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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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in addition to face-to-face sales , it will increase transparency in the distribution system and increase quality and services. we saw together and reviewed other experts' opinions. mr. bedanjad, please let us see the report together. what was your opinion? do you think that until now we have a problem with the online supply of tires , where does the main reason come from? look, i'll go back to the original width of two. i have divided the topic into two parts, it is a discussion of internet supply, and i said that there is no problem with internet supply, any of the platforms that exist in the virtual space can sell their products in the same way as they are selling mobile phones. the way he is spreading chips and puffs, he can sell my tire, but anyway there is opposition in the tire, yes, now that there are other competitors anyway, you are probably thinking together, why, but no , i wanted to say that it is a part of it. the
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transparency that i mentioned that we had more discussion with mr. mirzaei in this section now that it is in the final round, in any case, there are problems, the implementation of any transformation and any change definitely has its own resistances . more transparently, you mean that some people are against the internet because of the lack of transparency it is classic, in my opinion, it means that if they are against this discussion, sir, the business society system that exists now. and he is making it clear from the production or import chain to the explanation , so that you can see that this product that you went and got a report on is in the black market, where did it come from? after all , he must have learned from somewhere in this chain, where else is it? the manufacturer should say that the guild should specify where this transparency is, now this transparency needs those last indicators, that is, it has the national code of the owner. it has green worksheets and difficult issues
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it created a problem, it created a queue, this system that has been created now is called kala. ntsw.r. i use this opportunity to inform you . of course, we have prepared many programs and many of my colleagues in the market group for this issue. many reports have been broadcasted about the site and how to buy, and these also have training, there are many questions and discussions. this is that the person who registers has 5 days to go and buy the product, now he wants to buy it from the virtual space, he wants to buy it for the sites that have available tires, he wants to buy it, he wants to buy it from you. according to mr. rahneh, the bazaar said that he should go to a place to check and buy the best product . mr. sara said that he should go and choose the product , there is no problem . brando, i want him to pre-register with that and... the delay that
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won't be before eid, and you say that means our opinion and our summary of your order in this department is that if this happens, we we will not see these off-line offers anymore , or at least it will be clear where they went from or finally the manufacturer has gone to the black market and has not explained the truth from this chain, or our sales agent and our sales representative or our sales representative have collected this data in our market from each of them with the transparency that exists in this chain. it is palpable and can be tracked. there is also a point about the sale of baskets, and these are always brought up . i said that unfortunately, this basket is not only in tires, but in some other items, we see sometimes, for example, last year, in the discussion of oil, we saw basket sales the work of items that have major consumption, such as cars, passenger cars and heavy vehicles well, it consumes the most, this has less.
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the representative or the final explainer, you must buy this, and they limit it and oblige him to buy it. we strongly disagree with this, which means that what happens first takes away the choice from the customer, because after all, somehow, this dream, this money , these goods to be able to supply, he must make a profit on the goods that are being supplied. as a rule, he should supply it. here, the difference in price with the approved price in the market is eating. tire internet is against the transparency of making this cycle transparent. how much do you agree with this statement? i am completely against it because this matter
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that is said in a way suits us. he can make his choice, we don't have a choice now, they say that the customer goes to the website and chooses , then goes to the store and chooses the brand , there is no such thing. the customer can't choose a brand now, the reason is that we are going back to the type of pricing and command pricing, this environment is so bad. there are those who say, why can't you see in our mandated pricing the price that we didn't pay for the brand value and quality, our companies have price differences with each other , the price difference is not based on the quality, but on the cost and slag, that's what the report was given, and then another thing happened. there is a significant price difference between imports and domestic production, and everyone wants to choose a specific domestic brand, and it is not possible to have two companies or three companies take care of it every time that company cannot. there
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is no result, we got the right to choose, it is forced let's see what is there and buy it. so where does this problem come from? let us know that it is working clearly. they say that if a tire goes to the black market, then the reason is that either the manufacturer is doing something wrong or the explanation is not possible. none of this is possible . i don't need this system because i feel it is my right to buy it. i'll do it, then i'll go to the market
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and sell it, i'll do it as easily as this issue, you can see it as simply as this, an issue that you can accuse you of, so that the group can either produce it or explain
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the rubber ring in it. there is a warehouse, so this is the number it is not enough to say that 10,000 people have come here, this is from a major place . with those two rubber rings, no one needs to go to you.
