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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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carpets all over iran . greetings again, dear viewers, the revenue of customs collection and remittances to the treasury in 1402 increased compared to the previous year and reached the figure of 247 thousand billion tomans. according to the head of customs, last year in the department of import duties on goods, cars, mobile phones and export duties, about 121 thousand billion tomans of income was realized. this figure of 86 is an increase compared to 1401. also, during this period, 126 thousand billion tomans of value added tax was collected. at the university of
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tehran, they succeeded in designing an innovative system to supply fresh water from the sea. this system provides the required energy using solar panels it provides and technically and economically in the production of fresh water, it is competitive with other existing samples. due to the use of renewable energy, this method is compatible with the environment. the president of the united states is likely to collapse.
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he called the military of these countries undesirable and emphasized that this unfavorable situation , along with the danger of russia on nato's eastern borders, may lead this alliance to break up. the american president said that if this event happens, it will be disastrous for america, europe and the world. more than 100 female zionist soldiers refused to join the army. zionist base i24 quoted idiot arnott newspaper announced that out of 326 soldiers who were called to war in the new call of the zionist army, 126 soldiers are not willing to attend the service. these soldiers
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have been called to serve in the surveillance camera unit at the gaza border. according to this zionist media, this is the third call of the army of this regime for this border unit after the al-aqsa storm, which so far a significant number of zionist soldiers have refused. the keridis living in occupied palestine also protested against their mandatory military service. controversy over dispatch of the haredi. conscription has started after the israeli army announced the need to recruit 10,000 new soldiers for the war in gaza. yesterday, benny ganses , a member of the israeli war cabinet, said that soldiers who refuse to serve should face severe punishment. the largest aerospace exhibition.
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the chilean government had previously announced that in response to the zionist regime's crimes against the palestinians in the gaza strip , it had banned israel from participating in the exhibition. the chilean government had previously protested against unacceptable violations. human rights in gaza called its ambassador from the occupied territories also, four months ago, mexico and chile filed a complaint against the zionist regime in the international criminal court and asked this court to investigate the commission of war crimes in gaza. chile has also been the scene of many demonstrations against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. prime minister officials. south koreans
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resigned after the defeat in the parliamentary elections . he promised changes , especially in the economic field. in south korea's parliamentary elections, the democratic party is the main opposition party to the government. more than 175 seats out of 300 seats he won the parliament. in this election, the ruling party won only 18 seats. supporters of julian asanesh coincided with the fifth year of his imprisonment in belmarsh security prison. they protested that the founder of the wikikix whistleblower site had taken refuge in the ecuadorian embassy in london from the fear of being arrested by the british police 7 years ago and 7 years ago, and he is in prison.
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stop the political work and leave the easy. this is the most frequent slogan of supporters. australian, the founder of wikileaks, due to the publication of hundreds of thousands of leaked documents related to the us invasion of afghanistan and iraq in america is wanted. wikileaks documents show how the us military
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killed hundreds of civilians in unreported operations during the war in afghanistan . exposed files from the war. his crime is that he exposed the truth about american war crimes. this situation
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is shameful for any country claiming democracy. asan's supporters present him as a role model for independent journalists . lawyers say: if the british government. asan should be handed over to america if the american government does not execute him with the charges he has brought against him , including espionage and disclosure of confidential information. his army will be sentenced to 175 years in prison .
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iran's honorable coach.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers , dear compatriots, hello, have a good time, thank you for choosing to watch the above again. in this higher program , we will debate one of the most challenging issues in recent years in the country, and it is none other than the issue of removing the entrance exam. a debate that has always been discussed in the media and among people and has many supporters and opponents. well, in recent years, measures have been taken to eliminate the entrance exam, which is the latest one. resolution of the supreme revolutionary council it is a culture that has actually
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increased the candidates' academic records in getting accepted into the university and it is supposed to reach 50% in the exam that will be held in 1403 this year. the entrance exam should be deleted in this program, this topic is discussed above. we will sit and see if you agree or disagree with the entrance exam . please join us. well, at the very beginning , i would like to introduce to you, honorable guests, who agreed to take the trouble to join the higher program, mr. mohsen zarei, the head of the center for evaluation and monitoring of education and mr. ahmed abedini, former deputy of the supreme council of the ministry of education, thank you very much for coming to the higher program. at the very beginning , i invite you, my colleagues, to prepare a report , we will see this report,
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we will come back and start the debate. 50 years have passed since the national entrance exam was held. conqueror whose first exam was held in 1348 with 4773 candidates and today more than one million and 100 thousand candidates are applying to participate in the national exam. volunteers. among the five experimental groups, most of the applicants are for fields that are highly useful and job-creating, according to faraz the downsides of holding a national entrance exam in holding and announcing its results and the variety of courses in different places and universities. now the question is, in the current conditions of the university, can it meet the needs of the candidates ? do you agree to remove the entrance exam or are you against the entrance exam in any way, as long as the applicant is in some of the the fields are more than the power or capacity of the field. it will not be deleted. currently, about 90% of university courses do not have an entrance exam, and only 10% of academic courses
