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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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maybe some friends will say that this is an obvious example . let's go out of tehran. for example, let's go to a city. for example , let's go to the city of sanandag . there is a building in the municipality where the work is completed. there is probably a birth certificate of the owner and some other documents. this is for all institutions that have this. the house must be serviced, it has a file, well, there is an archive there , a place has been done, for well, these are circulating in the whole world, they do not invent 100 times successful management. cities in developed countries in all countries show that urban management can be successful when these tasks are given to municipalities. there is also a concern in it was the words of some respected members of the islamic council, and it was also the words of my friend, mr. dr. roosta, that the government constantly insists that the municipalities do not have the ability to run the cities right now , they do not have the budget. you submit the budget.
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well, this is the issue. our experience has shown that when a council called the city and village council is formed, the future is the last link of democracy in the democratic system of the country, that is, you, for example, the assembly of experts for leadership, for example, the president of the city's islamic council, wherever you want, the street floor with people, let the city council speak if you give these powers to the city council. it is not necessary for the government to be accountable anymore, well, the people themselves will answer their representatives if they are not able to change where we can practice the power of the people, believe you if the government takes this risk, for example, now, for example, so that it is not afraid to tell me the model and example, sir , for example ,
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add the cities of tehran, tabriz, mashhad, shiraz, qom, ahvaz, kermanshah, karaj to the city for 3 years as a test. i disagree, mr. doctor. i dare you. the city council should have a supervisory role. i mean the elected municipality. when we talk about the mayor or the city council , we are not talking about individuals. we are looking at institutions, which are legal entities. we do n't look real, we don't look legal. from a good point of view, you have actually entered a discussion of urban unit management and brought up a discussion of management , actually a unified urban fabric and a discussion of participation . mr. doctor, these three words in iran are luxen words. in iran, we have no reason to believe that the government does not have the authority, let it be , this is not the case in the world. urban unit
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does not mean that the government gives all its powers and duties to an institution, this also has a corrupt background and it has no power at all. the management of the city unit is better than the government. i don't mean to say that the management of the urban unit means that the authority of an institution can be strengthened. the leader of an orchestra should be able to create this coordination, and we in iran have not even practiced this issue in terms of municipal administration, even in most of our cases, i strongly agree. that the municipality, the institution of urban management, should strengthen its role so much, mr. doctor, in the laws of city councils , city councils have environmental responsibility, cultural responsibility , security, education, in the law, in the law , it says that mr. musobat, the islamic city council and the ministry
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of those institutions, you are a home ministry. bring an administrative institution to listen to the words of the city council, not this law, perhaps, but i know a task that, for example , should be left on the shelf when the government administration does not do it. the role of the people let's admit it, we have to admit that the people know more than us. this council is based on the vote of the people, and its participation is increased because it knows that it is effective. for example, in the historical context, if there is a problem, for example, i am your citizen in tehran, every citizen wants to see any of these 21 members of the city council. it takes hours to see him. i can't see him. he says that you are doing what you are doing. i am stuck. look , mr. doctor, in the cities
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, people are usually passive observers. they say that their participation is weak, which means that basically the city management and the people are not able to participate. for example, for example, let's tell our people that tomorrow, which
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is saturday, after the eid al-fitr prayer , do not drive 50% of your cars. the authority of the city council is that. can he be disciplined and say that i told you not to bring a car today, mr. doctor, i told you no, not a representative at all , mr. doctor, see, by the way, let me complete my presentation at the mayor's office. mr. doctor, the city council has legal duties in these areas, why? do i have worked in this field for 22 years . we work directly with the municipality. when we want to build a school, build a clinic , and in fact make the development of the pen public . there is no city council , council for green space and waste collection and approval
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of the city budget, which is not the city council, responsible for citizen security , responsible for the environment, mr. doctor, now only my municipal council , mr. doctor. we have come to talk about democracy there is no democracy in the area of ​​the city council in iran and also in the area of ​​the yari council, the first experience of which seems to be an urban narrative rule started from the tehran municipality. we have the same structure of the tehran municipality. we have the city council, mayor, district mayor, district mayor and councilor. we did not come to develop the discussion of the ruling in connection with people's participation, we came to develop a narrower ring in the area of ​​the localities , we added a ring to the bureaucracy of the administration, mr. dr. sarim's argument is that we did not give the tools, now the
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government wants what the government wants, everything is right. it's okay, but i have to do my duties, you see in the last two or three years, the government has caused social damage to the mayor of tehran, mr. doctor, you can be sure that the success that will be achieved in this period will be recorded . let's not look at it in black and white. the social work of children, street children , drug addicts, these things will accumulate, but let's observe, if it doesn't go above 90 in this round of success, see the municipality. he has the power to run the city because there is a janitor in every dear house who has been watching that house since morning. the municipality is living under the skin of the city . he knows the city, he has his power, but when if he wants to make a decision, we should see that we have to come to the conclusion that the constitution is a
