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tv   [untitled]    April 11, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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he gave this bill, it was reviewed in the commission , and it was approved in sanaa. we were in the stages of finalizing some notes and materials, and these are ambiguities , for example , to be resolved. now the committee of the speaker of the parliament recognized that no we can, it seemed to us that this internal regulation of the parliament was not implemented and it would have been better if the opinion of the government was taken and this matter was resolved. to be included in the order. what about the bill to establish the national migration organization? they are also waiting to see us we had approximately 20 and more than 260 bills during this period, of which about 128 bills were from before, that is , 130 from the previous governments, and for example 45 bills in this government . in the end, our discussion was that based on logic and
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rationality and that a good scientific work should be done, leadership is also central to their emphasis. in every area where there is a need, the government should enter so that the representatives do not feel that there is a gap, they should read the plan. well, in this situation , there have been many proposals from the representatives. we have almost asked for 20 or, for example, 65 bills so far. on wednesday, i signed four bills we have sent it to the government. i want to tell the parliament that the numbers and statistics are constantly changing . it is not the case that all of them have become laws. the discussion of supervision means plans. and the bills are not brought up. later, when a bill
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comes , there are so many suggestions and many things that it becomes difficult, especially that last year the discussion of the program took a lot of time from the representatives, or was it by itself, that now it is divided into two parts based on the new letter of approval. now this is finally the place it is working to really take up so much of the government's time, whether it is true or not, as you now know , the second part still needs to be included in this one. it will come to a conclusion next month, and i want to say that there were some things like this that could not be done, even we had a preferential bill, which, for example, the two-forty layer should be immediately declared to be received by the seventy commission and, for example , after a few hours, 76 hours, it would come to the age and be finalized, but you will see. sometimes it is not finalized within two or three days, sometimes it is not finalized within two or three months. it is recommended that this work be speeded
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up. now you can see the meetings or for example secondary things . when i was, for example, a representative in the fifth parliament, we had a speech. it was only a speech, for example, by the representatives. now there is a three-minute reminder, there is a two-minute reminder, and now there is a one-minute reminder. warning of the constitution, various warnings that come up, well, finally, it takes time, or if you see , for example, a representative comes and wants to propose a bill .
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experience as a representative in the representative in the past periods, we think that the internal rules should be changed, see the internal regulations for these cases. the parliament itself has a commission, related to the mirror, because they themselves know that every now and then there are some uncertainties, changes should be made just last year, so we think that changing the handling of the budget is one thing. it's good to let the government know, now they don't have anything to do with us, that is, it is the parliament itself, they make suggestions and the work is done. yes, in terms of the normal procedure, the government has no role in this matter, but after all, since one side of this story is a matter of the government, the interaction of the government of the parliament , for example, how you the sour question in the stiza parliament is to submit the budget, is it all one-sided or the time, for example, to submit the budget is a matter for the government. it is good that the government's opinion is also taken in these cases. otherwise, i
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will tell you one thing unofficially. see, for example, in the vote of confidence in the ministers in stiza, in all cases, the person who opposes speaks, in the end, the time of the relevant minister is over. he comes and explains. after explaining, if it is a vote of confidence, they will vote . if it is a vote of impeachment, they will vote. but see , for example, the process that exists in the current question. i even talked to some members of the guardian council, and this is really there is room for tolerance, now first the commission will give a short report, then the minister should come answer the question, then the questioner will start again. asking questions is now in two parts . to sum up, the minister speaks in two parts . the last person who asks questions is the representative. for example, as a representative, i will go for 56 minutes, 7 and 8 minutes to speak against you, who are, for example, the minister. speaker of the parliament asks, mr.
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so-and-so, are you satisfied? well, what i said , no one gave me an answer, maybe i raised new issues, raised questions and doubts, raised documents, and what i did, well, he doesn't have time to explain what this really means, for example. from the rational point of this it is not reasonable and the one who defends should always be the last one. well, it seems to me that the honorable representatives should really consider this . the representatives themselves are often the executive director . after all, it is not logical. we also have such proposals that we have now categorized them, god willing.
