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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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mr. taheri, see that the ministry is a big ministry. first of all, let me explain this in general. one part, for example, has commerce, it has various industries , it has automobiles, it has mines, it is a government itself . now, when we come to the country of the president, we say that, for example, the president cannot coordinate his position in this government board between the ministry of housing and the ministry, we say to the president . let's say there is a president and a first deputy . he must be able to coordinate these. the president must be able to manage 19 home ministries by himself and the deputy first of all, if there is a weakness, we don't say that we should put the president, for example, a few of these , a few of these, but we don't say that we should do it all. one home ministry and the president is enough. then you can fight. see, i have an experience, mr. dr. hosseini, who is now our colleague in the parliament. they say that before he was the minister of economy in
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mr. ahmadinejad's government, they said that 80% of most of the meetings of the government board were disputes between commerce and the mining industry. 20% of the rest of the affairs, he said that this should be imported, this should be exported, for example, this should not come. that the producer lost, that's what i want to say, see what should be done about the geological information, well, just now we brought this in the law of the 7th plan, i want to say that this is not a structure , we asked how many places have the geological information, for example, the ministry of oil for the sake of oil he came and checked the whole country . the so-called atomic energy organization scanned the whole country in order to find uranium in the country . this information is not related to the structure. there is no structure
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. we made the law now. we have to implement the law. now the law will not be implemented. i can't, i don't want to give it now i will tell you, what has been done, this is not the way it was made, because now he says there is a ministry of home affairs, he says i want this , he says i will not give it, he wants to have two home ministries , sir. we pretended that this was not criminalized. if the durham commission, whose job is to exchange data, mandates that this data should be made available to this device, if the manager does not, he will be criminalized. this criminalization has never been done before. we take the manager because he has to stay in his seat, he has to pay. now there are other crimes. in my opinion
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, we have a problem with the process and views, not the structure, although i agree with this. and if it becomes dominant , put a more expert person there, but a new iranada will be created , i say if you take the average, the total points that are obtained in the positive and the negative things that are obtained will definitely be to the detriment of the mine and the industry. it will harm the people. the most negative points that you think, if for example, tomorrow if we have formed the ministry of mines, do they want to export more than they bring in , that is, anywhere, if we remove their duties or, for example , if there are no restrictions, the one who extracts iron ore
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would like to export its iron ore, so, for example , the concentrate would like to go to that one. the bullet likes to go, i don't know, the billet likes to go like this , it's more beneficial, well, we have to modify the structure , doctor, that's what i want to say, there should be a structure here, i mean , here it is. finally, especially the lower chain there is a time when you say, sir, i want to work with the upstream, i think that the upstream will grow, you are now a car manufacturer. you cannot be controlled by a minister, he says, sir, i will not hand over to you at this price, with what you are saying, you go and import, he says, sir, this land is inside the country, the electricity is expensive, the labor is expensive, i want it at this price. he says no, the minister says , i don't want to do this, and therefore everything here in this chain can get messed up , that is, you can grow up, it must be down, and people can suffer after the opposite is also possible. this is when
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he doesn't have a trustee, that means he has two. now, because he is downstream, he is oppressed by a higher power called the president or the first vice president, to such an extent that he doesn't see the interests of this anymore, he only wants to see his own interests. this should be lower than what it is, but if it is with a chain, the whole thing can be managed by one person. the minister will help, no, let me say something about the relationship according to article 43, which you mentioned yourself, in the law of the sixth schedule. he had come there and said that if it is spent elsewhere , it will be considered a violation of government rights, but this happened and you are aware that even the country's planning management organization does not have more than 2% or 5% . in order to become a minister
