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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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after more than 10 days of silence and international organizations, especially the united nations security council, have passed, islamic iran condemned the aggression and criminality of the zionist regime in attacking the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in damascus as part of our country's territory and martyring seven one of the legal advisers of the country and the non-punishment of the criminal regime against the seventh paragraph of the united nations charter , the supporters of the islamic revolutionary guard corps in response to this crime and the fulfillment of previous warnings and the fulfillment of iran's rightful claim and in order to punish the aggressor by using strategic missile intelligence capabilities. and... self-improvement to the important military objectives of the army
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the zionist terrorist attack in the occupied territories and successfully hit and destroyed them. in following the strategic policies of the islamic republic of iran , the american terrorist government is warned of any support and participation in the attack on iran's interests, a decisive and regretful response. it follows the islamic republic of iran's armed forces. also, america is responsible for the evil actions of the zionist regime, and if it does not contain this regime, its child in the region must accept the consequences. second: while emphasizing the
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policy of good neighborliness with neighbors and countries in the region it is clarified that any threat by the terrorist government of america and the zionist regime from the origin of any country will be followed by a reciprocal and proportionate response from the islamic republic of iran to the source of the threat to the heroic nation of iran. we assure you that the islamic revolutionary guard corps and other armed forces of the country will stand to the death in defense of national interests and will thwart the enemies' efforts to disrupt the security and peace of the people. islamic revolution guards corps. this is the statement. the second was the irgc in response
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to punitive operations against the zionist regime.
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well, we have the pictures you saw a moment ago had arrived and in the international media and online networks , there is evidence that missiles and drones of the islamic republic of iran have been hit, which is a punitive measure against the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in damascus, but the iron dome is also shown in detailed images that they could not stop. take this operation, mr. dr. zarei
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, how were the coordinates of this operation, the missile and drone operation , despite the fact that almost 3 hours and 3 hours and a half have passed since the first moment when the drones took off, and the zionist regime said at the same moment that it had observed this, but we see that what happened and what were the coordinates of this operation? thank you. first of all, i would like to once again congratulate the noble people of iran who are witnesses today. in the words of hazrat agha delavar, his men were encouraged in the scene of defense of this land and the defense of iran's national power. in fact, as a witness, i
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answer your important question with five elements. in fact, the question of what the coordinates of this iranian missile and drone operation were. the first is that this operation was actually carried out with the previous announcement, that is, both the supreme leader of the revolution in the message issued on the occasion of the martyrdom of these loved ones , referring to revenge, and in the eid al-fitr sermons, referring to punishment and also that almost everyone knew and announced that iran will definitely respond on sunday, and even cnn and the media wrote about this, despite the fact that whenever the zionist regime attacked without prior notice and in fact, it was in a different situation . in an environment where an operation is announced and a country is surrounded by western defenders of israel
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, the operation takes place. this in itself tells about iran's power. this first element is the second element. well, this missile has moved safely from iran. the skies of at least two countries must have crossed to reach this region, which is the northern galilee region hit he should have passed this. this is not just a matter of resistance groups , there is coordination at the government level, that is, the government of iraq and the government of syria should have allowed this to happen , so this is also considered a regional reaction to israel's crime, the third element in here, in fact , it is that iran did not want to harm civilians and that place. the missiles and missiles that you saw in your pictures
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are exactly the israeli military barracks, that is, the place where the israeli planes took off and fired those seven missiles towards the diplomatic center of iran. where a military center was hit, not a center belonging to, for example, the people's homes, the third element, the fourth element is that in this scene, you mentioned that the israelis have various types of defense systems, they have an iron dome, and some from other systems. according to you, the islamic republic of iran had previously announced that these missiles would be on their way for how many hours. arriving here and from all the defense systems of israel that billions. the israeli dollar has been spent over the years, and it has passed, which is one of the most important coordinates in the country
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this is the scene. the fifth point that is actually important here is that over the years, that is, since 190 and approximately 73 years since that date, which is now 73 years to 2024. how many years is a period of 50 years ? in a period of 50 years, this missile attack that was carried out tonight is the strongest attack that has been carried out on israel in 50 years, and this is a great honor for the islamic republic and from in this way , the resistance front and the israelis should know that they can answer if they want. they will face a far more extensive attack than this and i do not think so
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the israelis have a desire to respond to this iranian action, so this is a very privileged missile action with its own coordinates, and it can be considered as an important military security event in the international arena, and its reflection is the development of security for the islamic republic and the people of iran. in these media, it has been suggested that this is a destabilizing action, not an action that removes the insecure element from the threat field, and therefore , in this scene, we actually have a calming action both for the region and for iran. and it is expected that anyway israel and america learn and let the scene of the region move towards more peace, rationality and interaction. thank you very much, mr.
