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tv   [untitled]    April 13, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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on the other side of the table, the eyes of a martyr are on you. in the name
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of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you, the people of iran , ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first page . tonight's first page program is hosted by the honorable deputy minister of mining, ministry of industry, mining and trade, mr. mohtashmipour . the leap in production with the participation of the people is called. we will talk to anyone by the end of the year . we will definitely have a conversation with them in this field . the mining sector is not an exception. you did a series of works last year in the field of popularization of mining. of course , this popularization of mines or industry is possible. mine to a phrase is not necessarily accompanied by a jump or
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does not cause a jump, so the expectations may be more than this , but we can start the discussion from here with a report that my colleagues prepared for you based on the latest announcement of the world meteorological organization last year , the record of the hottest year in the world was broken. greenhouse gases were blamed for the first rejection of global warming and climate changes such as forest fires , droughts and untimely heat and cold in the world and the industrial world that is progressing every day with the production of these same carbon gases. one of these industries is steelmaking, which emits 7% of greenhouse gases it is registered in his name. sasa steel, of course, by turning to green production and by replacing australia
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in the process of decarbonization, we must ensure that this industry is in a good position for the future of green steel. the cost of green production is about 30 to 100% more than the traditional methods of facilities. . to companies that invest in green industry. iran is the 10th largest steel producer in the world, but the production of green steel has not opened as it should. this is a necessity for me to explain that iran has signed the 2015 convention, which means we are obliged to reduce thirty-two by 203. let's start our production. otherwise, in the following years, the possibility of exporting our products. in some
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way , this change in production capacity is more possible in our country because of the existing methods of production. iran has developed its steel production based on direct recovery technology based on the use of iron ore and gas. he has put electric arc furnaces on his agenda and has also developed in the production of green steel. now it is ahead of many steel countries in the world. according to the announcement of the world steel association, by 203 the demand for green steel in the world increases 10 times. this means that countries should seek to eliminate the carbon footprint in their production for a competitive production. asal nemati of sed and sima news agency. well, mr. mohtashmipour, of course
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, the report was about new technologies in the steel and green steel industry, let's start with this and then come back to the topic. popularization of mining, tell me what you did to help the production of green steel, what plan do you have and what support will you give so that the rail is actually laid on this journey, in the name of allah, rahman , raheem, the issue of steels that are more compatible with the environment or green steel is actually the issue. which has been for years it is prominent in the world and slowly the world is moving in this direction. the islamic republic of iran has a large share of its own methane reserves in the development of its steel industry, as it was in your report.
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in fact, our carbon production is among the lowest in the world compared to steel, because our method is fundamentally different, mainly steel production. as it was in your report, the blinds of the electric tablet are electric, but in the world there are mainly tall blinds , which increases the production of carbon. we are in terms of environmental compatibility, but this path must continue. naturally, every year, every day, the world improves its environmental standards , and tries to move forward in the development of technologies towards cleaner technologies with less energy consumption and less carbon production. for example, today the world is looking for the use of hydrogen in the production of steel. this discussion has also started in our country in one
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or two of our large steel units. i think that we stand in the steel sector hydrogen in the next year, we will see projects that will maintain our superior position, of course, you are better involved in the media space, you know that one of the well-known methods in the world to actually eliminate competitors and impose costs is that the standards the environment becomes a regulation that rules the game for the entry of other countries. make it difficult for countries with a lower level of technology, on the other hand, by controlling the flow of energy, by controlling the flow of technology, we try to eliminate countries that may not be included in this world industrial development program.
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we have the problem, that is, on the one hand, we are facing the problem of serious limitations in the supply of green steel technology, as well as capital. the big steel companies are facing serious threats from the united states government to invest in iran's steel industry. therefore , this issue makes us have to do the same thing as we did in other sectors of our industry, that is, rely on capacity and power. domestically, whether in the investment sector or in the technology sector, we must support this sector as well, and this work has started in our country. we hope that the production of these steels will start in the country in less than four to five years , so what are your plans for this development? the main thing
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is that this happens and there is a desire for it , it is not a question of desire, it is a question of entering the program, that is , the projects have started today in the country. we have started to change the feed change lines both at the pilot level and industrial samples and at the level of industrial units. it is now being tested in one of the communities. increasing energy consumption in the steel industry, increasing hydrogen consumption let's start our steel industry. this is what the world is currently thinking about industrializing . we are currently implementing this work in our industrial unit. god willing, we will have this in less than 5 years. we have a supply of hydrogen in the country, which will help us, so let's
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go to the discussion that i mentioned at the beginning of the program, the issue of popularization of the mining sector, what should happen so that we can. we are not saying that we should use the people's capacity to make a leap in the mining sector, we are not saying that we should only popularize it, which means , for example, handing over the existing thing to the people. of course, this too. it has been among the programs of the system in the past years, but to say that we are doing something that will happen with the help of the people in this sector is a leap. we are pursuing such a goal . the first strategy is that by entering and expanding the share of public companies through the infrastructure
