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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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your system's dedication to the quran is commendable . it should be known as the gathering of 100,000 imam hosni, which was held with the name and remembrance of the holy quran. we hope that under the two basic and strategic headings of identity and justice, which are the main headings of the transformation period of the national media, we will be able to pay attention to the greatness of the qur'an, to promote the qur'an, and to promote the qur'anic culture
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as the main element of the identity of our beloved nation , god willing he is the supreme guardian of god. allah is the most merciful an alia hajjallah hu al-qur'an wal-furqan alyah tanst al-aqwan wafie ta'tar al-azan and al-qur'an ghiya yamla
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, the programs of mahfil, which has been airing on channel 3 for two years recently, have been very effective . the national media can be very effective in making people see their attitudes. . move the people towards the holy quran and make them move. there is no shortage of work done in the field of children. i see it because i follow it in the qur'an channel itself and in different media. i see that good things are being done in different networks. that is, when a qur'anic topic is arranged, a moral topic, a topic should be dos and don'ts in order. let it be said that this
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is embedded in people's minds and memories, no matter how big or small, the programs of the national media, both on the radio and on tv, are successful programs in the field of quran , but the most important program that was broadcast and i liked it , in addition to another program the program of the gathering was that we could show a person who really has the quran in his life. he has penetrated and been effective, whether it is his professional face or his quranic face, the quran has blessed him , this will be very useful and fruitful in my opinion.
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end political work and leave easy , this is the most frequent slogan of supporters of freedom of expression he is in front of the british supreme court, whose judges are considering his request to be extradited to the united states. in the 12th year he has been in prison in england , to be honest, the reason why they have turned life into hell for him and his family is by imprisoning julian easy. that he has exposed the war crimes of america and britain. australian julian assange, the founder of wikileaks , is wanted in the united states for publishing hundreds of thousands of leaked documents related to the us invasion of afghanistan and iraq. wikileaks documents show how the us military hundreds of non the military is not reported in operations.
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killed during the war in afghanistan. the leaked files from the iraq war also show that 66 thousand civilians. they were killed and prisoners were tortured by the american forces and its allies. the british media and the bbc do not say anything about facts such as julian asan's activities. he is a political prisoner because he exposed america's war crimes. julian asanesh's wife also considers the behavior of governments claiming freedom of speech to be shameful. his crime is that he exposed the truth about american war crimes. this situation is shameful for any country claiming democracy is. asan's supporters
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present him as a role model for independent journalists. lawyers say that if the british government surrenders assange to america, if the american government he will not be executed , he will be sentenced to 175 years in prison for the charges he brought against him, including espionage and disclosure of confidential military information. it is before the supreme court of england, whose judges are considering his request to be extradited to america, in the twelfth year that he has been imprisoned in england.
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to be honest, the reason is that by imprisoning julian asan, he made life hell for him and his family.
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because julian asanesh's wife exposed america's war crimes , they consider the behavior of governments claiming freedom of speech to be shameful. he has been imprisoned in belmash security prison without trial for 5 years. his crime is that he exposed the truth about american war crimes. this situation is shameful for any country claiming democracy. his supporters call him as. it introduces a model for freelance journalists . lawyers say: if the british government surrenders assange to america, if the american government not to execute him,
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he will be sentenced to 175 years in prison with the charges he brought against him, including espionage and disclosure of confidential military information. mojtaba ghasemzadeh, sed and sima news agency, london.
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attention no no. coming out worse motor van up, that was good.
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the staunch enemy of citrus orchards is max madi tarane , which in the past years, to fight this pest , nuclear industry technologists used the method of sterilization of insects with the help of throwing the insect itself against the insect itself. we irradiate a certain stage of the insect, make it sterile and
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send this insect to the garden environment and male insects. nabarbers mate with healthy insects that are in the environment, and as a result, no eggs are laid , and the population goes down unconsciously. of course , radiation is used to eliminate pests of citrus orchards in addition to eliminating pests of other agricultural products. and increases the durability of these products with the help of different irradiation systems . by removing pests from agricultural products, especially legumes, grains, medicinal plants and date raisins, this device can increase the amount of storage , increase the duration of storage, this is a great need of the country, see our promotion policy. we follow food security, okay? this important policy needs a tool that can reach that goal anyway. alhamdulillah, this device
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is also good in terms of price compared to the foreign model . it has a much lower price than the foreign model and the creativity of my colleagues in the atomic energy organization in making this the use of the device has separated this from the foreign sample and made it better . increases the agricultural products of the country. by using this. rays, we can trust the safety of our food. it is a tool that produces sparks or radiation and destroys agricultural crops. this work is done by radiation systems in the country in the atomic energy organization. production of dynamic rice
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resistant to rust and barley blast diseases and wheat resistant to rust and canola rust resistant. against varus disease, golden tangerine , early soybean, high quality potato and drought resistant rice, among the achievements the elite of the country's nuclear industry is considered for transformation in the agricultural sector. samai nase, sed and sima news agency. it was 1,700 and 1,750 20 days ago, we got the price and they told us that if it was 3,900 , we could still buy it. it has 3 million 400 3 million 500 for what car
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, for the same 405 for 206 for samand, it doesn't matter . they said that the reason was the psychological atmosphere of those market days. 700, one said 3 and 600 dnd, and some others said that the supply of rubber droppers to the market, if it was offered , the price would not be such that the places where they should be offered in the market, the officials of the ministry still do not give two methods to organize the distribution of tires at an approved price. implementation of the first method of purchase from selected stores. in the city, about 45 selected trade units will be introduced, and god willing , we will do the work of supplying tires continuously and at an approved price, god willing, and the other is buying from the introduced platforms on the hier.asnaf.ayr website system , and the selected platforms are there. 2 for now
