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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 9:30am-10:00am IRST

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what i understood was that they are discussing what they should do, i.e. what will their reaction be, they must be trying to get political support in the first stage, and a promise should be made to them that i will provide this political support for you. biden's meeting, who said that you won, yes, he said, let's say you won, say we won, we also accept, that is , he said in that movie that we won, today's meeting of the security council will return, but i understood that this meeting will not be an important political achievement for them. he was referring to another discussion that was in biden's statement the issue was about group 7. group 7 is a place where russia and china are not present, and the west can push their agendas forward more easily. it may be a political environment. the body of statements should be formed, saying
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that a diplomatic response should be given when the consulate of the islamic republic of iran was attacked. this response cannot be effective. in front of the eyes of the world, the penetration points and holes of these air defense systems were opened and not only iran showed them, but today their resistance the view of other countries that have problems with the zionist regime and feel threatened, they all understand that these systems do not work under the conditions that this system can be used with drones whose price is one tenth or sometimes even one hundredth of the iron dome missiles. keshon's inefficiency and in this direction
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there is also the ground for bigger strikes by the zionist regime. therefore, the zionists are definitely trying to gain prestige and take some action , but my impression is that the soil of the islamic republic of iran is safer than it happened before and this definitely means more security for the people it will be our country. everyone was happy together, a feeling of national pride was formed , there was an empathy, except for a minority who stayed outside and lost their national sweat. we witnessed last night's cyberspace full of
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pride and pride in the defense capability of our country. iran is demanding their national honor and this can exist in a situation where we have different political, economic and cultural views, but the issue of nationality, the issue of pride in the name of iran , is not an issue that is the source of disagreement. okay, and that's why we felt this last night and the messages that are coming i saw the people and i understood that they have this feeling and pride, maybe some people are worried and surely , in the government in the parliament, the government will try to resolve these worries. if you didn't give it, you could have reacted more than it cost a lot. thank you very much for
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this morning, when the military operation of the promise took place, and with the passage of iranian drones and missiles over the sky of various countries in the region, in the images that were broadcast before, you can see the happiness of the people in we were in different countries and in different cities and maybe it should be said that most of these joys happened in gaza . see pictures of the happiness of the people of gaza from the peace that ruled over this city last night. well, you are watching images from the first. at this hour
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, iran's drone and missile attack on the occupied territories and the images recorded by the palestinians in the gaza strip, and many of the residents of the gaza strip pointed out that after 190 nights, the continuous sound of bullets, mortars and rockets of the zionist regime in gaza, they heard this sound last night , it was very audible and very relaxing for the people of gaza, and last night the people of gaza passed a peaceful night and their wish was that this war leads to be a deterrent for the zionist regime, similar to this incident in many other countries in iraq, we have seen many people expressing their happiness by being on the streets, and
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we have had double this in different cities of our country. people were present in the streets of the city until late in the morning and were happy about the response of the islamic republic of iran to the terrorist operations of the zionist regime in damascus and against the consulate of the islamic republic of iran embassy, ​​but let us have an analysis of the media from ms. ranieh ghasemi, an arab expert the language of the media field and let's see how the reflection of this operation was, especially in the media of the region and arab countries. hello ms. ghasemi, please tell me what is your analysis of the type of coverage of this news in the media, especially in arab countries. ms. ghasemi , you have my voice ms. ghasemi ms. ghasemi, an expert in the field of
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media, may you clarify your analysis of the arab-language media's payment to vahadeh operations. it had wide repercussions at the regional and global level. in this connection, it is necessary to cover media coverage at the regional level to these crimes of the zionist regime, which in response to these crimes of the regime zionism took place, which
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was very widespread at the level of regional media and news agencies , especially in relation to america, which is the supporter of the zionist regime, arab media and news reporters related to the sadiq operation, it must be said that this operation was of great interest from the same hours first, it is actually trending and very wide in level. the media of the region in the social networks in the virtual space have received attention and these attacks of the regime, these attacks against the zionist regime that targeted its bases
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were very widespread at the public level, the american media, for example cnnbc network and sky news networks and other alien and roit networks. widely covered this operation. of course, the media tried to reduce and minimize the capability level of the islamic republic of iran and tried to censor it in connection with the military power and authority of the islamic republic of iran and the missile and uav capabilities of the islamic republic of iran that target the zionist regime and the occupied territories. they gave. these media tried.