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such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and veterinary medicine and some humanities courses such as law and political science have many applicants. and the entrance exam is held. as long as some fields have many applicants, we are forced to hold an entrance exam so that those with higher grades and academic ability can enter the university. konkor imposes injustices such as different quotas and purchasing educational resources to students. and it creates anxiety and stress for them. in my opinion, it is better to remove the entrance exam. in order to eliminate entrance exams, the necessary infrastructure in education must be created to create educational justice and equal education in all parts of the country. to recognize the ability of candidates and to go and study in universities. still a decent mechanism to steer there is no education in schools. considering
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the definite effect of 50% of educational background in this year's entrance exam , i am in favor of removing the entrance exam in its current form, and i believe that this is closer to educational justice. on the other hand , with the improvement of educational conditions in high schools, the conditions are moving towards improving the quality of education. well sir let's ask you the first question, as someone who agrees to remove the entrance exam, please tell me if there is educational justice throughout the country and all students have the same facilities, if in fact the entrance exam is removed and we only look at the academic records of the students. to enter let's rely on the universities, in the name of allah, the merciful , the most gracious. and for someone to claim that
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there is complete educational justice in the country, in my opinion, no one can make this claim, the diversity that exists in the country in terms of the situation, other than the conditions of the educational spaces and the conditions that must be provided for the students are other contributing factors. they are also interfering. the social and economic situations of the family and the situations of the social fabric of each region of the country have differences and this is in this difference. it is seen in the measurement system that it the assessment system that will be established will see all these variations, so in the national exam, the order you have is the same, unless the entrance exam is based on the variety of regions in the country, the educational positions that exist will be changed for different levels, not one
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entrance exam will be held for the whole country. but where is this statement of yours seen where it is less. is privileged, and where they are more privileged, their level should be seen at the same level, where the quotas are applied, that is, to solve this problem, the policy makers are going to divide the country into 1, 2, and 3 regions, which is the same in the current situation. regions one and two are being implemented, which means that there is no difference in this issue, which means that the solution to this problem is the same quota system, that is, the person who is in region three is competing with his own region, and the person who is in region two is the same way. region 1 is the same, so we can't claim that we have to equalize all the educational conditions of the whole country , then let's do something, not with this quota that has been done, this issue is almost solved . concord, see, i think that before
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discussing about agreement and disagreement, let's come once let's give a definition of entrance exam, perhaps this issue has not been discussed much . look at what entrance examination means and what its literal meaning is. look at the discussion of english equivalents. entrance exam means test, it means assessment, it means a kind of competition and creating competition. when do we want to address the philosophy of entrance exam ? . it becomes necessary for us to hold an entrance exam or, in very simple language, to hold a test to select the people we have, it goes back to the existing capacity and capabilities of the country, in some places we do not have the facilities
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, we do not have the capacity, nor, let me tell you , we have the conditions, we cannot match them. with the request of people for them we will create capacity, we will hold an exam according to our capabilities. one of the questions was that if you allow mr. zarei to answer this on behalf of your excellency, we will oppose the entrance exam and argue. what caused the entrance exam to be removed? what is the problem of a process that is 150 years old and has been tested all over the world ? i don't want to say that my defense of the entrance examination is not an absolute defense, but its shortcomings must be fixed. what has caused
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us to come now and keep repeating the entrance exam? if it is removed, there will be educational problems. the solution is no, the problems of education are far beyond these . eliminating the entrance exam is a consequence of our cause . if our transformational content improves, i will be the first person to defend the elimination of the entrance exam. in my opinion, this may be a bit harsh, but my friends should hear that the removal of the entrance exam is a kind of cover to cover up our own weaknesses in the quality of
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education. may also, if there are any problems that i will mention, let's say at some point, the existential philosophy of establishing the entrance exam has disappeared by itself, so it should be removed , that is, we have so many seats in the university that there is no more competition . we built a school. do we hold an entrance exam to enter the school ? we don't. it means that everyone who is interested has his right and we have to go. our universities do not need to compete anymore the whole effort to compete in the entrance examination is for 15-20 % of the capacities, which is so noisy, well, those 15-20
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% are the best fields and are more effective, and the interesting thing is that about 500,600,000 people in those highly demanding fields for 5,000 they are competing for 4,000 seats, which means the problem is there. my question is, friends, first of all , what is their idea and definition of entrance exam? philosophy what philosophy do you consider for the entrance exam? i have another question. now that our discussion has progressed, let's see what should happen in this case. let us hear your explanation. we are responsible for the implementation of higher policies and laws, but besides this , after the interview of the supreme council of the cultural revolution , there is also precedent in the islamic council, that is, since 2006, the issue
