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tv   [untitled]    April 12, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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that we can witness the production at the end of the place , from both honorable mr. aziznejad, mr. ajri, and also mr. kalansari, and special thanks for your company with the special evening news talk . may god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with the world, i am with you today . the file of tonight's program is dedicated to the examination of the effects and implications of the certainty of iran's answer to the zionists, and
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in this regard, with mr. sohail kesirinejad, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime, and mr. abolfazl bazargan, a researcher. we will discuss international security at the beginning, but according to the routine of the world program today on the 18th of the war against gaza , we present to you the last pictures of this barricade and palestine, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, the most merciful, the most merciful. come back , laura, or shabab, come back, laura kois, come back, laura kois, come back , laura kois, or dr. turkeba, khalis, hat ras, warkba
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, cairo, al-ada. peace be upon you. peace be upon you. peace be upon you and my soul, with ahedna
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. the straight path .
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israel by attacking the sector. the consular office of the iranian embassy in damascus and the assassination of the children of the head of the hamas movement have reached the end of the line. this is the analysis of the zionist hart newspaper about the situation in these days of the regime by zioniste hart, israel tried to destroy the chance of any ceasefire agreement in gaza with these two attacks . damascus
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was targeted by a missile attack, as a result of which two senior military commanders of our country and 5 of their accompanying officers were martyred. two days ago, the occupants of a car carrying the three sons of ismail haniyeh's grandsons were targeted in gaza and they were martyred , and the military reporter of the zionist regime reported on the exercise of this regime to counter iran's revenge . from this is the purgatory of iran's revenge, since the zionists attacked the iranian consulate in damascus in the hope of spreading conflicts, until this moment, perhaps the biggest concern of the americans and the zionists has been the questions of when, where and how
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iran will take revenge. those that are constantly asked in news conferences and american and zionist networks. some reports
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, as far as i know , provided a brief security report and the heads of the security agencies refused to further address the issue of tension with iran . bloomberg has also announced that waiting for iran's response will increase inflation and decrease the value of stocks
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it has become the zionist regime in the stock market. now experts say that whether iran responds or not , this purgatory is enough for the zionists. iran's answer so far is 80. and the social and economic situation has left. amina sadat zabihpour, radio and television news agency. now, as i said at the beginning of the program, we want to examine the effects of the certainty of iran's answer for the zionists. first , i will talk with mr. sohail kesirinejad, an expert on zionist issues. mr. kathirinejad, you follow the hebrew language media and the media of the occupiers , according to the content that is now in the media space. it has been
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raised what are the conditions in the occupied territories now after 6 months of attrition war in the south of the occupied territories with hamas and the clashes they had with hezbollah during this time iran's response is now certain, what are the conditions for them , in the name of allah the most high al-rahim, hello, i am at your service and dear viewers. in response to this question, we must use both visual and audio media, israeli radio and television , news agencies, and social media in social networks. in general, we can say that since the unexpected withdrawal of most of the israeli forces from gaza was announced and it became a media, and then these reactions that have escalated in relation to revenge have strongly created a general atmosphere in these media, both official and unofficial media, which has two main characteristics, one is fear and in fact the fear that exists widely in the israeli society
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has not only not decreased after the last 10 days, but it has remained with the same intensity and has increased even more. because the perception of the general public and many media people is that we finally have 6 months we got into a war. which started with a heavy defeat , or a heavy intelligence and military defeat, and then we fought for 6 months, in the end , we did not achieve any of our goals, and now we have come out of gaza, and this is in a situation where not only the threats from israel have not decreased, but also increased. this means that these threats have also increased in terms of quality. the threat that is now being directed at israel by iran is far more qualitative than the threat that is being faced by the resistance forces
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in gaza. in terms of the effect and consequences it will have on the israeli society in a way, this one can be said to have created dissatisfaction in the israeli society, and on the other hand, a disappointment that we finally have political commanders and managers who not only cannot understand the situation well. but they are procrastinating in making decisions and they end up making wrong decisions after a few months. the next point was that we didn't have much of this last week. i think it will be worse in a few days. the effects of this distance that we are going through are constantly being discussed in the israeli media and, naturally, there are discussions. people in social networks have an effect on news agencies and media. officially, the next point was the protests that we have seen in the last week
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or so regarding israel's decision to attack the iranian consulate . what were the protests from within the israeli society? firstly, the release of prisoners, which was one of the main goals of hamas, has been completely removed from the agenda of the israeli government . and we can say that netanyahu was not on netanyahu's agenda during the war but now everyone knows that it is completely clear that it is not on netanyahu's agenda. one of the things that we see is the protests against netanyahu 's decisions regarding the issue of liberalization. and the number is wider and this time it is not like the demonstrations of judicial reforms everywhere. israel has these demonstrations, it's just not like this in tel aviv or in jerusalem