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the platform for acquiring this and the creation of any of them can be read , they can choose to be the buyer of the former president of the room. asalaf of iran emphasized on the requirement of tire distribution in that system , those who want to buy and sell tires should register in the system. come, register in the system , buy the product from company x , it will be given to you in the system, and you, who sells it to the people , enter it into a national card, hand over the product , we went to the market again to monitor the explanation of the tires. the supply was done from the stores at an approved rate. where does he give the government money? he writes the name. ask him. he said that he was here in the morning. he explained that he is giving it now. yes, i was invoiced for the year of government purchase from them, and in some others, i was facing problems
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. do you have government tires or not? 2570s. now, i am the third and fourth place i have come. from all mornings until now, i have this document in my hand. and 200 announcing the conditions in some provinces was also the same for stores almost the range is hard to stick . i stood here from 5:00 pm until 10:00 pm. people came, the list was written, they were registered. some of them were selling their goods at prices higher than the approved ones, not announcing it, not even putting up a government banner , they are selling tires directly from the factory, and they have to sell them in the market at the supply level, even though the tires are received in the system. and the sales platforms
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were also facing problems. we registered the order. it says that it is from the product of a certain car tire ring in the warehouse. city representative your selection is not available . we will open a store for tires and in case of lack of stock again , the officials of the ministry were announcing the improvement of the situation . i think that in the next one or two weeks, all these problems will be resolved and tires will be available in abundance in the market, god willing, after a few weeks. it has been a week now. we come here at 4:00 a.m. to register. there is no news . i came at 3:00 a.m. and stayed there until 8:00 a.m. it was difficult to get tires at the approved price. our duty is to do this in the format systems. please make it clear, but the system sometimes faces problems , it finds stupid information, there was a new
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system bug warning, whatever we do , it says that the national number is related to a deceased person , so we are not able to register. the system used to have a system for heavy tires, and it is still there now . people go to buy the products of the system , they give their documents and a reservation slip. they would get it, they would just come here, we would hit it , we would draw cards, eliton would go, it's possible that some systems still don't have a complete connection and community. we are perfecting them, we will improve the systems. the queues that were supposed to be dismantled with the implementation of the online queuing system , at least online queuing should be done so that these pages do not form on our own system, so that we will actually see a process sooner than this happens, the month is still limited to one
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midnight. they came here to show up in the hope that they can get the tires in the morning at the rate of receipt at 5:00 am on wednesday, march 9. you came for the classic tires at 5:00 am . just as you can see that there are problems in the tire description system, which caused the formation of this queue to receive tires at the approved rate. a man told me that i have been standing here since four in the morning to register. it is starting to open to the sites, which were all down until 12 o'clock.
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if you remember, it was also discussed in that meeting that there was a discussion about online scheduling. let's make it so that people can enter their information in the background system, it should be prepared by the ministry of poisons, if they make it in that system. people should register and express themselves there, then it will be coordinated there. if they say so-and-so shop will come at such-and-such time to pick up the tires, it will be very nice. my people will not be trapped in the cold and heat. they put a number plate on the car and say, sir, be there at such-and-such time, and you must also be there at such-and-such time. all these people on the street can't go against it. it was supposed to create an online system, which unfortunately hasn't been done yet. that's the problem
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. you can't register online. if my system is solved, all of this will be solved within an hour. the problems that are still there mahdi continued until the end of 1402 anari of the radio and television news agency. arabs and muslims , the most high, show off, or uncle of the most high, show off, the most high, show off the world we are living in, we are not mystics, where are we not going, are we not going, where are we not going? our lives and our lives, where are the arabs, where are the muslims, who is sabuna in
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gaza, sabuna, i am al-dambar, i swear by god, i am al-dambar , we are qa’ideen, peace be upon the messenger, peace be upon the martyrs, all of them , and by the grace of god, by the grace of god, we are patient, and by the grace of god , you have come to god, and you are a merchant in a calamity and a good violation. may allah have mercy on you, o amir, o muhammad, may god ease you , o abu umar, or the hafiz of the book, or the imam of fida al-rasul , and miserly, miserably, and auspiciously, we do not consider those who are killed in the cause of god to be dead, but to be resurrected with their lord. by the grace of god, rest in peace and blessings, my testament, my martyr 's testimony, and my martyr's wife, there is no limit to the arabs, and to you , those who need us are not those who need them, and
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the dead, and the living, you are the living, and by god, and the dead, may god have mercy on you, o abu amer, your eid is in jannah, o habibi, the praise of god is great, a wave of people in turkish cities protesting economic relations their country is in conflict with the zionist regime of israel.
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the scene of criticism of trade with the zionist regime has been from parliamentarians to political party leaders. we are very upset with the continuation of our country's trade with the zionist regime. turkey, as a muslim country that claims to support the palestinian people, should not succumb to this humiliation. kamal kalamullah oglu, the leader of saadat party , is one of the main critics of trade with the zionist regime. are the crimes that we, the muslim nation , do not claim to support the palestinian people? not long ago, the minister of commerce of turkey claimed a 50% reduction in his country's trade relations with the zionist regime. but apparently, after the recent protests, the government has decided to stop the export of some items from turkish ports to the zionist regime. according to the notification of the ministry.
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turkish trade and customs has banned the export of 54 items, including aircraft fuel and steel products, to the zionist regime. hamid kameli of ankara radio and television agency.
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nature's paradise. 5 o'clock the process of connecting car companies to the after-sales service community system was completed. general manager of the service office. the ministry of technical and engineering said that all companies, including the manufacture and import of light vehicles, have a system of after-sales service according to mr. mohalei, it was decided to connect heavy vehicles to this system in the next stage. the purpose of implementing this plan is to create transparency in providing after-sales services of automobile companies. connecting car companies to the
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after-sales service community system.


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