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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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hello, welcome to the half-day news. the inconclusive meeting of the security council and the failure of the zionist regime to condemn iran. china and russia and several countries from iran and america, england and france supported israel. the support of the compatriots for the sadiq operation continues. i was really waiting for news since my son was martyred. indicating
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israel's air defense against iran is fragile. if the contents of netanyahu's war cabinet meeting were broadcast, half of the residents of the occupied territories would flee. allocating 34,000 housing units to applicants covered by the relief committee and support organizations on 31 state. all villagers are covered by institutions for the production
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of heat cooling pipes, a knowledge-based product in the power and space industries, with the aim of transferring and cooling transformers. . formation of the ministry of mines and metals yes or no. what is the opinion of the supporters and opponents about this? how can the decisions of the islamic council lead the way in this regard? in the name of god. o allah, bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their relief. good afternoon dear
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we are with you with the news section at 14:00. new images of the uav phase of the sadiq operation against military targets in the occupied territories were provided to sed and sima news agency. in this operation, which was carried out on sunday morning in response to the zionist regime's attack on the iranian embassy building in damascus, irgc air force fighters were able to successfully attack several important targets in nawatim air bases in the negev. these pehpats from several points. iran
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had fired simultaneously against military targets in the occupied palestinian territories. weapons inspector scott ritter the former un said that iran attacked the novatim airbase with missiles, not even one of which was intercepted and hit the target. according to him, iran's attacks showed that israel is defenseless against such missiles. journalist and zionist security expert ronen bergman wrote about the crisis of decision-making among senior officials of the zionist regime, if it were possible to broadcast the meetings of the israeli war cabinet live, at least half of the residents of the occupied territories would have gathered at ben gurion airport to escape. the american website politico also revealed. the government should warn the zionist authorities
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they should not react to iran's operations , otherwise they will regret it. daily newspaper. he described iran as powerful and destructive. the washington post also wrote: iran's attacks brought israel to an ominous moment. the minister of culture and sports of the zionists declared that this regime has failed against iran. miki zohar said that israel was defeated by hamas, it was also defeated by hezbollah's continued attacks, and so on. iran, which did not hesitate to attack israel directly, failed. the hebrew newspaper yediot aharonot also wrote that iran's attack caused mockery of israel on the surface it became strategic. the new york times reported: israel
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faced iran's complex response and advanced weapons. shamshad ahmad khan , the former deputy of the ministry of foreign affairs of pakistan, also emphasized: iran: based on the un charter , it gave a lesson to the zionist regime and surprised the world. in an interview with the rasha today tv channel, the director of the american international action center said: iran's actions against israel are completely justified. iran has the right to defend itself. iran has the right to defend itself with the israeli attack on the iranian consulate in syria, a completely illegal act of violation according to international laws, an act of war was committed against iran without reason. israel has failed in its efforts in gaza and now they
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are looking to expand the war, all with the imperialist support of america. this could not happen. israel's attack on iran in iran's consular territory. because they really prove their failure. contradiction in the words of british foreign minister david cameron when speaking against iran. after he described irgc's missile and drone response to the zionist regime's attack on the iranian embassy in damascus as inconsiderate and dangerous , he faced a question from the moderator, who answered a contradiction fell, a reckless and dangerous thing
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for iran to have done and i think the whole world can see all these countries, what would britain do if a hostile nation flattened one of our consulates? well we would take you we would take the very strong action. the emergency cabinet meeting of the zionist regime ended without a decision after iran's response to the attack on the iranian embassy. israel, according to d aggressive ready to respond. benny gans, a member of the emergency cabinet, also claimed that this regime wants to create a regional alliance against iran, so that it can impose costs on iran in time. zionist media reported. one of the topics of
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the war cabinet meeting in tel aviv was the response to iran's operations, which they could not make a decision on. iran has warned that if the zionist regime commits an action, it will respond. will receive more intense. the zionist media reported that the response to iran's operations was not approved at the war cabinet meeting in tel aviv. abari yediot aharans newspaper also reported: israel is not expected to respond to iran's attack. the president and director of the middle east institute in washington also says: iran's response to israel is calculations. has changed neither side is currently interested in a major war. i think that the israelis will not take immediate action because they know that if they do something, iran will also take more drastic action . it is obvious that america
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does not want a wider war either. but this event will change the regional calculations for israelis and even americans in the long run. iran is the line this time he showed a red that says when the officers. and if my generals are killed or attacked directly , i will respond directly myself. on the second day of public gatherings in different provinces in support of operation true promise, people celebrated and rejoiced by chanting anti-american and anti-zionist slogans while appreciating the armed forces of the islamic republic of iran.
