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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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a place was hit where the missile passed through israel's defense system and the image of this missile was recorded. here, i think there is a very important point in the media that we should pay attention to, and we must tell the operation designers who were involved in the design of this operation. different types of weapons were used with function and flight time and speed, and in fact , the characteristics are completely different and different from cruises that go at the same speed to ballistics that were imaged with a release. this is one of the operational operations in my opinion. this is because the operation was designed in such a way that the image was published see why the picture was released, why the picture of the operation and what kind of pictures this picture was. these were the pictures that the palestinians, mainly the palestinians , recorded these pictures with their own phones, as well as israel. also, israelis, how
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was this achieved with two features that the operation had, if the operation did not have these two features, maybe we who were sitting here today would not be faced with this amount of images. it was an operation in the occupied territories, that is, a the non-existence of negev in the southern negev desert, in the negev desert, the region is actually west quds , an area of ​​quds that is under the control of israel. haifa, golan, the northern region, all meaning, it can almost be said that the whole of israel was involved in the operation, the whole sky of the occupied territories was involved in the operation. this means that the possibility of recording images by a human agent is very high. the second point was the high volume of drones and cruise missiles fired. this high volume, again, in the media analysis of this operation, the registration coefficient and... the connection between
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these birds and these objects, which happened at night time, and the fact that it was night , makes this possible more because of the light that sate or that conflict that is actually dome dome and that defense system he wants to create , raised this possibility again, and these two points made you see that if we are now saying that the operation was successful in passing through the defense systems, on what basis are we saying this, we are saying this on the basis of at least seven or eight the official confirmed image has been released that no one can deny that these images show that the ballistic missile is coming and hitting and eating, although it may have a missile warhead, for example, it is released and it has pieces of the defense system. israel hits , but in the end the missile hits and this is very important it was very important to comment on the israelis after this stage, which in fact pataki tried to go against the flow was that mr. said that 99% of us were monitored.
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what is the difference in the treatment of the western media, especially you , that is noticeable in the recent operation that is accused of being honest, and you can tell our audience that yes, before and before this operation, in fact
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, it was a response to the assassination of prominent iranian generals , see more we were told that within 10 days that iran had announced that it would react , the west was trying and was very worried and had brought several ships of their own. to protect israel, britain, france, moved their naval forces to help israel in the operation. therefore, we can say that these actions caused concern and movement . previously, biden had announced to netanyahu that, but now we are witnessing that
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israel's cowardice and fear are exposed. the action taken by iran has created a lot of fear in the hearts of the israelis and they may take an aggressive action . virtual and whether in real space or reaction or having a reaction to this operation and what kind of perception they have towards iran and its treatment and what happened to that perception, what changed, yes, a major change in the mentality
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of the people.
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currently, the moral strength and humanity that iran has shown is characteristic, and we are currently witnessing in the united nations the actions that america has taken against israel and not condemning the actions that israel has taken. his face has been exposed and i think that this is a very positive situation that has been created for iran, and another question mr. walberberg has is between the treatment of the domestic media of the zionist regime or israel in a sense with
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do you see a difference in the treatment of western media ? in fact, i want to ask what is the difference between the media that have domestic consumption in the occupied territories and the media that do not have domestic consumption for the residents of these areas. at the moment. in social media, people are active in hebrew and announce what is on their minds about israel and
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express it in an article written by an israeli entitled. it showed a failure and our conclusion was that we have not achieved anything and we have been completely defeated and there is no way out of this situation. we have actually been cornered in the ring and in the world people's imagination has turned away from us and we can no longer achieve the goals we had. we can't even defeat hamas. after 6 months, even we could not make any progress in the military field , and this was a war that was supposed to end in 6 days, and we are currently engaged in it for 6 months in the west bank, and this is actually the israelis
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completely against hamas. and regarding iran's miscalculation and the current actions what hamas has done and what iran has done is extraordinary from their point of view, and this is a very forward step and a step forward, and in different countries , the media atmosphere, as i told you , was more like a psychological operation if we
