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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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the country is facing what is desirable in the 7th five-year plan, i.e. the growth of 88 percent, almost 17 years have passed. in all these years , the private sector has been at the forefront of orders and recommendations in iran's economy . the government and quasi-government institutions should not get involved. in which people can be present , but it seems that this has happened, the steering position in iran's economy is in the hands of non-governmental public institutions, and the executive headquarters of the second phase , we signed a contract with them to privatize its oil production, in fact , on the first day, please privatize it, mr. doctor haj agha, there are also private sectors in this area first of all, my friends, the private sector and in kastan
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have benefited from the government's participation instead of the private sector of the quasi-governments. repeated recommendations for the popularization of the economy and the non-competition of quasi-governments with the private sector , activists in this field still say that in the private sector , the price of milk is assumed to be 16 tomans, but in these government institutions, dependent on the government , there is no supervision according to economic experts. on quasi-governments, one of the reasons for the private sector not being a priority in the economy iran has a monitoring system, just as it does in the case of revolutionary institutions, and it follows systems of both agility, self-monitoring, auditing and transparency , and this must be the case in public institutions as well. the method of handing over, the implementation of supervision of
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the private sector's fielding process, are the main propositions of the general policies of article 44. policies, significant parts of which have been implemented for 17 years. fatemeh khan ahmadi of sed and broadcasting news agency. mr. doctor, we want to talk about the division of duties , which part of the production should go to the government as the helmsman or the reformer. politics transition and what part of production according to the slogan of the year of production leap should come to the people, but the good law we have in this area is principle 44. does it need to be revised? look at what i said based on the report. yes, the experience of many years , that is, from 1984
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onwards . you can't forget, you can't work. look, the economy has a size, as i said, it's a combination from the national government and the foreign sector, the more you increase the size of the government, the government will replace the private sector. or the nation becomes the rule of exporting the private sector , what happens, what does the private sector do , does it take its capital out of the country, a lot of things that are now in the report are a very simple equation. look at the private sector, when it grows in size, or should it be given the capacity to transfer its capital. to keep investing in the country and the requirements and conditions must be provided or the capital must be liquid , it cannot be stopped, especially with the new technologies that have emerged, there is a lot of liquidity and capital mobility in the country.
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the world is not unique to iran . it is like this in the whole world. anyway, what has happened has not been paid attention to this part of the outflow of capital from the private output sector due to the replacement of the governments instead of the private sector. no matter how big governments are, the private sector keeps its capital here in the country, while this is not the case, the private sector needs to grow and become scalable. if there are no opportunities here , they will look for these opportunities in other places, so no matter how much we use the private sector where possible making the rules clear is not like that, for example , the private sector can go everywhere. the private sector has its own representatives, the chamber of commerce, they know where to enter. the government also knows
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where the private sector can enter based on the rules and regulations. therefore, because this separation and these requirements and these recognitions did not exist , unfortunately. there has been no successful experience in the discussion of privatization in the country. now, if we learn from this , we can make proper plans. now according to now according to these main correct 44. how should we prioritize now and how should we divide this priority into tasks? do? what part should be at the disposal of the government's helmsman? what part of the production should be available to the people? the first thing you give an example. the first thing that exists is that the person in charge of this work should be identified and responsible . the person in charge is mr. dr. ajarri. for example , let's assume that the islamic council feels responsible
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and approves the law or laws based on its inherent duty. but what about this? an authority or an institution must implement, what is the guarantee of its implementation, we are the missing link, all these laws are our regulations. this means that the trustee must be identified in the first step in order to divide the tasks, he should act transparently, that is , he should announce under what conditions and in what areas the private sector can enter. in the discussion of delegating and creating opportunities for the private sector, he should constantly talk to the people about what space has been ceded and what part and what output. have some things for the country to encourage the private sector to do this, and naturally, when you want to encourage the private sector, you should not rely on handovers or opportunism, the government, the government and the governments should be thinking about profit or income generation, they should
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be thinking about economic growth. naturally, the more the private sector is present, the bigger the cake of the economy will be bigger. and of course, after that , the government's income from taxes will be added, which will be done through the creation of value and wealth, which means that we have to change the steps, that is , we should not seek income from the presence of the private sector in the first step. in the end , the government reaches its own income, but you can see it from a different path, and perhaps more, the private sector, after all , the size of its capital is characteristic. they bring it to the ground that it is somewhere else a factory will be built, facilities will be provided, this is for the country, naturally, in the first step
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, from the tax side, from the insurance side, from the social security side, from the side of the repairs, they should be assisted and even given several years, for example, until this fledgling industry or the private sector, which is newly entering the especially technological and creative fields, should get a foothold. after it gets a foothold, it will earn more income than that, maybe with a delay of two years , it will get more income. ultimately , you believe that we will increase productivity. received, yes, at all, see one, two philosophies there is a discussion about insisting or emphasizing the entry of the private sector. as a complement to the public sector, one of them is to prevent the outflow of capital and build confidence in the country, and the second issue is that there is a famous saying or an advice poem
