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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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the hands and the people can be harmed even after onur . on the contrary, when there is no guardian, that is , there are two. now, because he is downstream , he is being suppressed by a higher power called the president or the first vice president. actually, this is because he doesn't see the benefits of this anymore, he only wants to see his own benefits, to see it come lower than it is, but if it is with a chain, all of this can be managed by one person. it was also said there that if it is spent elsewhere, it will be a violation of government rights, but this has happened and you are aware that even the organization
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we are a member of the construction industry. it should come under the category of the ministry of industry, trade or housing. according to your argument , this should also come. let our viewers judge me. he is a minister . one of his jobs is to go and get government salaries. we are saying that if the one who wants to take this job, let's separate him, he will come back , i won't go now, this is not in mil's mind here, this is in mil's other place, that third place has not changed. the origin of the money must come from another place, which is the meaning of the organization, and you will not change it . it seems that there is no difference between one or more home ministries . you answer this. it definitely makes a difference. you see, if i
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am a minister of a department, i am going to make a proposal to the government and give it to the planning management organization for the budget. the fact that all three of us are here is a home ministry, and at the same time i want to see the interests of all departments and defend all issues , i definitely have less space and time . minister yes, look, he has become a minister now. minister of automobile and market regulation otherwise if yes, mr. dr., tell me, you can't see the exploitation. in your exploitation, the majority of the cartoons are machines. i dare to finish my discussion . i apologize. look, we are not only looking for what iran is now in the discussion of ministries , and if there are two ministries let's see if those problems will be solved or not, we will solve them by separating them.
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second, in more problems related to people, which is usually concentrated in the ministry of industry and commerce , it is the most important part. and the developer of mining and mineral industry will not spread , it will become an independent ministry, and most importantly, we are in the world. do we have the same conditions as iran or not, why do we want to distance ourselves from the world's experienced models in the world now? if i say it again , when the ministry of commerce wanted to become one with the ministry of industry and mines, a good study
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was done on 100 countries. in many of these, the ministry of commerce and the ministry of industry were one and the same, that is , check the whole world, they are 50, 50, 50, but in any case, in any case, we do not have the same ministry of mines and the ministry of industry, mines, if the merger of oil mines or like, for example , now afghanistan, there were mines and petroleum in some places it was the ministry of mines and energy, which means that where there is a mine, it always had oil, which was merged with oil , or with your presence, it was stated that energy was independent at all, if it is not similar to the international term, we should give a percentage of probability that this will happen. it is possible that one of the expert discussions in
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other countries was also behind our country, so let's go back and see how many expert discussions there were when this claim was made. please, all the experts should look for an expert report on the merger of the ministry of metals, mines and industry . there is none, mr. doctor. look, mr. doctor, we want to start creating a structure, a ministry , let's create a ministry, i say call it the ministry of anfal, that is a separate discussion, it is not our discussion today, we can talk about it now, but by the way, let's do the same thing , i want to say one thing. let me tell you , my point is that we should take advantage of this opportunity , that is, if we want to make a change, we should go to all the points that we think are effective, such as making the government more agile, such as shrinking the government ,
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such as clarifying the missions. let's help him by the way the good, agile and capable structure that i mentioned, can you answer about the fact that now there are always a series of critics. they said that regarding the separation or merger of the ministry of housing , he discussed the size of the government and the agility of the government. in this separation , do you think the government will be bigger? for example, a liquid is a solid , come on, i have a way of talking, i did my work , there is a report that think tanks also work, the method is not enough separately , but in the current structure, the term of discussion is only the shrinking of the government, or, so to speak, in the past, on this how much has it been studied or not? now, the information of his highness says that it has not been studied. for example, at that time , there is not much, but my experience is that we
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are creating something. let's count the number of times , many things have happened, then it's good. it didn't work , we thought it wasn't working well, our structure was wrong , we came again, a new structure, then we saw it again , it doesn't work well, again, another structure, now what is the separation, what is the creation now, what happened in the past , now sometimes under the pretext that productivity is high may this happen sometime in the name of wanting to make the government smaller, i say now we want to make a decision to fix the problems that exist. it won't be special. now, i want to explain the next process after the exploration, i will explain the exploitation . our main focus in exploitation is after you get a permit, you have explored
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. it's good to be separated, that means i'm here with you, but i'm going to work there is no need to get 90 permits any more , we have two or three things in our work, one is machinery , now there is noise, explosions and such, but in general, the issue of machinery is in machinery. he is concerned about the production of machinery and he also has a mine. he can better manage this , or when it is separated, he will have a separate trustee , this trustee will have a separate trustee. definitely, when he sees both interests as the same, he can allow both interests. let it be seen that this is also the benefit of this, otherwise you would not have allowed the import in any way yes, he says, sir, i have production here, he just wants to say, for example, i want to say that there should be separation in the process and in operation. separate that part of the mine
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and bring it here so that you can have the benefits of selling that business and this mining and metals industry here, or else it is written somewhere else. after all, you want to sell . you don't have a ministry of commerce. this ministry of commerce is in the mining industry. a business that remains this business.
