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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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well, thank you, the only thing i have to tell you is that our opportunity on the one sima network has ended. if you are interested in following this discussion , please follow us on the khabar network. well, hello again to the viewers who have already joined the higher program, we are at your service with the issue of handing over the authority of the government to the municipalities, yes or no. they are present in the program as approvers, mr. basically, if
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it is supposed to, in fact, the authority of the government will be handed over to the municipality what are its limits, and let's give some explanation regarding the main topic, in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful . i offer my greetings and courtesy to the dear viewers of the news network . thank you to the respected host and mr. dr. rusta, who is present in the meeting as an opponent. i ask for your permission before that. in about three to four minutes, let me give an introduction about the principle of the constitution. the islamic republic of iran says that in order to quickly advance social, economic, cultural, educational, and other welfare programs, it is necessary to manage the affairs of each village, district , city, or province through the cooperation of the people, according to the local requirements, under the supervision of the dash shura council. if the cities of the province should be done, then you have a lot of weapons because of the conditions. the country of city councils
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started working for several years as the minister of the interior as the law says that if there was no city council, the deputy minister of the interior would be the deputy of the city council, meaning the legislator did not accept that in the longitudinal hierarchy of the minister of the interior the head of the council says that until the council is formed, you will be its deputy.
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article 136 of iran says that the government is allowed to give the executive positions that it can give to the municipalities that mr. dr. jamalinejad is the current deputy the minister of the interior, who himself already had experience as a municipality in different cities, pointed out that in those 5 years, he not only did not give these duties, but also took a number of other duties from municipalities, which means limiting the development of this article in the fourth plan of the republic, again in article 137 of the law of the fourth plan of the development of the republic. islam came in there , he had pointed out very clearly , he had used a lot of valuable words and concepts that, for example, can remove conflicts , inefficiency, lack of comprehensiveness, and finally, those kinds of problems that can be left to government agencies in development and civil affairs. the city and the countryside image.
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or it shows that considering that urban management is both diverse and complex and uncertain, the management of urban units, such as water, electricity, gas, telephone , health, education, customs, i don't know, the department of aging affairs, the department of elderly affairs, the education of children, the education of the delinquent , this is in the structure of the city, that is, in for example, in the municipality of new york
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, he felt that he was performing 342 duties of city management, well , one time, during the second term of the presidency of dr. ahmadinejad, he was appointed as the ministry. until then, the experts and deputy ministers feel that this task can be left to the municipalities the infrastructure commission of the government was also approved, but it was not actually approved in the government. this introduction is for the whole issue to happen in a nutshell in these two or three minutes. today, if urban management wants to have a complete and comprehensive urban management and be able to measure the quality of life indicators. increase what it should do. for example, if someone wants to go to water supply , he must come to the municipality to get a building permit, go to the water supply department to get water, go to the electricity department, for example, go to the sewage department, go to the telecommunications department, etc. education in health issues in urban health issues
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, god willing, there is an issue that the city administration actually pays for, but it has no management in this regard. it is a matter that exists in universities, in laws , in public opinion, in the same friends who are commenting now, there are very good comments. god willing, it is a service for you and our dear viewers, mr. rusta, please tell me that basically now, as mr salim said, well, this issue has been discussed for years, but it has not happened yet, has the government. he doesn't really want to hand over his authority to the municipality or not . on the other hand, some municipalities may not actually be responsible and they don't want to take on this responsibility and authority. well, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. dr. sarmi, who has a long memory in the field of urban management
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, we worked together for more than two decades , we were at his service in the field of urban management, and i would like to say hello to everyone who is watching this program. in fact, pointing out that despite the fact that many emphasises have been placed in the laws, especially in the country's development plans , this has not been achieved. far away we do not consider the laws that have been in place since the municipal law was formed in the country, because basically now the requirements of urban management in the municipality area are very different and outdated
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. the breath of the matter is actually handed over the authority of the government to take over the municipalities is a very basic and correct issue, but the reason why this is not actually done is that when we talk about urban management and municipalities, we are talking about 143 municipalities, and this collection of these 143 municipalities is local. melio's sovereignty is actually at their disposal, basically all over the world , cities and local aspects of melio's sovereignty. in this regard , i would like to thank you for the time of the program in 3 discussions, one is actually an institutional structure, two is in the field of policy making and planning, and the third point is in the field of mission.
