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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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it can be the answer and my answer is absolute. this is why after saturday after this attack, i want to discuss that not only the west asian region but the whole world's security level went up. yes, iran's position . the widening of the war and the possibility of peace has increased, which means that now netanyahu and the united states and britain are no longer discussing whether to expand the war , they want to reduce it because there is no other way, which means that it has been proven to them that the tactics they used before saturday bankrupt tactics will not work. this has caused
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the security of the region and the security of the world will be much higher, that is exactly what iran did and you know the result is that it will increase the peace in the region and palestine and in different places, see 100, now you look , america, england, france, everyone is discussing , sir, this is a widespread war. let's not sweat it, let's finish it. this is really a 180 degree. 180 degrees from the discussions they are having before saturday show that the tactics that they have in mind are bankrupt and failed. i talked to islami from london, and we want to continue on the jahan today program let's see a report that
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deals more precisely and in detail with the missiles that iran fired last night. the last time there was news that someone had recorded the voice of the officials of this cabinet, it was about 2 months ago. at that time, the media wrote: when some members of the meeting found out about this, they got physically angry. now, why they don't want the sound of their meetings to be released , ronenbergman made it a little clear in the report: this reporter of the zionist newspaper yedioth aharonot wrote about the meeting of the zionist authorities last week on the issue of conflict with iran, if he took a video of them it was uploaded on youtube. today, four million people were at ben gurion airport looking for a way to escape from here. when he published this on his virtual page, the audience of the page wrote in the comments section of his post, "i am not surprised by this , iran is from the iron dome." also past i'm sure it
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was an experiment. israel's decision to bomb the embassy was the most stupid decision. i see iran as the big winner here. an english-speaking user believes that he doesn't even need to bring his most advanced military equipment to work. iran showed that it can overcome the iron dome with drones that are even cheaper than an electric bicycle. but then allowed iran to use precision strike weapons against the moqar air base. mossad who were responsible for the bombing . targeting, which according to the atlantic council think tank is the beginning of a new era. an era when america's allies may not step forward to defend the zionists. most of america's allies refused to participate in the defense of israel. except for jordan, the rest of them did not allow the bases to use their airspace. iran targeted the zionists, but at the same time,
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the rest also sent a message. this is what the former intelligence officer of the us marine corps says. they sent the message to israel, america and others that they will have to pay a heavy price if they attack iran. conversations similar to this were repeated by farsi-language media programs abroad. it is an unprecedented action, a historical event. this is currently the biggest operation. perhaps hearing such analyzes and perhaps knowing what is going on in these meetings made the zionist newspaper haaret write the truth, we have failed. my next interview
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will be with mr. hassan hijazi, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime in beirut, the capital of lebanon. as an expert on israeli issues , how much do you think iran's missile response has changed israel's history into two periods before and after this attack?
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the consequences of this attack will affect the future of this regime of the islamic republic of iran in using its power level in this attack. the zionist regime says that the era of confronting the islamic republic of iran has entered a new phase. and this regime must end its provocative actions against the islamic republic of iran in recent years. the zionists understand that this is a new situation and they must
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stop their aggressions and crimes, and the situation in the region and the confrontation in the region has also entered a new stage. the islamic republic of iran has created a new image in the field of the balance of power in the region in its missile and airstrike attacks, which carries the message to the zionist regime that this regime cannot continue its aggression and every aggression will be faced with a heavy cost, and the islamic republic has the power and capabilities that it can. stop this regime from its own crimes, which are against international laws and undermine the sovereignty of the islamic republic, target military advisers
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, and commit all kinds of crimes against iran, and these crimes must have consequences, as well as an attack.
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there are shaky consequences in iran's confrontations and it cannot blame its own crimes. continue this zionist regime , mr. hijazi, hours before ronen bergman, a famous israeli writer who is close to the mossad and that book. we wrote a report on the situation in israel after receiving the response of iran's missile , according to an israeli official who, of course, did not disclose his name. karde wrote about the meetings of the security and war cabinet of israel that if the internal discussions of the officials are broadcast on the media, half of the israeli population will rush to the airport to leave the country . what is your analysis of this quote
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? what do you think is said in these meetings? if the settlers hear about it, they will prefer to leave israel.
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to what extent does it face the dangers of confronting the islamic republic and the zionist regime with a war of b history with the islamic republic of iran.
