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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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in the name of god. god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and ajl farjahham. hello dear viewers . at 6:00 am, the meteorological organization has issued a red level warning for five provinces located in the southern half of the country. in bushehr and areas of sistan baluchistan , fars, kerman, and hormozgan, there will be more than 100 mm of rain. forecasted. red warning of the meteorological organization for areas of the southern half of the country. in the south
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of bushar province, in the south of fars province, in hormozgan province, in the south of kerman province, in the southwestern parts of sistan baluchistan province, we expect very heavy rains. the intensity of the activity of this rainfall system it is predicted for tuesday and on wednesday, only the south of sistan baluchistan will be affected by it in the form of a shower.
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the meteorological organization has asked the compatriots to stay away from the river and waterways of these areas during this period . dear ashrayer, especially in these areas , please refrain from going to the height of livestock grazing in the high areas, as well as the rivers of these areas that we mentioned separately, and the roads in these areas , especially the transportation roads, will be slippery, and we will have stones fall from the mountain. note that the conditions will not be suitable for fishing , we have strong winds. from the beginning of the current water year so far, the average rainfall in the country has been reported as 153 mm, which is 20% less than the long-term period. the flag bearer of these reductions this year since the beginning of the agricultural year has been hormozgan province with 59%. kerman is in the second place with 48, now farsom province also has 39 lack of rain. on the one hand, these rains can compensate for the low rainfall. in the past one month, this is the third
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red warning issued by the meteorological organization. due to the timely notification of the media and the efforts of the crisis management headquarters, we have not seen any serious damage in the country. saeed hajzadeh sada news agency and sima the new zionist crime in the gaza strip: the artillery and fighter jets of the zionist regime attacked the north and south of the gaza strip this morning. in the north of the gaza strip , the planes of the zionist regime targeted the al-khore martyrs mosque in the jabalia camp, which resulted in the martyrdom and wounding of dozens of palestinians.
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the chief spokesman of the armed forces, in response to the support of some western leaders for the zionist regime , said that we remind the leaders of the united states, england, france and germany to stop supporting the decaying regime of israel, the evil, lawless, terrorist and child abuser . sardar abulfazl shikarchi said that you
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you know that the islamic republic of iran has proven that it is not a belligerent and does not seek to expand the war, but if anyone, including you and that desperate and helpless regime, extends its legs from its carpet , it will extend its legs stronger than the previous response to israel. we will cut off the aggressor and the villain. the chief spokesman of the armed forces continued: "if we have shown you a part of this divine power of the brave and powerful men of islamic iran in the operation of the honest promise, and with the use of missiles and anti-enemy drones from advanced systems. you have and air defense and from the so-called iron dome you donated to zionists, we crossed and plowed the military fortresses of that fake and criminal regime . we recommend that instead of condemning the legitimate and legal actions of islamic iran, you should be wise and
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not support the illegitimate, stupid and terrorist regime and sink into the zionist swamp and burn yourself in the oven of fire. do not throw the political deputy minister of foreign affairs warned that if the zionists want to have an eye on iran's land , they will receive a much more violent response than the first response. other mistakes should be expected to be hit harder, faster and more urgently this time the zionists should know that there will be no 12-day deadline. in fact, the answer they receive will not be measured in days or hours, but in seconds , and this is the authority that the islamic republic of iran has now reached, when
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it decided to protect the national interests and national security of the zionists. be polite , they also had a plan for their next mischief, so their creation of space in order for their mischief to continue in other areas in this field, they should know that when the zionists go to the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in damascus, which is under the rule of soil it is iran they also make a mistake and receive a harsh answer if they actually look at the land of iran. if they have a bad attitude, they will receive a much harsher response. dear viewers, have a good day and god bless you.
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or died from the 32 crisis, the volume of fire, the power of destroying the warhead of the missile and the accuracy of the new weapons of the irgc aerospace force were fully seen in the tactical combat of january 99.