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driver, deputy and expert, for example, i say 20% should be separated from this, he will let it go. in our country
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, it is not your theory, not your structure at all . tell the office manager that i need it, it's all together , you can't tell the waterman that i need you to do it again, see, see, i say there is a problem with the structure. as a governmental and sovereign position , i am doing one thing, mr. dr. taheri, they should bring me arguments to convince me.
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for example, let's assume that i make corrections or come back. no one will ask me that you started this work, sir. what was your argument? you know the essence of my story. the argument is that the ministry of metal mines should be my claim with the ministry of industry. check this. i will check this. let me explain, mr. doctor , just because it's mr. askarzadeh's time , we'll get to you later. i'll ask you a question. how can it be managed when different ministries are separated or claimed? how successful is it to be separated? almost all of our mining countries have an independent ministry of mines, or if there is a representation of all mining countries , i gave the example of afghanistan. chile, i don't know if your presence can be listed , see, this list is not much
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, it is not too far away, do you have an independent ministry of mines, or if it is integrated with somewhere, with energy or with oil , if you have oil, with oil , mr. doing good at all, at the very moment when he wanted to claim me, maybe the private sector made himself miserable. sir, if you want to claim me, please. integrate with oil, nature at all. these two are both minerals under the ground, and what is the difference between being a substance and being solid, according to mr. doctor, and even from the point of view of the so-called "inf". let's look at it, they probably have the same nature, but this didn't happen , this happened again. now, we are trying to say that this is a bad thing . let me ask a question for myself. now , for example, this will not happen later, for example, the ministry of petroleum, oil, gas, petrochemical, i don't know, it is divided and spread , now one dunam of mine has been added to it, so 5 jobs.
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let's separate this again, no, the workload will not increase because we have global experiences. you can see from this that we should not rely on global experience. let's run away. let's take a 10-ton truck, for example, in the world, a truck is made for a 1-ton truck. if , contrary to the rest of the world , we put a 5-ton 10-ton truck on it, it will definitely stay under the ministry of industry, mines, and trade. all the experts agree that the force is not enough to handle all these , the only problem is that they are trying to come to the market now. separate it, mr. commerce, its nature is much closer to industry than mining, why is it like that? the rest of the world is doing the same as the rest of the world , let's not say, sir, let's put a very powerful engine on this van, and let us do it. this is impossible, because we don't have it. our experience in the past years has proven that the ministry of industry, mining, and trade has not been able
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to appoint a minister who this minister should allocate time to all sectors of the commercial mining industry in a balanced and fair manner , allocate energy and solve their problems. well, we have 6 minutes. mr. taharieh's final summary is three minutes for you. the main discussion in the separation case is done in the ministry of industry, mining and trade now, in this meeting, like the previous meetings, there was business , and the argument is about the importance of an issue, which is this issue. it is very important, for example, mining in this meeting or in some of the meetings in the field of trade, this issue is important . two, this ministry of home affairs is busy and it is not enough to do this work . let's say at that time
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we have a principle that everything that is important in the country and that ministry is left behind, we have to make it a ministry, so what do you get? what are we missing? i am saying this with this the task of giving something important to someone who has a serious trustee, in the name of the minister , is to follow up on his work. what will we gain, what will we lose ? in this area , let's separate mining, the things we gain and the things we lose, what we lose is more , what is the solution, mining, should it be important? i must have said that in the processes, in the views, even in the current structure, you can appoint a deputy only in the so-called scope of the field. if the mine comes, it means a very high weight, tell me , sir, i am the minister of the president. i am a person who has been assigned to the field of mining. this is at the level of a minister. i have all my powers, for example, or not
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. get help, create a small government board for something like mining and jump into the government. in my opinion , changing the structure and separating the work will definitely not solve the problem. it can be seen that this is acceptable at all, but it must be separated his problems will be solved, i do not accept this , thank you.