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wanted. let's look a little deeper into this case and make a division since the first node is when the zionist regime invades the iranian consulate in damascus. which seeks to respond to what the supreme council also does. national thing that vice the political office of the presidential institution actually passes them. the third time is the time when the foreign ministers of the region and the world have a telephone conversation with the iranian foreign minister and in some way invite the islamic republic of iran to exercise restraint. the fourth time is the stop of the ship, which is related to the zionist businessman in hormuz, and finally, the operation that the honest promise is carried out. all these nodes, we are witnessing the scenarios that
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exist in the media space, whether regional or international , there are three main views, views or media that are mainly against the islamic republic of iran and to some of these are in the field of the enemy or the tools of the enemy. the second scenario is those who are in some way aligned with the islamic republic of iran or accept the logic of the islamic republic in some way . visualize the possible things and what is happening in the field or in reality. in all three of these, we see a variety of scenarios. when israel attacked and in some way violated the consulate of the islamic republic of iran, we are witnessing those media that are affiliated with the west and actually the official policies of the western governments against the united states. the nato countries are saying that they were
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looking for a discount until the islamic republic can respond to the level of its response . considering the atmosphere and public opinion, it is finally effective that the level of work is effective because the west has no interest and has never had. that the scope of this war in gaza will expand, because it has huge costs, besides that, we are witnessing the media that are looking for the same logic to create tension, some of the media, including the media that are mostly persian-speaking, that's what bbc farsi view farsi or iran international are mentioned they are looking for a severe military challenge and confrontation
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because they are trying to take advantage of this space and especially to involve the united states of america. iranshenal believed that there was some kind of confusion in decision-making in the islamic republic, while before this it was done officially. fatah, the supreme leader, answered clearly that we will carry out this punishment in a regrettable manner, and that is why, in terms of the realism of the media that portrays the real situation. making or visualizing, reaching the logic that this operation will start and based on the time frame, this operation should be done quickly or at a much shorter distance from this speech. the second point is that it will start when the foreign ministers of different countries between and with the minister of foreign affairs of iran, over the course of two days, maybe more than 14
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foreign ministers, what are the countries in the region, saudi arabia, turkey , the uae, they are talking about self -restraint, self-restraint, some kind of mitigation, some kind of tolerance, in fact , to prevent the expansion of this domain, and so on. countries that are actually western countries they do the work in a different way. here was the strategy that the islamic republic did to operate in a geographical and geopolitical area. it was being done, which somehow covered a distance and several countries, that is, iraq, syria , even jordan and lebanon itself . reports should be made and this coordination was done because these coordinations
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were done in a kind of operation and response space. some people say that the islamic republic itself is not good the islamic republic acted according to the principle of surprise, which is the first principle of military operations, but because of this distance, it finally had to coordinate with iraq . 150 missiles or something like 100 drones were supposed to cross the sky of this country. what is it like? it would make this coordinated, even though this is at the last level. and it used to be done in a top secret manner, but finally, the countries reveal these things and the news agencies and intelligence services definitely collect them, that's why as the hours of the operation are approaching, we see actions from different countries. it is being done at the embassy they shut down the transfer of flights , they chlorinate the skies, so the point is that this space
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was the reason that many people said that why was it obvious that this operation could not be done as a surprise operation in some way. that is, from the time that before this operation was carried out, they were on alert and prepared for this and took many measures, well, within two days , britain's own ships finally arrived in america. they are still helping in the region, and if you pay attention, in the israeli media , when the spokesperson talks about the war between the cabinet and the war, he says that we and our friends means the word "our" and "our friends " whose friends part is much bolder than that which includes
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america, britain, france, germany and even some arab countries. to exist in this war to defend israel. if there is a defense even in israel, i can boldly say that in terms of military analysis, 80% of their friends did it, and they were the ones who flew in the skies of iraq, trying to control syria , and the same in jordan and lebanon, so these scenarios caused you to notice many reactions from the media point of view look at the regional media, including arabic-language media, specifically al-arabiya and al-jazeera, which are two different spectrums. they are actually working with two campaigns, completely provoking and de-escalating, trying to make iran's reactivity and aggression more visible. the reason was that it actually wanted to confront the region, especially the great powers , including america, with iran. the increasing body means that most of these media are interested in
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turning this confrontation from iran and the zionist regime and the aggression committed by the zionist regime into iran and america. or to iran, america and they should convert britain, because the zionist regime did not have the necessary capability to deal with the islamic republic of iran in terms of its defense capabilities, and the zionist regime was also interested in this, so these phases themselves caused various media scenarios. the next point i want is i would like to point out that the ship was a commercial ship, which belonged to an israeli businessman. the answers he did not give , he was doing business for the zionist regime, was destroyed by iran. it happened right here at this point of the spectrum, in fact, those who are in the team or western media tools because they knew that iran is the answer in the same rooz answered, in fact, it was the same day that
