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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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if there is an attack on iran, these friends will target the attacking country, the only reason is because we have now realized that neither the americans nor the israelis have any humanity anymore, the activities they are doing are for the purpose of living in the same world , which has nothing to do with it at all. they can do whatever they want, the un could not do anything, even after the last resolution, israel was completely indifferent , of course, the structure of the un is capable. it is about to collide, but this will not happen due to the presence of the united states. this is why this discussion of deterrence is important. basically, you have an army for in order not to attack you, you make a missile, in order not to attack you, sometimes you have to use this missile to send a message that you will not be attacked, and it is in this style that countries can save themselves from war. i know the video. i saw the same voice and voice talking to the people , one of these people said a very correct point that
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iran attacked, it attacked at night, why this is a very correct word to prevent war, because if that message continues in netanyahu's mind, as mr. miller said. he would find and khansh ghalat would fit in the same way that iran can be attacked kurds and iran do not answer, then there would be a war, that is , you. this is a question that the officials of the countries that are involved in the conflict are together. this is a question that needs to be answered. what is the threshold of tolerance of the other side? yesterday, iran announced that the threshold of tolerance is its soil. okay, whether it is related to the country itself, if it is attacked, iran will respond, for this reason, this message has confirmed this message and this has also been confirmed . it has been confirmed that we have such an interpretation from the beginning, it is definitely the same, and then the other side will know what price to pay. he is definitely
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not ready to pay that cost, in order to protect the country from last night's operation it shows the power of iran in the international level , it shows the nature of the zionist regime, and for this reason, its importance is very important. thank you very much , mr. bazargan, are you still with us? i have another one from you. we mentioned the half of operations last night , the things that iran did, but let's talk a little about what iran did not do, but could have done. iran is playing a role in damascus that when talking about iran's responsive scenarios , many options were listed. now, mr.
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eizdi, from mentioning regional actors to highlighting certain points, all these options have been discussed in the international media and analyzes in these two weeks. it has a message for the rulers of tel aviv . as i said, last night's operation was a clear and clear warning message before it was actually an attack, and that clear warning message was that we will reach the occupied land, our weapons will arrive. we can use iron bombs and we have the will to do this, even you who are backed by a superpower like america, even you who have nuclear weapons, so this message is timely.
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unused sour cream. our hypersonics are not used. as dr. eizdi said, we used a one-dimensional attack from the soil of the islamic republic of iran itself. our allies in the region did not accompany us. imagine that the vulnerability of the iron dome that you saw last night would be hit simultaneously from northern israel, hezbollah, lebanon, iraq, syria, and yemen. how vulnerable the area. and... the most important thing
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is our nuclear threshold, which israel clearly knows, if it wants to carry out repetitive actions , our nuclear threshold may, for any reason , reach a full cycle and reach full nuclear deterrence. i have a final question for you , last night's incident had a lot of messages and words, maybe the list is long and long, but if you want to choose only one point, one point as the most important point and aspect of last night's answer, which one would you say? the first point i mentioned, the most important one, was to calculate the cost benefit to deal with a power nuclear has completely changed. as someone who was a student of the late asgharkhani for many years and followed the theory of nuclear deterrence
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, last night the rule of calculating the cost of the benefit of nuclear marketing completely changed for me . that should serve as a servant. you emphasized many times in your program, but i must emphasize again that this mentality that we had from the first day that we should not interfere, we should kill ourselves to stay safe, this mentality is wrong . not that let's intervene and go to war. my suggestion is that we should always calculate the moment when a crisis occurs in your region, in your neighborhood, the mystery of security arises. let's face the worst scenarios, and the best way to prepare is always to build a nuclear arsenal, and this path still has a long way to go, the war in gaza is still going on, there is still a possibility of trump's coming to power, and we still have to prepare , maximize our forces, and encourage
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our country's defense forces to support us. now is the time to criticize and criticize our country's military force, and this is not the time. now is the time to be consistent integration, now is the time to support the country's power. now is the time to encourage and maximize the power. thank you . farewell to you, mr. bazargan. he targeted the points he targeted and especially the navatim air base. let's see this report , we will still be with you in today's world. a vast desert tunnel in the south of the occupied territories. negev is known for its red sunsets. and a military base between the valley
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and the dunes. novatim air base belongs to the zionist regime has concentrated its combat power, intelligence and support in it. a place to hold joint exercises with the united states and deploy the f-35 fighter jets, which they bought from the united states. navatim is the same base where the terrorist operation against the consular section of the iranian embassy was carried out. it is directed from it and kharmoun in the north of the occupied territories is a base at an altitude of over 2000 meters that overlooks syria and lebanon. the zionists
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have named it the only eye of israel 820, or their electronic eavesdropping intelligence agency , is spying from here. part of the hits that we have detailed and documented reports and what we know from them is that this operation was more successful than we expected. saeed zanganeh of sed and sima news agency.
