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tv   [untitled]    April 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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israel is acting in pursuit of projecting a crisis from the occupied palestinian geography of gaza, turning this crisis into a regional crisis, where on this side the islamic republic of iran is the axis of resistance, on the other side, america is the allies and supporters of this regime. this is not a discussion today. it happened that an operation . a tactic with a strategic objective happened in a security crisis area in syria. the attack on the consulate was a tactical action with a strategic objective on the same basis that it was said that the islamic republic should go towards a tough reaction. i said that this operation is one of the characteristics of the operation. ton operation. minus the war means we are in
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let's not fall into the prime minister's trap. now, within the cabinet itself and between the cabinet and the prime minister , there are severe differences and severe conflicts , which means that they cannot continue this situation. the prime minister of this regime sought to it is certain for us to create this projection. this is not about the operations of the past few days that happened in syria , the operations that took place in lebanon , the operations that took place in syria, the operations that took place in iraq, the terrorist operations that took place in iran, and the traces of this regime. is showing these can be signs
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that the regime tried to create this trap. but the islamic republic carried out this type of smart operation. now the regime is left and the islamic republic has declared. i will tell you this too. the weapons that the islamic republic used in this operation are still not the kind of mind-boggling weapons. this. these weapons showed that the occupied palestinian space is unprotected, the iron dome of the mountain, you saw that in the pictures it shows , these rockets and warheads are hitting the ground , not in one place, not in two places, in tel aviv. the defense system, including the iron dome, was completely destroyed.
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this is a fact, as a result, whether he is right or not, with the end of his leaks, while these facilities that have been used, for example , are radar escapes, i don't know that the islamic republic has not yet shown its new versions, and these are not only for the regime, but also against the supporters of the regime, if they take an unwise action against the interests of the iranian people, the reaction of the officials of the islamic republic of iran with the support of the nation and trust in god will be very difficult. for this reason, the islamic republic entered this crisis that the occupation regime of al-quds is pursuing. it was a war to create a region, in fact, the crisis of a small geography. let it become a big regional space
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, actors of the stage in this conflict, the regime will no longer be a regime, sometimes it should create an openness for itself, that side of iran is the resistance front, this side is at your service , america, zionism and the supporters of this regime, the situation should not be like this now, while we have to be really careful not to get into such a challenge, which i'm sure won't happen. some believe that if israel does not respond militarily to this incident , a political reaction will be very sharp in the meeting tonight, the un security council is being held at israel's request. i think it will be held in the next two or three hours.
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what do you think the occupying regime will be looking for? what goal will he pursue and will he succeed? you see, the reaction of the permanent members of the security council does not have a single point of view in accompanying this regime. well, some of the permanent members who have the right to veto condemn the policies of the west in support of this regime . of course, in my opinion, this is not a big deal . it is a human issue it's a human rights issue, it's a global peace and security issue , while i protest the western policy in supporting this regime, this is the minimum, but this itself
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is an expression of the fact that there will be no consensus , what is the regime looking for? it is looking for a resolution from the security council on the condemned. the intention of this punitive action will come out. i don't think this will happen. but there are several issues. today, the condemnation of the islamic republic by governments such as england, germany, and france is of no importance. it doesn't matter why, it's very clear. it has been 6 months since the people of france and germany. and the british are condemning the policies of the government that this policy the policies adopted by our governments are anti-human and support a child-killing regime. now they should condemn the expression of the islamic republic. they have no value in front of their own nations. now they
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should take the expression of these positions in the security council . the important thing to pay attention to is the effectiveness of the united nations and the security council because they are under the control of the great powers. isn't it the responsibility of the security council to help create peace and stability and global security? the aggressions that took place in yemen are the aggressions that the regime is doing today. the aggression that happened in iraq at any point in our region in west asia. what did the security council do? and this, in my opinion, shows that in the same way that a system of nations was formed in the first world war, then it showed its inefficiency, today the system of this
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international organization is being pulled in this direction . if there was a center that dealt with the aggressor, the government they are not going to defend their own interests, they say that there is an authority that stands against injustice and oppression , because it does not exist, freedom-loving nations and independent governments go to create power for the legitimate defense of the islamic republic of iran. he turned and today, the islamic republic became a model. today, you can see that the movements in the streets of europe are not the only ones. o asia, latin america, in support of the action of the islamic republic of iran and in condemning the occupying regime , you can see that the islamic republic 's movement was a human movement, a human movement.
