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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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kill the jewish people, but now the statistics given by the regime are accurate, we have also seen in gaza itself , the reprisals of the regime in terms of human and equipment losses are very different from what was stated, this is not the criterion of success, the criterion of success is this that you can with this power to restrain your own will. america has announced that we are still firmly behind israel, but we do not intend to enter militarily, we do not intend to get involved militarily with iran. could this not be a lie, that is, for example, they leave their equipment and facilities at the disposal of the friend of israel.
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but let's say officially that we didn't interfere and we don't, see how many realities we are facing . the americans are in easy elections today . entering into a crisis and a military challenge is definitely not in their interest. it is not that they want to create a crisis and project a crisis that will affect the elections. because the result of this war. this is not clear from the point of view of the americans who say that we will continue this operation, we will start fighting with the islamic republic, the result is that we will win the elections, no one has such an assumption. the global fight against terrorism, the decline of america
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it started in 2001, it failed in afghanistan , it failed in iraq, it failed in syria, it failed in every region where we are today, we are witnessing the decline of america's power, america's hegemony in the region. he says that our military force is worn out and we need to spend several hundred billion dollars. let's rebuild this in terms of equipment, psychologically, and today , our american soldiers don't fight anymore. this is a fact in the statements made between the president of the united states and the prime minister of this occupying regime. pay attention to this. yes, we support, but the war should not continue, this is the reality of the scene.
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it is not ruled out that once the enemy makes a calculation error, on this basis, today the islamic republic of iran is vigilant in supporting the people, that is, we pay attention to the principle of surprise that the enemy is an enemy in this situation, we must make sure that the enemy under any circumstances aggressive operations that.
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if possible, what kind of support operation should be , what kind of psychological atmosphere, and the international atmosphere should be prepared . we can ignore that even though the facts don't show this, but let's say that this operation is not 100, no, we have to be alert and ready, but my impression of senom was what i said. israel put iran in a trap where, for example, iran would get involved and now america behind its back or anyway its partners in europe and the rest of the world would enter and a war would take place between iran and these countries . the believer means that they say that israel
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has fallen into a trap bob opened something against himself that had never been seen before. what signs do you have in rejecting and confirming each of these two points of view? what the prime minister of israel is doing is following a projection of the crisis from the occupied palestinian geography of gaza, turning this crisis into a crisis. to a regional crisis where the islamic republic of iran is the axis of resistance on the other side, america is the allies and supporters of this regime. not today, it happened that a tactical operation with a strategic objective happened in a security crisis area in syria. the attack on
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the consulate was a tactical operation with a strategic objective. on the same basis as it was said that the islamic republic should go towards a tough reaction, i said that one of the characteristics of the operation is that this operation is a punitive operation minus the war, which means that we should not fall into the prime minister's trap. now, within the cabinet itself and between the cabinet and the prime minister with the armed forces, this the regime of severe disagreements and severe conflicts means that they have now come to the conclusion that they cannot continue this situation, first of all. the minister of this regime sought to create this projection, it is certain for us. this is not about the operations of the past few days that happened in syria during these few months of operations in lebanon the operations he carried out in syria, the operations
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he carried out in iraq, the terrorist operations that happened in iran, and the footprints. the regime is showing itself, these can be signs that the regime tried to create this trap, but the islamic republic carried out this kind of smart operation, now the regime remains and the islamic republic announced that i will tell you this too. the weapons that the islamic republic used in this operation are still there. these same weapons showed that the occupied palestinian space is without protection. you saw the iron dome of the mountain in the pictures it shows.