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we are talking about handing over the powers of the government to the municipalities, which basically, in the first place, we should talk about the authority of the government to the municipality, or in fact we should talk about construction. urban management of the country, you see, we now have almost 8 official megacities in iran, which is the structural crystallization of urban management in the field of municipalities , tehran municipality, tehran municipality in 1403 has 180 hemat budget, 1403 180 hemat municipal budget has more than 170 organizations, we cannot actually, either the municipality of tabriz, or the municipality of kurd province, or the municipality of ahwaz, the municipality of mashhad, all of them, in fact, we now have a municipality like kermunshah, like hamadan we have like rasht, which is finally known as a big city. on the one hand, we must
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have a classification about this structure of municipal management in terms of the number of people and their structural capacities in the country, which is certainly a huge diversity between the structures of municipalities rather than one. for example, we had a municipality. in general, the center of the district with less than 5,000 people has become a municipality, so the transfer of government affairs to these municipalities should be gradually formed in accordance with these capacities. the next point that i am concerned with in terms of the first discussion, in terms of existing structures and institutions, i will tell you an experience that mr. dr. sarmi also has complete aristocracy with this experience. in one area, in fact, the responsibility of the management unit is the joint responsibility of urban management and the government in the area of ​​urban renewal. in fact, in the previous literature , we defined a joint cooperation project with the world bank in iran, and you may believe it. the point is actually the magnitude and the most important goal of this issue
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was to strengthen the structure of the municipalities in the country and this and capacity building in the municipalities, this capacity building was a specialized capacity building and its human resources . there is a field, well, necessarily, considering the number of issues there is a first point, that the government does not want to hand over its governance affairs due to the lack of capacity building in the field of management . in fact, a city does not want to hand over its sovereignty in the field of management affairs. we now have 33 government institutions and agencies that they both have laws , they have budgets, and they have duties and missions, which are part of the government's areas of responsibility in relation to this. it's a device. for example, look at the infrastructure device, well, the ministry of energy, the other ministries of housing
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that exist in this field, well, they have a mission in the field of urban management, but always in fact a the duties of the missions have overlapped . unfortunately, the lack of confidence in the existing capacity in the municipality and the lack of capacity building in the municipality have always placed the government's trust and determination in handing over these affairs. it does not apply to municipalities. in this regard, we have to make a division regarding urban management. well, we have 143 municipalities. we have a thousand municipalities. we have municipalities under 100,000 people . municipalities under 100,000 people are not able to accept governance affairs and even government affairs. what is the reason for this? the reason is that these thousands of municipalities are the same. now, in terms of even current budgets, they are dependent on the ministry of interior has increased taxes and basically
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their structure is in accordance with the actual handing over of government affairs . mr. sarimi agrees with these words. mr. rusta says that we have 1,400 municipalities , almost 1,000 of them are not under 1,000. let's leave the government's powers to them. i respect their views. the government is doing the same. that is, the government's approach is that , usually, the government that i am speaking of now, god forbid, should not attack the government space of mr. raisi, mr. rouhani, mr. ahmadinejad, mr. khatami. that is, we want the approach of all of them, which is that the government basically does not want to give its duties to the municipalities with different justifications. now, for example, you are right . you see, we have 9 cities with more than one million people. well, these cities with more than one million people can perform these duties, and we have about 15 cities with more than
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500,000 people, and about 100 cities with more than 100,000 people. mahidesh in kermanshah province is the same mayor, and now 75% of my budget depends on the government. you can see more order from the government. let the government do its own policy. if the government had not found an entry in the implementation, this disaster would not have happened to the country, which is the point that dr. majid rosta pointed out, well , he himself has been an expert in this field for years , and he is almost one of the best people in this field. the government is the reason why this is happening. i will give you some examples so that we can know that if this work is done one day earlier, the indicators of the country's development will be done one day earlier. the first
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step that every investor wants to do is to get a license to start operations or for any other work in tehran, if you want to give a building permit, you have to apply to 31 institutions and organizations and the ministry of home affairs, depending on the requirements, it may be one to 15. announce this example that i am giving. well, this is the reason why our license issuance statistics. i remember once one of the ministers of economy wrote a letter because the name was confidential, but now the contents are in my mind. it was told to the minister of the interior, mr. najjar, that in 161 countries of the world that we checked , we issued permits in 159 countries. the reason is that there are many decision-making factors in the obvious issues of the city, and it is really difficult to coordinate them. it's hard to see, we have a single urban management