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of removing the entrance exam and the effect of the academic test has been raised many times in the parliament. then it is pending, and why is this issue pursued in our legal policies ? well, this has its own issue, that is, the elites of the country have come to this conclusion. arriving that this is a problem for the country and it must be solved. what is the problem the shadow cast by the entrance exam on the public formal education system and mr. doctor will definitely confirm this as long as the student is working according to the curriculum that is set based on the document and the school student is asked to follow the work based on the goals of the curriculum. then where is the same student looking? his look this is because he is being evaluated in another system and his destiny is being done in that other system, so this student prepares himself for that campaign
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, his attention is completely removed from this curriculum system , one of the problems that the student has been studying for years. it was that the student should do his studies in the form of curriculum and under the title of curriculum content it was a good school that provided school materials, which either left the books aside , held entrance exam classes, or let the students go to the entrance exam classes themselves, that is, you are saying that instead of improving their academic literacy and knowledge, the students go further. regarding test-taking skills and success in the entrance exam, one of the problems that the presidents of top universities have been raising for the past few years is that our students demand their entrances from their professors at the very beginning of the academic year at the beginning of the semester. at the end of the semester, at the end of the semester, what do you ask about the handout and the professor, which means learning at all it doesn't matter to them, they are looking for that evaluation and they read the pamphlet, so what happened
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, this behavior was formed, the evaluation that was being done at the end was based on a skill test, it was based on memorization, that is, the students were trusted and education was focused on skill and memory and the principle of learning was forgotten. one of the teachers saw this as an opportunity, that is, even though this interview is a legal assignment , he saw it as an opportunity for the reference to go back to the curriculum, back to the school, back to the teacher, and the student should pay attention to this content and learn the principle. it should be arranged, but the issue is that it is a competition and the issue of measurement needs to happen. it needs other issues, and if there is time , i can deal with that issue as well, mr. azari, please explain. i told you the truth, we need to pay more attention to the dimensions of the case . if our friends
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were really experts in legislation, the law was passed in 1986 and it was supposed to be removed in 1990. one of our main problems in the country is the systemization we didn't do it , we burnt it in some places where it was military and... we couldn't find a suitable alternative, we think there are problems. education and training will go back to the entrance exam. now, if the entrance exam is removed, the education teacher does not want to hold an exam. instead of one exam, the education teacher is holding four or five entrance exams . he says the final exams. finally , the name here is konkore , a word like english. we are holding an exam with all the conditions of the entrance exam , and we are duplicating it
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. it creates stress, and those stresses that are more , i say, by the way, some stress is necessary for learning, we cannot take all the stress from the students, the teacher's question in the class is not less stressful than the entrance exam, in the presence of the student, in the presence of the teacher, in a healing way every day he is exposed to this assessment test, right, mr. abdini, but anyway, in the entrance exam, the student has the idea that if he makes a mistake in a test, he may, for example, go from tehran medicine to hamedan medicine, or for example, the fate of his life will be decided in these 4 hours. it is possible and now he may not be well that day for any reason he couldn't have studied well and well, but he couldn't pass the exam well. anyway, these are the weaknesses that i mentioned. the problems must be fixed
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. the problems do not cause the removal of a system. the entrance exam is praiseworthy, thank god, removing a miracle, giving you the correct idea, 86, approved , 90, saying sir, there is no entrance exam at all. if we focus solely on the flaws of a system, no presenting a suitable solution, we have to design a work mechanism for 15% and 20% of the capacity and highly competitive fields, a suitable test, a practical technical place , you select the people, my question is about power training, now, if you can, mr. zareh
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for me , farhangian university and shahid rajaei university are among the two universities that i would like to attend. for god's sake, let him say as an example, sir, we, the students of farhangian university, who are our own, have designed our own model with that, mr. de dunya, people, daneshamos, parents, see a model. it is suitable. we could at farhangian shahid raja university. students should be accepted without the entrance exam, this is the method, this is the tool, and this is the standard. how can we think about something that we have not tried at all and with our own imaginations? i am talking about removing the entrance exam problems. now mr. zari is talking about amesbresh. my question is, is this council the cause of the supreme council of the
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cultural revolution, that solution or now. the alternative that you are saying is not at all possible to see when you can now one of the problems that i have now i will address it, i will just point out that one of the major problems of the entrance exam and its problems is the 19 quota that we imposed on this mr. zari . first of all, the removal of the entrance exam is not an issue at all, it means that the recent interview shows the cultural revolution, the share is less for the entrance exam, and there is a share for the previous education, and by the way, there is a clause that is very locked, that is , the issue of assessment and acceptance, that is, the assessment, which is now weighted like this. 50, 50, 50 for the national exam, 50 for the academic background, i.e. student after
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studying for 12 years in a public formal education system, we suddenly say, put it aside. prepare yourself for these testing skills and techniques and things . were you able to succeed or not? go next year or be denied at all. and now something is happening. in any case, people who have access to the classes, it's time for you to answer, mr. doctor. anyway, for students who have more but can't, that's it. it has been seen as the reason for reforming the admission system, that is, the educational center that wants to admit students can define the quorum and say that i accept a student. i will accept a candidate who has this gpa , this is the result of the national exam and has these characteristics, but the doctor should give me the answer , am i not saying that if the entrance exam is removed


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