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our tires have a brand, you can trace them from the origin of production, you can trace them, see where they went, where they came from
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, because we are sure that this is possible. that's right, at that time, we insisted that you text this in addition to the national code, because it tells the other party's phone. you confirm that this national code will take a pair of tires or not, why is it against now? no, i don't disagree with this transparency. i disagree with the way of acting that i, the producer , can't do now
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. i have repeated it many times, that both the consumer and the sales agent register there. he registers his details. he can go and get the goods at any moment. at all, to say, sir, i can't buy it there and i go to smugglers and buy from him, whether it 's the free market, that means smuggling or anything that enters the market, if we don't make our official market transparent, we'll look for the unofficial market. we can search , do you agree, except for the 13 rim, our other sizes
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are 4, the rest of our sizes are no problem, why the system? you left it for him, we reduced it, i said, sir, you reduced the transparency, sir , you sold 40d of 15 items, you can sell 60% of them outside the system, no, you can't sell outside the system , no, you don't have to, no, see what the transparency of the product says, if 60% of the product is if you didn't sell it this month, you can buy it again. it doesn't say that you should go outside the system and sell it. i am talking about the fact that i produced the tire. you go to the shop and say, "i want iranian tires of a certain brand" and they tell him to go bring your green card. what do you think this will do? he says that the difference, for example, is supposed to be 3 million tomans . he says that it is 5 million tomans. he says that they will eat 5 million tomans
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. there is also a stigma . then i come to me. while i am trying to convince them that i am a manufacturer , i produce european standards, come and buy from me, i will give you a better price, i will give you after-sales service , i will give you support after purchase, but you have all this , not like this. no, look , there are definitely flaws in the system and the work process, but no to the extent that it is possible for the producer to get 5%, he may create dislocations in some places. to create an obstacle, but to say that the manufacturer cannot sell his product is not correct
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. we have discussed with the friends of the ministry yesterday in the sections above 15 , we have made some suggestions. they are fully prepared to do it in the sectors that you didn't do that we didn't do . look now. this system of the trade community has been implemented since december last year in the rubber sector. but the point is that there are problems these things have to be solved gradually, we can't, considering that there is a big problem now, as you said , we have to create the transparency of the chain . i have 5 minutes for you. if i ask these infrastructure challenges like this, maybe. so let's sum it up in more detail, if these infrastructural challenges
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are solved when you mention them, you are still against the internet width of tires, not us at all , we welcome you to identify it, you the customer. identifying the customer, the customer has the power to choose , he can buy from the device or go from the explainer or go from the factory or do online shopping. i say that the customer should have the right to choose based on. if you are in an emergency, i will go and tell you to go. you have 5 days to register, then come to the store and say that i don't have stock. it's wrong. you made a purchase. well, we don't like this. we say that the customer can easily buy the tire. now you can identify it. we are talking about the transparency of the product. we welcome it. we like you all. the affairs of the country should happen so that we can have a proper plan, but when i say that we are hitting a producer , we are sacrificing a middleman and a customer and the
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social capital that we have. how much did you suffer from this case? i have to go to your system to answer , go to your system and see how many complaints there are against me as a producer, then we will go there and see, well, it is all in the area of ​​explanation, it is all in the area of ​​the system, all about why you could not easily buy the explanation about your production of 31 million rings that i i asked to speak 31 million digits, we said 300 thousand tons we produce, we produced, we said
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, we will increase production, we are doing this, we said, in a size 13 rim, you
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ride on the 13 rim, we will put it on 3 million, we said the importer said that we can't. it is interesting that they say that the importer should he can't import a basket, he can't go and import one size , we said we will go, 3 million rings, you say, we will go and import, we are 6 manufacturers of 13 rings, we will go and import 500,000 rings each . let's do this deficit from the producer from the resources. which is approved by the ministry yes, we will import, we will meet the needs of my country, but our discussion is that you should consider the brand in the pricing, let's consider the quality . in the end, the discussion is in its place . how much do you produce ? of course, i have friends to talk, but in the ring 14, 15 and 15 and above, our
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production is more than needed. it is known that the friends in the ministry of poison have been doing things recently, announcing that only in ring 13, we have a problem. regarding this, because we don't have any information
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, we don't comment. do you have any information? we will import 3 million ourselves. thank you very much.