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, we have a coordinated urban management, we are now in housing. institutions and organizations interfere in housing management. collecting these is a project in itself. in our historical context, we finally have a valuable historical context. you have a very, very strong fabric of identity , many of which have suffered holes due to our shortcomings. well, for example, the management of our city is the municipality. the management dimension of the ministry. they never have a common language , they have conflicts and interests, then he comes and sets a privacy, this neighbor goes to the court and says, sir , why did you give me privacy, he says, sir, i can. i will give you privacy, but according to the law, i will give you money, this person will stay, eventually he will go and commit a violation
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. we must prepare urban infrastructures , we must do this, but the travel rate in tehran is two and a half times that of urban trips in other countries. do a lot. 50% of city traffic is influenced by culture it is driving, well, for example , there is no common reason to say, sir, for example, you should use this time today, for example, today, without any effort , for example, your nut will come at 10 o'clock, he should go and tell the government to beg, now, thank god, the government of mr. raisi, well, mr. zakani i'm going to contact the government . it's good if our
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working hours change in these 8 days, for example, if this happens, i remember there was a lot of traffic at one time. i was the secretary of the traffic council of the cities of the country at that time. found, well, this soft management today the tools of culture are in the hands of the ministry of education . for example, in the discussion of urban health, the tools of health are in the hands of the ministry of health. but it's really embarrassing to give an example, maybe some friends will say that this is an obvious example. let's go out of tehran. for example, let's go to a city. for example, let's go to the city of sanandesh . this is for all institutions in this house he has to get services, he has a file, well
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, there is an archive there, he has done a place, so, well , circulate this all over the world, they don't invent 100 times. there was a concern in the words of some respected members of the islamic shura majlis and in the words of my friend mr. dr. rusta. the government constantly insists that the municipalities do not have the ability to run the cities even now, they do not have the budget . you are feeling that you are giving me the budget. well, this is the issue. our experience has shown that when a council called the city and village council is formed, the future is the last link of democracy. in the democratic system of the country, it means you, for example , the council of experts for leadership, for example, the president
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of the islamic city council, where he wants to talk to the people on the street, the city council, if you give these powers to the city council, there is no need for the government to be accountable, well, the people themselves will answer their representatives. if they don't have the power , they will change where we can practice . believe in the power of the people. if the government takes this risk, for example, now, for example, so that he is not afraid, give an example, sir , for example, the cities of tehran, tabriz, mashhad, shiraz, qom, ahvaz. give kermanshah karaj a trial period of 3 years with the same duties and the description, that is, mr. doctor, you say that the government should give authority to the council, i disagree, mr. doctor, boldly, the city council should have a supervisory role. let's talk about the mayor or the city council
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, we don't talk about individuals, we don't look at institutions, they are actually legal persons, we don't look at reality , we look at law, we look at it from a good point of view. management indeed. a fabric and urban harmony and you mentioned a discussion of participation, mr. doctor, these three words in iran are luxen words, these three words remain in the limit of words. it does not mean that the government gives all its powers and duties to an institution, it is corrupt and has no power at all. it means that the city council works better than the government. he can
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be the leader of an orchestra, he can create this harmony regarding the urban management of municipalities in iran, even we did not practice this issue, even in most of our cases, i strongly agree. that the role of the municipality, the institution of urban management, should be strengthened so much, mr. doctor , in the laws of city councils , it has the responsibility of the environment, it has the responsibility of culture, it has the responsibility of security, it has the responsibility of education , it has the responsibility of social responsibility. the law says that mr. mesbobat, the islamic council of the city and the ministry of housing, your institutions are a ministry. bring the office to the house and listen to the city council, not this law . when the government administration does not do, for example, think look, let's be honest, in order to increase our social capital, we have no choice
