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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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for you to see, go to the country's urban management programs and check whether, for example , we say, for example, i am a stationer , for example, the city of shiraz, is the city of shiraz a cultural city , a city of medical services, and in fact, is it a treatment? now, for example, these issues there are many functions in our cities and this one. in fact , our cities are not known , where is the destination of this city, in which direction should it be located, if the government does not agree with the point you said , then the government will come to the streets and say , sir, you must deliver the tabsili project to my image. you should, for example, get the plan approved by me , he was doing a mockery, he said that mr. shiraz, for example , you know why the government failed in the debate on the mockery of the land, look at the mockery of the land. do
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you know why? because in the urban hierarchy, the first city , tehran , has three times the population compared to the second city, mashhad. in the hierarchical system , the first city is, for example, 5 million. now, for example , a country like germany is similar to our country, the population of which is the second city, for example, one million. the government has come. he has left the work of his headquarters next to you four lines of government officials to say on tv , sir, we have done this in the land of amish. the centrality of health in tehran, the centrality of treatment in tehran, the centrality of university education means that if someone wants his child to study engineering, he must come to sharif , if he comes to shahid beheshti university of tehran, but a city like shiraz has the medical capacity of the middle east. today, the city of shiraz was the medical hub of the country, not the medical function, but all of
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tehran writes a prescription for a city with a few thousand people, for example, the city of sarzab in the 30-year-old province . to the meaning of all the governments of the countries of the world, if the countries of the world reach the experience that urban management is in the hands of the government, they do not do this. in the political arena of turkey, the mayor of istanbul voted against his president, which means that the people came to say.
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voting means that the whole city is zero to hundred. if it wasn't for this, mr. recep tayyip erdoğan wouldn't be upset , for example, he knows that now the tool that was given to his opposition party is that he has to try his services. give me more so that the people can vote again later, he said, "sir, i have seen my mistakes. see, the competitiveness of the people's vote will increase. if the city administration of our body, you should forgive me for saying this, because i have been the vice president of affairs for about 5 and a half years. i was in the country at the same time and the same salary. i have always been in the government sector, as an expert, i would say that if the government takes this risk, if the governments take this risk of giving all their powers to the municipality, the speed of recommending cities will be much faster than now, housing problems , environmental problems, air pollution problems traffic problems today the problem of heavy traffic is not tehran's problem anymore
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. it has reached khormowadam and ahvazam. what is the reason , mr. doctor? the reason is that it is not the management of wadshahri. look, mr. doctor. well, a dominant city is good, or it is good to give, well, look at our cities, mr. doctor, the cities of iran are built based on the structure in a period when the discussion of industrialization comes into play. the behaviors of urbanization, urbanism, civility is not formed based on the concentration of the number of people and population , we say tehran, 9 million, tabriz, for example. 3 million from shiraz, 2 million from so-and-so, therefore , the concentration of our population, in fact, in the cities , is increasing the responsibility of urban management . you have pointed out the
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right point. let this issue come to a conclusion in the country. in my opinion, we do not need all the missions and responsibilities of the government. of course, i agree that these issues should be handed over to the city management department because the closest connection is actually the pavement and city management with the people and i confirm the statement of mr. dr. salmiya, but in the area of ​​governance, in my opinion , it is necessary that we must do this exercise so that we can actually gradually control the governance affairs that he says, what are the laws. regulations in the field of urban development plans is one of the points to be mentioned, which by the way is one of my discussions . this is the city development plans . in the supreme council of architecture and urban planning, the municipalities and members of the city councils are not members at all. hadi
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prepares a comprehensive urban plan and prepares an urban community plan in which city of the country? he is preparing, no , his language is the same as the language of the city of urban management . for example, he has a separate goal compared to urban management . he has laid a framework for all the cities of the country. in the next performance, he sees that he cannot perform. neither his language is a common language, nor does he know the capabilities of the municipality. he said, for example, widen kerman street , for example, widen 100 streets in tehran . he said widen shushu street. it has
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been 55 years since one of these streets has not been widened. he was telling the municipality, sir, there is no reason why he wants tariz street, by the way, mr. doctor, this issue is this issue. you also want this plan , in fact, tell the society tomorrow, sir, from today , prepare a detailed plan for the society of the country's cities, the municipality , by the way, i am completely against comprehensiveness , the biggest point of deviation in the area of ​​money is the same community plans, which comprehensiveness do you look at now? i once had an international responsibility, now due to this issue, i went on many foreign trips , i went from south east asia, i don't know , i went to europe, i went to central asia, i went to see everywhere. same with the structure. the urban management of their cities, both in terms of their missions and their structures, by the way , these are the same plans, sir, what does the society plan mean , the government is not willing to go through it, see mr. doctor , you go
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see the plans for the urban development of the world, the plans for the urban development of the world is a problem mohoren comes, a problem is defined in this program, and he goes to solve that problem . the main reason is the non-fulfillment of the urban development plan prepared by the government . now i am asking you to look at the urban development plans of the country's physical management , issues such as poverty and political divisions.