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if i want to summarize, this act of punishing the islamic republic of iran shows the islamic republic's attention to international justice. international justice means supporting the oppressed against arrogant oppressors like the occupation regime of jerusalem. this punitive operation should be stopped. this was shown by the leading islamic republic. international justice is in the protection of nations , so we will not go to war even though we have to take care . well, now the discussion of the united nations has been brought forward. the islamic republic of iran announced that last night's move was a natural and legal right, which is stipulated in article 51 of the united nations charter
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. let's see the report of my colleagues for more information about this issue. iran has the right to defend itself with israel's attack on the iranian consulate in syria, a completely illegal action in violation of international law. an unwarranted act of war against iran took place. israel has failed in its efforts in gaza and now they are looking to expand the war. and all this is with the imperialist support of america. this could not happen. israel's attack on iran in iran's consular territory was not possible without american support. at the same time , the support and defense of the palestinians must continue. at this moment there are discussions about what kind of ceasefire agreement. it can exist, continued, and this is an agreement that israel and
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the zionists cannot accept, because it really proves their failure. well, about 13 there are 14 minutes left of our program time and we are at your service, mr. kazemi, one question that arises is whether. did last night's event change the equation in the middle east? let me ask another kind of question . now i try not to ask too bluntly, but i may understand that you might ask me bluntly , or not bluntly, for example, it's not with you. in a way, they are looking for, for example, sovereignty and superiority.
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from an expert point of view, has there been a change in the equation of power and this sovereignty in west asia or not at all? i would like to say that it is not a very supportive view of governments that lack interest. people in the region believe that the survival of the government is in the hands of this occupying regime. last night's operation showed that this regime cannot gather itself, how can it defend others, this is a very big issue for the governments that seek normalization. of course, i don't like the term normalization
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. i say that the governments that wanted to reveal these hidden relationships belong to two parties, but it was hidden in the new environment . today, they came to the conclusion that this action other these are not for their own benefit, not today. the demands of the people and the condemnation that the people of the region are doing against this fake regime forces the governments to no longer be able to cooperate with this regime, although these governments that sought to normalize relations will definitely suffer defeat and damage. it happened today. the regime's security empire was broken. of course, in that
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operation, al-aqsa storm was broken. i emphasize this point. the regime that attacked in order to develop the situation today is forced to defend to maintain its existence. when the polls after this this is the operation. which diet? he wants to come with this regime, which is itself unstable, and today they are forced to stay in the camps. today, you can see at the tel aviv airport that the line they are forming to get out of this occupied land is getting wider day by day, military damage, damage. the economists who have realized that the estimate of last night's operation shows that the economic impact is very, very, very significant, because of this, it weakens
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the position of the occupying regime in the region, which i believe is that this operation was not against the occupying regime, it was against the supporters of this regime in the reach of the united states. the face let him threaten that if iran reacts , what will i do, the islamic republic will also operate , saying that if you react, we will. in return, i will react harder. well, in the estimation of these revolutionary leaders and leaders who lack the support of the people, either this regime or the united states , they will face a new situation in which they cannot be relied upon. they are doing their own release operation, mr. kazem qoumi, there are unofficial reports from some
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knowledgeable experts who say that we have access to information. we found out about more dimensions and details of the results of last night's operation, which will be given to the people in the coming days at their own time after being compiled and edited. . although military commanders and military defense experts should talk about this more information, but in terms of the implementation of this operation , we should first send a series of drones, and then a few hours later, 2 hours, 3 hours later, for example, with a cruise missile and then
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let's continue this with the missiles that went away, what kind of plan does this show or what a program can probably be analyzed and come to the conclusion that an operation takes a lot of time from the beginning to reaching the target, and what is now in the expert military evaluation shows that most of the weapons that were fired hit. to the goal of one of the goals. it was a military base that targeted our consulate in syria . destroyed well, it shows that the weapons of the islamic republic are aimed at women. yes, i said those human issues. look. if very brief. also, sorry.