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but to accept the role of the people. we have to accept that the people know more than us. it will be more because he knows that it is effective. for example, in the historical context, if there is a problem, for example, i am your citizen in tehran, every citizen wants to see any of these 21 city council members. this is going to say that you, sir, are doing this what are you doing? i'm stuck. look, mr. doctor, in the cities from 1950 to 1980, cities were managed by city management. from 1980 to 2000, cities were managed by city management. in the city administration, this is the same as what we have now . the chief issues directives, for example, go and come. this is because
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in offices like this, they are no longer accountable to anyone . for example, mr. doctor says that if everyone is brought to the municipality, corruption will be committed. by the way, eradicate corruption. is it possible that i didn't say that corruption should be done, i said that it is still corrupt, yes, i didn't dare, instead of managing the country in detail. the city administration is the management of the people's city they are usually passive observers, they can't reach anywhere, they can't talk to anyone , their participation is weak, which means that basically the city management and the people are not able to participate. don't bring 50% of your cars for eid al-fitr. tomorrow, how many people will listen on the street if all the tasks are in the hands of this. the city council can repeat it at that time and say, "i told you not to bring a car today, mr. doctor, i told you, no, not representing
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me at all, mr. doctor, see, by the way, see us." in my municipality, let me complete my presentation. mr. doctor, the city council has legal duties in these areas . why can't it be done? i worked in this area for 22 years . i worked directly with the municipality. when we want to build a school, we should build a clinic. in fact, one let's make the development of the pen public. in the same issues, for example, the amzparsh administration with the city council says that it is not the people's choice, so the city council is the council for green space and garbage collection and the approval of the city budget, which is not the city council responsible for the citizen's security, responsible for the city's environment, but now mr. dr. alan only my municipal council mr. dr let me say one more thing about the same issue that we mentioned, we say that we have come to discuss, in fact
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, democracy is not democracy. in fact, the experience seems to have started from the tehran municipality, we have the same urban structure of tehran, we have the mayor's council of the city, the district mayor and the councils. well, we have not come to develop the discussion of the narrative rule in connection with the participation of the people. area. we have added a bureaucratic ring to the administration, dr. sarimi's argument is that we did not give the tools, now d the government wants everything to be fixed, but i have to fulfill my duties. you see, in the last two or three years, the government has taken a risk and caused social damage to the mayor of tehran, mr. doctor . you can be sure that you are recording the success of
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this period. result we should not look at the current ratio in black and white, for example, and think, well, all these social harms of working children, street children , drug addicts, drug addicts, drug addicts, etc. will add up. in every dear house, there is cleanliness that starts in the morning he is seeing that house, the municipality is living under the skin of the city. he knows the city , he has his power, but when he wants to make a decision , we have to come to the conclusion that the constitution is the constitution. it is very clear. after all, our covenant is the constitution. sir, the promotion of educational , cultural, health, and economic affairs of your city is necessary for your cities to be competitive cities. today , for example, the cities of the persian gulf region
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have an increase in their recommendations from us, because the city is competitive. what does competitiveness mean? see, we are the same in all the cities of the world they have an urban development board, that is, where is the destination of this city , where does it want to go , what is the difference between tehran and shiraz in terms of the territory of the country, where is the difference between shiraz and isfahan, where is it with isfahan, where is it with tabriz , by the way, our cities are not competitive cities because our cities basically do not have an urban development strategy. where you want to actually move. he has a strategy , his tools are in his hands, mr. doctor, he does not have a strategy . what does it mean that this city of tehran, as the mother of the world of islam, what are its strategic requirements , where are its duties ? to have it means all the institutions from i don't know the chamber of commerce from the guilds from the governorate from
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the municipality from the government. in fact, everything depends on tehran's ability to play a role, whether on a local scale, on a logical scale , or on an international scale . for example, where is oman moving right now , where is qatar going, and barcelona, ​​which today is viewed as barcelona. how did barcelona become, in fact, a role of a city that has the role of leading world sports events, that is, all the citizens of this fame. all the businesses and the private sector of the economy are already eating bread mr. doctor , what you say will happen if the authority is in the hands of the government or not? his management and i are basically only about the research requirements
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of time. for you to see, go to the country's urban management programs and check if, for example , what we say, for example, i am a persian province, for example, the city of shiraz, is the city of shiraz a cultural city, a city of medical services, and in fact it is a tourist therapy that now, for example , there are these issues, our cities have multiple functions and these have multiple functions


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