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the operation was carried out. islam, make this place, so this is the space. the decision is entirely mine. i was analyzing their experts, analyzing the content, looking for what they were saying: iran is stuck, should it respond, should it get involved with america, should it not respond, for example , should it face a legitimacy challenge, so why register? how much strategic patience, how much, for example, tolerance of conditions or that discount this for the operations that
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will be carried out during that day or in the future by the forces of the resistance front, but we are short of the start of the new season , mr. roshan chashm, it was the start of the new season, if you want, i can explain. about the schedule of other friends , of course, if possible, colleagues should make an effort to get time for me to talk to mr. razavi again. mr. razavi, if you have my voice , what did you witness in the media, in the media and in the public opinion of the arab countries? let's distinguish between arab countries that are closer and friends and allies with the islamic republic or countries that are a little far or more than a little far. see , in the discussion of media effects , let me say a general point. at some point, we will finally go to
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the media platforms of tv channels, which are actually a part of the structure of the governments, and these and the decision they make, the strategy they choose , the media line. which he follows is a reflection of that macro-policy, but we will talk about the final consumer, that is, what happens on the street floor of the arab world, for example. he realized how, probably, through the feedbacks that can be seen to the official media, what feedbacks people have to them and through social networks, which is possible, if you ask me, the most important media achievement was the action that iran took. i think that there is a new meaning to the confrontation between the iranians and israel in the context of the arab countries of the region. see, contrary to what we imagine, inside iran, when we say, sir, we have an enmity with the israeli regime, there are dozens of examples.
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this enmity exists objectively for the iranian audience for example, he says, sir, what do i know, our scientists have been attacked, they have spied, they have hacked , i don't know, they have attacked our gasoline pump , they have attacked our embassy, ​​i don't know, these are the examples that can be used in the enmity between us and the regime. he mentioned that in the discussions on the basis of the islamic revolution, sir, all these positions that the imam held and positions that we held from the beginning are valid, but the arab world's perception of our confrontation with the israeli regime is not like this , it was not like that at all, a part of at least a part. the arab world understands our confrontation with israel in a completely different way i'm talking about the arab world , i'm not talking about iraq, lebanon, and syria, i'm talking about the floor of the arab street, i 'm talking about what happened mr. razavi, what happened mr. qudsi. except for one part, well, finally , one part will come, see our actions , see our positions, and in the end, either they were with the axis of resistance, or in general, they were sympathetic to this type of view
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, which i have nothing to do with them now, regarding my number. i'm not talking now, i mean, i don't want to give statistics right now, these are too many, but i'm saying that a part of the arab world looked like this, how did they look, i'm sorry, they looked like this he says yes, iran is finally involved in a tension and confrontation with israel. there is, but he doesn't want to spend money himself. they have an interpretation. they say that the iranians said this. i asked them in the economic interview that i had with mr. khalid . some of them say that mr. iran wants to fight with israel, but he does not want to fight against the arabs.
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it may seem very strange, but this has existed , they say, dad, this is all a game played by iran and israel behind the scenes. the burning that we did at the beginning of the war and the base, in fact , we hit that iraqi nuclear facility, and in fact, 9 months later , israel hit the same base in operation opera, or the mcfarlane story, or the events that happened in the iran-iraq war itself. in the mind, a part of the arab society was formed, and of course a part from the media against us, they were very concerned that sir, this was totally misunderstood, even if
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they stated somewhere that yes, sir, you are helping the palestinians, but you are looking for something else, leave this next to you in the resistance front. i don't want to talk about the arab current, inside the resistance front itself, the view of a part of the resistance front was that, well, iran has a supporting role in the resistance front, that is, the resistance front has activists, such as the ansarullah movement in yemen, hezbollah , the islamic resistance in iraq, and so on. we will continue the program, please
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stay if possible. and complete this discussion. i i will say goodbye to you temporarily , you will see the news section, we will return in a few minutes and continue this program.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good evening , i am at your service at 20:30 with some news. afghan adventurers living in iran spoke of the authority of the iranian revolutionary guard corps. afghan immigrants living in iran welcomed this authoritative response of the iranian revolutionary guard corps . the response to the attack of the zionist regime in the consular section of the iranian embassy is still one of the first news . i was very happy to hear this news. i am very happy that israel and america know that this is just a small joke.


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