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special thanks to the children of the irgc, army, security officials, basij, e.
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revenge is hard to take. i came with this baby, i am very happy. we are very happy and happy about this proud and proud victory that iran slapped israel hard if israel wants to make the smallest mistake, it will surely be slapped harder so that they understand that we exist and don't think that we are weak and that they can do whatever they want. i wanted to thank the army and the corps and say that all the people of iran are behind you, as
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we iranians say, it was a reference to them, that is, be careful, who are you on, khamenei, iqal, or hossein, the country of iran has been waiting for such a scene for 10 days, in the following reactions different groups of people respond to the missile. and the guards corps' condolences to the zionist regime of the families of martyrs of the quds path and martyrs a core supported this action. this is one of the missiles being tested to reach the target point. on april 26, he reached the positions of the zionist regime. rockets that hit the gaza sky after a long time for children. the palestinian security guard is one of several dozens of missile models that
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were built by the hands and will of this man, hassan tehrani moghadam and his forces , for the sake of islamic honor, there was never a leader . we told them, for example, we are not, we always want to be with you saying that i have horizons of 20 years and 30 years later, you can be sure that this is what i will do one day. makes the oppressed of the world smile can we have many big families who put a lot of effort into this victory. i was really waiting for news since my son was martyred. we thank them all. i will go , god willing, and we are waiting for the release of imam zaman to the freedom of quds. it showed the authority of our country. it was a balm for a suffering heart. the dear people of gaza and especially the brothers of hamas and also the great nation
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of islamic iran, the martyrs who never returned home for the liberation of quds and the defense of the oppressed, it is a certain fact that this criminal regime is killing its children. i kiss their hands, thank you from the children of the army corps, from all those who really made our hearts happy in this revenge , it has taken away a little warmth from the hearts of our martyrs' families. this is the grave of iran's missile father, and on april 26, 1403, the fruit of this martyr's blood sat in samar, and this is how israel is humiliated . truly, a man whose wish was one thing and wanted to be forever recorded on his tombstone. nouri hamdani from
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the references of dham taqlid. bayami supported the resounding response of the islamic republic of iran and the resistance groups to the aggression of the zionist regime. in this message the overwhelming response of the soldiers of islam and the resistance groups is well supported. god willing , soon this cancerous growth of the oppressed nations of the world will reach the final victory. following iran's missile and drone operation against the zionist regime, which was carried out in response to the terrorist attack by this regime against the iranian embassy in damascus, ayatollah javadi amoli from the taqlid dispatch authority announced in a message that this is talia fatah. in part of this message, the taqlid authority of israel let the criminal know that this is
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the subversive fatahist and eradicate them, save gaza and nurture the resistance. action of forces he has described the armed as a deterrent and authoritarian. friday imams and sunni scholars, like other people of the iranian nation and other free nations of the world , supported the response of the zionist regime's attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus. i feel proud. thank god for what happened , our fighters are brave, our men have a tooth breaking answer and a strong slap in the face of israel. attacking a consulate or an embassy anywhere is an attack on a country, and
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we have the right to respond to what israel did. another order of the supreme leader. knock on the door, it's finished, you will eat, alhamdulillah for your efforts the men and mujahideen of islam, the revolutionary guards, the air strike and missile attack of the israeli mercenaries and criminals, the tyrants of the tyrannical and the tyrants, the american women who
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are criminals, and in the past, if they attack, they will definitely kill the enemies with this operation. we broke and we proved the authority of the holy army and system of the islamic republic of iran to the world thanks to god . the choice has been made. this attack has not been general. just like the great leader elshen it is necessary to punish the aggressor, so this attack by iran on israel was in response to the attack on the embassy of the islamic republic, that is , it attacked the territory of iran, so it was necessary for the islamic republic to respond in a good way. the support
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of the clerics of maravi seminary in tehran to the answer. in a rally, maravi chanted the slogan of support and thanks for the irgc's attack on the zionist regime .