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it was said that this is not possible, that is, what has been done and the number of cases that have been added , especially those that have a financial burden, and it turned out to be something else, that is, the parliament is one percent. for example, he usually makes changes and adjusts , but if he comes, for example, according to the same number, for example, a number is added to 50 50%, for example, it should be changed . well, anyway, then with the recommendation of the hypothetical leader or the things that the supreme board supervised
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, it seems that in the end it is possible to implement what has been finalized, and god willing, everyone will help to implement it . in general, i want to say the performance of the parliament . this has been a good interaction. we had a case where some representatives sometimes made comments that strained this agreement and empathy , and we also had to recently. i am very patient, finally mr. head of state and mr. president, but we really had to answer some cases in writing in order to clear up the ambiguities . it has negative consequences for the system and for the country. you see, if one person makes a comment, for example, an official or a representative, then the persian-language media will make plans based on
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the false statistics, such as that conversation . this is not accurate, i will do it myself later they understand, but when they say something else, well, if the way is that it is in the same assembly, the imam also stressed that in the assembly itself, an opportunity should be given to explain that someone has come to speak against, for example, a minister against a governor of a group, they should have this opportunity and opportunity. have the opportunity to answer because if, for example, he comes to speak from the podium of the parliament and has a wide reflection, we will finally, for example , write a response to be published in a news agency, for example, in any case, it seems that democracy is one of the places where this point of view is crystallized within the parliament, how about the budget now, the budget that has been caused
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is left, of course, yes, see the ceiling of the so-called revenues, and from these, the tables of figures and numbers that must be allocated for each project are left. in the past, this issue was usually not discussed in the commission, but now because of the sensitivities of the non-residents and they wanted to be more careful. this work has been done and i think they have until this friday, that is, until tomorrow , to present their proposals, and then the consolidation commission will do its work, so that it will be concluded within this may. well, there are some differences in some there were cases in the discussion of taxes, in the discussion of pensioners , equalization of salaries and other cases, which were finally discussed to summarize these cases. al-qaeda shouldn't have such a difference anymore, because now, if you want to
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increase one place, for example, they have to take it from another project, which means that they no longer have the power to increase the budget because this is already closed and finalized, and the income and expenses are clear. minor changes may be given, if we want to talk about the future , well, god willing , there will be 45 people left who will be selected in the second round. now, of these 45 people, for example
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half of them, a third of them, will be around 120 people, eventually 130 people will not be more than this parliament. the rest, for example, 160 will be 70 new people who will enter the parliament. in the 10th, 9th, and 8th rounds, these were tables , but a significant number, a significant number , this is the first time that they are coming together, so what have we done so far, one thing, at the beginning of the work , we were finally in contact with them, in the nowruz meeting of the president, we invited everyone to say and after all, if the preliminary acquaintance takes place, we will sit down this sunday we had the joint government of the parliament, and we also invited the elected officials to find this opportunity to finally have a conversation with the ministers and help
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them prepare themselves for their work to start on the 7th of june. there has been cooperation in this new parliament, we have this procedure as well, those points that i think are necessary, so tell the representatives what services the government can provide them, or for example, at what stage of their projects, what can be done. we state that any parliament is efficient it should be better than the previous parliament, we should be progressing , not demotion. it is important, but for us to come, for example , to announce a number, sir, for example, in
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the next few months, the price of the dollar, for example, will be this much , well, this will create an expected inflation in the society, maybe definitely out of compassion, for example , the representatives said that it is going to happen. society may have side effects or in other matters for example, if a representative comes and says, mr. president, do you consider our province to be part of iran or not, now a president who is so active and hardworking himself, sir, says that this government is the government and every province has visited the province at least twice , the testans say khuzestan. 8 more provinces , then the ministers themselves, see regularly, for example, mr. president, being in algeria, this flood in balochistan , dashtiari, and this happened in chabahar, and this happened from there . and he wanted to focus on the elections, but he stopped mr. president has gone to his region, he has come to
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iran, he has arrived, he has gone to the region, finally , the red crescent has been working since the first day, which means that this government is doing nothing , it wants to analyze, the government has a jihadist spirit , so now we are working instead of saying, "god bless the patients, finally, you took care of them immediately . let's say, for example, that there are some discussions that are not appropriate, or that, for example, the story of gaza, which started a week ago, one of the honorable representatives addressed the honorable speaker of the parliament and announced that why are you antagonistic? the foreign minister is not mentioned at all maybe in the past, now, for example, a few people signed a plan that i talked to, and they said that you are a very respectable person, but your words have consequences in the society. now there is a war in gaza , the foreign minister must appear with authority in international circles with ministers. foreign affairs in the united nations, then you
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raise this issue, don't you remember what imam's reaction was in the first parliament when the request of the foreign minister was raised. and then those people were almost removed from the country's political scene. well, now they say, for example, that you are not doing anything for my constituency. your field of choice has been completed. let's assume that we have not done anything for your field of choice . it is not higher than that. but is it in the interest of the country to make the economy, you say this now , and i want to say this , sir, that there is a conflict of interest , put the national interest first. let's assume that your constituency is underworked, there is a weakness, there is something wrong with wanting to do this whether you provide or want to talk about other issues, this is very difficult. again, hazrat agha emphasized in a recent meeting with the officials of the system