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these missiles and fahabads are being installed on the ground, not in one place, not in two places, in tel aviv. the defense system, including the iron dome , was completely destroyed, this is the fact, as a result, with it or not, with the end of its capacities , while now these facilities that have been used , for example, are radar escapes, i don't know, the implication is that the islamic republic still has versions the new one has not been shown yet, and these are not only for the regime but also against the supporters of the regime, if they take an unwise action against the interests of the iranian nation, the reaction of the officials of the islamic republic of iran with the support of the nation with
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trusting in god will be very difficult, because of this , the islamic republic entered this crisis that the occupying regime. he wanted to create a regional war , in fact, the crisis would turn from a small geography to a large regional space, the stage actors in this conflict would no longer be a regime , it would create a resort for itself, on the other side of iran, the resistance front , on this side, at your service, america is zionism and supporters of this regime, the situation did not turn out like this now, while we should really take care. if israel does not respond militarily to this incident , a very sharp political reaction will follow
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it will go to tonight's meeting of the un security council , which is being held at the request of israel . i think it will be held in the next two or three hours . what do you think the occupation regime will be looking for ? will it be easy for him, will he be able to create a consensus or not? see the reaction of the permanent members of the security council , they do not have a single view in accompanying this regime. well, some permanent members who have the right to veto condemned the policies of the west in support of this regime. of course, in my opinion. it's not a big deal, it's the minimum it's not a humanitarian issue, it's a human rights issue
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, it's a global peace and security issue, while i object to the western policy of supporting this regime, this is the minimum, but this itself is an expression of the fact that there will be no consensus among the following regime. it is looking for a resolution to come out of the security council condemning this punitive action. in my opinion, this will not happen either, but there are several issues. today , the condemnation of the islamic republic by governments such as england, germany, and france is of no importance. why? it doesn't matter, it's very clear that the people
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of france, germany and england have the government's policies for six months they condemn that the policies adopted by our governments are anti-human in support of a child- killing regime. take the security council. you see, one of the important issues that should be paid attention to is the ineffectiveness of the united nations and the security council because they are under the control of the great powers, but the responsibility of the security council is not to help create global peace, stability and security . today, the regime is committing atrocities in iraq happened , what did the security council do at any point in our region in west asia, and this, in
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my opinion, is showing the same way that a system of nations was formed in the first world war, then it showed its inefficiency, and today the system of this international organization is this direction is drawn. if there was a center that was attacked by an aggressor, the governments would not go to the defense of their own interests. i would say that there is an authority that stands against injustice and oppression. independent governments go to create power for legitimate defense and the islamic republic iran did this and became an example today. today , you see that the islamic republic is not alone in the movements that
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took place in the streets of europe, asia, and latin america in support of the actions of the islamic republic of iran and in condemning the occupation regime. you see that the islamic republic's movement was a human movement, yours was a human movement. to summarize, this is a punishment measure of the islamic republic of iran. it shows the attention of the islamic republic to international justice. international justice means supporting the oppressed against arrogant oppressors like the occupying regime. this punitive operation showed this. ir international justice is in charge of supporting nations. at this risk, we will not go to war. although we have to take care of the perception that was said, i stated my opinion, one question that
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arises is whether what happened last night changed the equation in the middle east. i will ask a different kind of question. i think you can ask openly or not openly, for example, it is not with you, the problem is that it is possible to judge. anyway, we have countries in the region, each of which is looking for something, for example, sovereignty and superiority in the region. some of them may be our allies, they may be our friends
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, they may not be our enemies, what happened last night has changed the equation of power and sovereignty in west asia, or has it changed at all? without the support of the people. in the region , believing that the survival of the government lies in the arms of this occupying regime, last night's operation showed that this regime cannot gather itself, how can it defend others, this is a very big issue for the governments that seek to normalize the flow. with this regime , of course, i don't like the normalization reform i say that the governments that wanted to reveal these hidden relationships belong to the two parties, but it was hidden in the new environment of wanting to reveal them
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. the people and the condemnation that the people of the region are doing against this fake regime forces the governments to no longer be able to cooperate with this regime, even though these governments who were looking for healing and normalization of relations will definitely suffer defeat and damage today. he is your father. the regime's security empire was broken. of course in that al-aqsa storm operation was broken. i emphasize this point. the regime that attacked in order to develop the situation today is forced to defend to maintain its existence. when the results
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are done after this operation. which regime dares to come with this regime that is unstable and today they have to stay in the camps, today you see at the tel aviv airport that the line they are making to leave this occupied land is getting wider day by day. military damages , economic damages that have been realized now, the estimates of last night's operation show that the economic impact is very high it is very significant from the point of view of weakening the position of the occupying regime in the region. i believe that this operation was not against the occupying regime , it was against the supporters of this regime. the operation should be carried out by the united states , threatening that if iran reacts, what