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the united nations security council to investigate iran's punitive action against the zionist regime in response to there have been numerous aggressions by the zionist regime, including the attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus. held a meeting in this meeting, the necessity of restraint and avoiding the continuation of these conflicts was emphasized. just expressing views, neither a statement nor a resolution. this was the result of the one-and-a-half-hour meeting held by the security council to review iran's punitive military action against the zionist regime in the presence of the un secretary general. representatives of america, england and france as three. a permanent member of the security council and of course three permanent supporters of the zionist regime in this meeting while describing it as unprecedented iran's direct military attack on the zionist regime
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called for restraint and calm, while the deputy representative of the us reiterated that his country is not looking for conflict and tension. we ask iran and its allies not to carry out more attacks. the permanent representative of our country also emphasized. iran is not looking for a war with the us or an increase in tension, but if the adventures of the zionist regime or us military action continue, it will not deny its right to defend itself and answer. the military operations of the islamic republic of iran were carried out based on the united nations charter and the right to self-defense only military targets were hit in it. the continuation of the support of the united states, england and france to the israeli regime and the council's inaction. if the embassy of a western country was targeted, we would immediately condemn it and demand punishment, but
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we did not have such a reaction regarding iran. the double standards of the west are really shameful. israel's attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus was a dangerous violation of international law. iran's military action was in response to that attack and for self-defense. he condemned it to the iranian embassy in damascus and at the same time called for restraint and avoiding escalation of tension and conflict at the same time as this meeting of the security council, an american security official, whose name was not disclosed , confirmed in a conversation with abc news that in the iranian drone and missile attack on the zionist regime, two important military airbases of this regime, navatim and the negev desert, were the targets of the missiles. it was hit by ballistic missiles and seriously damaged. ali rajabi , united nations security council broadcasting news agency, new york.
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in a telephone conversation with his russian counterpart, the minister of foreign affairs considered iran's limited military action on specific targets in the occupied palestinian territories to deter and punish the zionist regime. mr. amir abdallahian, recognizing the positive position of russia towards iran's legitimate action , evaluated moscow's role in ending the genocide in gaza as important. the russian foreign minister also considered the process of iran's response to israel to be responsible and accompanied by self-restraint and emphasized that russia strongly supports the action based on the legitimate defense of iran. saudi arabia, egypt, qatar , malta and the european union's foreign policy official
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considered iran's military action against telavi as a legitimate response to the zionists' attack on our country's embassy in damascus in accordance with the charter of nations. the side condemning this action of the zionists, the opposite parties emphasized the need for stability and security in the region and the need to prevent the spread of tensions. criticizing america's response to iran's legitimate response to the zionist regime, the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs said: washington should appreciate iran's responsible action . the islamic republic of iran acted in a completely logical and responsible way. we had given the necessary warnings before taking military action through diplomatic methods. it is expected that others , including the american government, will accept the responsible, accurate and logical behavior of the islamic republic of iran and its legitimate response
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take into consideration the legality and appropriate action of the islamic republic of iran. mr. kanani also warned that iran is not seeking to develop tension in the region: tehran will act to deter and punish any aggressor. the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs also announced support for two resolutions of the united nations human rights council, including the ban. boden expressed the hope that the united states and some european countries would adhere to the arms export to the zionist regime and the cease-fire in gaza. the contribution of foreign persian language networks to the defeat of the zionist regime in the irgc's extensive drone missile operation. experts these networks
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talked about the inability of the multi-layered defense of the zionist regime against iranian missiles and drones. actually, it is said that iran fulfilled the promise it made. the promise that they say in bbc farsi came true in the morning of sunday 26 april. here in the occupied territories by launching and firing the shahid family of drones and irgc cruise and ballistic missiles from iran to hit the targets and military bases of the zionist regime. with the end of this large-scale aerial missile operation , the promise is still being talked about in foreign persian language channels. this attack is really unique the islamic republic of iran has done something against israel itself. it is an unprecedented action to be a historical guts. this is currently the largest drone operation in history. of course, they also mention
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its achievements, for example. in the sky of israel, for the first time, so many missiles and drones were seen in some way, or the gap in the relations between the united states and the zionist regime. in these studios, there was not much talk about the iron dome, they said that the multi-layered defense of the zionists was under question gone. the elements of the islamic republic of iran pierced the iron dome, although in a limited way. it goes without saying that israel was not the only one to intercept them. rather, a series of western and even
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regional countries. the end of all the analyzes of the experts of foreign persian language networks after the end of the sadiq operation, there is a common sentence that, whether you like it or not, the awe of israel and the talk of israel's defense power were somehow questioned within 6 months. this is the second time mohammad javad reza soltani, sda news agency. in a new crime, the zionist occupiers targeted a palestinian family on their way back to gaza city on foot , as a result of which a palestinian girl was martyred.
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the nusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip was bombed by the israeli army. the occupation army's artillery also targeted the south of gaza city. the warplanes of the zionist regime also bombed the east and southeast of khanyunos in the south of the gaza strip. the statistics of martyrs and wounded in these attacks have not yet been announced. there is also news from the west bank a suicide operation was carried out at a checkpoint in the north of nablo. the perpetrator of this operation was shot dead by the invaders. various areas of the west bank were the targets of the zionist occupation's attack since the early hours of this morning. in the east of karam, five young palestinians were arrested by the military.


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