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dr. zarei, senior expert on west asian issues, for participating in this program. thank you. dear mr. qadri, there is a debate, the islamic republic of iran has repeatedly announced that the era of bezander is over, and perhaps one of the successful and public examples of this is that we can tell the rocket launchers and drones of the occupied territories in the punitive operation tonight that the republic islam has clearly taken responsibility and demonstrated its power and will as much as possible a country is at a high level in terms of military power , but does not have the will to carry out an operation, but the islamic republic has actually shown this will
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. in your opinion, if this operation was not carried out, what would have happened in the equations of the west asian region? of course, over the past 10 days, we have seen that the zionist regime , through its own media channels and on social networks, tried very hard to create the atmosphere that their action is an example, in fact , it is an action against the residents and the islamic republic. iran tuan while here two important points the first point is that by the way , the zionist regime's terrorist act was not an act of action, but a reaction to the 6 months of continuous failure that it endured in gaza , and in order to get out of the atmosphere of public opinion pressure
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, it wanted to somehow enter the atmosphere of war and the atmosphere of war outside the borders. the second point is that he tried very hard to cancel in the media space that the islamic republic of iran basically has no will to deal with it. this incident caused that considering that the leadership also said that because the attack on the consulate was an attack on the territory of the republic. iran was considered islamic, naturally, the islamic republic of iran in addition to all the deadly blows that were inflicted on israel, this time there was a prudent conclusion that if something happens, a punitive action will be taken against this obvious aggression by the regime. we must pay attention to the fact that if you remember, during the night and in fact the first 24 hours of the terrorist incident in damascus, there was a lot of effort to
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create a controversial excitement in the country. that the leadership system and the military forces are accused of not having the necessary will to deal with israel, but what happened tonight actually shows how much the leaders of the system are based on a logic. based on a principled strategy and without avoiding actually draining emotions, deciding to plan according to the doctor's order with a previous announcement with an official announcement. and in the past two or three nights , almost 20 prominent foreign ministers in the world actually talked to our foreign minister on the phone to exchange messages and feedback , and to announce their own agendas. these all show that the republic today, islamic iran
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has reached a level of deterrence power and in fact its own defensive power, which is beyond the certainty of the zionist regime and the operational think tank of america, and that the zionist regime at this stage has suffered a the calculation error became serious and it came to hit a military area and a diplomatic place that has responsibility within the framework of international law , he did this criminal act. what was
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the reason why he suffered this calculation error? fact it was the result of a process. see how that process went . since the beginning of the gaza war, netanyahu tried his best to turn the war from the level of the zionist regime and the palestinians in gaza into a war between the united states and the islamic republic of iran. in fact, one of netanyahu's goals did not happen actually, this was after some messages were exchanged between the united states and tehran. practically , netanyahu came to the conclusion that his goals were not practically met, so he tried to make the war different and beyond the occupied territories, so that in a way, iran, according to him, is involved in
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a war with the united states. do it because he thought that if iran shows any reaction, america will definitely enter into a direct confrontation with the support of the zionist regime. in fact, netanyahu's miscalculation happened here, which he imagined he wanted to put iran in front of the united states of america, but he made a big mistake, and he will certainly pay back his punishment, especially since netanyahu did not want the war to lead to a ceasefire, which was speculated about. go because we all know that he is a loser. the main one, especially in the political field of the zionist regime, is the person of netanyahu. yes, thank you. we have pictures of the missile hit by the islamic republic of iran on the most important airbase of the zionist regime in the negev region. channel 13 of the zionist regime
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announced that seven missiles hit this important airbase of the zionist regime. and based on according to reports, more than half of the missiles fired at the occupied lands have successfully hit the targets. another news is that the sources of the zionist regime announced that the firing of the iron dome and flakhon daoud in tel aviv has ended and so on. in fact, it does not have a missile to track missiles and drones. which was thrown deep into the occupied territories, this
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is the statement of the 13th channel of the zionist regime. well, the people of different parts of our country, in an interview with the
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national media , support a report on iran's retaliatory action against the zionist regime in the attack on the embassy of the islamic republic of iran. see sense they were proud that iran was really able, of course, that it was able to give an answer to this usurping zionist regime on time, and we are very happy. alhamdulillah, we gave the tact of the supreme leader of the revolution and the precious forces of the islamic revolution. if iran did not respond, what do you think would happen if. if iran didn't respond, i think that it was possible that this hideous regime would allow itself to repeat this crime , but thank god that this response is overwhelming.
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israel's crime is so great that even if i were to be crushed, it would still be small. all these children , all these children, all these women, young, old, old men, all of them have been reduced to dust and blood . he would have pursued his rights only in international courts. unfortunately, we have gone to many of these courts now, and we have not seen any results. if they attack iran, our consulate will attack them. we must definitely attack them we are happy that anyone who loves his homeland and loves his compatriots and defenders of his homeland should be happy about this firm and retaliatory action
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that should make the enemy face down . the sacred defense of our nation is to show that against nine countries, against 72 countries of the world, especially and the victory was and will be with our nation in the end, that it was a sincere promise that was made by the prophet , and it was fulfilled, and, god willing, israel's life has come to an end. he was reacting to this situation with this situation that iran has to answer if iran didn't answer, they would have become more and more. they should answer. we should thank those who did this move and tell them not to be tired because there was room and there was a need to do this . what
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do you think would happen if we didn't react? you couldn't say to this country anymore, they should know that this is iran, we are against everything they do and we are against these things , they should react and agree 100. what can be the best punishment for israel, in your opinion , if we can destroy them? don't be at all on this stage, the message of authority is duran knock on the door , are you happy with iran's response? yes, i am very happy . what do you think would have happened if iran had not responded to an israeli attack on the iranian embassy? well, they would certainly have become more arrogant. if the story was the other way around and iran had attacked the israeli embassy in another country , what do you think israel and its allies would do with iran? as the supporters of israel say , they would attack iran and condemn iran
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. if israel attacks iran , they will even help allah in an operation called a punitive operation against the islamic republic iran against the zionist regime started from the first minutes of the morning and caused excitement in the people and many people of our country in the cities of tabriz, zabel, isfahan, ahvaz, qom, kerman and even in various other places and even in kashmir.
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there is a gathering of people in palestine square, where you can see the flags of the islamic republic of iran and the resistance forces...
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allahu akbar, allahu akbar , allahu akbar.
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well, the pictures you see posted in the cyberspace a few minutes ago, as well as the media, show that the rockets and drones of the islamic republic of iran passed through the flakhan and gondab ahin missile defense systems. hit the predetermined targets.


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