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very clear constitution. after all, our covenant is the constitution . sir, the advancement of educational, cultural, health, and economic affairs of your city is because it is your city. cities should be competitive, why today, for example, the cities of the persian gulf region, their development indicators are increasing at all, because the city has competitiveness, by the way, you mentioned a very good point, what does competitiveness mean, you see, we have an urban development strategy in all the cities of the world. they mean, where is the destination of this city, where does he want to go? what is the difference between tehran and shiraz in terms of the territory of the country? what is the difference between shiraz and isfahan? they don't because our cities basically don't have an urban development strategy where they want to move. in fact , the strategy is the tool, mr. doctor, it doesn't have a strategy . what does it mean that this city of tehran as
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the mother of the islamic world, what are its strategic requirements , where are its duties, when we say this? it does not mean that tehran municipality is all this requirement. i mean, all the institutions, from i don't know , chamber of commerce, guilds, governor's office, municipality, government, all of them, in fact. adaptability tehran, whether on a local scale, on a logical scale , or on an international scale, is your vision for this work , for example, where is oman moving right now , where is qatar going, barcelona, ​​which is now viewed as barcelona , ​​how did barcelona become, in fact, a the role of a city that has the role of leading the world's sports events means all the citizens of this city, all its trades, mr. doctor
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, will the event you say happen if the powers are in the hands of the government or not? mr. dr. sarmi keywords they use that these keywords come from their management experience and i basically just have to be about actually research requirements when you see you now. go to the country's urban management programs and check whether, for example , if we say, for example, i am a persian province, for example, the city of shiraz, is the city of shiraz a cultural city, a city of medical services, and in fact , is it a therapeutic tourist that now, for example, these issues exist. our cities are multi-functional and these multi- functional cities are actually not known. where is the destination of this city as an expert in the field i believe that if the government takes this risk
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, if the governments take this risk of giving all their authority to the municipality, the speed of expansion of the cities will be much faster than now. it also reached ahvaz, reached kermanshah , maybe the reason. for example, it has a separate goal compared to urban management, it has set a framework for all the cities of the country. according to my detailed community plans guide, come and prepare based on this , then when it comes to implementation, you will see if not.
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he does not have the ability to implement, his language is not a common language , he does not know the capabilities of the municipality, he said, for example , widen kerman street, for example, widen 100 streets in tehran. no , why do you want the street to be widened? by the way, mr. doctor , this is the issue. you also want this plan . in fact, tell the community tomorrow. sir, from today , the mayor should prepare a more detailed plan for the community of the country's cities . by the way, i am completely against comprehensiveness . the field of fashion is the same as the community plans which comprehensiveness do you look at now? i once had an international responsibility. due to this topic, i went on many foreign trips . i went from korea to southeast asia, i don't know, i went to europe, i went to
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central asia, i went everywhere . by the way, their missions and their structures are also plans, sir , it is a plan at all, which means that the government is not ready to go through it , see mr. dr. ma ma, you go and see the plans for the urban development of the world. the urban development programs of the world are the main issue. a problem is defined in this program and that problem is solved solves we put all the urban issues of the country in the form of a plan, which neither the management tools are known, nor the financial resources are known, that is , the financial resources are known. now, one of the main challenges of not realizing the urban development plans is that the government. he prepares it, now i tell you to look at the urban development plans , physical management of the cities of the country, issues
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like mr. doctor, political divisions, see, mr. doctor , you see, the ministry of the interior, let's go a little bit from us , as the ministry of the interior, see, you, the ministry of the interior, is actually the issue of divisions. the issue of office management the ministry of roads and urban development is in charge of the cities in the field of political divisions. the problem of preparing the plan is that these two are not compatible with each other. you just need to enter the kindergartens of the city like islam in baris. please don't dare to tell your friends that in the ministry of roads and the ministry of interior, regarding the issues of the engineering system, the previous minister of the ministry of roads issued a circular regarding the system of the ministry of interior
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, and stopped it. i read the successful experiences of prominent mayors of the world , of course, this word is not related to tehran, but it is i want to tell the mayor of tehran, the mayor of london says what was the most successful experience for the city of london . he says that i imposed a toll on the cars that entered the city of london every day. this caused many
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of my successes in the field of urban management. we make things difficult and complicated , then we can't do it. look, what i'm saying is, give one more for ourselves, that is, for those of us who are serving the people, give a few hundred or maybe a thousand people, because their cities have no business places, they come by car to tehran with different numbers to work at night too. you let the car sleep, sir, but mashallah , what else can the municipality do? the municipality is not a driver's guide. it means that, sir , for example, in this matter, for example, the cars whose license plates do not have tehran license plates should have these regulations. by the way, in iran, this role is the opposite, mr. doctor, if my car does not have a tehran license plate tomorrow, the first thing i will do is move to tehran or live in the dilapidated area of ​​tehran or live in the suburbs of tehran, because
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i am a problem that actually the one who has a job problem busy well, by the way, in the same field of transport, which you actually mentioned, the issue of sharia development plans is our end. when we talk about the community plan , the community is only the construction regulations of urban management in the current situation . this requires a lot more laws in the field of transfer , so that the issue of land management is transferred to the municipalities. now this is me, yes, then you should not listen to the municipality and the government, see the people are moving, for example, you say, sir, that the area of ​​tehran should not increase. increase no, but you, 20 meters in the shadow of tehran, there is a place named mortezagard, whose population , for example, has now crossed 100,000, which means