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ignored what happened. and represent in a completely imaginary and illusory way a completely imaginary victory for the zionist regime to attribute and represent that the zionists were able to intercept and shoot down the missiles, now that the reality was something else . they presented sadegh in an upside-down way and an actually upside-down image and
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presented a distorted description of this operation which was completely contrary to reality . about the nuclear capability and the military capability of the islamic republic in iran, i must say that the officials of analysts at the regional level showed a lot of effort and activism in this regard and described it as very extensive and historic and unprecedented, which was the largest drone and missile operation in history . the media officials even at the global level , it should be said that the western media and the media
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have covered this issue from moment to moment and presented the news in this connection, and covering this shows that from in the first moments of these media , they were the observers of this operation and covered it as operation promise i wish sadiq was the subject of kash and analyzed and researched. in fact, in different arenas, regionally and internationally, it was described as very sensitive and unprecedented in terms of the volume of the operation, and political figures and political activists and different media addressed this issue from different perspectives and dimensions. and in fact, as a result, foreign and western media could not carry out this operation as they wanted. censor and ignore and censor the volume of operations. in this connection
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, main said that at different levels people in arab and islamic countries celebrate and this operation they cherished the fact and this operation was their concern and joy. thank you, mrs. ranieh ghasemi , a media expert from various networks, who provided an analysis and what she called. i followed the danger of the media . thank you. i will say goodbye to you. minutes of the description of the operation from the words of major general bagheri , chief of the general staff of the armed forces . please see that this operation took place under the supervision of the armed forces and with the approval of the supreme national security council. see, listen, we will come back , we are still with mr. dr. amoui in the studio. bismillah rahman raheem minutes from the end
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the combined operation of the islamic revolution guards corps' aerospace force is called "wormeh sadiq" and to know why this operation was carried out in such conditions and its strategic aspects, they talked with sardar selshekar bagheri, the chief of the general staff of the armed forces . we supervised this operation and this operation was carried out under the supervision of the general staff of the armed forces. we ask you about the strategic aspects of this operation and why this operation was carried out under such circumstances and on such a day . it was completed from last night until this morning and all its goals were achieved. the reason for this operation is the crossing of the red lines by the zionist regime. it was absolutely unacceptable for us that the zionist regime
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targeted the consular section of the embassy of the islamic republic of iran and targeted the legal advisors of our country who have a legal presence in that country at the invitation of the syrian government to fight terrorism. it was a testimony to cross the red lines that in the last 10 days all over the world, except for two or three countries that are absolute supporters of the zionist regime , condemned this action and this it was an action that should have been answered , the supreme leader also said that this punishment should be carried out, and thank god , this operation was carried out with the efforts of the revolutionary guards and the help of other armed forces. the operation was planned in such a way that both the large information center that
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provided the necessary information for this crime to the zionists in the heights of jabal al-sheikh on the border of syria with occupied palestine and the nawatim airbase where the f-35 planes were targeted were targeted. placing our consulate in damascus has been targeted from there, and thank god for both of them these centers were significantly crippled and disabled. in this operation , a significant number of drones, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles were used , using well-thought-out tactics and appropriate design. the iron and nine missile defense shields of the zionist regime could not have a significant countermeasure against these facilities and operations, and
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the operation achieved its goals, and america, which declared that it did not know about the damascus operation , but it was actually carried out with its green light, declares he followed the development of tension in the region no, but our information indicated that in defense of the zionist regime , he intervened with all his might in the iraqi and jordanian airspace and tried to stop the khansa operation, but he was unable to do such a thing and the operation achieved its goal. we see this operation as a complete result , and this operation has ended in our opinion, and there is no intention to continue this operation, but if the zionist regime takes action against the islamic republic of iran, either on our soil or in the centers belonging to us
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in the country do it in syria or somewhere else , our next operation will be much bigger than this. our capability was based on having a missile and drone operation against the regime tens of times bigger than this operation, but we did not do this, we tried to carry out the operation to the extent that this punishment happened . the aggressor army of the zionists should know that their aggressive actions and crimes will not go unanswered and we are definitely ready to defend our land, our interests, and our space in the best possible way. this operation was carried out by the irgc, but in synergy with the irgc islamic iran with