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that you should not seek popularity to gain popularity. some one feels that it is not only the representatives of the authorities, but they want to say something anyway, they think that they are trying to get higher pistachios, that is, they have the acceptance of the people , and it will bring harm to them, while one has to really spend money on himself, his reputation and prestige. let action be taken in order to get the job done. these are the issues that we raise with the honorable representatives in a very friendly manner and i say that we have tried as much as possible so far, even without giving an official answer. let's talk with the representatives themselves, unless there is a place where there is a suspicious ambiguity, which is inevitable now, i have many examples of these, you see, in this very election, now a loved one who has not been elected for any reason comes to question the basis of the election, so we say that your respected brother or sister, if you really have documents, submit them to the supervisory board
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, the guardian council is responsible for this. you saw that, for example, in mashhad , a representative was added by counting, and for example, the number of two people going to the second round was less than there were, for example, 3 people, and these or, for example, in some cities, the place of the first person . for example, or in the same pak dasht and bramin and these things, for example the first person, for example, has changed, or, for example, in lanjan in isfahan province, that first person, for example, well, check. it was a violation to leave it aside, and i mean , i want to say that the system is built to deal with it . yes, in some places, they also dealt with it, but there was no change . there was such a difference in votes, for example, there was a difference of 20,000, and it was 10,000. now let's assume a small number. there has been a violation in the main story of the change, so i want to say that we, for example
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, talk to our friends, which now you finally failed for any reason , we should not, for example, question the system, the entire election. sir, the buying and selling of votes was so-and-so yes, some people should keep this in mind, yes , they should take the protestors through their own legal channels and follow them, but if they don't get any results, we should all surrender. in the matter of dr., do you have an assessment of the tendencies of this term of the parliament, maybe because officially, you can't say no, we generally consider the next parliament to be a good parliament , while the answer was the opposite, that is, for example, one of these dear representatives in one of the centers of one of the big cities, who had several representatives, sometimes
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came and defended the government. i said that it makes me. let it fall slowly, but we saw that the first person, for example, was in the capital of the province. finally , the people see the government working . yes, we have shortcomings, we have weaknesses , we have problems, but it does not mean that we come, for example, to blackmail and exaggerate. yes, there are facts, but that let's say, for example, sir, the government has given up and is not doing anything in this area, in that area, or , for example, the same meeting that we had recently. it should be resolved, while this meeting is more of an iftar there has been a meeting with the new representatives, there have been elected representatives, and then this. the fringes of these meetings are much more than the original, friendship, camaraderie, and familiarity, and these things are done. now, the work that is being done by the middle people, with the president himself , the first vice president, others are these, and then finally
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, in these meetings that have been held so far. now, we had 6 meetings. in this period, we say an agenda for each item . our agenda in this meeting was how to justify the slogan of the year. recently created while well, you yourself are finally an expert on issues and you are completely noble. the government has tried its best. that we buy the basic goods with the so-called width of the dollar, for example, the price is 28,500 tomans, otherwise, the non-basic goods
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should be something close to less than 40,000 tomans , and last year our trade balance was positive, which means that our exports are more than imports. it has been about 20 billion dollars more, well, these are good actions . you can see what these scientific companies are doing , for example, in the field of health. how many different medicines do doctors produce by themselves? and they make us unnecessary. in other fields , work is going on everywhere, then we, for example, just come and raise objections and make problems. hazrat agha, in meeting with new students, their words do not reflect very well at the global level . i am saying the meaning of the word, have a proud look , that is, take those strong points, when someone listens to the parliament, he is disappointed and says, sir , there are shortages and defects everywhere, of course, it is not like this, doctor, it means , to be fair, the parliament
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was very good and revolutionary during this period. things are going well, i want this balance scale too it will be heavier if, for example, the strong points are also pointed out. of course, in this parliament, we had 71 statements to praise the representatives. at the same time, we really welcome the supervisory aspects of the reminders of all these questions, but we expect that fairness will be respected everywhere, god willing, and that this cooperation and interaction will be better in the next parliament. doctor, as our last question, you mean in the next parliament that god willing, the most important priorities will start from june 7th that the government has and god willing, it will follow up what will happen. the government mentioned the so-called other economic axes, they are a priority , now there are many plans that the government has put forward
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and we hope, god willing, with the cooperation that exists, we will be able to achieve these results and then finally use the points of view and views of the respected representatives. let's make the problems decrease, god willing, people feel that everyone cares about them. it is to serve the people, it is the progress of the country, and great things can definitely be done with this cooperation and companionship, especially since we have special conditions. the events that are happening and many eyes are on the islamic republic, for this reason there should be more cohesion in the country in this situation . dear viewers, be safe in god's protection!
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good night, at 20:30 , i am at your service with some news. coinciding with eid al-fitr, in a ceremony in tehran, the families of the martyrs of lashkar fatemiyoun were honored. cultural programs such as poetry reading by the children and youth creativity booth for the children of the martyrs and awarding them prizes were among the programs of this ceremony. eid al-fitr is one of the most important holidays for afghans. performing the eid al-fitr prayer , wearing new clothes and looking


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