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we are still with you in today's world. i will continue the conversation with dr. fadi zadi. you are a professor of american studies. use this aspect as well, how have the americans reacted since last night, how do you analyze their behavior , their words, especially the 205-minute phone call between biden and netanyahu. see the same appearance not from yesterday but now from the past six months. americans want to present the body that these police they are good and there is a bad policeman named netanyahu , he is not joking with anyone, he commits crimes and bombs . now they don't say that he is committing a crime, but he is envious of himself in targeting and targeting the places he wants to hit. and the americans say that we are the ones who adjust. i beg you not to believe this. america
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is in the middle of the field. the events that are happening in gaza are under the guidance of the americans. americans are interested in this policy. yes, there may be a difference in tactics. like targeting the iranian embassy. maybe this is an american tactic. don't be of course, i don't think that you mean that the americans may not have the wrong house that netanyahu had, they may have differences of opinion in some cases, just as there are differences of opinion within netanyahu's cabinet, just as there are differences of opinion within biden's cabinet, but this does not mean that america is a good policeman, and israel, for example, should give a policeman, because america is worried about the future of israel, and america is worried about someone like that. it is netanyahu who prioritizes his personal political concern over the future of israel. you know, we
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have a problem in the country. my problem is that a percentage of our elites. the americans who speak believe these words , even though they have all experienced that americans lie a lot, but they feel that they believe the american side or they trust a part of the american governing body, they are interested now. knowingly or unknowingly, this will create problems for the country. it will be the same story of 8 years that the country has been waiting for the jcpoa and the fruit of the jcpoa, and this is why the propaganda that america is doing now is that yes, some of their publications said that nathan was taking off the planes. kurdish towards iran, then we said no , don't do this, you saw it in these funny movies he comes, then someone comes and says no, for example, there is a show , they are playing a theater, well, you see, sometimes
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in the same movies, they say, let him come and see what he is doing, he is acting in a movie and he is taking himself off, well, the zionist regime knows if he wanted an answer. let him come by plane, for example , hit somewhere in iran, the next failure of iran , as said, would be much more and stronger than what you are seeing now, which is what is happening because of the fact that the americans are trying to, but because of the problems they have in their own country there are elections, the problems that the public opinion of the people of the world have, in a way , create this mentality for someone like you, god teach the american father who they are, for example , they are stopping netanyahu. you are too interested in these discussions to think like this, even
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though you may hate america, even though you know that america is a criminal, but in the end , you will come to the conclusion that it is good that they are there, because if they were not, what would netanyahu do, that is, the soft literature of the americans. still tickling for some it is a gift, especially for those whose historical memory is not so strong or who like their historical memory. to limit , not to remember, or to have domestic political intrigues , to like to vote in the next elections, these people listen to the american words and accept them for many reasons. his words are that america's main job in the last six months was to buy time so that netanyahu could do what he wants to do. what do you think? where does it continue? this process, because there is now a discussion in gaza, the withdrawal of the ground military forces
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from gaza last week is still unclear and complicated for them. for two months, they say, we want to attack rifa , but no progress has been made in the prisoner case for netanyahu. after months of fighting , they could not free the captives with war . how long will this process of this game between netanya and biden continue? anyway, how close we are to the elections , time is running out to the detriment of biden. see, in my opinion, the estimate of the americans and israel itself was that after how many weeks can they tell the story of gaza? file. shut up, you are half of tehran, its area is half of tehran, it is not a big area, and when was the capture of gaza in the six day war, gaza was captured in 6 days , the sinai was captured, the golan was captured, many places were captured, it has been 6 months now, one of the reasons why there is no attack. that's enough, now you
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attack arfa too, then if it turns out that you have been attacked again in gaza. he wrote and came up with the interpretation that the israeli authorities are using. he worked it out. then he said that we were doing exactly the same thing in iraq . americans have been there for 10 years. again , it was getting out of our control. again, we saw people revolting. the movement continues. he says that the zionists in gaza are also facing the same problem . they enter the north and stay in the north for a while. then when they leave, there is another rebellion. hamas forces have the same facilities and the same situation. they are stationed and day after day from other places as well , this is the same in street wars, whether in gaza or in iraq