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capabilities are all new things and combining these with drone operations and the use of achievements and in fact artificial intelligence technologies is actually a new possibility, a new power, today we can say that it was born. on the sidelines of the unveiling of the rodaki ocean liner of the irgc navy, a part of its underground missile capabilities was also shown off. the length of these columns continues for kilometers and there are a large number of these sets in the irgc navy.
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alhamdulillah, the irgc navy has reached the level of maturity. today, the missiles he has at his disposal have a range of hundreds of kilometers. their accuracy is complete. they have high destructive power. iran slapped the united states with these missiles , missiles that, in addition to high firepower, are also effective targets. united states with all the improvements his military could not even intercept these missiles
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. this was their command center. you can see that it has been completely destroyed and there are many casualties here. are the american casualties here? you can see that there are also a bunch of idiots who were here, independent missile fighters in the field to reach this level of capability. rocket many challenges. it has been left behind . there are more than 1,245 cities and 61,000 villages in iran with an area of ​​1,648,000 square kilometers, which accommodate more than 80 million people in large and small cities from north to south and from west to east of iran. there are cities that are as unknown as their builders. from this cities are built everywhere in iran
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, they are created for peace for the day, lest they be underground , but with their radar probes, their eyes are open and awake to the vastness of iran's sky. every mover is monitored hundreds of kilometers beyond the borders of iran and of course they are ready to fight. from sajil and qadr and qiyam and khorramshahr to using salah is our second goal, our first goal is to prevent war from happening, our first goal is to prevent the enemy from being greedy, that is, to reach a point. the assurance of a stable island as we are now. missile cities
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are the result of years of efforts and benefiting from the experiences of 8 years of holy defense. this cities are built to make our iran safe. the residents of these cities are the guardians of the country and are ready to fight at any time to maintain our peace. we are faced with massive stocks of ballistic missile systems in different ranges. we know that these are ready at any moment to be fired from countless parts of our country against the intended targets . it makes no difference to the residents of the missile cities . who and where will disturb the peace of iran, be it late or by force, abu kamal. whether it is the headquarters of kamala or even the headquarters of the american terrorist army, we have thousands of people who are guarding our forces day and night
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the systems are ready for the security of this nation, and when it is about to be fired, the lives of the arrogant capital residents and their guests in the region will be shaken. this is our trump card. he is attacking, he is saying, for example , that you should not have missiles, or he is trying to limit them. the missile is a symbol of the country's defense power, and if they attack , you can be sure that they will not succeed, but assuming that if we abandon the missile as well. among other things, they call you defensive power the irgc missile cities have always been and will be one of the indicators of iran's power, a power whose hidden part is like the iceberg below. it is waterlogged and only a small part of these cities has been exposed
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, they are very safe places against the possible enemy's volume, and their dispersion throughout iran has reduced the possibility of identifying these cities for the enemy to almost zero. collider and they are so deep that even enemy spy satellites fail to detect them. even the heaviest bomb.
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these are against natural factors. earthquake, atmospheric conditions , cold, heat is the best point, no harm will come to them, in the face of air attacks and unnatural issues , you will see the highest aggression of the object , atomic bomb will have no effect on these, that is, we prepared some places, that is, since 1963, when the work started. excavation of tuna and creation of this atmosphere has been closed until today. missile cities are one of the main factors of maintaining and increasing iran's defensive and offensive power. the islamic revolutionary guard corps has deployed all kinds of missiles in different regions of the country, which have the ability to target the enemy at any time. are. from a float to a strategic point. the main task of missile cities, in addition to providing security for hundreds of
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thousands of missiles, is providing feed for all types of launchers or launchers. it is special for underground launch silos, silos whose construction technology is exclusive to less than five countries of the world. we have all these short range, we have long range, we have liquid fuel, we have solid fuel , we have land to land, we have land to sea, that is, anti-ballistics , that is, you have engines in every part, that is what is customary in the world, they use cruise models. the sea uses all of these we have and we have really reached the peak in all sectors now.