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i will help you with something. don't be afraid to tell your friends in the ministry of roads and the ministry of interior about the issues of the engineering system . they can't solve their own problems by themselves , see how the problem is going to come, no, mr. doctor, see in the area of ​​your method, why, in the area of ​​the manager, to give an example, in the government itself, work like this is the nature of these things, if there is not a single management, there will be challenges
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and differences. you see, dr. charkhawa should not be 100 the experience of successful cities in the world shows that yes, urban management should be managed. hello bati, i was reading the successful experiences of prominent mayors of the world, of course, this word has nothing to do with tehran , but i want to say that they call the mayor of tehran , they say the mayor of london , what was the most successful experience for the city of london? he says that i imposed a toll on the cars that entered the city of london every day . this made many of my successes in the field of urban management take place. see, we make things difficult and complicated, and then we cannot do it . see, what i am saying is one thing for give for ourselves, that is, give for those of us who are serving the people. a few hundred or, for example , a thousand. it is possible that some people come to tehran by car with
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different license plates to work and sleep in the car at night because there is no business place in their city. sir , no, mashaallah, what else can the municipality do ? for example, the cars whose number plate is not tehran's number plate have these laws and regulations, it means that what has happened in the world is a matter. in iran , this role works the other way around if my car doesn't have a tehran license plate tomorrow, the first thing i will do is to move to tehran or live in farse, tehran, or live in the suburbs of tehran, because the problem that i have is the problem of employment and employment. by the way, you are in the same area the transportation that you actually mentioned is the discussion of the shari'a development plan. when we talk about the community plan, the community plan is only regulations. the construction of urban management in the current situation is the issue of field management, the issue of city boundaries is the issue
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of city boundaries, which means that this requires a lot more rules in the field of assignment than the issue of management. the land should be handed over to the municipalities, the government. now it 's me, yes, then you have to go to jihad for agriculture and resources. people don't listen to the municipality and the government . you see, the people are moving. for example, you say, sir, that the area of ​​tehran should not increase. yes , it should not be found, but you 20 meters in zal shenoob tehran, there is a place called mortezagard, yes , whose population now, for example, i think has crossed 100,000, which means it is equivalent to more than 1,200 cities. yes , you keep your eyes on each other in tehran. don't you see , he was a villager, now take me, i will be a villager with him the law collided, but it was formed there, it is our dear citizens. there are citizens who were forced out of necessity because of it, if
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it was in the hands of the city administration, they would not want to go and build electricity with difficulty, water with difficulty, after all, this population flow, the flow of population changes, the city management could have better controlled it. it has been neglected that living in the suburbs in the city of tehran has brought disaster to the city of tehran, and those servants of god have brought their jobs to tehran and are sitting in the suburbs. he is living there, he has to get in the car early every morning to take himself to his place of work mr. doctor , we have 2 million traffic daily from the entry and exit points of tehran, from azadegan, qom highway, saveh road, from karaj and from our campus. the subjects say hareem tehran, sir
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, the growth rate of baqorshahr today, i am sorry to say , what is the percentage of baqorshahr rabat karim today, rabat karim now has a growth rate of 16 and is actually experiencing it. how much is tehran's growth rate below two campuses, it is experiencing a growth rate of 12, islam shahrhar it is experiencing a growth rate of 10. what does this mean? it says that the whole city of tehran, the urban complex of tehran , has allocated 1% of the country's territory to itself, but the population of my country is 14. let me say one sentence, that's why we are facing this phenomenon in connection with the management structure of our city. and this is not the answer. here, the role must actually experience my capacity and it needs the support
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of the government. i want this discussion with mr. doctor of my year. mr. sarmi's experience , give some examples from foreign countries. i want to say that we are in the country we ourselves have these free zones now, for example, like kish, and we handed over the powers to esh . in fact , how was the free zone and the agent of this free zone there, this experience means when we handed over the powers, now it is not the type of municipalities. i am not saying that, for example, i am now. because i'm serving in the municipality, i'm telling you right now , even if i'm in another guise and in another position, i'm going to tell you the same thing , you can see the indicators of his recommendation, because someone decides that today's person is a role model. success is a model of success, but how many years has it been , who is the doctor? in 5 years, why is abadan not this? why
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are abadan and arvand regions newly liberated ? at that time, the same friends who know that the region is a lowly place , i went there for a few days for training, two, three , three, four years. it has been a year, be sure to be sure that one of our successful models is these free zones, that is, if you see mr. doctor in one country, i would like to tell you, mr. doctor, i think we have 3 minutes until the end of the program . the topic that i discussed was not related to tehran, these are the topics that i discussed you should trust the municipality of zahedan , the municipality of kerman, the municipality of bam, the municipality of bam, for example , the scene of manshah province, be sure, be sure , the city councils , their decision-making power in the field is far more than an institution that sits in tehran. at that time, discussions
