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tv   [untitled]    April 15, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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enter into this so-called confrontation and if anyone wants to support the zionist regime in any way , in this confrontation we will definitely target him and his interests. this is an important point that, in my opinion, in the path of political, diplomatic, intelligence and military mobility of the islamic republic. iran took place after the crime and aggression of the zionists in damascus. the reason was that the zionists were trying to make the party that behaves rationally, which is the islamic republic, pay the price of instability. what happened was that he had to pay the cost of the madness himself it means that if the zionists
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want to take action outside the framework of the international standards and the framework of the so-called stability in the region, and in that so-called action they are taking, our interests are our security and our sovereignty. if it is distorted, the islamic republic of iran will definitely not be silent, and the reaction of the islamic republic of iran in the operation of the honest promise, in addition to the fact that it was based on our sovereignty, national interests and national security. it was to defend the stability in the region , that is, with this action, we sent the message to the zionists and the americans that anyone who wants stability if it disturbs the region, it has to be paid for . in fact, it can't disturb the stability of the region without cost , and that's why you should see that we found a very wide international support in our operation. look at the first step that the zionists destroyed our embassy. hit and our loved ones and commanders and
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in fact our proud ones were attacked and martyred when we were supported in the international arena except for a few countries when we were hurt, but when we carried out operations to the term of the honest promise was fulfilled, we were able to support in an offensive move between to attract international attention, so you look when he sat down. the security council will be held last night . with all the so-called games and deceptions that they do before and during the meeting, the zionists cannot actually attract even a relative support in the security council, which after all, many western countries have influence there, mr. dr. bagheri took the discussion to the place where my next question was, that is , the meeting of the security council and the reason why, despite the tricks, all the games that were played by the
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western countries and the supporters of the allies of the zionist regime issued a statement and a resolution against the islamic republic of iran. it didn't happen. we want to talk more about this . please allow us to see a report together. let's go back and continue the news and discussion in the studio. iran has established a privileged public policy for repatriation. they let israel, america and all the countries that were in the range of the missiles to know that if they want to attack iran's soil , there will be a price. they have to pay a heavy price. the terminology of international relations defines what is interpreted as deterrence by the retired american officer of the former un weapons inspector. the goal of deterrence is to convince the other party that the costs of taking an undesirable action are greater than its potential benefits. scott ritter considered the accuracy of iranian missiles as part of iran's deterrence show.
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addressing the zionists, he advised to look at the map carefully to understand how accurately iranian missiles hit the desired targets. iran also drew another red line. that it will no longer tolerate the assassination of nuclear scientists inside its soil by israel. deterring iranian missiles with a change in balance. the military power of michalork is an expert the australian also reminds. at the same time that the missiles were in the sky, iran left a new equation that if you hit us , we will respond with much more force. iranians are trying to change the balance of military power . stop these missiles and drones that targeted the occupied lands from the origin of our country for the first time.
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we will give you a hard answer. but before the report about the security council meeting that was held , the tricks of the zionist regime are the allies, not the zionist regime, and that no resolution statement was issued against the islamic republic of iran. an important point that in my opinion, in last night's meeting of the security council , it was said that the western countries like the united states, england and france, which support the zionist regime , have no logic, that is, simply because they are allied with each other, but the countries that support the islamic republic of iran they did, and in fact , they had a lot of content, the important thing was that they had logic, their logic was that stability
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in the region is one thing, and the countries of the region should be able to consolidate this stability. when the zionists disrupt this stability, they should not be rewarded. be given to them silence in front of a also disturbance in the stability of the region is a kind of reward to the zionists , therefore, the action of the islamic republic of iran was not only a legitimate but actually a necessary action by several members of the security council, and this in itself was a very important point in my opinion . another point that in my opinion, we should pay attention to it, and it is also very important that this so-called proud event that happened was based on iranian capabilities, that is, in fact, from zero to 100, all of our so-called proud defensive actions were based on
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the capabilities that it was formed inside the country, and this itself, in my opinion, from the so-called different dimensions so much for our enemies. it is alarming, a capability that has been produced inside iran, and i remember dear sardar aziz hajizadeh once saying that if they build a wall around iran, it means that the sanctions will be so severe, in fact, we can not only maintain this defense and military capability, but we can let's advance the path of improvement with a more serious acceleration and this experience has been proven. in my zionist opinion, here is a strategic error, which is the crime of damascus , which is to provide a legitimacy to seriously test the military and defense capabilities of the islamic republic of iran. doing means if they don't do it these conditions could not be met, and if
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there is rationality in the zionist regime, they should not repeat their strategic mistake with another mistake , because the repetition of another mistake should be expected. which the islamic republic of iran has now reached . when the islamic republic of iran decided to treat the zionists in order to protect its national interests and national security, it also had a plan for their next mischief . if other fields