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will i do, the islamic republic of iran will be operated. kane says if you show a reaction , i will act harder in return. well, this is the opinion of these reactionary leaders and leaders who lack the support of the people . both this regime and america are facing a new situation. you can't rely on these . you see now some of the leaders who being strongly dependent on america, they are in a way doing their own liberation operation. mr. kazem qoumi, there is unofficial news from some knowledgeable experts who say that we have obtained information about more dimensions and details of the results of last night's operation, which
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will be given to the people in the coming days at their own time after being compiled and edited. will be. at the same time, the occupying regime has claimed that, for example , it has intercepted and destroyed 99% of missiles and drones from a military point of view, although now this information should be discussed by military commanders and defense experts. but in terms of the implementation of this operation, we should send a series of drones first. steam, and then a few hours later, 2 hours, 3 hours later, for example, with a cruise missile, and then with long-range missiles, let's continue this , what plan does this show or what. a program can probably be analyzed and i came to the conclusion that an operation takes a long time from the beginning to reaching the target, and
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what is now in the expert military evaluation shows that most of the weapons that were fired hit. one of their targets was a military base that targeted our consulate in syria. destroyed well, show that the weapons of the islamic republic are aimed at women. those are human issues. look. if very brief. also , sorry. i mean the form of its implementation, that is , for example, that we are the first. we didn't send missiles, first we started with drones, two hours later we went to
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cruise missiles and then these missiles are military tactics. the so-called defense reserve is over. when it comes to missiles, it basically means our drones themselves his direct aim was not to go and hit, no , it was him, yes, because they themselves actually have explosive charges with them and they themselves are the target of the dot woman. see, you are entering into a tactical discussion. well, speed. at the same time, this operation was carried out in several stages, but complementary to each other, this is in the policy making and
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targeting of military operations, even from where to participate. from iran operation, now why do they say from the reason why iran does not operate is that the operation that starts from iran is a formidable operation, which means that iran has military capabilities that can carry out military operations at a strategic level, one of which is ballistic missiles. the scope is small, but iran looks at the issue.
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you can see that today, after the operation that took place, the authorities of the country are in a very, very calm state, taking care of things inside the country. to create that wants war now. let people attack gas stations and i don't know about your shopping malls. these events show that in a way this authority has been created in the system, a kind of unity has been created between the nation and the system, and the world has seen this. i will tell the truth because i have little operational time. which was done last night along with operation storm. al-agsab's operation was at the strategic level, the enemy was completely defeated. what is the strategic level? the enemy sought to
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destroy the resistance. it was not possible to create a political alliance. it was not possible to create a military alliance in the region . let him shape his face against the people of gaza and for his own benefit. you see, today from the east and the west of the world , they are condemning these genocide operations that the regime carried out, so in the economic field, it failed in the tactical field, neither did it evacuate the people, nor could it occupy this land, nor did the resistance disappear, and you are watching. it means that this operation has suffered a gross failure in all its parts. it was the stabilization point of this failure, and this operation will definitely be highly effective in the future decisions of the regime. our officials are also
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announcing our reaction against any action against our goals and interests in any region it will be understandable that the media belonging to the saiti regime and its allies minimize the extent of the damage they see or the casualties or the so-called damage they see now. they want their own people not to have this expectation in order to attack iran and respond to iran, one of the goals of this. do you want to continue this operation? is
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the capacity 100 bara? but, well, there are human considerations, the islamic republic has regional calculations, it has international ones, however it has its own exact calculations, one of which is that we should not enter into an unwanted war. this was an important issue. that they should report the results of this operation in such a way that they downplay the importance of saying that now we don't need to react to iran . one of those goals can be the same. if this dimension is opened, the jewish immigrant people who come and
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have today taking the lead in reverse migration , this will gain more momentum. today, the regime is facing a fundamental problem within the army in order to replace the reserve forces with its main forces, that is, the reserve forces it brings. it means that he should separate these people from their jobs. come to the precautionary forces and tell them to fight . he has found a fundamental problem in this. now, if the dimensions of this operation allow the people to continue this operation. thank you very much , mr. kazem qomi, for accepting our invitation and talking about this topic that has occupied the public opinion and the media since last night, and for giving your analysis. thank you too. i hope it was a good program .
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4:00 am
welcome to 4 am news. the commander-in-chief of the army considered the punitive action against the zionist regime to be the result of ignoring international laws in the attack on iran's consular section and the martyrdom of a number of the country's advisors, and a response to the silence of international institutions to this action. amir. mousavi to the zionist regime and some western governments regarding any repeated mistakes and their consequences warned we warn once again that if the illegitimate zionist regime wants to persist in its aggressive actions, this time with heavier punishment and


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