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, how do you want to get plans from the organization ? tell me one thing. i agree, mr. tafifi . the proposals of the management and planning organization generally originate from the ministry of housing . in general, the so-called people, that is, a minister, cannot do that. give me an offer. he wants to give it to me. he wants to give it to me, not the minister , when there are too many conflicts. in general, you are the minister of mining, industry , and trade. you are the same mr. aliabad. how many correspondences did you have with government rights? how many meetings did you have? dad, this is not the case. the organization of the program is not the same as, for example, a minister. 10 he wants to give, for example, 8 times he went to the independent ministry , which can't give him a budget, no, he won't give it anymore, and now he won't. shouldn't the construction industry come under the category of industry
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, trade or urban housing, according to your argument , this should also come, but see this, our viewers told me. to judge, there is a minister, one of his jobs is to go get the government salary, do something else. we are saying that if the one who wants to take this job , let's separate him, he will come back now, i won't go now, he doesn't want to be here, he wants to be somewhere else, that third place hasn't changed, i didn't say a hundred, look, i'll tell the real story , see, we apologized before tell him , you can answer this point. to make it clear, mr. taheri says that whether you have a home ministry or a home ministry , the main money must come from another place, which is the meaning of the organization, and you don't want to change it. which are the main problems according to the discussion we had so far from there, it seems that there is no difference between one or more home ministries . you can answer this. it is definitely different. you see, if i am a minister of a department, i am going to make a proposal to the government and
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give it to the planning management organization for the budget. for all three of us to be here is a home ministry and i want to see the interests of all sectors and defend all issues at the same time. the minister has now become the minister of automobiles and market regulation . if there is anything else, mr. dr. tahri, please tell me . you can't see it . you can tell me about the exploitation. in your exploitation, the majority of cartoons are my cars. i dare. let me finish my discussion and see what we are talking about. ministry of home affairs, we are not just looking for what is happening in iran now, and if there are two ministries, will those problems be solved or not? we do not want to solve the problems of islam and muslims by separating one ministry, we want to
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improve the conditions for business. this improvement of the business environment , why am i saying, why can it be spread to the most important and developing sector of mining and mineral industry in more problems related to people, which are usually concentrated in the ministry of industry and commerce? does not the ministry will become independent and more importantly , do we have similar conditions in the world or not, why do we want experience models. now, if i say it again, at the time when the ministry of commerce wanted to become one with the ministry of mining industry, a good study was done on 100 countries. in many of them, the ministry of commerce and the ministry of industry were
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equal, that is, the whole world. check 50, 50, 50 %, they are the same 50, now 519, which means the difference is close to the border, that is, anyway, but in any case , nowhere do we combine the ministry of mines with the ministry of industry. we don't have mines, but the merger of oil mines. or, for example, now afghanistan has mines and petroleum, and in some places it is the ministry of mines and energy, which means that where there is a mine, it always has either oil, which has become one with oil, or it can be said in your presence that energy is independent at all, if you are similar to the so-called it is not international, we must give a percentage of probability that this is possible , that there were expert discussions in other countries as well as our country, so let's go back and see
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how many expert discussions were held when this claim was made . i am asking all the experts here. to look there is no expert report on my claim from the ministry of mines, metals and industry, mr. doctor. yes, let me tell you. look, mr. doctor, we want to create a structure, a ministry , i say. let's call it the ministry of anfal, that is a separate discussion. it is not our discussion today . we can talk about it now . we can do the same thing. to use the opportunity means if we want to make a change, let's go to all the points that we think it is effective, like the government becoming agile, like the government shrinking , like the missions being defined, see them all in one place. a