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continue, they should know that when the zionists enter the embassy of the islamic republic of iran damascus, which is the territory of iran. also , they commit a mistake and receive a harsh response . if they actually call iran's territory , they have an evil eye
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. the field of foreign policy is a main topic of neighborhood policy. neighborhood policy means consolidating relations and ties with neighbors in such a way that there is no distance between us and neighbors. this was and is the government's declared policy. and at least twice i myself publicly heard that his holiness approved this wise policy emphasizing the framework of this policy, we actually created a very interconnected interaction with the neighboring countries, and the actions that took place during the last two and a half years are today a valuable asset for the islamic republic of iran in order to face an enemy. which
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is the enemy of the entire region and the party that always seeks to disrupt and stabilize the voice of the region has always been able to pursue its own illegitimate interests through so-called corruption. after the promise operation sadegh actually consolidates the central role of the islamic republic of iran in the stability of the region. look , the israelis want to make themselves the center of instability, and by promising themselves to be the center of the so-called regional mechanisms , and in that way they want to, so to speak, through the so-called ibrahim plan, which was mentioned before. they can somehow give artificial legitimacy to this promise, but the islamic republic of iran
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wants a balance based on wisdom and logic and on the basis of interconnected interaction with the countries of the region and on the basis of the definition of common interests with the countries of the region. shape the security frameworks in the region, so this logic was favored and welcomed by the countries of the region, whether it was when its embassy in damascus was attacked by the so-called criminal zionists or when we gave a legal response to this aggression. we were connected with all the countries in the region, and in many cases , our foreign minister may have contacted the foreign ministers of the countries in the region several times during the past few days. having a long time to maintain this connection and all the countries of the region
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despite some differences of opinion on various issues it is natural, but in this case that we must try to maintain the stability of the region, everyone is actually in common , and the solution to stability in the region is that the factor that causes instability must be put to rest, and this is actually everyone's issue. it is because the regime, therefore, at one time sought to promote or artificially legitimize the process of ibrahim's plan or ibrahim's peace, but nowadays everyone is on the front that the zionists are an undesirable element disrupting the security of the region, so the view that the islamic republic iran is accepting countries to consolidate stability in the region appointment area. mr. baghi, because he has now mentioned the attitude of the countries in the region , how
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do you evaluate the reaction of the countries in the region after the operation of the true promise, what the islamic republic of iran responded to the zionist regime, what message did it convey to the region, now what about friends, what about them which are sometimes influenced by the zionist regime. look, i have told you about the measures taken by the islamic republic of iran for the region. in fact, the narrative is that before it strengthens our national security, it shows that a country like the islamic republic of iran also has this power. and that's it. it has the will not to allow the security of the region to disturb the security of the region and this is where iran becomes the support of the countries of the region . there is something in the name of the islamic republic of iran, which actually
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did not give this permission, and as i said, the price of madness must be paid by the madman, and... the price of instability must be paid by the side that destabilized it. all the countries in the region want stability. that with the countries of the region, especially with the countries of the region during the past two and a half years , we have had discussions with the south of the persian gulf that we want to have strong and actually stable relations with iran, and we understand that if our interaction with iran is only in the political arena. if it is limited, it will not be stable and stable. therefore, all of us , the countries of the southern persian gulf , are aware of the fact that political relations based on mutual trust must be guaranteed with strong and interconnected economic relations. therefore, when
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you want strong and reliable relations had economic continuity. bashi must have stability and security bashi, if one side comes to disrupt this stability , in fact, the main bond of political mutual trust, which is economic cooperation, will be damaged . in this case, iran showed that i am the guarantor of this security , that is, the political mutual trust that exists now is only one-sided. he wants to actually create disruptions in the interconnectedness of economic interactions by creating insecurity and chaos. iran showed that it has both the will and the power to show the wrong side, and the plan that the islamic republic of iran has for the stability and security of the region in the future is based on this. one point. in my opinion, the most important thing that is reassuring for the countries of the region is that iran
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has not rented its military stability capability from anywhere , it is not dependent on anyone, because if it had been taken from anywhere, it must be the interests of the party that provided this capability to iran. it should be observed that this is actually an asset and it is iranian capital, so we are only looking for our own national security , we are only looking for security of our own transverse integrity, so we are using ourselves for it, this is also reassuring for the countries of the region, mr. dr. mr. since the time of the sadiq operation, now the discussions of the experts what we are reviewing or seeing now, both domestic and foreign, and of course the media circles that we are reviewing, the keyword middle east has been on our tongues a lot now that we have talked about the region and we are going to address what the response of the islamic republic of iran is. iran was an aggressor of the zionist regime, what effect does it have on regional and of course international equations? look at the
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islamic republic of iran during the past 40 years because of mischief. and the crimes and aggressions of the zionist regime, its foreign policy had a special focus on the shamat region, and this strategic view today, in my opinion, it is very understandable for everyone why iran paid so much attention to shamat, because the root of insecurity is there , if we do not pay attention to the threats, the opportunities cannot emerge and manifest themselves. in fact, exploitation is not provided for them, so we must pay special attention to the aspect of the origin of the threat. the islamic republic of iran's special attention to security and stability in the shamat region actually led to the formation of an undisputed power in the region , called resistance. you saw
