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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 7:00am-7:31am IRST

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sports reporter of sed and sima news agency , we are approaching the news section at 7 o'clock. inshallah , after this news section , i will be with you today with the greetings of the reporter. dear viewers, hello , good morning, we are with you with the weekly morning news segment . al-aqsa channel announced the intense air attack of the occupying regime on areas of gaza. the occupying regime also targeted areas in the north of al-nus sirat camp in the center of the gaza strip. it's a tank
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gave as a result of the bombardment, a building in the center of gaza caught fire. al-manar channel also announced that warplanes broke the sound barrier by flying over the city of belbak in eastern lebanon. qassam battalions, quds battalions, the military branch of the islamic jihad movement in response to the crimes of the occupying regime, the zionist settlement of sdirut and many others. they bombarded the towns around the gaza strip. the zionist media reported that several explosions were heard in the city of sderot. the zionist media announced that the flights of planes over the settlements have reached zero. lebanon's hezbollah also announced in response to the attacks of the zionist regime on the south of lebanon and also the defense of the oppressed people of gaza
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have targeted the town of asb al-jalil in the occupied territories with more than 50 missile cases. the lebanese resistance also targeted the zionist base of ramot naftali with a drone . the zionist army announced that all eligible people, including those subject to caution, will no longer have the right to leave occupied palestine. on the other hand, it was reported that more than 100 zionist soldiers were called to the units of the zionist regime this week. they had refused to go to training units. this number is almost half of the people they have just joined the zionist regime's monitoring unit in the gaza borders, who refused to serve in this unit because they were worried about the escalation of conflicts. at the same time, a group of zionists protested the possibility of canceling the law on exemption from military service. ultra-orthodox jews in
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a rally in the occupied jerusalem, which was met by the military , protested against netanyahu's cabinet for canceling the exemption from their presence in the army. the former us president, joe biden , held the current president responsible for very bad political consequences in the world and instability in america. donald trump who himself for election competition prepares in a conversation with reporters joe biden. he considered him the cause of unrest in the world, especially in west asia, and claimed that if he had been the president, the war in gaza and ukraine would not have happened. trump , stating that he must be accountable to the people for the deplorable domestic and foreign conditions, said that it is unfortunate that the president of the united states does not know what does he do and he can't even move up the stairs. the former president of the united states added that the biden government is a weak and bankrupt government. and america is in decline.
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ultra-orthodox jews in occupied jerusalem to the possible approval of the law to cancel military service protest. they emphasized that they are jews, not zionists. ism is not judaism and thousand years, zionists were only invented 200 years ago, zionism was only invented 200 years ago.
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we don't want to fight with anyone. we only want to leave them. la volonté divine et rentrer dans une armée qui contrarie complètement la volonté divine de la torah donc ça sera impossible alors on est là pour dire nous tant qu'on vit on pourra jamais acceder à cette armée là but the main goal in this army? "they wanted to be a melting pot for everybody to turn into the kind of israeli they would wish to see them, we don't wish to be the kind of israeli they wish to see, we don't, we don't wish to be secular and we don't wish to be zionist, we
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wish to be only one thing, from orthodox orthodox jews, that's it, zionist circles are talking about the daily psychological problems of the army and police forces of the zionist regime due to the war situation according to al-mayadeen network, the longer the war against the gaza strip goes on, the more mental health problems will arise and the consequences after the shock of the zionist military will increase. with the entry of the israeli war into the seventh month of the zionist regime's war, every day there are more and more casualties among the army forces of this regime. of the wounded , they suffer from injuries in their body parts, and 21% of them
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suffer from psychological problems and post-shock consequences. assessments show that this number will increase in the future . they asked for their resignation because they were affected by the events of october 7 and the weeks that followed. considering the
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security situation of the israelis from the army to the police they suffer psychological crises and post-shock consequences. and from the beginning of the water year until now , 341 mm of rain has fallen in ilam, which caused the river water to rise, as well as the growth of bushes and mountain plants in the plains and slopes of this province , especially on the edge of the ilam dam . we came from the spring days after eid al-fitr. let's get a report of ilan's nature tour. on one of the beautiful spring days, we visited the beautiful nature of ilam. the beautiful nature of the ilam dam is really eye-catching. they came with their families in every corner of this nature.
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that too in a family gathering. hello. happy new year. sir, how is nature? nature is great, there is no need to talk anymore. you just have to see the pristine nature , great climate, we came from isfahan for about a week, we came from lorestan, the nature of ilam is very beautiful, it's a sight to see, we enjoyed it , you went to other places too, i didn't go too much because i was a student, i just came back, come, come to ilam, see it, it's very beautiful it's very beautiful, really come and enjoy with them that we were talking and their sadness in addition to using . the beautiful nature was the protection of this nature . what should we do to preserve the beautiful nature? don't throw the garbage on the ground when we go , collect it all, don't break the trees, all people love nature and like to use these god-given attractions, but we have to be careful not to throw garbage, ilam dam
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overflowed a few days ago due to rain, beautiful nature people next to the dam of ilam. they face nature and are enjoying nature in these spring days. we invite you, if you want to choose tourist areas for recreation and nature tourism, be sure to visit ilam, the bride of zagrossa. god bless you.