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you are a specialist in production, now maybe you can do it as an import, although i myself am against this discussion from the point of view of economics and my economic expertise, that you are a producer, now you are also an importer. now it is one and a half percent of your sales
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let me tell you about riding in general . last year, we produced 21 million 581 thousand bird rings . in 1402, our forecast is to produce 25 million bird rings. out of these 25 million rings, 7 million and 400 thousand rings are ring 13, which is pride, and the only reason we have in the country is related to this ring, and that is due to the pricing, otherwise there would be no fear, but nevertheless 2,600,000 rings, according to the statistics that my friends took yesterday at the ministry of statistics , we said that 10 million is necessary, this is two and a half million. they said that import can't be done in a one-size-fits-all manner. we said that we will do it. at the end of the day, i'll take a second. if i say, sir, the issue of internet
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supply is also on its own. and the supply of goods by that platform itself from the physical space should not be done in the way it was done until now . its use can diversify the country's fuel portfolio, for example, one. a car with a capacity of 30 liters can use it if it wants a subsidy 45,000 tomans, if it is free, it will be 90,000 tomans
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, but if the owner of that car wants to use cng, how much will it cost ? one cubic meter of gas is used for each liter of gasoline, which is 453 tomans and 2 rials, that is, if we say that the car costs 30 literary 30 cubic meters. cng gas is almost possible for 12,000, so look, yes, 12,000 tomans, now 13,500 tomans, currently there are more than 2,550 cng stations in our country, about 35 to 40 million cubic meters per day, we have this capacity, we are currently selling we have 22 million cubic meters per month , which is equivalent to 22 million liters of gasoline according to the replacement and creation of cng capacity should be number. they increase. some of the seats are worn out now . their capacity is low. we have to replace and
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replacement must be done. we didn't foresee some points because there was no access to the gas network , we actually located them, where the work is actually connections, branches, and buildings, and then this equipment will be built, god willing, there is this fuel equipment that is required to be used. the title of the main fuel for public light vehicles and the urban passenger fleet is considered very reasonable gas says 6 tomans 12 tomans. out of 37 million vehicles, we have 13 million worn-out vehicles , and these 13 million are equivalent to 26 million standard cars that consume gasoline. the ceo of the national petroleum refining and distribution company says that the demand for gasoline consumption has greatly increased, an issue that can be fueled by optimization. he balanced the householder's basket.
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if these are realized, we can actually replace gasoline in a way, because a green variety of fuel itself helps to reduce consumption and optimize energy consumption for every car that uses these. if they want to produce, sign a contract with us and we have agreements from the past. the ministry of oil , based on the same resolution of the economic council , gives subsidies to car manufacturers for doubling and that's it. as an incentive for car manufacturers, but unfortunately, car manufacturers do not act according to the decree that was communicated to them, based on the same decree of the supreme energy council of our country, 22% of the country's fuel basket should be made up of cng, which is currently 16, god willing, if car manufacturers let's work hard and act according to the upper approvals that have been announced so that we can reach this ceiling of 22. finally, we are now
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major fleet. and this is the need for the replacement to take place according to the resolution of the supreme energy council of 2019, automobile manufacturers were required to dedicate 30% of their production to dual-fuel vehicles by 1420. radio news agency.
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it can come any way you want, different accessories of each model, show the name, don't worry about buying , the prices are different, come to the store, come to the store, come to the store, it has a lot of farad discounts for anywhere you like, it has cool items , so what happened to buying in installments as you want , big iranian stores in the cities tehran qom and isfahan to 2: shahr farsh is the place of the most valuable iranian handcrafts with the advice of the most expert experts. variety in price according to every cost . the hand
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of the country , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , you are accompanying us with the news section at 16:00. two american surgeons who voluntarily went to gaza. in a conversation with the media, boden said that the zionist regime is targeting children and aid workers. they described the actions of the zionists as genocide by saying that the zionists even prevent food from entering gaza. what is more than everything under me the effect was the obvious slaughter that was taking place. cluster bombs were used in gaza. between 70 and 75 percent of the people we operated on
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were of primary school age


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