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, we see this in israel as a whole. the next point is that another goal that netanyahu announced was the destruction of hamas , which is completely out of israel's agenda. in fact, israel has fully accepted that the future of gaza is in the hands of hamas, and now you have to continue this game with them, so the situation has completely changed and now the threats have increased. after we see some differences in the analysis , these differences show that there is a very heavy dumb atmosphere in the israeli society. now , there is a difference between the general public and the expert levels, and naturally , in my level. how will iran react, where and when will this reaction be and what will happen after this reaction means the consequences what is the reaction of iran to israelis and the westerners in general
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? the military wants to hit israel and wants to hit these military targets , it will be such that in the next conflicts , israel's ability to attack and defend itself will be greatly reduced , that is, if the conflicts on the northern borders with lebanon increase, then after the reaction iran is the military power of israel in both offense and defense for example , what hizbullah used to do is to target their radars and special intelligence equipment, but what hizbullah used to do more intensively was done within a radius of less than 20 kilometers from the border, but the israelis' assessments are that if iran wants to make this happen, it will target the intelligence systems and from that side, both the israeli eyes and hands
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on the border will be disabled, and its heart and this system will be disabled. on the other hand , many analyzes are put forward by the captives that do not attack it will be so heavy that it will cause problems for the whole of israel, and they know that the decision made by the israeli ministry of education is also a sign of this . to the families of the students and told them that the children should be ready for classes to be held virtually and remotely in the shelters in the coming days. it was unprecedented, that is, we had this in the first days after the 15th of mehr, which was an incident that shows that they are fully prepared, even that in the fields of israel's civilian population should be completely paralyzed. on the other hand, the policies adopted in the area of ​​threats and taunting against iran through the westerners, of course , show that they are completely dumb
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. and the interesting thing is that the more we go forward, the more these movements become, that is, through america itself, and now, of course, america , through itself, through european countries, they are constantly sending messages from one side that iran should not raise the level of tension, and from another side, they are sending messages that we are ready. in fact, we are iran's military response and we can do it ourselves let's defend if, well, if israel had such strength and such preparation, first of all, against hamas. on the one hand, they say that we are at the highest level of readiness
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, on the other hand, they repeatedly send messages to iran through their intermediaries, especially our foreign minister, that iran should not react. column. it is not unusual for him to be in various preparations, but for him to be at the peak of readiness for a long time , this is something unusual and erodes the morale of both the israeli commanders and the entire soldiers. coming today, if i'm not mistaken, to announce that all the forces that may be counted among the reserve forces are prohibited from leaving the university land. be prepared in israel , and in cases like this incident on 15 mehr , it happened in the beginning, in order to issue the order number 8, which is issued by the minister of security and the prime minister of israel, which means that decisions are made at the highest levels. in a way , they are necessary for it, and even though there is a large amount of
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we saw the attack from the resistance forces , many israelis refused to introduce themselves to serve in the army, and this was a concern for the israelis. therefore , it wants to increase the number of these reserve and precautionary soldiers as much as possible so that it can be prepared. now let's put all this together, the points you mentioned, some disorder that has arisen in the occupied territories, the behavior they show themselves, let's have an analysis. does this behavior show us that when these iran attacked the building of the iranian consulate in damascus not expecting that iran would be so determined to respond, to some extent , because we also
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saw in the statements of some israeli military officials that this was a careless action and a decision that had many consequences. they didn't think about it and even one of the reserve officers of the israeli army compared this with the action that increased the level of conflicts with hezbollah, and this caused hezbollah to suffer heavier blows on israel. making this decision and repeating the same mistake again without considering this working for a long time, if we look at it, this may be understandable to some extent. since approximately 2011, when you look at this side, you can see that the israelis are starting small attacks against the islamic republic, whether inside iran or abroad. the level of regionalization and this is slowly being raised based on the regional strategy that has the so-called mabam strategy. well , what was the main component of this strategy was that these strikes
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should not exceed iran's tolerance threshold. well, this tolerance threshold is very difficult to diagnose. that is, an analytical process requires heavy information, and so on increasing until it reached the point where , according to the israelis, iran had never threatened israel like this before, and this is what made them worry that iran's reaction was different in previous cases, and this time they feel that the difference is too great. this is why iran never threatened such prisoners, but now many of the highest levels of the islamic republic, from the supreme leader to the lower levels of the government, are all threatening israel, but that's it.
