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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm IRST

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oh, sit in the front row , sit on the front page, sacrifice is over there on the other side of the fence , look, the joy of meeting is there, oh sit, sit on the first page , stand up for justice. the burden of trust left on your shoulders , get up. the first page, the first line, the first line, the line of service, the line of humanity , your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table, and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah , the most merciful. hello, iranian people, ladies and
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gentlemen, welcome to the first page. about 20 hours have passed since iran's response to the recent attack by the zionist regime on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus. until this moment among it is the highest news in all the important news media of the world and it has received a lot of attention from people in different countries, and naturally this happened in iran too, within a few hours when this news was broadcast. in other words
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, it was recorded and posted on one of the networks of one of the social networks. well , naturally, such a news can be discussed for days and weeks in different media and from different angles. in our program, we host mr. kazemi qomi, who is an expert on international political issues tonight we are at your service . we were at your service before in this program, of course, in the afghanistan issue, but now because of your experience, mr. doctor , we invited you in the international issue, and you kindly accepted our invitation. greetings and courtesy to your excellency and respected viewers, at the service of mr.
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doctor, until this moment, has there been any meaningful word from the occupation regime of jerusalem that carries this message or contains this message that it intends to respond to what happened last night? allah the most merciful rahim, peace and blessings of god be upon you the mujahideen of the path of truth, freedom and justice, we are going to go back, and god forbid this punitive action that the brave soldiers of the islamic republic of iran took in response to that action.
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in my opinion, the occupying regime of quds attacking a diplomatic center was more than a military maneuver against the occupying regime of quds , it was a maneuver of faith, in what sense does the islamic republic of iran stand outside of any kind of threat that the arrogant front and kurdish zionism made americans european allies of america , the countries that you saw today, their ambassadors were summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs, that is, the islamic republic of he stood up to these threats and showed his punitive operation. this is a power of faith. that
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the leadership of the revolution, the supreme leader of the revolution, that the country's armed forces decide to give a punitive response. then it is said that punitive response means less war, but preparation for any kind of response against the actions of the enemy. against the front of arrogance and zionism, this decision of the system was a maneuver of faith. the reaction of the regime during these 20 hours after the operation. this is why he quickly formed the security committee, so-called megvin lajneh masqar. how many there passing the resolution one is for people to leave the shelters. this can have an analysis
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that when it is said that people leave the shelters, it means that the regime does not intend to respond. if this is true , it means that the regime has come to the conclusion in a military and security assessment that if it wants to react , it will repeat a tougher reaction to the islamic republic of iran. it is not possible that they intended to delay this answer. two in this small security committee, the mission was given to the minister of defense and the minister of war to decide on the continuation of the situation well, until now, what we observed was that decisions were made in the committee and it was the prime minister who
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made the final decision. today, in addition to the prime minister, there is also the minister of war . the occupying regime's intention, we observed , was a serious and gross disagreement in the continuation of the installation of aggression against the people of gaza, while the military estimated that within two weeks, we will crush the issue of hamas resistance, and we will crush this land of resistance. we will occupy and move the people from this land to the borders that they thought at that time they are sending the chef of sinai island. based on this, two weeks turned into 190 days in the opinion that the military and
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the intelligence service of the occupying regime intended that we do not have the endurance of war for more than two weeks, as you can see, despite the fact that the commando units and deploying these special forces in the whole of gaza, but the main aggression of this regime in the genocide was air operations. the issue of what happened in gaza was not a military war, it was a genocide. you saw that what happened was the bombings by airplanes. the military actions of this regime against the people were blind and defenseless and rayan 190 days the aggression is not the resistance force weakened, hamas is acting more resistant today, not this occupied land
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remained in the hands of the occupier. you have seen during these last 10 days that the military and ground units of the regional regime have left most of them. that about two/thirds of these military units are out of efficiency and that your people remain, the regime came with land and air aggressions and took the people of gaza from the north and the middle region such as khan younis, and then dragged them to the border of rafah and rafah. that is, it is the point of connection with the borders of egypt, yes. based on this, the decision made by this committee shows that the regime does not intend to respond. he does not intend to answer, not that he does not have the will to transgress and answer.