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that says that spending that was from the guest's pocket is hotam tai. it was easy to see if governments suffer losses from their own pockets. no, but if the private sector creates a loss , they will naturally pay this loss from their own pockets, so the private sector has more authority to enter where it has the authority, because they themselves know that the loss is on themselves. it is possible that this loss will not be absorbed from somewhere else, while if the governments come in and make a loss, it will not be from their own pocket, but from the people's pocket. mr. dr. ejdali, the discussion of capacity measurement, prioritization and now the division of duties in this division of duties. well, mr. dr. azizinejad, you should raise the issue of the trustee to clearly define the division of duties and then explain to the people where you can invest
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in which sectors. production is being handed over, now a part of this is being done by our management capacity . i am in connection with my existing capacities let me name a law, it might be interesting, the law supporting the development of downstream oil and gas industries using public investment, approved on 24 april
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2018 , we have many capacities like this law. as a result, our first priority should be to use the existing capacities in any way possible. this is related to the principle of the law, principle 44. i believe that one of the important priorities of the parliament and the government should be this law, why in this law. one of the most important discussions we have in relation to the general policies of s44 we are discussing the economic efficiency of economic activities when the private sector can participate more in the real sense of the word. after handing over, in the main law 44 , we have 3 key words, but unfortunately
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we did not do the third part well, one is actually the handing over of ownership, ownership must be handed over, then handing over is investment, which means that the public sector should not invest, the private sector and the people should invest. yes, the third part or the third keyword of assignment it is the management that in hazrat agha's orders, in fact , the visit he had was an institution that is doing large investment works, but hazrat agha says that this is not the private sector, which means that we should consider the real private sector in reality. let's prepare for its activity. now for time management, when we get here , how can you see in the management, all these policies should
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be implemented in the management context. if we want to look at this issue in the territorial territory, i believe that all this will not be done in the sadadi sadadi departments of the ministry of homes or devices. in the sadadi parts, only policy is actually made, and the main decision is made, which is not in the headquarters , 100, but in execution. we have to go to 31 provinces until the implementation of these policies, which want to lead to production, lead to transformation. i believe that there are two institutions in the provinces that can be very effective in the salary of the poet of the year. in fact , there is the director general of the administration. there is a general department of financial affairs of each province and the provincial office and the head of the organization of the office of each province. these two managements. in the provinces , they can be decisive in actually implementing
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the policies that are actually in the headquarters how should the institutions and the ministries of housing act, that they should implement and act, well, in fact, if we consider the 31 provinces, all our discussions and our policies will take place, in fact , in the administration, in the organization that sarjam in the whole pen . in the context, we have 62 managers who want to do economic work and economic discussions to jump production and increase people's participation or interfere with people's participation. as a result , i believe that we should redefine the management structure in this discussion. we must have these 62 managers, that is, use managers who they should have high knowledge and be able to perform proper management so that we can achieve this , so the first priority that can be
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defined for both the parliament and the government is to revise the policy implementation law of article 44 with an emphasis on the complete transfer, in fact, ownership investment to regarding our management, in fact , we do not need a revision of a new law , maybe some places need to be amended, but usually we have the necessary legal capacity in this area, because that is it. the law on the implementation of the general policies of article 44 has many reforms, which solved these problems to a large extent. i i just want to say one more thing about when we talk about the government, when we say that the participation of the people should be increased, maybe i have a point of contact between the government and the people from an institutional point of view. i say that it is the government-private sector dialogue council
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. let's discuss it with the private sector and with the people. where can the contact point be? this same council said that it is necessary for us to give the private sector and the people more participation in decision-making, so that we can use their opinion more. it needs to be strengthened. it needs to be strengthened a lot well, we have said that all these actions are about capacity measurement and prioritization. until we reach the division of duties from this path and increase productivity, mr. dr. seyed hamid kalantari, president of the behri association of the country. hello , good evening. dear krantari , you were in the conversation, our discussion tonight is the fulfillment of the slogan
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of the year and if we can. let's have a redefinition. now, in the capacity measurement, let 's prioritize, divide the tasks in the field of production between the public sector and the government, so that in the end, this way too. may we have an increase in productivity, god willing , we have fulfilled our slogan. as an activist in the field of productivity , please tell me what measures should be taken in the field of productivity that will help to realize the slogan of the question. thank you very much. it should be noted that defining the issue correctly means we should define the issue of people's participation. participation means what people mean . here, in our opinion, people specifically mean economic activists, meaning businessmen, industrialists, capital owners
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, entrepreneurs, companies, holdings. in this context , we still do not pay much attention to the recognition of capitalists and investors let's know if these are an effective part of the economic development of any country, the big companies in the sector. and these are the ones who support small companies, smes, medium and small companies, they make a profit. you can see those who go to extract large mines and make iron , they make millions of tons of steel.