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a strategic connection between al-aqsa storm after the towan operation current. resistance was formed at the regional level, and the key word of the resistance flow after the al-aqsa storm operation was to restore stability, because it was the zionist regime that created disruption and stability in the brutal and inhumane invasion of gaza, and the supreme court paid special attention to it in fact. keep in mind that we paid attention to you because you discussed the new middle east or the middle east, whichever term you used, and i want to say that this field, that is, the aspect of your threat to the islamic republic of iran , had a strategic view and offered a solution to it , so that it would be stable. what is the solution if it is established there? flow formation based on fact the countries of the region that
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were formed in the form of resistance before your presence, one of the important and strategic features of resistance is that this resistance is a belief-based thinking, but in the national format, it is placed in the pursuit of securing national interests. we have a resistance in lebanon, the national interests of lebanon are guaranteed. we have a resistance in iraq , which secures the national interests of iraq . to the countries of the southern gulf we had fars. here, a new window was created for the middle east view that you mentioned, excellency, and that in addition to paying attention to the so-called shamat region, a special attention was paid to
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the persian gulf. it was not the presence of our influence and capabilities in shamat, but that stabilizing capability came to help so that new relations between the islamic republic of iran and the countries of the persian gulf can be formed on this basis. it was also that the relations between iran and saudi arabia were revived, so now we are in a situation where the islamic republic of iran as a matter of fact , there is a stabilizing weight between the relations in the persian gulf and the shamat region. allah raisi, based on the neighborhood policy , had an objective crystallization in the operation of true promise, and it was that
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the islamic republic of iran has a serious will to strengthen its relations with its neighbors and that which disturbs these relations and that which disturbs the interests of the countries in the region. ok, even at the cost of legitimate military action of the islamic republic of iran that in fact, the islamic republic of iran is standing by it, and this shows that iran is willing to pay the price for stability in the region , and this is promising both for the countries of the shamat region and for the countries of the persian gulf region, mr. dr. bagheri. let's have 8 minutes until the end of the conversation. first, let's see a report . let's go back and then i have a very important discussion with you . i beg you, the flight of iranian drones and missiles over the occupied palestine is an attack deep into the occupied lands that will cause a wave of joy and takbeer in the heart of al-aqsa mosque. had along. at the same time as the missile hit
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the sound of takbeer and chanting echoed to the bases of the occupying zionist regime in the gaza strip.
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in the southern part of beirut, people came to the streets at the same time as iran attacked the zionist regime. labik khamenei labik or gaza! palestinian users posted these pictures in cyberspace and wrote: iranian missiles all over the sky of palestine. they covered the occupation from al-jalil to the negev and to the occupied quds. simultaneously with the landing of iranian drones on the occupied lands, there are also images of the emptying of bengul airport.
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the authorities of our country, the islamic republic of iran , had planned several stages of the operation and for now we witnessed a stage . what is your analysis of the space ahead? it is possible that the next stages of the operation will be needed. it is true that our military commanders said how many stages this operation has, it did not mean that the operation is continuing, both the respected chief of the general staff of the armed forces and the respected commander-in-chief of the islamic revolutionary guard corps officially announced that the operation has ended and in our opinion it is over, but in the plans of our military commanders for
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the possibility of the mischief of the zionist regime are plans prepared for this reason , it is a multi-layered plan, but not us as a republic. islamic iran should have a plan to deal with the possible mischief of the zionist regime, because especially the military men always plan for the worst case , they are not optimistic about the enemy's behavior. accept him as an actor who behaves rationally and continue on his normal path . as a rule, no action will be taken by the islamic republic of iran, but if for any reason
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the zionist regime wants to do the smallest mischief against our land against people. if an iranian is against the interests of the islamic republic of iran , he will definitely face a decisive and harsh response, as i said there will not be another 12 or 13 days between the action of the zionist regime and the authoritative response of the islamic republic of iran. the zionists must count not nine hours, but seconds . do you see an issue, mr. dr. bagheri, the number of missiles , the target points, the military dimensions of it , look at what is emphasized in your view, the important thing in
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my opinion was that, as i said, the zionists wanted to be aggressive with this act. in damascus, in fact, an equation so that the equation is that the side that causes instability is the winning side and it is he who can actually determine the future field. the islamic republic of iran actually decided based on a strategic logic that this illogical equation take action the so-called armed forces of the islamic republic of iran, in response to this behavior of the zionist aggressors, were both purposeful, calculated , powerful, and efficient, that is , they had all these characteristics . and
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proud storm. the honest promise of the priest will definitely not be asked i could and should accept failure in this field and in this field. thank you very much, mr. dr. bagheri , for your presence and explanation in the special talk studio . i say goodbye to you and thank you very much for your company. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan with jahan today. first , we have one or two reports and news from england, and then i want to talk to mr. matthew alfred, a researcher and
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university professor.


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