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of competitiveness will be formed. at that time, the council means your council. today, when you want us, something must happen. the council, which is stated in the constitution as the city council, should now be transformed into a municipal council without a ruler. only the municipal council, which has half of its powers, should become a council. our city should be local governance and local governance, let's believe , let's do it, the country will be saved. thank you very much , mr. rusta jamandi. i think that a very good discussion was raised, and the point that dr. sarmi pointed out at the end is completely correct. my dear, i said yes, no one can compare with chabar now. small towns are now on their own in terms of financial foundation, which means they are left on their own in the implementation of their own tasks. serve as a summary of this program let me tell you, in my opinion, as an expert
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who has prayed for many years to the service of dr. salemi and other loved ones, in the field of urban management , we should definitely have this intention of handing over the affairs of the government to the urban management of the municipality and at the same time do the necessary capacity building. we have to start from one point, we have to test the experience of our servants , and finally, the issue of management is actually one piece of management, one piece of fabric, and one piece of work , which means that it is necessary for the municipality to make a plan, and for this plan, the municipality should make policies, and the municipality should these are empty programs policies are the body's plan. anyway, this issue was in the seventh plan, but unfortunately the parliament opposed it. now, god willing, let's see what the new parliament's approach will be to this issue and the laws will actually be approved that will be good for all the people . sarabi, deputy director of tehran architecture, who agreed to participate in this program
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, i would like to thank dr. majid rosta, a former member of it, and the director of iran city regeneration company, and i am also grateful to you. who followed us until the end to see you again, may god bless you from above the world, wherever we are today. you are tomorrow high
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did it make a difference no, it didn't matter. it made a difference, no, it didn't make a difference , it made a difference, it didn't make a difference, it made a difference, yes, it made a difference .
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the imam of one of the mosques in gaza, as his wife says a little worse, is a quran memorizer, and as he wrote on his virtual page, hazem, a graduate of gaza university, is the imam of the mosques in gaza and his little daughter amal in the ashati refugee camp in the northwest. gaza were martyred. the zionists hit their car directly with a rocket. hazem was one of the sons of ismail haniyeh. except for him, amir and
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mohammad, the other two sons of the head of the political office of hamas, and jez amal, khalid and rozan, his two other cousins ​​were also in the car. they used to go on eid days to see and visit qom and their relatives. all of them were martyred. the blood of all of them was spilled in the alleys of gaza where the blood of fifty or so other martyrs of the haniyeh family and thirty thousand martyrs of the people of gaza was spilled on the ground . the sons of ismail haniyeh, may god have mercy on them , were not in hotels in qatar and turkey, not even in the south. right here in the north, in the displaced persons' camp , i just want to know the narrator of this false narrative, who said that the children of the leader of hamas are dying in doh, in the peace of nematan, and the children of the people in gaza. scandal new for zionist arabs who said haniyeh's sons are in hotels in qatar, turkey and london.
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the commander's children were right here next to the nation. 61-year-old haniyeh was in qatar at that time. as usual, he had gone to comfort the war wounded when the news of the martyrdom of three of his young men arrived. and it was still in qatar that the residents of the coastal camp of gaza gathered and in his absence they collected his body in pieces from the ground like their own children, prayed over them like their own children and buried them like their own children
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, may god have mercy on them. amir, o muhammad, god bless you , o abu umar, or hafiz al-katab, or imam fida al-rasul and kheswa khseezm, live, we do not consider those who were killed in the cause of god, dead, but resurrected with their lord, they will be provided with, by the grace of god
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. and the wife of our martyr does not call the arabs, but the one who needs us is not the one who needs them, and the dead and the living, you are the living, and by god, and the wealth, may god have mercy on you, o abu umar, your eid is in jannah, my beloved. some of them only take the test, some of them, in addition to the test , i will analyze the answers to the questions. finally, welcome. please remember that this
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is not just a test. to register completely free of charge in community tests, text the last letter of the number two to 2006. we made 40 last letters of sara for you until you come to see. this is called installment purchase. it's as you want. show sara different accessories of any model and name, don't worry about buying. various types of hair salons, come to the house , come to the house, there are large iranian houses in the cities of tehran, qom and isfahan until 2:00 in the morning in the city of tehran, i am your host.
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brush your hair with saffron egg shampoo in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . we present war planes the zionist regime killed at least 25 palestinians by bombarding a house in gaza city. air and artillery attacks on the nusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip have intensified since this morning. occupiers in the north of this camp to advance the ground forces.


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