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investment should not be eaten. we need this cultural space first. let's correct that just as the people are classified according to wealth in the letter of mullah peace be upon him, when it comes to the artisans and merchants, he says that these are the sources of profit and suppliers. the needs of the people, so reach these, then pay attention to them, just as it is in our other places , reach the oppressed, the marginalized, reach the military forces, and so on. we must accept here that the leaders of the economy are investors, capitalists, and entrepreneurs. and in the next stage and in the next stage, let's accept the laws that were approved with this view, as dear honorable friends said , especially the law on the implementation of main policies 44, why
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was it not implemented, why was it not implemented well. we had a few successful handovers, why didn't we open the field, why instead of giving the field to the private sector, give more i don't know about the shortcomings, institutions, foundations , camps, these are coming in the middle, we must come and open the arena for the private sector, in order for the real private sector to come, we must strengthen social trust, we must improve the business environment, improve and refine the environment. be efficient and attractive. yes, economic policy and regulations. good sustainable policies. let's get out of everyday politics and look at sustainable policies. there should be institutions
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related to the private sector, which, as friends have pointed out, such as the chamber of commerce, the chamber of documents, the chamber of commerce and the active chambers of commerce. these should be have an efficient interaction with the government. when this space is created, then the investor can feel confident. with a feeling of relative security , he comes to his investment and enters the field of investment. the government, unfortunately, in many cases , we say that its street is one-way. open up , the government should fulfill its obligations when it hires contractors, it should not have long debts to contractors and the private sector , fulfill its obligations on time when it says that the people
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saying, for example, invest in solar energy , the ministry of energy should implement all the obligations towards the private sector that invests in this field and give success. very well, thank you very much. today, in a report that was in another radio program, it was mentioned that we have 100 eggs every month, and we give egg subsidies, so that's it. fuel , with proper management and by activating the private sector, we can do something so that the gas is not cut off in the summer, the gas is not cut off in the winter
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, the gas is not cut off in the summer, it can be discussed privately in the energy market, energy is very good , thank you very much, mr. dr. seyed hamid kalantei doing the productivity of the country, due to the time limit , i say goodbye to you. thank you for your participation , mr. dr. aziznejad. mr. dr. kalandari, a redefining of the effective axes in the jump of production, both the people's field and the production field, their opinion is that it should be done , it is pathological. we want to transfer a series of production areas that have been in the hands of the government to the people , how should this transfer be done? see me
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in its full meaning, the government must accept this first, in the economy, in any case, the government 's main duty from its spiritual aspect is to create economic stability and make the economy predictable for economic activists who are willing to enter and people to be sure that their capital will be added to their wealth in exchange for investment. it will not be destroyed . the second thing is that the government must accept that with the coming of the people to the economic scene, the power of the people will be added, but this will guarantee the survival of the system and the country, and therefore the monopolies and rounds must be destroyed
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to make it clear that these two things will happen in their own way. and transparency and de-monopoly and de-rounding on the side making the economy predictable, which is our duty as the officials of the country, this is for our dear people and activists. let's provide an economy, then there will be much more hope for the people's presence. regarding what will happen so that the bitter experience of the past will not be repeated? look at the experience of privatization in successful countries where we had successful examples of this delegating. the first step is that i told governments not to look at transfer and liberalization as income and budget. as the transformation of the economy. and look at the increase in the size of the economy , which will happen with a delay of two or three years it happened that he will have an income later, the second
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is that he will spend money. it should be done to his people, that is , the different fields of activity should be those who do what they do in the world, the same trades that exist , for example, the chamber of commerce, the chamber of cooperation and the chamber of commerce , these issue initial approval for those who apply to attend, for example, you can see now that a person want a gold shop in iran's economy. inaugurate, establish, approve the approval of the goldsmiths' union, this is one of the courses , training, and then they will entrust it to him in the discussion of the presence of economic activists in the field of economy and entrustment. part of the government affairs to the private sector, this must happen with more precision and more precision, so that we don't witness that means on the side.
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he had an eye on identifying qualified and qualified economic activists in order to increase the existing wealth and make the country richer, and these two things can help us to have good experiences, along with those two points. what i said, god willing, dr. ajdari , the results of the talks of dr. aziznejad and most of the experts are what they are reading now. let's hand over part of the production from the government to the people of the government until that happens, take 2 important actions, one in the negative area, which means removing obstacles from the people, and the second in the positive area, which means creating a platform for people to enter. according to what you said
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, our capital productivity has been mostly negative or zero in recent years, which means that in practice , we do not get anything from the side of capital utilization. either with productivity or technological progress or both of these two sources it is related to capital efficiency. i believe that it is a bestseller. before the government comes to sit in the box or bag of the government, we have to do something to hand it over, so where should this be brought up ? there are shortcomings or problems that can actually increase people's participation if we remove this problem. look, we
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want to popularize the economy, yes , the same plans and projects that are currently in the hands of the government as half-finished plans or in the process of being completed. let's come up with this in the form of a public-private partnership plan . if we need a law, let's pass the law. if not , it can be implemented in the government itself in the form of new regulations . this is actually one of the important priorities for each other. increase participation. people , let's make it the basis of action to achieve capital efficiency and to achieve economic leap . i'll just say one thing. in fact, the regulation of commercial procedure and formation the court should determine a document and a plan for production at the beginning of the year so that we can
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produce at the end of the year. let's witness it from both honorable mr. aziznejad, mr. ajri, and also mr. kalansari, and special thanks for your participation in the evening's special news talk. may god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with jahan today . the file of tonight's program is dedicated to review.


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