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he does not have the capacity. in the official positions of senior military officials of our country. this point was emphasized after this punitive operation. at any point where the interests of the islamic republic of iran, the positions of the islamic republic of iran. the objectives of the islamic republic of iran should be discussed in any land and territory . the islamic republic of iran will carry out its own operation at the same point. i say that this operation was a maneuver of faith, that is, relying on god and connecting with your nation. streets different cities of the country came to support this operation that the regime did. this means
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that the system paid attention to the national demand. this was the demand of the people. people can't bear to see a diplomatic center of theirs, that a regime is genocidating a nation like dear palestine. therefore, what is the decision. is that the regime should not go to the operation against egypt, but we as the islamic republic of iran must be vigilant. that the enemy wants to use a principle of surprise. he should not carry out missile operations , but military operations with the help of mercenaries he wants to take action in the field of peripheral borders. if he wants to take action through intermediaries, we
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must be aware of this possibility, although the decision i made to tell people to leave the shelters was a non-active defense measure to keep people in the shelters, that is, to keep them in place, but now they are saying to come out. one implication is that the regime does not want to start an operation. one concept can be this as an escape and surprise operation , that's why the security forces of our country are alert today, that is , they are in a condition to respond to any reaction of the regime. but the reality of what happened is the characteristics of this practice. it is very, very important. it was a punitive operation minus the war. but at the same time
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it was very clever. let me tell you from a human point of view . this operation was very precise. that is, when you unleashed missile and drone fire on the entire occupied land, among others. telaviz, but the first issue that was of concern to our military apparatus in choosing the target was that the people should not be harmed, that the service centers should not be harmed, this was an important issue , however, the operation was very broad, broad but smart, you see, after this operation, it is really a peace reigned over the country. one of the issues that i think is extremely important in this operation, and its effects
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have a deterrent effect at the operational and military level, but it is very effective at the strategic level . arian kurds, you see freedom-loving and justice-loving nations. the nations of the axis of resistance, the oppressed people of palestine and gaza, you saw last night they were showing their pictures, saying that the punitive operation brought peace to gaza. this is a right front that came to support the operation that the islamic republic of iran did. on the opposite side of the arrogance front and it is zionism that supported the occupying regime of jerusalem . these are coming to chant. the americans
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were angry. countries like england, france and germany , which unfortunately have become toys today and want to threaten. islamic republic of these . this revelation of truth and falsehood in this operation shows itself, for this reason, i think it is the same. so that the al-aqsa storm operation showed that the regime of the attack mode to develop the situation. it became a defense to maintain the existence of this operation, it also showed that in the continuation of the al-aqsa operation, the conditions of the regime will no longer be connected to the western period, whether in the strategic dimension. we can see his failures, both in the operational range and in the thesis range, and if necessary, i
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will open them up a bit . 13 days have passed since the beginning of the year 143 when these pictures were published in the media. the zionist regime attacked the iranian consulate in damascus, the capital of syria, and martyred seven iranians, including mohammad reza zahedi, one of the top commanders of the quds force. iran announced that the zionists slapped their actions . the next day and after international organizations and the security council against this aggression iran's soil remained silent on sunday, april 26 , iran's slap against the zionists began in response to their aggression , which is being carried out in an operation called "sadiq's promise with code" or "rasulullah" against targets in the
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occupied palestinian territories. this operation first began with the flight of shahid's family. with a range of 2 thousand kilometers. according to reports and images, a large number of drones arrived near the occupied territories and the iron dome system was activated to intercept them. martyr zahedi golestan asman. missiles were fired from the grave of martyr zahedi, and it was in this situation that the second stage of the sadiq operation came with the arrival of iranian missiles began. liquid and solid fuel cruise and ballistic missiles with a range of 1,400 to 2,000 km. according to the received reports, half of the launched missiles hit their targets. according to the images received, these iranian missiles
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were hit in a situation where the zionists' iron dome radars and fire charges were active at the same time. one of the targets that iran destroyed was navatin air base , the most important zionist air base that they used to attack the iranian consulate. location of transportation and support planes and operational squadron of f-35 fighters, training place f-35 pilots and squadron 120. 22 spying of the zionist regime and the hangar of the special plane of the head of the regime and the headquarters of a large number of senior elements of the spying of the zionist regime show only a part of the importance of this base, which was destroyed as promised. allahu akbar. however, as the records show, the true promise
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was iran's largest missile attack in the past years. the longest and longest geographical range in iran's drone and missile operations was recorded in this attack. and according to cnn, this operation is known as the largest drone attack in the history of the world. seyyed mohsen hosseini of sada news agency sima you can see the program on the first page that tonight is hosted by mr. kazemi qoumi, an expert on international and political issues, whose topic is the response of the islamic republic of iran to the attacks of the occupying quds regime on iranian diplomatic forces and