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i will start the conversation with you with this question from the beginning of the war against gaza until just before the regime's attack zionist, we had a comprehensive analysis that the zionist regime is trying to expand the war , but after the attack on the consulate section of the iranian embassy in syria and now that iran's response has been determined , the zionist and american authorities are repeatedly trying to stop iran from reacting. stop contacting iran through foreign ministers of other countries . what is the relationship between this mediation and the actions they take with that very famous analysis that says israel is seeking to expand
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the war, if they are really ready to expand the war, then what are these behaviors? it's a very good question. see, unfortunately, an analysis now, mainly by one of the officials of the previous government, started with those mindsets 6 months ago, and starting a war and dragging america's feet into a war with iran , if with a little calculation two to four you can see that israel is following iran's provocation of strategic sciences and military sciences, geography sciences and cost-benefit calculations of the government in times of war and survival in times of crisis. this is not logical at all . logically, israel cannot do this . obviously, because the islamic republic of iran during especially 3 decades recently, he was able to successfully
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create a so-called triangular and indirect deterrence against the united states of america in the region . note that we are against the united states of america itself , which we could not create a direct defeat for 5 years ago. we were able to do well against one country. nuclear power in the region against its most important ally in the shamat region, by our own allied forces, by nearby forces, and by missile power, drone power, we were able to create deterrence , in what sense, to put it simply, if the united states of america and the islamic republic of iran enter the conflict of the islamic republic of iran against the allies of the united states of america in the region and the positions of the united states of america in the region. it means that if one day iran and the united states enter into a conflict, the first person who will be hit by iran's response is that the israeli regime and we know that because the
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israeli regime has very little limits in the depth of its strategy and the determinism of geography, the vulnerability of this region is extremely high, and we all know this. we know, so israel knows that in a situation where it is involved in its own war , it still hasn't come out of gaza after 6 months. he is still announcing his readiness to attack lebanon's hezbollah in the north he still hasn't been able to put his calculations together to take this action. he can't fight on two fronts at the same time. at this time, if he wants a widespread war , he will get one foot in gaza and one foot in the north of israel in hizb against hezbollah, and he knows it. the islamic republic of iran is targeting israel in response to possible us attacks. so this logic is completely wrong from the beginning that we say that israel is seeking war by prolonging the war
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between america and iran, especially that america is not a clumsy actor that whatever israel wants to do, america will follow it. in the american region, he has a hand in ukraine , he is very worried about the taiwan crisis, his competition with china, the us , and the presidential election is coming soon , he has internal protests, and he does not want to get into a conflict again. biden has proudly said many times that i left the last wars in west asia , the disaster that he caused in afghanistan. so, it's not like we really think that israel is trying to drag iran into a big war with america, to save itself from this stage , for example, to save itself from public opinion. i want my loved ones to understand better. let me give an example last year regarding the unrest in iran , they give a series of analyzes that now the islamic republic of iran is looking for a war that the public opinion, for example
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, wants its own. it was funny last year , right, no government logically wants to do this to itself, war costs money, israel is the same, that is, every country that is in a sensitive point does not want to double this sensitivity for itself . when you see it, you have to see the logic of calculating the cost of that government's benefits for how does he see himself when he is still involved in the military expenses of the war, the dissatisfaction of the economy inside himself and he still has not been able to. gaza whether north gaza, middle gaza or rafah , he has not yet been able to face the danger of hizbullah according to them, how can he deal with sajil and khyber shakan of the islamic republic of iran, this is very logical, i am at your service in nabiad, thank you very much before, i had many races, like the zionist experts, in these few days, it seems that it was inevitable to reach certainty.
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what i said when the war broke out and the army decided to attack her at the same time as the attack on her, the minister of defense, gland, raised his voice to attack the hezabela at the same time. listen to my tzots and from me for two hours at each person's house
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. this army is a scourge from the country, what will happen? give one strike and after that you will hit the whole area, thousands of missiles every day. why is this thing recommended at all? and if from here i'm going to see what happened with syria, with the iranian consulate in syria, the consulate, it's the center of color, you know why it reminds me, you're going to the day. it's terrible, he sees a lake of water, you don't know how to swim, and you jump into it to cool down a little in the first few seconds, it's fun for you. but after that, you're good, that's about what they did, when you decide to hit syria, the iranian consulate, and even if you managed to kill the best of them, you need to think about what the results of this are, what the implications are, because it might be that she succeeded now and hell
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will come. . after that, if you don't understand this and take the blame for the country and that's what you did and you are now provoking the iranians, don't get involved because they are dealing with all the gangs around us, but they themselves enter the picture, including what they believe about any response that can turn into a regional war without you controlling it. , and if it also doesn't open , it will open after that, because they change the action of the east, security against us since the end of time, it will enter history. we are still with you today with the world. in the case of tonight's program
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, we are examining the effects of the certainty of iran's answer on the zionists. after the attack of iran , he wants to show a different and different reaction. i am still quoting from yaharonuvot, who says that, but now it turns out that we made a fundamental mistake in understanding the situation and conditions. what do you think caused it? zionists start questioning. their attack on iran in syria, in my opinion , their speech and tone changed completely from exactly after the supreme leader's sermon on the day of eid to eid al-fitr , that is, his speech that clearly announced the attack on the consulate, that is, an attack on iranian soil.


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