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good morning, dear viewers , continue with the journalist's greetings. join us today. in this section , we are going to talk about watershed management and the measures taken in this direction during the new day at work. infiltration of snow and rain in the soil in the very first moments of the rains is the rains . in the first few minutes of rainfall, 90 to 95% can
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control the rainfall, penetrate into the soil and enter the aquifers or the underground water table, that is to say that 90 to 95% is effective in controlling the rainfall that occurs. it happens and it is not supposed to if water remains in the structures, this is actually the effect of infiltration. into the soil and underground water tables, it is effective in reducing flood damage by 100 %, now it is 70% effective in reducing flood damage. well, you have a report on this issue of watershed in nowruz , let's hear your initial explanations and see the report, and then we will come back and let's summarize the discussion , this year there are about 11 provinces of the country, most of which are zagros provinces. of course, the whole country had rains, but 11 provinces are affected by floods and waterlogging now
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in fact, the information that we got from these 11 provinces , about 2 billion, that is, more than two billion cubic meters of water was extracted from these rains, which was produced by the watershed management measures that have been carried out in these 11 provinces, which the survey that was done is almost less than 2 million 30% of hectares have been completed, but these structures are able to extract more than 700 million cubic meters of water. let's see ms. iraqiano's report. let's see the court of abkhizari during nowruz and we will come back with you. we will talk more about this topic. the activity of the rain system
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in nowruz this year affected the zagros provinces with flooding and flood and its influence reached the eastern part and the central plateau. a rain that also has happiness. it has been raining since last night in golestan province. our rivers are all full of water. genoa does not need water anymore. of course, it has also been destroyed. we had the rain during nowruz , more than 2 billion cubic meters of water were produced from nowruz rains, which with watershed management measures in about 2 million hectares, more than 700 million meters. water cube harness 20 to 75% of the performance of these watershed projects was managed
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. we discussed the performance of these watershed projects in the recent rains , including in ilam, which had the highest amount of rain in nowruz last year. there was no damage, residents and people from yasush to kermanshah and kurd city say that they benefited from these rains without any damage from the floods. with the silbanda that hit the mouth of the rivers, it caused the intensity of the flood. they are feeding all the people around. due to the importance of storing flowing water and floods in the reservoirs of the country this issue became the first priority of the ministry of agricultural jihad, we put watershed management as our first priority . watershed management, in the true sense of the word, is the production of water
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, it controls floods. this year's flood has decreased by 65% ​​compared to the previous nowruz, which was in 2018. haratian of the sda news agency, well, ms. haratian , our reporter colleague is in the studio to talk more about the issue of watershed, ms. tian , ​​please provide the additional points of the report and the impact that it will have. watershed management, watershed management operations can reduce flood damage, yes, in ilam province this year , we had the most rain, 138 mm of rain, in the same areas where last year's flood caused damage, now urban and rural areas
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, but watershed management measures are the same. the year had helped that there was no damage.
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natural resources announced that the follow-up of our reports was actually very effective for watershed management, so that on the same night of eid, the budget of watershed management will increase to 66, the budget will increase and watershed operations will be on the agenda there should be a special form of allocation starting this year because of eid night. now, god willing , it will actually start this year because it has happened in previous years. the rains that we had during the holidays caused some damage, but we can say with your report that we saw that this operation reduced the damage . yes , there is another point. no, if you have any questions, no. be with us, let's see a part , we will come back, we are with you.