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these statements show that they do not want to expand the conflict with the islamic republic because understanding with the islamic republic of iran and the regional war will expose the nature of this zionist regime to great and unprecedented risks. scenarios. which will be much worse than the developments that have happened so far , so the media of the zionist regime and the leaders of the zionist regime do not want to reveal the reality of the zionist regime to the zionists in order not to cause them more fear and panic . thank you mr. hijazi and my final question to you i want your opinion. i want to ask about the level of action of the two sides. israel
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brought all its power and the latest and most advanced defenses and facilities to the stage, but according to the information that has been published, iran seems to have preferred only the amaad missile that was unveiled in 2015. use and unlike israel , do not fully open his hand. supported, but most of the missiles
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reached the occupied territories, the zionist regime realized that it is weak and unable, and this is despite the support of the united states and its western allies, but despite this, the missiles reached their targets in the occupied territories. it is not a pleasant topic for zionists. but the islamic republic of iran revealed that the power , will, and power of the zionist regime is much greater than what the zionist regime has at its disposal and can
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use and will hurt the zionist regime , but the zionist regime has once again proven itself in the arms of the united states and the western countries. kurdistan has no reliance on itself, and if there is no support for it, it will collapse quickly, and especially it has always had the support of the united states
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, and if it does not have this support , it has no strength and power to defend itself. thank you sir hassan hejazi, an expert on zionist affairs from lebanon, and now we want to talk about last night's meeting of the security council, which of course was inconclusive and could not make any decision or even a statement. we will talk about this meeting internationally. just expressing views, neither a statement nor a resolution. this was the result of the one-and-a-half-hour meeting held by the security council to review iran's punitive military action against the zionist regime in the presence of the un secretary general. us representatives england and france as the three permanent members of the security council and of course the three permanent supporters of the zionist regime in
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this meeting while describing the military attack as unprecedented. iran directly asked the zionist regime for restraint and calm, while the deputy representative of the united states reiterated that his country is not looking for conflict and tension. we ask iran and its allies not to carry out more attacks. the permanent representative of our country also emphasized that iran is not looking for a war with america or an increase in tension, but only if the adventures of the zionist regime or military action continue. america will not give up its right to defend and answer. the military operations of the islamic republic of iran were carried out based on the united nations charter and the right to self-defense, and only military targets were hit. the continued support of the united states, england and france to the israeli regime and the inaction of the security council
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have made this law-breaking regime more vulnerable. if the embassy of a western country was targeted, we would immediately condemn it. we would have been punished, but we did not have such a reaction regarding iran. the double standards of the west are truly shameful. israel's attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus was a dangerous violation of international law. iran's military action is also in retaliation for that attack it was for self-defense. un secretary general antonio guterres reminded of the zionist regime's attack on the iranian embassy in damascus. he condemned it and at the same time called for self-restraint and avoiding escalation of tension and conflict. at the same time as this meeting of the security council, an american security official, whose name was not disclosed , confirmed in a conversation with abc news that in the iranian drone and missile attack on the zionist regime, two important military airbases of this regime, navatim and the negev desert, were the targets of the missiles.
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it was hit by ballistic missiles and seriously damaged. ali rajabi, security council radio and television reporter united nations of new york i will continue to talk with mr. mustafa fazaeli, an international law expert , let's talk more about the meeting of the security council . although there is no security council meeting. there was no result , and no statement was issued, but several western governments, namely the united states, england, and france, in the positions of their representatives , condemned iran's response without mentioning the previous attack by israel, and what exactly the principles and rules of international law did the country ignore. they said such words in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful
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. in fact, the duties that the missions of the united nations and especially the security council have in this field, just as the united nations charter was basically established in 1945 following the second world war with the main goal of ensuring international peace and security. . in order to achieve this goal, two measures and in fact two important measures were adopted in the form of the united nations charter.
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international, which is stipulated in article 2 of the united nations charter, which expresses the governing principles of this organization, that the threat to use force or work. the use of force in relations between governments is known as a prohibited principle. the principle of prohibition of the use of force and the use of force against the transverse integrity of countries and their independence or in any other way contrary to the goals of the united nations , this principle is an exception. the continuation in the next provisions actually predicts that one of them is self-defense or legitimate defense as stated in article 51, and the other is in the form of a collective security system for the international community to deal with
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situations that endanger peace and security or lead to violations of international peace and security . the second action that is foreseen in the united nations charter is actually the establishment of mechanisms and the creation of an institutional structure in order to guarantee this principle and these regulations . the responsibility of the main and major mission in this field is given to one of the six pillars of the united nations, the security council. security council. they bear the main responsibility of maintaining international peace and security. mr. fadaeli, mr. fadaeli, what do you mean by saying this? the premise was that if the security council
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had fulfilled its duty, there would have been no need for iran to be held accountable? of course, yes. in fact, of course, israel's so-called aggressive attack on the center. iran's embassy in syria is a clear example of violation of peace and security in the region. it is an example of the use of unauthorized force. it is a violation of the principle of prohibition of the use of force, which is provided as a principle in the united nations charter. therefore, this incident is definitely a direct responsibility of the security council. would enter the case and adopt. a decisive decision to prevent the continuation of tension and development the tension and expansion of the conflict in the region, sometimes the
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security council intervened for a far less important case and, for example , established a court for a crime that happened in a country to prosecute the accused of that incident, but in this case, in fact, the diplomatic places are the same. as you know , according to international custom and the vienna conventions of 1961 , it is forbidden to enjoy full sovereignty and any attack on diplomatic places , let alone conducting military operations against these places , so conducting military operations against, in fact, the iranian embassy and consulate iran in syria as well violation of the sovereignty of the islamic republic of iran is considered as a violation of the sovereignty of the syrian state because both the syrian territory was invaded and the
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iranian embassy and the murder of high-ranking military commanders, both of which are symbols of the country's sovereignty, as well as the armed forces especially for military commanders , it is considered a symbol of the country's sovereignty, as well as diplomatic places , if not based on the traditional doctrine, which may be somewhat outdated, that diplomatic places are part of the country's territory, if we do not believe this, then at least it is certain that diplomatic places are a symbol of the country's sovereignty and trespass and the aggressors are considered a violation of the country's sovereignty , so attacking these places is considered an attack on the country that owns them, and it is considered an attack against the country's sovereignty. maintaining the sovereignty of countries is one of the goals that the united nations has predicted, including the equal sovereignty of countries. yes
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, therefore, the security council definitely did not fulfill its duty in this regard, and because it did not fulfill its duty, in fact, the islamic republic of iran had no choice but to take so-called punitive action against the aggressor. part of the world today, as always, the world is closed according to taslim. in the 30s, as for mrs. thakom, mrs., she repeated, in this matter, tina bokuchava's question, сандви, your mother, students, students, students, students, students,
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3:00 am
, type the number five to 1996 in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. hello viewers. my name at three o'clock five provinces located in the southern half of the country have issued a red level warning. in bushehr and areas of sistan baluchistan, fars, kerman and hormozgan, more than 100 mm of rain is expected. red warning of the meteorological organization for areas of the southern half of the country. south of bushar province .


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