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i mean the form and image of its implementation, that is, for example, that we are the first rockets we didn't send them, first we started with the drone, 2 hours later we went to the cruise missile and then these missiles are military tactics. end the so-called defense reserve. if they are finished, then the missiles will arrive, basically, our drones are not directly aimed at hitting, no, it was me , it was also because they actually carry explosive charges with them , and they themselves are the target of the dot. are see
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you are now entering into a tactical discussion. yes, see tactical discussions. the speed of a missile is different from a drone, it is different from a cloud. at the same time, this operation was carried out in several stages, but they were complementary to each other. this is in the policy-making and targeting of military operations, even from where to participate. you have seen that the americans sending a message that operations should not be carried out from iran. but you saw the operation from iran, now why are they saying that there should be no operation from iran? my reason is that the operation that starts from iran is a formidable operation, which means that iran has military capabilities that can carry out strategic military operations, one of them is ballistic missiles, that is, when he says that iran
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should not operate, it means that it should be operated with a small scope , but look at iran. it is expedient and you can see that today, after the operation that took place, the authorities of the country are in a very, very calm state, they are taking care of things inside the country. create that now. there is a war, people attack gas stations and i don't know your shopping malls, these events show the type of this authority in the system has been created. in a way, an alliance has been established between the nation and the regime, and the world has seen this , so let me tell you the truth, because i have little time, the operation that was carried out last night
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was along the lines of operation storm, operation al-aqza, at the strategic level, the enemy was completely defeated . what is the strategic level, the enemy was looking for resistance and the economy of the failure in the tactical field did not evacuate the people , nor was it able to occupy this land, nor did the resistance disappear, and you look at it, it means that
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it suffered a gross failure in all its parts, this operation was the consolidation point of this failure and definitely in the decisions the future regime of this operation will be highly effective. it was our officials to announce our reaction against any action against our donations and interests in any region, this will be terrible. this is the memory that the media belonging to the saiti regime and its allies have the dimensions of damage that can be seen or casualties or so-called damage that reduces vision. now they want their own people to somehow not have this expectation to attack iran and respond to iran, one of the goals of this, well, if you really
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see the dimensions of this damage that has been done, the entire occupied palestinian land was targeted by this operation , the islamic republic if you want to continue this operation does it have a hundred times the capacity of last night's operation? definitely and forcefully. it means that he can plow this land in a few hours. but there are human considerations. the islamic republic has regional and international calculations. anyway, it has its own exact calculations. one of them is that we should not enter into an unwanted war. that they should report the results of this operation in such a way that
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they downplay the importance of saying that now we don't need to react to iran. one of those goals can be the same. if this dimension is opened, the jewish immigrant people who come and have today in that much the reverse migration of the body will accelerate again. today, the regime in the army is facing a fundamental problem in order to replace the reserve forces with its main forces, that is, the reserve force that it brings means that it must separate these from the jobs. bring the reserve forces to speak. fight now in this fundamental problem, now if the dimensions of this operation, the continuation of this operation. so that the people know that the pressure will definitely be doubled and the conditions
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will be more difficult for the regime. you talked to yourself and gave your analysis. thank you too. i hope it was a good program. have a good night and good times. labik, or hossein labik, or hossein labik, or hossein labik , or hossein koli, who lives in our color, masha'allah , hezbollah, masha'allah, hezbollah, what is iran's thinking full of acceptance.
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peace be upon israel peace be upon israel peace be upon israel palestine is victorious israel is destroyed palestine is victorious israel is destroyed haider haider haider haider labik or hussein labik or hussein labik or hussein death to america
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i am the generation of the cry of our leader pihar, i am the generation of the way our martyrs, hiharzle, death to america, death to israel, death to israel, over and over again , over and over again
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello dear viewer , it is 20:30 and we are at your service with some news. iran's missile and drone response to the zionist regime's attack on our country's embassy in damascus was accompanied by reactions.


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