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with the beginning of the cold war, the united states and the soviet union, which were the two superpowers of the west and the east, quickly entered the missile competition and started designing and testing various missiles. due to the high volume of threats from both sides, the need to store a large volume of missiles was felt in the 1960s. they started building missile silos. since the 1970s, the chinese have formed a unit called the second artillery corps, in addition to producing rockets , and have dug more than 5,000 kilometers of underground tunnels, which contain a large part of china's missile facilities. if
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you don't have the tools that create authority on the one hand, on the other hand, you will expose yourself to violence. also, if you want to fight back , you will have to pay more losses and costs without these. until 2013, the 3-person club of america, russia and china were known as the only owners of the underground missile launch system. but from that date onwards, this 3-person and exclusive club found a new member named islamic republic of iran. for the first time in july 1390 and during the war. he introduced his missile silos to the world. the silos that have been spread in the required number in the area of ​​islamic iran, and from the facilities to
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the technology of making rockets, the tools they need are 100% iranian, that is. whenever a missile is fired, its replacement is made in less than a few hours and placed in a silo. we will not hesitate for a moment in maintaining this ability and developing this ability . and we haven't had a moment to stop until today. iran's missile cities have silent residents. residents whose peace is more frightening to the enemy. because they know that iran's defense power will attack the enemy's position accurately without the slightest error as soon as it receives the order. this make soldiers americans based in ain al-assad know well. the intensity
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of the attacks and explosions was very high and terrible. we were all scared. our facilities and equipment were destroyed. of course, we should not forget that we owe our rocket cities to martyrs like haj hassan tehrani moghadam , martyrs who put such successors in their place. which are increasing iran's missile power day by day, so that the world knows that although we are not the initiator of war, if the enemy makes a mistake
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, iran's missile cities will target their vital and strategic centers like an unquenchable volcano, and how many the next minute it will turn into a pile of ashes . iran has now shown to the world that it has good intentions. in front of the aggression of the enemy's boldness and malice , he does not show any complacency and his hand is open to respond. this iranian attack
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was perhaps the most extensive drone attack in history. along with the drones , cruise and ballistic missiles were also fired so that the iron dome faced a problem in intercepting them. israel made a strategic mistake once again. this regime made mistakes before october 7th. it was very wide and beyond imagination. the alarm sounded in more than 700 places in israel and two important bases haartzerim and ramon were destroyed. the israeli fighters that targeted the iranian consulate in damascus had taken off from these two bases. fixed published images. different resistance groups that are allies of iran participated in this attack
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so that israel's air defense systems would face a problem for interception and the main missiles would hit the target, and iran's goal was achieved. iran's message is that the country's red lines should not be played. iran's red lines include emphasis on preserving existence. is in syria and says that he is not willing to remain silent in the face of attacks against his presence in the region. with this attack, iran changed the rules of conflict that existed for the past 45 years. iran's attack will change the face of the region and the situation in the region will not return to before this attack. israel was severely humiliated by the images that were broadcast of iran's attacks. america does not want to find centers of tension in the region of strategic dimensions.
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it is clear that netanyahu wants to draw the americans into a confrontation with iran. the americans must now prevent the israelis from turning the situation of the region into a war. iran also warned about this. iran wants it sends a strong message that these attacks were just a warning message it has much more abilities than these. the iranians showed that they have all kinds of missiles and warned the americans not to participate in this conflict. from the very beginning, iran wanted to attack the bases from which the israeli fighters had taken off to attack the iranian consulate in damascus. iran achieved the goal it wanted from this attack and drew the borders it wanted. israel to mobilize the public opinion of the world against iran, it will try to play the role of the victim. israel seeks to create tension against iran for various reasons. israel
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6 months after the accident.
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are shared. bavand, just make fun of it in the name of allah, the merciful. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of the pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him.


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