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the defense units of the irgc and the army are and still are responsible for the defense of the country's space. our armed forces are in full readiness. and if needed, they will act again. and the necessary measures for the security of the country's space and other centers of the country have also been implemented, and i hope that this successful operation will be a step towards the victory of the oppressed palestinian people against the occupying palestinian regime. thank you, but if america , the terrorist state of america, wants to cooperate with the regime against its hostile actions, what will iran's response be if you ask from any source or any place? to create threats against the islamic republic of iran and our borders and facilities, we
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conveyed this message to the us through the swiss embassy that if the us participates in the next aggressive actions through the bases it has in the region or the military facilities it has in the region ok, and this information is confirmed for us , america will not have bases, personnel and facilities in the security area, and we see him as an aggressor and we will deal with him as necessary. we decided to create a new equation, that new equation is: i follow the zionist regime at any point to our interests if he attacks our assets, our characters, and our citizens, we will retaliate against him from the beginning of the islamic republic of iran
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, and operation sadeq is an outstanding and clear example of this new equation. this is one point, but another important point is this. this battle is somewhat unknown and ambiguous for us. and it opened a new chapter of confrontation for us, and that was because the enemy's missile air defense systems, i.e. anti-ballistic and cruise missile defenses, and anti -manned or unmanned aerial defense systems in this is a small land. the area of ​​the zionist regime has been abundantly planted on the ground and expanded from the iron dome systems that deal with short-range projectiles
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to the flakhon dawood aero-toad systems and even the aid that the united states of america has provided in recent days in terms of air defense. it was completely coordinated with the zionist regime and this aid was implemented . they had created a deep and multi-layered defense against the zionist regime with the support of the united states from the airspace of iraq to jordan and even parts of syria as well as the airspace of the occupied territories . various planes, including f-15s. i see f-35 planes, which are ultra-advanced planes, gulf stream planes, and even
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refuelers, which provide continuous flight to enemy warbirds in the airspace, all of these are connected in the space and a fabric of an air defense. dense and multi-layered from the moment. the entry of birds into the airspace of iraq up to the middle of jordan was taken over, and from the west of jordan to the targets of the emir in the zionist regime , the zionist regime itself carried out its air defense . the systems were included in moqa these were in front of us, and
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it was a very difficult task to pass through this very complex, multi-layered and advanced system, that is, to design an operation that can pass drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles through this space, and they will land on the ground exactly with excellent accuracy. put these on point targets on the ground and destroy the targets. well, in a situation of severe electronic warfare, yes, in addition to that , the combined capabilities of the united states and the zionist regime in the field of electronic warfare have very decisive effects. it can be used on tools that are not used in the field are taken it can leave decisive effects. well, this required that a genius be created in the tactical design of this problem
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, that is, with very innovative and intelligent designs, very innovative and unknown to the enemy, and the use of tools that are able to neutralize, for example, mastery. the enemy is in the field of electronic warfare or is able to somehow implement tactics that make part of the enemy's systems ineffective, and the order and sequence of this operation was carried out in a way that cannot be said now, as dozens of drones and cruise and ballistic missiles at intervals at the right time, they were able
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to break these seemingly reassuring deep layers of air defense of the zionist regime. affect the difference in air defense between america and france and the zionist regime and make it less efficient, they can target the exact targets we want in the depth of the soil of the occupied territories that are used by the zionist regime. the objectives were very precise. we carried out a limited operation to the extent of the evils committed by the zionist enemy, and this operation could have been a very extensive operation, but we we limited the operation to that part of the capabilities that the zionist regime had used to attack the embassy of the islamic republic of iran and martyr our dear commanders and guards
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. the operation was successful. our success exceeded our expectations until this moment, even our information on all the hits is not complete, but the part of the hits that we have detailed and documented reports and field reports show that this operation was more than successful. our expectation has happened and naturally the people living in the land. these occupying and zionist authorities and the terrorist and occupying army the zionist regime and the united states are naturally better than us at recognizing the crushing effects of these blows and realizing them. the important point of the issue is this . i have a recommendation, and that is that the zionist regime
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should avoid past behaviors. he should stop and learn from this move. if the zionist regime shows any reaction, our reaction will certainly be much harder based on this new experience we gained from his capabilities. god is great, death to america, god is great to israel, al-nazir , islam and muslims, haider or al-bad al-haydri, islamic prostration islamic prostration, god is great, god is great, god is great.
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akbar allah , i am the land of hebron
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, i am the land of hebron, the fourth day of eid. it was designed in accordance with the action of this regime in the attack on the iranian embassy in damascus. major general bagheri said that in last night's operation , the zionist intelligence and support centers attacked the iranian embassy.


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