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it is equivalent to more than 1,200 cities. yes, keep your eyes on each other in tehran. you don't see the city, he was a villager , now i understand that the law dealt with that villager , but he was formed there, those are our dear citizens, citizens who were forced out of necessity because of him, if it was in the hands of the city administration, he would not want to go illegally. build electricity with the difficulty of water with the difficulty of this population flow the flow of demographic changes could have been better managed by the city management. it has become obvious to everyone that today the suburbanization in the city of tehran has brought a disaster to the city of tehran, and those servants of god can see that he got his job in tehran, went to live in the suburbs, and lives early in the morning every day. he should get in the car to come and take himself to his place of work. mr. doctor
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, we have daily traffic from the entry and exit points of tehran, from azadegan, from qom highway, from saveh road from karaj and from 2 million. see, mr. doctor, you point out a very good point, which by the way, we should discuss. handing over these issues says tehran's privacy, sir the growth of baqershahr today, i am sorry to say , what is the percentage of baqershahr robot karim today, it has a growth rate of 16 and it is actually experiencing. what is the growth rate of tehran? under dua the campus is experiencing a growth rate of 12. islam shahr is experiencing a growth rate of 10. what does this sign mean? this means that the whole city of tehran, the urban complex of tehran , has allocated 11 territorial areas of the country to itself, but the population of my country is 14. let me say one word, that's why
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we are facing this phenomenon in connection with the same urban management structure of tehran. harim and ina are not responsible here in fact, the role of the urban management capacity of tehran should be that much. find a connection so that he can experience the management of the metropolitan area, and this needs the support of the government , which i want to have this discussion with mr. doctor. a few examples from abroad. i want to say that we have these free zones in our own country. now, for example, we have like kish, and we delegated the authority to the free zone, the ceo of this free zone. what
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a model of success. be sure to be sure that one of our successful models is these free areas, that is, as soon as you see me, mr. doctor, in the country , i will only think of you, mr. doctor. tehran was not the same issues that i mentioned, the government should trust
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zahedan municipality, kerman municipality, bam municipality, for example, the scene of kermanshah province, be sure , be sure, city councils , their decision-making power in the field is much more than an institution. to sit in tehran and decide for them , the power to manage the recommendation indicators , then competitive discussions will be formed. when the council means the council with you today, when you want us, something should happen. the council, which is said in the constitution, the city council, has now become a municipal council without a narrative. only the municipal council should have half of its powers. our city council should believe in local governance and local governance. let's do it, the country will be saved a lot.
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as a summary of this program , i believe that as an expert who has worked in the field for many years, to mr. dr. salemi and other loved ones, in my opinion, in the field of urban management, you should definitely make this departure. we should have the affairs of the government in the urban management of the municipality and at the same time do the necessary capacity building, we must start from one point, we must have the test of our experience and mistakes, and finally, the issue of management is actually one cloth or unit management of one cloth. what is the unity of following the laws? it means that the municipality actually needs to make a plan and these municipal plans means the government to make policies, and
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the municipalities make these policies and plans in the form of plans. god willing, let's see what the new parliament's approach will be to this issue and actually pass laws may it be good for all people. well , i am grateful to mr. dr. amin mofarini from the city of iran and to you for following us until the end . hope to see you again one day. than me or higher wherever we are today. you are
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tomorrow the opening of the country's first concentrated solar farm in the village of pendas, kashan, god bless ali muhammad and the family of muhammad, this project is by the women of this village and with the support. yad barkat , the successful model of this power plant, is a successful example of people's participation in order to increase production. 40 respectable women of this village participated in this project, each with an education of 150 million tomans, about 8 billion tomans infrastructural works and solar panels that have been done in this project and can provide electricity to more than 230 houses, in addition to this village, four other villages can be provided with electricity
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by the barkat foundation. in the new year , he wants to focus between 5 and 10 percent of his employment creation plans on setting up solar power plants with the participation of the people, considering the power outages that we had during the summer, the women of the village decided to form this tawaniya, a collective work that will also generate income. and let our village be clean and green, prevent the migration of young people to nearby cities and towns yes, in the first year, one and a half billion will be brought and it will be for these, and during the next 4 years, the return of the facilities will take place, god willing, surely from the fifth year onwards, the income from this will be completely for the people themselves. the solar shrine with the participation of the people is one of the most important programs of the renewable energy and energy efficiency organization of the country. about 10,000 5 kw solar systems have been put into operation so far. 45.
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we built a house for you to come and see, this is called an installment purchase, whatever you want.
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as you wish, in the great iranian palace cities of tehran, qom and isfahan, until 2:00 am in the city. tehran is your host , wind a little more to cool down. buying an air conditioner
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is a good situation. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. greetings and good morning to you, dear viewers. welcome to sports news. in a message, president seyed ebrahim raisi praised the heroism of iran's freedom fighters in the battles he congratulated all his compatriots, especially the country's sports community, on the asian championship: our country's national freestyle wrestling team won the asian championship with five gold medals and three bronze medals.


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