a way that 50 50 50 for the national exam, 50 for the academic record, that is, a student who has spent 12 years in a formal public education system in currently in education let's do this, put these aside, throw them away , it won't hurt us at all, come and prove yourself in a four-hour test. and prepare yourself based on these testing skills and techniques and things . if you were able to succeed, you could go next year or you will be deprived of this and now what is happening to people who have access to classes, they need to learn. the students who have more than that, it has been seen in this case that
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the admission system should be reformed, that is, the educational center that wants to admit students can define the quorum at all, say that i am a student. i will accept the candidate whose gpa is this and this is the result of the national exam. and it should have these features, you see , it is really desirable, this is what is implemented in some countries , regardless of whether this competition is considered , they measure the signs of a person's interest and abilities, and based on that, the choice of branch is made. well, one of the problems which we have in the country now and we don't have an answer to the number of unemployed faroukani , why are these unemployed faroukani produced because the goal is only to sit on the chair on the chair. university and getting a degree when this is the goal becomes the output the fact that unemployed graduates are being produced is that now in the last few years, 85% of these seats
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are only available with academic background . i think this is a good thing. it means that now he chooses the office, he can choose any field and based on his academic background. this choice is made and the fact that he is convicted means that he could not pass a test based on his rank. he should be sentenced for this so that his fate will be determined this year , mr. doctor ma, many people who came protested against his editorial record . they apply to be someone or have a doctorate in a field or have a master's degree in a field, which means that they have gone through a complete path, then they see that there is no job market, they come back to take the entrance exam. the country is the capital of life. our young people are being wasted and the expenses that are being made are unfortunately going in the wrong direction. well, from the beginning , if this path is correct, what mr. doctor says, yes, this should be desirable, but this is what
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mr. doctor should answer for me, don't i say it? if the entrance exam is removed, all the problems of the system will be solved but is the entrance exam an obstacle to the implementation of what i said is a problem ? is there a curriculum implementation in education or not? no, you don't know why education. of course , it's one of my faults if i look for it. in the discussion of policy making, i don't want others to say that instead of solving the problem , we erased the problem, for example, do you remember one time in one subject, you said, sir, for example, a student can do one single subject, we saw a student. their level of literacy is not such that to cover our own weakness, we said sir, it should be 3 instead of 4 in order to make the score 7, it should be three, it should be three. see, we
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deviated from our standards, a very beautiful interpretation of the old businessmen. now, we heard that they tell their customers, sir, break our heads , don't break our rate. it is a deep thing . it is possible for him to change his own standards . he hires a teacher. i am aware of this, and i say that i have said it many times in undergraduate meetings. he says, sir, the same thing you said, our tests must be standard , criteria-oriented, not norm-oriented. especially in the selection of teachers, sir, 20,000 teachers are needed it has 500,000. now this is one of the problems
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. they take part in the scientific competition of konkor and see that 5,000 people are not provided, which means that the answers will come, so they will lower their standards so that they can get 5,000. until this tragedy, they will be in the nursery school until the end of their 30 years of life. it is possible for us to think that we can reduce our weaknesses let's cover our standards. one of the biggest mistakes in the entrance exam, by the way, is our weaknesses. if someone is really trained properly and has confidence in himself , what is the need for him to be stressed from a scientific point of view. something happens, he says, i tried my best, i had the best teachers , i read good sources, i go, i take the test, but what is the necessity of all this, i say by the way. konkur
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is one of the factors that has an impact on educational justice and on children's literacy. if they are not stressed there , they will be accepted with four to five single subjects and a grade will be given. i know schools, especially schools that have money. they pay, they recommend to the teacher that you should give the grade lower than this, the parents are protesting, my question is, if you want to base the gpa on the academic record, a person who studied in that disadvantaged school and has the same gpa as him. he studied with a soldier teacher and his grade point average was like this . he came to this school with the recommendation of his grade point average of 19 and 20. how do you want to distinguish the basis ? by the way, one of the worst ways to serve them is to question educational justice. let's see if you are one of these high school students, that is, now
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something that is not fixed at all. i don't want to say one of these, sir, if you have a gpa of 15, this percentage of getting a gpa of 16 is questionable because we don't have a basis because we can't ask the people who are our target audience a single question with a single quality. the question is one of your subjects . like entrance exam it means that the final exam will be prepared for the entrance exam, why are you saying that this one should be deleted and that one should be replaced by one entrance exam, four entrance exams, i don't want
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iran to face the problems of the entrance exam. i emphasize it more than you. i say that iran has problems and we cannot transfer a problem from one place to another. we need a suitable alternative. i asked for a suitable alternative. in the education and training of doctors , they are waiting for this recruitment to be done through farhangaran university, i hope it will happen. when there is a shortage, i can conduct an employment test to recruit teachers through article 28. in previous years, mr. doctor, they know that an employment test was held, and the main filter was the same employment test, and then an interview was conducted, which did not have much weight, that is, determining it was the same exam, which means that their mistakes are correct. by the way, what happened now is that the exam is a test that is given by a candidate, but then the qualification of a teacher
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is measured, that is, based on the evaluator. in addition, the qualification of a teacher is measured by the qualification of this volunteer teacher, which of them has the qualifications, and by the way, its weight. you know, 60% of the supplementary evaluation is 40% of that exam, so this problem is solved now, the recruitments that are taking place are based on this framework in the national exam, this consolidation, which has the interview of the supreme council of the cultural revolution, that's it, it means a pardon, it says the national exam is a pardon of hard work. that the student during the academic years. he kills and wants the result of his performance to be effective in determining his destiny . you say that he should put all of this aside . it is necessary to hold a standardized test. it is unfair that the test should be a standard test , which means that in its design, in its implementation, in its correction, all these items
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were done in the june 402 test. the entrance exam creates sensitivity, and you want to transfer all the methods, mechanisms and programs that are implemented in the entrance exam. if it is based on donation , don't see any problem, the main problem is that when you say delete, it means delete, it is not relevant now . as me, i have it now . we used to ignore the teacher at all, that is , we did not value him at all, and we said , come and prove yourself in a four-hour competition, that is the essence of skill.


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