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or elsewhere, the force that is fighting against the dominating and occupying country, when will it win , when will it stay, as long as these there are these they are the winners, because the other party could not destroy them, it is impossible to destroy hamas, you may be able to destroy an organization, but you cannot destroy a nation, hamas is my palestinian nation, they are the children of the same people that you see , this cannot be done to the nation. destroyed. kurds, that's why the israelis thought that maybe this nation would regret the crimes they are committing. you see now , for 6 months, they have no electricity, no water, no food , nothing. one night in these 6 months, they did not give martyrs because of our operation, but the other night they gave martyrs , they also gave martyrs during the day. then you did not see these for example, 10 people gather together somewhere in gaza
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and ask hamas, why did you, for example, carry out this operation? didn't you see this crowd went to the border to gather to leave? some people go there because there is no other place, they go there to camp, but they don't go to leave. yes, it's a very strange thing. i know countries where the electricity goes out for an hour and they riot , they protest the government, some people curse. it can be interesting that what ukrainians and zelensky receive from americans and westerners, they say every day that it is not enough, if you don't help, we will destroy the whole ukraine. we shake hands
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your actions are a virus, westernism that makes people sick, on the other hand, this vaccine makes people's resistance to foreign aggression, this is the soft power of the islamic republic, which, by the way, was greatly promoted in the world in last night's operation, that is, people that is 6 months. they are crying blood when they see the pictures coming from gaza, now they see that iranians who are supporting this nation in action, we have a friend in china, the professor told me today, other than these networks, we went to a webinar with chinese professors. he told me that between muslims china, which has a population of tens of millions, is not a small population , the muslims of china, the population of the country is large, the muslim population is large
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, he said that they are now interested in iran because they see iran. this world image is very interesting. it means that 6 months ago , the zionist regime has been fighting and no one is on its side. it means that it does not dare to shoot a shot at it. they are not even ready to cut off their economic relations. it is iran that supports the resistance groups. do them every day and every night. they shoot rockets and rockets and confiscate ships from the zionist ships. no, and it will raise iran's position in the world, and this is not a small thing in this country . look at the stories of deterrence that we used to tell you. marketing has two obstacles : hard power brings restraint, soft power
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, soft power, why does it bring deterrence. if the soft power of the islamic republic is now at such a level that if it wants to attack iran, the same people who are in palestine all over the world are going astray in supporting iran. iran put it in the headlines of the whole world and the media for a few days because of the consideration you said means paying attention the first of them is that iran will attack tonight, then it could not happen, not tomorrow night, now iran will attack tonight, and last night you were also watching the international networks, all the frames were sometimes the same, from the missiles that arrived, the drones that arrived and all waiting last night was funny because this mr.
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higari, who was the spokesman of the israeli army, said yes, we had no problem, we all did so and so, then this was one corner of the picture, that corner of the picture was the same pictures that you showed that the rocket is coming and hitting where it should. bukhore and you know that the places where iran attacked were military environments not residential. if people can easily take a camera, it means that a lot of pictures could have been taken of a missile hit, but no one was there because many of the missiles that were going were at the bottom of the horizon and could not be seen. you know, after ain al-aswad said the same thing about prisoners, they said no, we didn't find any problem and no one was killed. 12 after a few months, the american media said 10
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lebanese politicians and writers were also there. mr. javad salam, one of the descriptions that has been repeated in the media since last night has changed western asian equations before and after iran's response, which takes place for the first time with israel's missile launchers , even some western analysts interpret this change of equations as the beginning of a new era . what is the difference between chaab before iran's answer?
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the zionist enemy received a big blow. and their supporters should reconsider their calculations .
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the neighboring countries of palestine, including lebanon , should stop. they should stop their own strife and aggression, and they understood this after last night. and trespassing on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus is considered an aggression because it is a diplomatic sanctuary there is, and in the laws of international standards, such
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privacy should be respected. yes, mr. javad , another question i have for you as an outside observer is your analysis of the policy that the americans and europeans are pursuing. they did not show up to condemn the zionist regime's attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy two weeks ago, even in the security council when the meeting was held. it became
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first choice at 3 in the morning, another part of the news. iran air airport and navigation company announced the cancellation of flights at the airports of mehrabad, shiraz, isfahan, according to the company's announcement , following the extension of the aviation warning of all bushehr, ahvaz and other airports in the west of the country until 6:00 a.m. on monday, the 27th of april. cancelled. the food and drug organization has announced drug shortages in a recent year 6


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