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good, agile and capable structure that you have pointed out , please answer about the fact that now a series of critics always say that regarding the separation or claims of the ministries , he raised the issue of the size of the government and the agility of the government. in this separation, do you think the government is bigger? it can be said that i said, for example, the discussion of the ministry related to anfal, but these are similar , only one, for example, is liquid and one is solid. there is a report that think tanks also work in a different way, but in the current structure, the so-called discussion is only downsizing be it the government or so to speak, how much has been studied or not studied on this in the past, now the information of his highness says that it has not been studied. for example, at that time , there is not much, but my experience is that we are creating something. this is the ministry of industry, mines, trade, ministry of economy, if we count the number of them
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, many things happened several times, then it didn't work well , we thought that it didn't work well, our structure was wrong , we came again, a new structure, then we saw it again , it doesn't work well , again , another structure. what happened in the past now, sometimes this happens under the pretext of increasing productivity, sometimes in the name of wanting to make the government smaller. i am saying that now we want to make a decision to fix the problems that exist. in the first part of my speech , so far, i mentioned the first part of the chain. later, i mentioned more exploration and i almost argued that separation will not do anything special. in the continuation, i want to explain the mining process. let me explain about exploration and exploitation . after you get a license , you explore. i will definitely give weight to the fact that it is separate, that is, about the license and these things i agree with you here, but 90%
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of the work is not to get a permit. in our work, we have two or three things, one is machinery, now there is the explosion, etc., but in general, you said about machinery in machinery, now i want to say this , i will answer. now, if there is a minister who is concerned with the production of machinery and mining , he can better manage this, and when he is separated, he will have a separate trustee, and this trustee will have a separate trustee. definitely, when he sees both interests as the same. you can let both the benefits of this be seen and the benefits of this, otherwise you will be nothing you did not allow imports, you say, sir, i have production here, this is all he wants, for example, he says , "so i want to say that there should be separation in the process and in operation. it will be to our detriment . it will be at the end of the chain. it will be a discussion of sales. you should now trade, which is in mining industry it was business, separate the mining part, bring it here to
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have the advantages of selling that business and this mining and metals industry, or there is still another place like this, after all, you want to sell . you don't have a ministry of commerce. this ministry of commerce is in the mining industry. takes off we are getting level, is this industry a business that will stay, do you want to take a piece of it again, bring it here or not, does he want to be in charge of it, that is, these points. which has not been expertized and can definitely cause serious damage to the mine that exists. what is the issue of the size of the government? look at the discussion of the government, yes, you want to create a home ministry now. it doesn't matter if you say that this ministry is only a mine , a small ministry. again, the minister wants the deputy minister, he wants an office , he wants to build a board, and we want all the things that the ministry of industry, mining and trade wants to open the door he really wants to see. now the deputy minister of mining is on the floor. you can't say that we want to go to one floor . it looks like it's a separate building again, and
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there's a whole cost and a whole again for the budget line and all this. yes, this is a doctor. when we implemented the government it got smaller. we don't have two ministers, we don't have two deputy ministers, we don't have 10 doctors , that's a handful of doctors. be the home ministry branch the ministry of mines in the province wants to become a general office with 5 people, but it wants to be 200 people , it will be another office .
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i emphasized that the new structure should be agile, capable, and plan-oriented, sir. you are not . the structure of the government will be one thing. i don't think anyone will hire the same people in their place, just like when we were in iran before, a plumber, bookkeeper, driver, assistant, and expert, for example. 20% should be separated from this, he will leave it in our country, not your theory at all, but your structure, if you don't allow it, when you, mr. mr.