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of the capital market, we can increase the share of public capital in the mining sector to a higher level than the current situation . big janjah mine was started and it is not limited to other projects what follows is that we can, in fact, in the form of large mining companies. to have public stock companies in the country, which actually attract people's capital in a professional structure and with that technical capability and enter into the mining sector, this allows us to have our big mines in the country with the same technical capacity. and the finance of the private sector and small capitals can be developed, perhaps the most active example is mining today. jan jah is in sistan baluchistan province, in one of the most deprived provinces of the country, one
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of our big projects is going forward today with the help of joint-stock companies. next, activate the discussion. there are small mines, see, not in my sector, in every sector , in every industry you enter, you usually see this. large industries mainly have the role of suppliers, the role of large producers, the role of added value and the role of a large market for their own previous industries. i might like to give an example. suppose, in an oil refinery with the capacity we have in our country today, from, for example , 300,000 barrels per day, 300,000 barrels of oil are refined, even if 1%, even if we have 1% added value. with, for example, the current prices, which are around, for example, 80 dollars per barrel, you
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can calculate the volume in one year. added value is injected into the country's economy , which you can see in large listed companies. on the other hand, these units are the main technology market in countries, but it is the same in our country. if, for example, the oil industry or the steel industry for example, in a small industrial sector, this
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number exceeds a few billion in the steel industry . for each job, in fact, these are not job-creating industries. they directly create employment in themselves, but they are a good supplier. today, when you have foulad mubarakeh. more than any other sector of our industry, that is, the jump in production that we had in this sector is not comparable at all
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. in a study, we encountered a growth of more than 10% for a long period of more than 30 years . dependent on petrochemicals had grown by more than 10% . on average, when you have a supplier like the petrochemical industry within your economy , you can expect the dependent industries to grow. but this industry is not job-creating, these are the direct opposite of this small industry. small industry is the main feature, perhaps the first. bringing them is the first job creation for any economy . they create good employment and help to distribute income and reduce the income gap and the social gap. in fact, the same thing happens in the mining sector, which means that it does not make much difference to the industry . if we can, we can. activate the small mines in the country, the employment of the civil sector is mainly in that layer, and in this way we can
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provide jobs to the small local communities for this reason , in fact, development. modernizing the small mining industry has been one of the achievements of the ministry in the past years . we were able to relaunch the two tenders that we held, more than a thousand inactive mines that actually had no operators , and we were actually able to hand them over to the people, and now this has become a major activity. these thousands of mines are small mines, so this can mean that we only last year expect that we had 1500 new mining points in the group of small mines, this can help us both in employment and in the distribution of the added value of the dying sector between the so-called local answer. and
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small, maybe big mines can't have this effect, a big mine like our national source it is very important and very effective, but from this point of view , maybe that effect is direct, of course, you say it is indirect. what should be done if there is a leap in the mining sector with the help of people? and you, did you reach the program for him? that's why the purpose of what you are saying so far is only popularization. it seems that no, it is not just popularization . there was no leap in production with the participation of the people . from the point of view of the experts, you might
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be doing the same things, what would be the extra work with your help? well, i can tell you any program, you can say, well, it's nothing now. look at the new program . in order for this number to make sense, when i say 1,500 small mines, this should be in your mind. our total number of active mines is about 7,000. this number means that in terms of the number, which is mainly in the small mines sector, we are something close. the number of our small mines has increased to almost 20%, and this number means an increase in the activity of the civil sector in the sector. how long did this happen last year? it happened last year, and now the same issue will naturally follow this year. well, if you want to make this people's capacity more active, it will be the end of the story. these same permits, yes, and it seems that according to the statistics of the mining department , we
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have many requests for mining permits that have not been issued. through the national portal of licenses . look, if i'm not mistaken , we actually have 15,000 requested permits, but only a handful of them have been granted permits . in the past years, we were able to obtain permits for about one percent of our exploration requests. our so-called discovery requests we turned it into an exploration license . last year, this number reached about 3 or 4 percent. now i have to tell you this mentally, it means
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there was a good growth. we had devices that had these conflicts. allow me to see this. when i want to give you, as an applicant, a license for mining operations , i have to get permission from a series of departments in the country, for example , the environmental organization of its regions, like other licenses, it is much different from the license. it is a different amount, not the same amount it is different. yes, see, for example, in industrial licenses , you usually have less of this so-called divorce and explanation. in one, because usually the industrial licenses are mainly activated in industrial estates, well, industrial estates are areas that the government has already prepared and obtained permits before any applicant entered the discussion. therefore, basically, an applicant for industrial activity is not too involved with these issues, for example, he
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wants permission from the military apparatus, from pipelines, from water, from electricity, from the environment, from natural resources, from atomic energy, or from various places. to receive activity, but the mine has this feature , the mine basically has no special situation that i have already prepared for it. according to a study that a person predicts the existence of a reserve in an area , this area may be in the heart of an environmental protection area, this area may be adjacent to a residential area, this area may be adjacent to a construction activity. ok, so all these devices should check the issue, so who is late in these devices in confirming or responding to the name. announcements that are required for mining permits are not our problem you see, in the law, there is an obligation to the agencies