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iranian military advisors in damascus last night, mr. kazmi qoumi. they check the success of the operation from a military point of view, and we saw some of those points in my colleague's report. some of the public opinion is measured in terms of numbers, for example, if we killed this many people , how many did we kill here ? the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus became. we gave 7 martyrs, but if we want for example in similar cases or the previous attacks we had, for example , high-ranking iranian generals, high-ranking iranian generals who were martyred, so they look at it as an indicator like this, this indicator is the right indicator that we have with the number of killed let
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's measure and compare to see if we were successful in this operation or not. see, the action of the islamic republic of iran is not a punitive action against the jewish people. in gaza, where people were killed, you saw this action of this regime. which is a fake zionist political colonialist regime and it has a historical record of killing people innocently, the islamic republic
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did not seek revenge against the jewish people, it sought revenge against this zionist regime, and at the same time, in the type of operations and setting goals. one of the important issues for the islamic republic of iran is the people's side, so that the people do not suffer in these incidents, all the political, military , defense, economic, security goals of the occupying jerusalem regime are in the crosshairs of our country's war tools. but our problem is not the people's problem, our problem is that we are wasted with the child killing regime, that you, as
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the arabs say, a flirtatious operation, a vast but aimless operation, you release your missiles on the cities. how many thousands of people are killed in this terrible operation that took place, thousands of people were killed. the islamic republic is careful in its targeting, that it should target the regime correctly. two things are humane. people should not be targeted. this is one of the secrets of the success of the islamic republic. even in war, when it chooses a military target to liberate its regions, the issue of the people is important to them. here, i should
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mention our martyred commander haj qassem soleimani. there are millions of people, how to act to separate the ranks of the enemy and terrorism from the people so that the people are not harmed, this is the military art of the islamic republic, which is the link between militarism and morality, and the link between militarism and justice is what you say about the number of deaths in these operations. it's not enough . the islamic republic was never built to kill the jewish people , but now the statistics given by the regime are accurate. we are very different from what was said
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. imposing yourself on the enemy happens in this type of operation the united states has announced that we are still firmly behind israel, but we have no intention of entering militarily, we have no intention of getting involved militarily with iran. could this not be a lie? it means that they, for example , provide their equipment and facilities to israel, but in an official manner. they say that we did not interfere and we are not. look at how many americans we are in today's easy elections . entering into a crisis and a military challenge is definitely
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not in their interest. it is not that they want to create a crisis and project a crisis that will affect the elections, because the outcome of this war is not clear from the american point of view. if you say that we will continue this operation , we will start fighting with the islamic republic, the result is that we will win the elections. it started in 2001 , it failed in afghanistan, it failed in iraq , it failed in syria, it failed in every region where today we are witnessing the decline of american power, american hegemony in the region . he
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says that he raises in such a way that our military force it is already worn out, we have to spend several hundred billion dollars to rebuild it in terms of equipment , psychologically and psychologically. today, our american soldiers no longer fight the war . note that we support, but the war should not continue. this is the reality of the scene. it is not ruled out that once the enemy makes a calculation mistake. accordingly, today the islamic republic of iran is vigilant in supporting the people. that is, we pay attention to the cane of surprise. that the enemy at this time. i have to
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he made sure that under any circumstances, the enemy will not benefit from an aggressive operation, that the americans will not benefit from the crisis in occupied palestine becoming a regional crisis, especially that he does not show the tactical and operational evidence when you want to launch an offensive operation. do it , you must see the evidence one by one , the military forces will be moved, i don't know what the combat formation will be, what the support operation will be , what will the psychological atmosphere be like, the international atmosphere must be prepared, we don't see this situation. but i said that there was an error it can't be ruled out by calculations, we can't ignore that even though
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the facts don't show this, but we want to say that this operation is not 100, no, we have to be alert and ready, but my impression of senom was what they said. there are two views , one of them is that they say that israel has lured iran into a trap, so that, for example, iran gets involved, and now , behind its back, the united states, or in any case, its partners in europe and the rest of the world, will also enter, and a war between iran and these countries will occur. let's take a picture he fell into a trap, which means he fell into such a trap that bob opened something against himself that had never been
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seen before. it acts in pursuit of a projection of the crisis from the occupied palestinian geography of gaza, turning this crisis into a regional crisis, in which the islamic republic of iran is the axis of resistance, the other side is america , the allies and supporters of this regime . . with a strategic goal in a security crisis area that happened in syria, an attack on this consular action was a tactical action with a strategic goal based on the same principle that it was said that the islamic republic should go towards a harsh reaction. i said that this operation is a punitive operation.


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