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but no matter how much it helps, i believe that the minister can go to the government, the minister can communicate more with the president and finally. organizations, and definitely a deputy cannot have this ability. i want to say something about the blessings of this meeting, if you allow me, and that is that at least this meeting. the continuation of this meeting, which , god willing, will be televised, is that the mine can be seen with a knife. this would be very good
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. i mean, let's assume that i will not be separated at all. now there is also a mine, let's come up, and really, in the current conditions, the same approaches and processes are what we wanted to be able to achieve with the ministry of home affairs under the same conditions, and really, this program and saying the flaws that exist now. thank you for this meeting and i hope that, god willing, the expert work that the doctor said will be sent to the majlis research center in a mission . if the merger is not based on expertise, they should try. it's the same in the parliament put this in place so that we can have a capable and capable structure for the mining sector, which by the way has the ability. we have a unique feature in mining
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. we should not neglect this in the world. it is a pity that these god-given properties and natural assets will perish. and we can't use it properly for various reasons, now you , the viewers, mr. dr. taheri, we all know the reasons , the reasons are sometimes very formal and rhetorical, but unfortunately it has become a form, i hope this happens well, god willing, thank you very much. all the higher programs that have accompanied us until this moment god bless you or ali.
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every year, 18 million people in the world die due to cardiovascular diseases , that is, one third of the deaths in the world, in iran , according to the statistics of the ministry of health, the first cause of death is cardiovascular diseases, which is almost half of the deaths, that is, about 170 thousand deaths per year. one of the latest technologies in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases is artificial intelligence, which
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plays an important role in preventing early diagnosis and determining the type of treatment by analyzing large volumes of data and information and comparing information with each other. something that, for example, you have to study for 25,000 hours and 30,000 hours for one person fortunately, the artificial ear can master that information in a few minutes and it is fast. it is getting more and the power of artificial intelligence is increasing day by day due to big information or big data. cardiologists believe that with the help of artificial intelligence technology, with a simple photo of the chest and complete information that each person provides about their lifestyle and health status, the degree of heart pumping loss or valvular failure can be detected in the early stages and before diagnosed the onset of the disease . about half past four. the percentage of the population with significant disease in their heart pumping or in the door they have the valves of their hearts, which means that if we calculate this number for the population of iran, something like four
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million people must be suffering from such a disease . one of the important applications of artificial intelligence is the guidance that this technology should be suitable for the doctor and the patient. the condition of each person presents as well as the results can be very useful, the wrong interpretation of these results can have irreparable complications , so if we can provide the doctor with a result with high accuracy, we can use this prevent irreparable complications and increase the accuracy of diagnosis. early diagnosis itself can reduce the cost of treatment and decrease the mortality of patients because the disease is diagnosed in the early stages of the plan , and we reach the patient on time. we do not lose the layer that we needed to treat the patient, and the need for more advanced and expensive treatments does not arise for the patient. another very important issue
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is that this work will increase justice in the distribution of health. recognizing the type of heartbeat that indicates ventricular irregularities fat changes around the arteries of the heart and early recognition of five types of heart attacks have been the achievements of artificial intelligence over the years. with the help of new algorithms, this technology detects heart attacks at a high speed and has effective guidelines for the treatment of each person. for blood pressure with pressure coordinates. a specialist doctor can help a patient or a person who has a risk factor because there are many factors that affect the health of the patient and usually from the eyes of experts. it falls
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and many do not pay attention to it. today, shortness of breath is one of the most common problems in people its causes have not yet been identified. when the images are available to the system, it can suggest the causes of undiagnosed shortness of breath to the doctor in the form of a series of recommendations, but in the end, the final decision and diagnosis rests with the attending physician. today, artificial intelligence is not only used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. it has also played an effective role in predicting people's health status and reducing medical errors. maryam bikpour, radio and television news agency. did it make a difference no, it didn't matter. did it make a difference? no
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, it didn't make a difference. no, it didn't make a difference. it made a difference. let's give light.
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is your host. blow a little more to cool down. pat shame on you. we will perish in this house. why don't you buy an air conditioner? the account balance is insufficient . is this the reason? no reason. no reason. we are going to the city of home appliances. buy a gas bag. it is a pleasant offer. conditions for buying air conditioners it is pleasant. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers. good evening. we present the news section at 4 p.m.


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