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, that is, the agencies must protect their own sensitive areas , which is included in the law itself, for example, manab must protect forests and pastures, the environmental protection agency must protect environmental protection areas, and other agencies must also protect these areas. announce when the law was approved, this should have been announced to the ministry . now, a new capacity has been created in the country called the land unit window, and their information should be uploaded there. i want to do some activity before all the devices tell whether there is any sensitivity in this range or not. some of our devices do not do this task, like medical sources. those who have not completed this task should have been announced in this map of the land society and not announced. of course, this work is now
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going on in another land unit window, which means that a positive thing has happened in the last one or two years with the follow-up that the friends of the land unit window have been doing. this is happening , it means that the information is being loaded quickly, and a trend that i said that you can see now, in terms of percentage, is still not very appealing, but that's it. low percentage now. q3: four times as many times as in previous years, we can succeed in obtaining a license for mining activities, because the ministry actually issues the license in only one decision-making department regarding the license , where is the applicant before entering the application process? yes, one should do an evaluation and give him a certificate of technical and financial qualification at the beginning of his arrival. well, we issue these certificates , which means you do your part and everything. this is the rest of the queries, including related queries
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to the ground, now a big part of this is not a delay . it means that i submit my request and it is rejected. the device does not answer me because the law is a ratio of one thousandth, for example, or less than one thousandth. we are talking about less than this. i think you are single. if i'm not mistaken, i heard that 2 to 15,000 applications and 2 permits were issued. it's true, no , the permits we had last year were much more than this, maybe from the source of your order. a large number of these, if their assignment is clear , you say that they are unqualified for any reason and this it is announced that the assignment will be clear, but they should not stay in line. no, you can see in the queue, maybe what is translated
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is that the units are waiting in the queue in turn, that they should announce their request. after two months, the gate must be issued automatically. if the device announces, it says no, i ca n't give permission here. the registered system immediately system to you it gives the answer in a very short time. now there are many times when motaghazi expects us to follow up on this issue. we do this too. that means, for example, the environmental protection organization or the natural resources organization has announced that i cannot allow you in this area. but it seems to us that this capacity exists here , the conditions are such that it can be done by considering a series. here, he gave permission to operate, we give the answer to the questioner, we say that, for example , the environmental organization has become, but it is a life sentence for you.
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you rejected the reasons. in our opinion, these reasons are valid, for example that i had this request from you, you can be assured of this, for example, for example, i will give an example, let's say , for example, we grant permission for some limits, but in the permission it is stated that there is no right to explode because it is close to the authorized limits. if we want to detonate , we cannot give a permit here, but it can be done without detonation, so we state in the permit that this permit was issued without the right to detonate. this can also be monitored later, definitely, which means that our organizations in the provinces , basically, a major part of their efforts are subject to this supervision. it is based on these licenses, so this is what it means, in some cases, we can convince that device, so with
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including a clause or correction, for example, he says, "i have concerns in this area, i say very well , we can remove this part of the request , and now in the state of yes, this comes and goes, so to speak, we say in the interaction committees and sometimes we we can finally convince the authority to grant the permits, and this may take time , because this does not require expert work, the discussion of presenting documents, this is something that, for example , is simply a request, and we can, in fact, respond to the applicants within the deadline. it will be given a law, and if i don't give it , as you said, the door can do this consider the answer as positive and issue the license . did the leader of the revolution give a warning about solving the challenge between the environment and the mining sector? yes, this should not stop the work .
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what happened in this regard? severe or not at all to. that is, for example, in the atomic energy department, we were also tracking the number of permits issued by atomic energy for mineral extraction. that from about 30% of opposition has gone down to less than 1% of opposition , why is it because we sat down, held joint meetings , told each other about iran, we reached an understanding, and in fact, that is the cause of inter-institutional conflicts to some extent. it was managed well and the part of my opinion was also destroyed . that means we are really with the same opinion, although we may actually have different views and therefore we will find common ground in some places
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, but this opportunity exists. come on, now we have our meetings with the environment on a regular basis, and unlike the past years, for example , our joint meetings with mainsys have not been held for two or three years, but this incident is gone, thank god. perhaps we have a series of iranians in our organization because you mentioned the environment. you see, we have a problem in the environment sector, which of course is the environmental organization itself i know the issue is being followed up, i hope that with the good attitude that has been created in the country today and with the attitude of mr. president, this issue will really be resolved. in many cases, according to the laws , we have to refer the issue to the supreme council of environment and the decision-making authority in this case , which decision can be positive or negative. but it has to be done by the supreme council, so we do our examination , we discuss together, its gender is national, for example, yes , this should go to shurzist. the majazist council was not formed in the last two years. in 2018, a council was not formed
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and the cases that should have been decided there it could have all been left in the queue, and despite the fact that two meetings were held for the matis council in the past year, one of those pages is still ongoing . we don't have a conflict, after all, we have expert opinions , we discuss with each other. sometimes, some people in some regions attribute completely unrelated issues to environmental issues, for example, we have a mine that basically has no miraculous problems, we got brief rome permits for it. some oppose it the region wants this mine to be inactive . when we say why this is an existential problem , we say, well, when an expert body has confirmed this, why do you see this in relation to the environment? basically, the environment has nothing to do with it.


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