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doctor, when you brought out the same vice president of mining , you can't say office manager. tell me , i am making a decision in a governmental and sovereign position. i don't ask why you started this , what was your reasoning, see the essence of my story
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this is the argument that the ministry metal mines should be merged with the ministry of industry , check this, let me explain this, mr. doctor, only because it 's mr. askarzadeh's time, and then we'll get to you. in the field of mines and metals , how are the mineral resources that we have managed , how are their ministries separated or merged , and if they are separated , how successful are they? mineral at all next to afghanistan, i gave the example of chile. i don't know if your presence can be listed . see, this list is not much . it is not too far from reach. do you have an independent ministry of mines, or if it has been claimed with somewhere, it
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has been merged with energy or with oil, if they have oil. with oil, mr. doctor , you made a good point. at the moment when he wanted to merge, maybe the private sector made himself miserable . if you want to merge me, sir, please make a claim with oil. the nature of these two is that both of them are underground minerals and it is solid. according to the doctor, what is the difference and even from the look let's look at the so-called "inflammation" , they have the same nature, but this did not happen, this happened wrong, now we have gold. do we say that this is a mistake, let's not touch it, or forgive me, let me ask a question here . it occurred to me that now, for example, you say that it would have been done with oil , but now, for example, later, this will not happen. it won't go away because we have global experience , see from this, we should not run away from global experience
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. it's true, if, unlike the rest of the world , we dumped a 5 ton 10 ton load on him, he will definitely be under the ministry now. mining and trade, all the experts agree that it is not strong enough to handle all of this, the only problem is that they are trying to separate commerce , mr. commerce is much closer to industry than mining, why is it like the rest of the world, like the rest of the places they have they act, let's not act, to say, sir, we put a very powerful engine on this van, and let's make a mistake. this is impossible because we don't have our experience in the past years. done that the ministry the mining and commerce industry has not been able to bring a minister who
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will allocate time and energy to all sectors of the mining and commerce industry in a balanced and fair manner . 3 minutes for you for the main discussion about segregation in the ministry of industry. later, trade should be done, whether it is in this meeting or in the previous meetings, when it was business, to argue the importance of an issue that this issue is very important, for example , mining in this meeting or in some meetings in the field of trade, this issue is important. two, this is the ministry. the ministry is busy and it is not possible to do this work . both of these arguments are correct, this is important and this so-called ministry is too limited. so, we have to come and say that at that time, we have a principle that everything that is important in the country and that ministry is on the ground , we should make it a home ministry, so what will we gain, what will we lose
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? let's give the important thing to a person who has a serious trustee in the name of the minister , he should just follow up on his work. what will we gain , what will we lose? i am sure that in this field we have a mine . let's pray that what we gain is more than what we lose, what is the solution, mine, is it important, it is important, it must be in the processes , in the views, even in the current structure, i said, you can appoint a deputy. if it reaches the so-called limit for the field of mining, it means giving a very high weight . constitution , come get help, create a small government board
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for something like mining that you can do the government should also jump forward. in my opinion , changing the structure and separation will not solve the problem . we must fix our perspective and process . in general, the fact that the mine is less viewed from now on is completely acceptable, but these problems will definitely be solved by separating. i don't agree with this , thank you mr. eskerzadeh , let's have your conclusion as well. i think the final sentences of dr. taheri were very valuable sentences. one, the importance of the mine is not hidden from anyone. two, yes , only by reforming the structure. some of the mining and mining industry issues will be eased, but all the problems will be solved it won't be possible. we have to modify the approach as i said . we have
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to modify the approaches to the mining sector. now we have to look at what the government is looking for. the related managers inside the so-called governance system do not look at it, but no matter how much it helps, i agree. . i remember, anyway, the minister can go to the government, the minister can have more contact with the president and finally the heads of the organizations , and definitely a deputy cannot have this ability. i want to say something about the blessings of this meeting, if you allow me. this is that at least this meeting and the continuation of this meeting, god willing it would be very good to have a sound system to see the mine being hit. let's assume that i will not be separated at all, unless, from my point of view, at least this one comes up from the bottoms where there is a mine now, and really at night.
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the current conditions are the same approach as what we wanted to do with the ministry of home affairs. we can achieve this under these conditions , and really, this program and the problems that exist now can be put on rabin. i would like to thank you for this meeting and i hope that, god willing, the degree that the doctor said is definitely in ye the mission of the body to the research center of the parliament, considering that it was basically done for this merger , and now later we will decide whether to do it now or not, if the merger is not based on expertise, they should try to implement this in the parliament in a way so that we can have a structure. capable and capable for the mining sector, which happens to have the ability, we have a unique feature in mining , in the world, we should not neglect this, it is a shame that these
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properties and these natural and god-given assets are sheltered and we cannot use them properly. for various reasons, now you know the reasons the viewers of dr. taheri, we all know the reasons , the reasons are sometimes very formal and rhetorical, but unfortunately it has become a format. i hope this will happen well , god willing. ok.
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, you are a winner. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their resurrection. greetings and good morning, servant.


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