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lush like spring in the peak like ko sarani , shining like the flower of the sun, clear like the spirit of every banani where there is a flower of light, your name shines brighter , more radiant, you are better than your father's smile, you are kinder than our mother, i kiss you and the sun
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blooms in my soul and in my soul, i love you. i kiss the soil of your envelope, the country of my hope, iran , and the sun blooms in my soul and in my soul, i love the soil of your envelope, the country of the same iran. in the place of fertile soil, hope should be watched
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, the smile should be chased after us , found in the eyes of your flowers, your name is the name of water and this is you, better than anything and any name, any name. rat and stormy , like the pacific ocean, like the barami soil i kiss you and the sun blooms in my soul and in my soul, i love your soil, o country. omid tiran, i kiss you clean and the sun blooms in my soul and in my soul, i love the soil of your envelope, my
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country, omid iran. good morning . student physics olympiad. the conversation of this segment is from hello reporter with the presence of mr. seyed reza hosseini, president of danesh pojohan jovan club. hello , good morning, welcome. hello, i am serving you and all the respected viewers in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. well , today we will start the second stage of the science olympiad at 8 o'clock. our country is the same you said that the physics olympiad will start today at noon. we have the new one, and in 14 different disciplines , the olympiads will continue for 8 days, and the last olympiad will be held next saturday with
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the chemistry olympiad. yes, yes , today is physics, only today is physics, in the afternoon, we have nano olympiad for students in which level of study? the target audience of science olympiads are secondary school students, all fields , yes, all, of course, we are trying to make children in the coming years, the 9th and 1st grade students will be able to enter the olympiad space on a trial basis and taste some of the different stages of the olympiad, and probably in the progress of their life path and the view that they have towards men. it will be effective. well, today's olympiad, tell me what it is. how is the process of holding it? yes, in general, the second stage of science olympiads. what
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does the second stage mean? the second stage of the summer course, the first stage, a large number of students. the country is called those who they want to register and participate in our 14 olympiads in 14 different disciplines . for example, last year we had 112,000 people who registered. did you check the number of al-mahrah contacts ? yes, we checked a lot. a good plan has been approved recently, which has enhanced the atmosphere of educational justice in the student environment , and that is returning the scores of the university entrance exam
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to different levels of education, i.e. the 10th grade. 12th and this has caused your educational justice the broadcasting country has a good event, but because the olympiad children in these grades are usually involved in the olympiad process, there is a small drop. they may have their normal lessons, and with the talks that have been made , mr. minister, dr. sahrai , they are seriously pursuing this issue to solve the challenge that the final exams may create for olympiad children very soon. it was one of the promises that mr. wazir gave to the students of our country on this nowruz eid, the number that will participate in the first stage is something around 10,000 . accepted our first stage tests they are the level of the whole country. these 10,000 people participate in our second stage exams, which are a bit more serious. for example, the assumption of many fields, for example, three
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or four. it's a question, but 5 hours of testing time and the space is more scientific. students need to be more precise and deeper in the materials they read, and out of this number, something between 40 and 50 people are accepted in each field. the second place is your value. the whole country and all these accepted people, who together form a number of nearly 6450 people , gather in the summer of every year in tehran. young scholars have a face-to-face training course of approximately 2 they have the month, and then we have the exams of the summer course, the third stage exam, which, well, these exams are held with a much higher quality and accuracy than the first and second stage, and there are several stages, maybe a test, for example, a field like math 8 so that the test is different and each one is 3 to 4 hours and a half, or a test like a physics test has several theory tests and several practical tests. this
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is the stage of the summer course, and yes, the children win medals among them . it includes laboratory stages, programming, theory, and some of them succeed in winning gold medals. university entrance exams are exempted and they begin to prepare for the selection of the team that will be sent to the world championships as the national teams of the islamic republic of iran next year. okay , let's have a review of the position of iranian students in the world physics olympiad. yes, look . now, if we look at all the olympiads or if we want to talk only about physics, in 2022 we were ranked 25th in the world. in the physics olympiad in 2023, we ranked 7th in the world. we had a good seven-step growth in general in these two years of the state
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of the country. it was really good in the world olympiad in 1998 and 1999, we didn't get very attractive results in the world olympiads, and this was due to the structural changes that took place in the young pezhian knowledge club, which turned from an independent organization into a deputy of a center, which was pointed out by the supreme leader. in the meeting with educators in 1998 and in the meeting with the heads of education in 2019 , they gave a serious warning about the downgrading of the world olympiads and requested that you follow up. these children who go to the world olympiads get honor for the country is very important and we should not let these elites of ours at the world level, they will be demoted because after the supreme leader's orders
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, there was a procedural change in the club. and with the support of the honorable minister of the sampat organization and the president of the club, the constitution was approved, dr. raisi himself came to open the club, and thank god, thank god , we got very brilliant results in these two years . it's interesting. let's review one more time, 202 and 2023 , you said how many were the ranks. if we look at all the fields in general, we have 6 fields. we have been participating in the world olympiad since 1997 1400 in 4 years, we were able to win 26 gold medals of the world olympiad, but in these two years, 1401 and 1402 , we won 30 gold medals of the world olympiad. well, this shows a serious growth in the results of the world olympiad, and now you asked about physics. in the rest of the fields, our results have greatly improved
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, for example, it is interesting. according to the physics of science, it feels like every time in the world. they are changing and we still haven't adapted to those new references and that new style, but a noticeable growth in our results is palpable and we are very optimistic that good things will happen to us, especially this year when we are the host of the world physical olympiad. yes, let's talk about the fact that on 20 24


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